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David Hartung wrote:
wrote: David Hartung wrote: - - - When, specifically did this happen? Fall of 1994, setting up the vetoes by Clinton in 1995 over the budgets, eventally leading to the GOP shutdown ALL of the major networks covered the event---(not the meeting itself, but the fact it was called) A leak from that meeting was published in various internet sites describing Dobson's threats to refuse funding to GOP candidates, to run candidates against incumbents, and to use his media empire to campaign against them Okay, the meeting took place. Worse than that.. Several have "taken place", David.. A Righteous Indignation James Dobson--psychologist, radio host, family-values crusader - - is set to topple the political establishment BY MICHAEL J. GERSON On March 18, in the basement of the Capitol, 25 House Republicans met with psychologist James Dobson for some emotional venting. But this was not personal therapy; it concerned the fate of their party. Dobson, long on loyal radio listeners and short on patience, was threatening, in effect, to bring down the GOP unless it made conservative social issues, including abortion, a higher legislative priority. "If I go," he has said, "I will do everything I can to take as many people with me as possible." In the audience sat some of Dobson's closest ideological allies. Rep. Steve Largent of Oklahoma, a former star football player, was a volunteer speaker for Dobson's organization, Focus on the Family, from 1990 to 1993. He credits this with "sparking my interest in public policy." Rep. James Talent of Missouri, years before, had pulled off the highway and prayed along with Dobson on the radio to become a Christian. "He is the instrument through which I committed my life to Christ. It is the single most important thing that has ever or will ever happen to me." But for over two hours, until nearly midnight, House conservatives confronted Dobson about his indiscriminate attacks on the Republican Party, asking credit for achievements he had ignored. At one point the wife of a congressman, in tears, explained how Dobson's broadside had hurt their family, inviting harsh questions from friends. An emotional Dobson, according to one witness, responded, "I'm so sorry I hurt you." Sobered, Dobson canceled planned meetings with the New York Times and the Washington Post, where he would have laid out his threat to leave. But in the next two weeks, he sent lengthy, public letters renewing the threat, which hangs in the air like distant thunder at the Republican picnic. This conflict dramatizes a growing gap between grass-roots conservatism and governing conservatism, between the raised expectations of activists and the weary realism of legislators. It reveals a party that may be crumbling, not at its periphery but at its center, among its most loyal supporters. And it may be signaling a major shift in the attitudes of Christian conservatives toward politics." There are several questions: Yes, and you're avoiding the real question.. 1. Was the meeting called, or requested by Dobson? Why does that matter, David? 2. What is wrong with applying political pressure? What's wrong with religious figures trying to influence politics? Well, if politicians were trying to influence religion, you'd be questioning that too.. That 'wall of separation' works both ways, in case you missed it.. The Left does it all the time. That would be a logical fallacy.. While I am skeptical of Dobson's group, I do pout him in a different category, simply because he is not an ordained minister, and does not seem to be trying to build himself an empire. So, now you're saying that Dobson's "Focus On The Family" isn't an empire? A multi-media empire, at that? Here's some numbers.. http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/focus-family Founder: Dr. James C. Dobson President/Chief Executive Officer: James D. Daly Established: 1977 Finances: $137,848,520 (2004 Focus on the Family revenue); $24,988,036 (2004 Focus on the Family Action revenue) Staff: approximately 1,300 employees Publications: 2.3 million subscribers to ten monthly magazines. Media: Dr. Dobson is heard daily on more than 3,400 radio facilities in North America, in 15 languages, on approximately 6,300 facilities in 164 countries. Funding * According to Ministry Watch, Focus on the Family is the eighth largest ministry in terms of revenues in their database. FOF receives a substantial portion of its revenue from its countless resources, including book, periodical, CD, video, and magazine sales, as well as conference and retreat costs, yet still, in its 2004 990 form, declares $118,263,318 of grants, contributions and gifts received from donors. Focus on the Family's ownership of its land and buildings add up to $48 million on its books, and in 2004 they cited the cost of upkeep and improvements on their property to be over $101.5 million. --And that's somehow, by your redefinitions, not an empire? |
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Kurt_Lochner wrote:
David Hartung wrote: Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: wrote: David Hartung deleted and then bleated: wrote: - - - - - - - - - - Sorry Hartung, but you get told over and over by several who answer you----that either you're one of the most ill-infomed idiots on the usnet, or you're pretending to be. NO ONE sits by the 700 club channel recording Robertson take credit for keeping hurricanes from hitting the SE seaboard coast----but the PUBLIC RECORD has recorded it, reported it, and laughed about it THere isn't a week that goes by that Roberston doesn't attribute the deviance from HIS interpretation of dispensationalism to be the cause of "gods wrath" and THAT gets reported and aired in the media He attributed the Twin Towers on "gays" and god doing it because we're not following HIS interpretation of Scripture Falwell sends out weekly news letters (now his son does of course) railing against the god-less Americans and how THEY'RE bringing the misery and woe onto America If YOU'RE going to be informed, YOU need to find out what they're saying and use YOUR powers of intellect (or lack thereof) to ferret out the bull**** that you automatically spout as IF it were truth Dobson is famous for his attribution of fundamentalist religious nuttery into political ideology----even forcing Neut Gingrich to include his "3-pt agenda" into the budgets just prior to the Government shutdown by republicans "I" shouldn't have to "cite that, you idiot Any INFORMED American knows it. The claim was that Robertson, Falwell and Dobson have claimed that Republicans have the corner on Christianity. You are again dishonestly trying to reframe what was said.. From earlier in the thread: Soumay Nonay wrote: "I've been told the Republican Party has exclusive franchise on Christianity; it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a non-Republican to enter the Kingdom of God." So you don't agree with the observation that Robertson, Falwell and Dobson's alleged "churches" are predominantly involved in politics, particularly the Republican party? How quaint.. May I once again suggest that yo learn to read? No.. May I again suggest that "yo" learn to proof-read? Point taken. Good.. You've made several typos which I could almost qualify as Freudian Slips in the past 72 hours.. your understanding of the quote I provided is completely wrong. Nope, the context which you're trying to misrepresent that quote with is lacking a few details that I find amusing.. --And typical of a right-wing zealot.. From what I see, you are making excuses. No, you're the one making excuses, David. You've again deliberately tried to 'reframe' this discussion to suit your opinion, rather than openly discussing how the churches led by Dobson, Falwell and Robertson (eg "Moral Majority", "religious right") have violated the separation of church and state.. How can a provate entity, which has zero legal authority, violate the constitution? You're even blindly assuming that these 'religious' figures haven't been trying to build themselves 'empires' that have attempted to force the Republican party candidates to accept some of Dobson, Robertson, et al's religious agenda.. In truth, I am absolutely convinced that Robertson and Falwell would like to build a religious empire, with them in charge. Of course in Falwell's case, it would be Jonathon, jerry has passed. In Dobson's case, I am a little more uncertain. If you're going to quibble those facts, then you're not only being dishonest with me, you're being dishonest with yourself.. The original claim was not that these men are building empires, but that the Republicans had the corner on Christianity, a claim which borders on heresy. If these men made such a claim , they would have exhibited a level of biblical understanding expected of a high school dropout, not someone with a seminary degree. That is why I am trying to track down a specific quote. |
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David Hartung wrote:
wrote: David Hartung deleted: Kurt_Lochner restored the omitted text/context: - - - - - "I've been told the Republican Party has exclusive franchise on Christianity; it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a non-Republican to enter the Kingdom of God." So you don't agree with the observation that Robertson, Falwell and Dobson's alleged "churches" are predominantly involved in politics, particularly the Republican party? May I once again suggest that yo learn to read? your understanding of the quote I provided is completely wrong. If YOU don't understand that Falwell, Dobson, and Robertson are as influential as they are in GOP politics, promotes the basic belief that republicans are the More "moral" party, how in **** can you make conclusions credibly? I fully understand the influence of Dobson, Falwell(deceased) and Robertson. A previous poster made a statement which led me to believe that the three had claimed that only Republicans could be Christians. That's incorrect, and yet another deliberate mis-statement of what was actually posted, which you also deliberately deleted from the quote-backs of your message.. What's become of the Republican Party? Kow-towing to religious, an evangelical figures, seems to violate the entire concept of separation of church and state.. You keep your religion out my government, and keeping the government out of your religion will follow along nicely.. --Otherwise, you can expect the usual pogroms of the Dark Ages.. |
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Kurt_Lochner wrote:
