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  #1   Report Post  
Old May 5th 09, 02:14 PM posted to,,,alt.religion.christian,alt.politics.economics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 256
Default Psychotherapy for liberals

Psychotherapy for liberals
By James Lewis

Talking with liberals is frustrating, because you can't just talk
about facts. That will only get them all upset, and all they will get
out of the experience is never to listen to people like you. Most
liberals live in their heads, or in little fluffy white clouds
floating right above their scalps and resist efforts to engage them in
rational conversation.

Our media are perfect examples. They never learn. They never listen to
any other points of view. They know they have nothing to learn.
Intellectually they are stuck, stuck, stuck.

(That's why the media are finally going bankrupt, thank goodness. But
for years they got away with an endless parade of flagrant nonsense.
Some of them still do. It's embarrassing.)

Talking to liberals is very much like doing therapy. The first lesson
any psychiatrist learns is that most clients don't listen. They only
pretend to listen, and then they never follow any sensible advice. So
talking doesn't do the trick. It never does. If talking helped, they
wouldn't be there in the first place.

So what do you do?

You wait for life to happen.

And then slowly, a tiny little bit at a time, you gently point out the
ways in which clients defeat themselves, over and over again.

Therapists don't change people. Life does -- sometimes, if we are
lucky and very patient.

A good therapist can turn life into learning opportunities. But you
have to be very, very patient and forbearing. And the client has to be
pretty desperate to learn.

Talking to liberals is like that. As the Obamanistas run out their
string of self-celebration, preening and prancing before the world's
media, as they keep bumping into the harsh walls of reality, getting
a bloody nose here, a black eye there, there will be life lessons
galore. Every day will bring new lessons. Already, the Obees are
acting like George W. Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq -- notice that?
Their actions don't differ in any visible way from the most
scapegoated administration in history; all they've changed is their

Big deal.

On the economy they're hopeless. Already Midwestern Democrats have
refused to commit political suicide with carbon Cap and Trade. So that
is going nowhere.

As the economic downturn starts to bite, watch for the Obees to blame
Republicans for not saving them from their folly. It is crucial for
Republicans to remind the American people that they do not approve of
Obama's egomaniacal fantasies. Hold fast, ride out the storm, and the
people will come around when they feel their pain.

If the United States of America is very lucky, Obama -- who always
acts like a bright grad student, always hopping up to prove how well
he has learned his lessons -- Obama, as I say, may learn to avoid the
biggest international traps and pitfalls.

If we are lucky.

If not, the United States will get Carterized again and again -- in
Iran, with Russia, the Middle East and the UN. Those are all the
places where Jimmy Carter got royal bloody noses. And then blamed the
Republicans for his mistakes.

With Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians, Jimmy Carter twisted Israeli
arms over and over again, and finally got a so-called peace agreement
that never worked. He walked away with a Nobel Prize from the suckered
Oslo Nobel Committee, but no real success on the ground. Guess who got
the blame for those failures? When somebody is mentally stuck, they
only have one story to tell, no matter how reality turns out. They
just have to blame other people for their disasters -- the alternative
is to blame themselves, and they are not capable of doing that.

With Russia, Brezhnev invaded Afghanistan after telling Jimmy he
wouldn't, and with Iran, Jimmy Carter enabled the worst medieval
throwback tyrant of modern times, Ayatollah Khomeini, to take over the
fastest-modernizing country in the Middle East and drive it back to
the Dark Ages. Iranians are immensely talented people. In the West
they do extremely well, when their opportunities are not limited and
their lives are not oppressed.

But in Iran itself the last three decades have been painful for no
reason at all. The war between Iran and Saddam Hussein cost a million
lives. Saddam would not have attacked Iran with the Shah in charge,
because the United States would have backed the Shah. The Shah would
not have sent teenage "martyrs" on motorcycles into minefields to open
the way up for his assault troops. The Shah, even with all his flaws,
was a great modernizer, and would have spared his people endless pain
and suffering. Today Iran would be a model of Islamic modernism but
for our hero Jimmy Carter. But now it threatens a nuclear arms race in
the Middle East, one that can spread the plague to the whole world.

Carter didn't like the Shah, and allowed him to be overthrown out of
sheer, liberal guilt for what the United States did to Iran's Prime
Minister Mossadegh in 1954, twenty years before Carter came to power.

See how well liberal guilt works in the Hobbesian "world community"?
The world is not a "community." It is a wilderness full of predators.
Liberals are just like that woman in the Berlin zoo who decided to
jump into the polar bear enclosure, and got chomped. Want to
understand Vladimir Putin? Remember that polar bear.

What we are seeing today with Obama is a neurotic repetition
compulsion. All the things that didn't work for Jimmy are being tried
again by Barry O. They will end up not working again. Only a fool
could be surprised.