What's become of the Republican Party? Kow-towing to religious, an evangelical figures, seems to violate the entire concept of separation of church and state.. You keep your religion out my government, and keeping the government out of your religion will follow along nicely.. You might be surprised to learn that I am in full agreement, although for different reasons. Without fail, every time the Church has gotten in bed with the government, it has proven to be a spiritual disaster for the Church. The church. No where in the New Testament do we see any sign that the church was politically active. These tow reasons alone are enough for me to want the church to have nothing to do with the government. You will notice as our exchange went on, I put Dobson in a different category from Robertson and Falwell. This is because Falwell and Robertson's organizations are set up as evangelistic, church groups. Their stated purpose is to proclaim the Gospel. Thus it is improper for them to be politically active. Dobson's group, on the other hand, seems to be designed as a political group who's members happen to be Christians, and who's purpose is to advance the moral values of the church. Even though I might not always agree 100% with Dobson, I see his group as essentially a good thing. Should they cross the line from advancing a moral code based upon the Scriptures, to advancing the idea that Christianity should become the national faith, then I will oppose them. |
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David Hartung wrote:
Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: wrote: David Hartung deleted and then bleated: - - - - - - - - - - - - The claim was that Robertson, Falwell and Dobson have claimed that Republicans have the corner on Christianity. You are again dishonestly trying to reframe what was said.. From earlier in the thread: Soumay Nonay wrote: "I've been told the Republican Party has exclusive franchise on Christianity; it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a non-Republican to enter the Kingdom of God." So you don't agree with the observation that Robertson, Falwell and Dobson's alleged "churches" are predominantly involved in politics, particularly the Republican party? How quaint.. May I once again suggest that yo learn to read? No.. May I again suggest that "yo" learn to proof-read? Point taken. Good.. You've made several typos which I could almost qualify as Freudian Slips in the past 72 hours.. your understanding of the quote I provided is completely wrong. Nope, the context which you're trying to misrepresent that quote with is lacking a few details that I find amusing.. --And typical of a right-wing zealot.. From what I see, you are making excuses. No, you're the one making excuses, David. You've again deliberately tried to 'reframe' this discussion to suit your opinion, rather than openly discussing how the churches led by Dobson, Falwell and Robertson (eg "Moral Majority", "religious right") have violated the separation of church and state.. How can a provate entity, which has zero legal authority, violate the constitution? It's not a "provate entity", David.. Focus on the Family is a multi-media empire now.. You're even blindly assuming that these 'religious' figures haven't been trying to build themselves 'empires' that have attempted to force the Republican party candidates to accept some of Dobson, Robertson, et al's religious agenda.. In truth, I am absolutely convinced that Robertson and Falwell would like to build a religious empire, with them in charge. And so, you think that they haven't? How did you conclude that? In Dobson's case, I am a little more uncertain. Henh! Heisenberg didn't come into play here, right? If you're going to quibble those facts, then you're not only being dishonest with me, you're being dishonest with yourself.. The original claim was not that these men are building empires, but that the Republicans had the corner on Christianity, Ask yourself this.. How many non-christians are involved in the Republican party? Are they a majority, or a minority.. --Get back to me when you can quibble that.. |
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Kurt_Lochner wrote:
David Hartung wrote: Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: wrote: David Hartung deleted and then bleated: - - - - - - - - - - - - The claim was that Robertson, Falwell and Dobson have claimed that Republicans have the corner on Christianity. You are again dishonestly trying to reframe what was said.. From earlier in the thread: Soumay Nonay wrote: "I've been told the Republican Party has exclusive franchise on Christianity; it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a non-Republican to enter the Kingdom of God." So you don't agree with the observation that Robertson, Falwell and Dobson's alleged "churches" are predominantly involved in politics, particularly the Republican party? How quaint.. May I once again suggest that yo learn to read? No.. May I again suggest that "yo" learn to proof-read? Point taken. Good.. You've made several typos which I could almost qualify as Freudian Slips in the past 72 hours.. your understanding of the quote I provided is completely wrong. Nope, the context which you're trying to misrepresent that quote with is lacking a few details that I find amusing.. --And typical of a right-wing zealot.. From what I see, you are making excuses. No, you're the one making excuses, David. You've again deliberately tried to 'reframe' this discussion to suit your opinion, rather than openly discussing how the churches led by Dobson, Falwell and Robertson (eg "Moral Majority", "religious right") have violated the separation of church and state.. How can a provate entity, which has zero legal authority, violate the constitution? It's not a "provate entity", David.. Focus on the Family is a multi-media empire now.. You're even blindly assuming that these 'religious' figures haven't been trying to build themselves 'empires' that have attempted to force the Republican party candidates