Obama is a natural follow-up act for Carter. Right now he looks like
Jimmy Carter, Jr., with even more self-righteous arrogance and even
more towering folly -- which is quite an accomplishment. Oh, yes, and
he's black, which delights the media, because our media airheads
always confuse symbolism with substance. But being black is only skin-
deep. It doesn't guarantee anything. You have to be a fool to believe

Being our first black president won't save Obama from the consequences
of his arrogance. Nor will it save the country. Sorry about that.
Reality always gets the final vote.

We have never seen an administration that lived more in its heads and
less on Planet Earth -- the real earth, that is, not the fantasy dream
of Mother Gaia. We have never seen a more mentally stuck power-mad
gaggle of innocents abroad. Their mistakes will mirror their

The prancing and preening Obama crowd is a natural victim for all the
con artists in the world -- and that's practically every real enemy of
the United States and Western civilization.

That's the way it is. Get used to it, because any therapeutic
intervention first requires them to bump into reality. Just listen for
the loud bangs as they go bouncing off the walls.

We can predict the Obama administration will run into trouble, because
they have set out plans that are self-contradictory and doomed to
failure. We also know what will happen when they fail really big: They
will blame the grown-ups. That's what such people do. It's how they
keep their self-esteem in the face of repeated failures.

The question is not, "Will they blame the rest of us?" They are bound

Rather, the adult question is: How can we protect the United States
and the civilized world, even with mentally stuck Keystone Cops in

Take just one little example, a very minor blooper, but one that
defines this administration: The PR disaster of flying an Air Force
One backup plane right over the Statue of Liberty, with an F-16 on its
tail. Those are serious planes, with serious purposes. They are not
manufactured to make pretty pictures. But that's evidently what the
White House thinks they are for. It's like a kid trying to drive his
Dad's car because it looks so cool.

The fly-over freaked out New Yorkers, as all sensible people knew in
advance. But the White House still did it. Bottom line: PR
considerations and a power-hungry, mentally stuck White House overrode
simple common sense.

Sounds just like therapy, right? We know the White House was advised
not to do this. But good advice has no effect on people who just want
to keep bashing their heads into brick walls.

This is not the only mad PR move of the Obamanites. PR is really
important to them. That's how they think they won; and with too many
voters, it was how they won. They are mostly PR. The styrofoam Greek
columns were another one. Promising to stop the rising seas was
another one. Michelle's $540.00 tennies at the charity affair for poor
people is another one. The iPod for the Queen and the deep bow for the
King of Saudi were two more.

In fact, the Obama team has constantly overreached on public relations
stunts. They have a predilection for that. It's part of their
predictable neurosis. And eventually, when people get the joke, they
will run head-on into a brick wall of public laughter. They will never
laugh at themselves, nor confess their arrogance and ignorance. They
can only steam straight ahead, running right into that looming wall.

And when they do, the rest of us have to be ready just to point out
the obvious.

It's beginning already.

Don't expect quick results, just remember that reality always gets the
last vote.
  #2   Report Post  
Old May 5th 09, 03:06 PM posted to,,,alt.religion.christian,alt.politics.economics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 786
Default Psychotherapy for liberals

On May 5, 8:14*am, wrote:
Psychotherapy for liberals
By James Lewis

Talking with liberals is frustrating, because you can't just talk
about facts. *That will only get them all upset, and all they will get
out of the experience is never to listen to people like you. Most
liberals live in their heads, or in little fluffy white clouds
floating right above their scalps and resist efforts to engage them in
rational conversation.

Our media are perfect examples. They never learn. They never listen to
any other points of view. They know they have nothing to learn.
Intellectually they are stuck, stuck, stuck.

(That's why the media are finally going bankrupt, thank goodness. But
for years they got away with an endless parade of flagrant nonsense.
Some of them still do. It's embarrassing.)

Talking to liberals is very much like doing therapy. The first lesson
any psychiatrist learns is that most clients don't listen. They only
pretend to listen, and then they never follow any sensible advice. So
talking doesn't do the trick. It never does. If talking helped, they
wouldn't be there in the first place.

So what do you do?

You wait for life to happen.

And then slowly, a tiny little bit at a time, you gently point out the
ways in which clients defeat themselves, over and over again.

Therapists don't change people. Life does -- sometimes, if we are
lucky and very patient.

A good therapist can turn life into learning opportunities. But you
have to be very, very patient and forbearing. And the client has to be
pretty desperate to learn.

Talking to liberals is like that. As the Obamanistas run out their
string of self-celebration, preening and prancing before the world's
media, *as they keep bumping into the harsh walls of reality, getting
a bloody nose here, a black eye there, there will be life lessons
galore. Every day will bring new lessons. Already, the Obees are
acting like George W. Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq -- notice that?
Their actions don't differ in any visible way from the most
scapegoated administration in history; all they've changed is their

Big deal.

On the economy they're hopeless. Already Midwestern Democrats have
refused to commit political suicide with carbon Cap and Trade. So that
is going nowhere.

As the economic downturn starts to bite, watch for the Obees to blame
Republicans for not saving them from their folly. It is crucial for
Republicans to remind the American people that they do not approve of
Obama's egomaniacal fantasies. Hold fast, ride out the storm, and the
people will come around when they feel their pain.