to accept some of Dobson, Robertson, et al's religious agenda.. In truth, I am absolutely convinced that Robertson and Falwell would like to build a religious empire, with them in charge. And so, you think that they haven't? How did you conclude that? Perhaps I should have been more explicit. I believe that these men, and others like them would like to return to the days when the temporal government was subservient to the Church, and they would like to be the one in charge of the Church. In Dobson's case, I am a little more uncertain. Henh! Heisenberg didn't come into play here, right? If you're going to quibble those facts, then you're not only being dishonest with me, you're being dishonest with yourself.. The original claim was not that these men are building empires, but that the Republicans had the corner on Christianity, Ask yourself this.. How many non-christians are involved in the Republican party? Are they a majority, or a minority.. From what I have seen, non-Christians are a majority of both parties. |
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David Hartung wrote:
wrote: David Hartung wrote: Kurt_Lochner wrote: David Hartung wrote: wrote: David Hartung wroteL - - - - - -- I don't pay any attention to the gentlemen in question. I have grave doubts that what they teach is truly the Word of God. See, that's the point, Hartung Millions do----and they send tens of millions in contributions to the *******s who in turn funnel it into PACs to inject religious belief into law Dobson has/had enough control over the GOP platform committee to have had the power to summon Neut Gingrich and the entire GOP leadership before him and threaten them with retaliation unless his "agenda" was included in legislation pending before government. When, specifically did this happen? March 18th, 1998.. US News, May 4, 1998 http://www.usnews.com By the way, the linkl you provided goes to the currewnt page That's my link, David.. Couldn't you tell by simply looking that the URL would go the the 'front page' of that web-site? A Righteous Indignation James Dobson--psychologist, radio host, family-values crusader - - is set to topple the political establishment BY MICHAEL J. GERSON On March 18, in the basement of the Capitol, 25 House Republicans met with psychologist James Dobson for some emotional venting. But this was not personal therapy; it concerned the fate of their party. Dobson, long on loyal radio listeners and short on patience, was threatening, in effect, to bring down the GOP unless it made conservative social issues, including abortion, a higher legislative priority. "If I go," he has said, "I will do everything I can to take as many people with me as possible." In the audience sat some of Dobson's closest ideological allies. Rep. Steve Largent of Oklahoma, a former star football player, was a volunteer speaker for Dobson's organization, Focus on the Family, from 1990 to 1993. He credits this with "sparking my interest in public policy." Rep. James Talent of Missouri, years before, had pulled off the highway and prayed along with Dobson on the radio to become a Christian. "He is the instrument through which I committed my life to Christ. It is the single most important thing that has ever or will ever happen to me." But for over two hours, until nearly midnight, House conservatives confronted Dobson about his indiscriminate attacks on the Republican Party, asking credit for achievements he had ignored. At one point the wife of a congressman, in tears, explained how Dobson's broadside had hurt their family, inviting harsh questions from friends. An emotional Dobson, according to one witness, responded, "I'm so sorry I hurt you." Sobered, Dobson canceled planned meetings with the New York Times and the Washington Post, where he would have laid out his threat to leave. But in the next two weeks, he sent lengthy, public letters renewing the threat, which hangs in the air like distant thunder at the Republican picnic. This conflict dramatizes a growing gap between grass-roots conservatism and governing conservatism, between the raised expectations of activists and the weary realism of legislators. It reveals a party that may be crumbling, not at its periphery but at its center, among its most loyal supporters. And it may be signaling a major shift in the attitudes of Christian conservatives toward politics." [Too] bad the divorce never became final.. Your loss, I suppose.. Dobson went to the Capitol building, Dobson went to the Republicans. That is a far cry from "summoning" the leaders of the GOP. Look at the date, Hartung I said the meeting in which Dobson called the GOP leadership on the carpet was in 1994---just prior to the Upcoming 1995 appropriations bills coming up. The article I found said 1998, as does your post above. That was my post, David.. Do you read for comprehension, or did you simply skim for the details that suited your beliefs? Dobson demanded, and got, his "3 pt agenda" placed on all those appropriations bills So? So, doesn't that violate the separation of church and state? It works both ways, and as you've observed, the mixing of 'politics' and 'religion' has never been a 'good thing'.. That was the year that clinton summarily rejected (vetoed) those bills which led to the Government Shutdown. The American people sided with Clinton. Clinton was in the wrong That would be your own opinion. History reflects a different picture, free from your religious hypocrisy.. --See subject header for details.. |
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