If the United States of America is very lucky, Obama -- who always
acts like a bright grad student, always hopping up to prove how well
he has learned his lessons -- Obama, as I say, may learn to avoid the
biggest international traps and pitfalls.

If we are lucky.

If not, the United States will get Carterized again and again -- in
Iran, with Russia, the Middle East and the UN. Those are all the
places where Jimmy Carter got royal bloody noses. And then blamed the
Republicans for his mistakes.

With Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians, Jimmy Carter twisted Israeli
arms over and over again, and finally got a so-called peace agreement
that never worked. He walked away with a Nobel Prize from the suckered
Oslo Nobel Committee, but no real success on the ground. Guess who got
the blame for those failures? When somebody is mentally stuck, they
only have one story to tell, no matter how reality turns out. They
just have to blame other people for their disasters -- the alternative
is to blame themselves, and they are not capable of doing that.

With Russia, Brezhnev invaded Afghanistan after telling Jimmy he
wouldn't, and with Iran, Jimmy Carter enabled the worst medieval
throwback tyrant of modern times, Ayatollah Khomeini, to take over the
fastest-modernizing country in the Middle East and drive it back to
the Dark Ages. Iranians are immensely talented people. In the West
they do extremely well, when their opportunities are not limited and
their lives are not oppressed.

But in Iran itself the last three decades have been painful for no
reason at all. The war between Iran and Saddam Hussein cost a million
lives. Saddam would not have attacked Iran with the Shah in charge,
because the United States would have backed the Shah. The Shah would
not have sent teenage "martyrs" on motorcycles into minefields to open
the way up for his assault troops. The Shah, even with all his flaws,
was a great modernizer, and would have spared his people endless pain
and suffering. Today Iran would be a model of Islamic modernism but
for our hero Jimmy Carter. But now it threatens a nuclear arms race in
the Middle East, one that can spread the plague to the whole world.

Carter didn't like the Shah, and allowed him to be overthrown out of
sheer, liberal guilt for what the United States did to Iran's Prime
Minister Mossadegh in 1954, twenty years before Carter came to power.

See how well liberal guilt works in the Hobbesian "world community"?
The world is not a "community." It is a wilderness full of predators.
Liberals are just like that woman in the Berlin zoo who decided to
jump into the polar bear enclosure, and got chomped. Want to
understand Vladimir Putin? Remember that polar bear.

What we are seeing today with Obama is a neurotic repetition
compulsion. All the things that didn't work for Jimmy are being tried
again by Barry O. They will end up not working again. Only a fool
could be surprised.

Obama is a natural follow-up act for Carter. *Right now he looks like
Jimmy Carter, Jr., with even more self-righteous arrogance and even
more towering folly -- which is quite an accomplishment. *Oh, yes, and
he's black, which delights the media, because our media airheads
always confuse symbolism with substance. But being black is only skin-
deep. It doesn't guarantee anything. You have to be a fool to believe

Being our first black president won't save Obama from the consequences
of his arrogance. Nor will it save the country. Sorry about that.
Reality always gets the final vote.

We have never seen an administration that lived more in its heads and
less on Planet Earth -- the real earth, that is, not the fantasy dream
of Mother Gaia. We have never seen a more mentally stuck power-mad
gaggle of innocents abroad. Their mistakes will mirror their

The prancing and preening Obama crowd is a natural victim for all the
con artists in the world -- and that's practically every real enemy of
the United States and Western civilization.

That's the way it is. Get used to it, because any therapeutic
intervention first requires them to bump into reality. Just listen for
the loud bangs as they go bouncing off the walls.

We can predict the Obama administration will run into trouble, because
they have set out plans that are self-contradictory and doomed to
failure. We also know what will happen when they fail really big: They
will blame the grown-ups. That's what such people do. It's how they
keep their self-esteem in the face of repeated failures.

The question is not, "Will they blame the rest of us?" They are bound

Rather, the adult question is: How can we protect the United States
and the civilized world, even with mentally stuck Keystone Cops in

Take just one little example, a very minor blooper, but one that
defines this administration: The PR disaster of flying an Air Force
One backup plane right over the Statue of Liberty, with an F-16 on its
tail. Those are serious planes, with serious purposes. They are not
manufactured to make pretty pictures. But that's evidently what the
White House thinks they are for. It's like a kid trying to drive his
Dad's car because it looks so cool.

The fly-over freaked out New Yorkers, as all sensible people knew in
advance. But the White House still did it. Bottom line: PR
considerations and a power-hungry, mentally stuck White House overrode
simple common sense.

Sounds just like therapy, right? We know the White House was advised
not to do this. But good advice has no effect on people who just want
to keep bashing their heads into brick walls.

This is not the only mad PR move of the Obamanites. PR is really
important to them. That's how they think they won; and with too many
voters, it was how they won. They are mostly PR. The styrofoam Greek
columns were another one. Promising to stop the rising seas was
another one. Michelle's $540.00 tennies at the charity affair for poor
people is another one. The iPod for the Queen and the deep bow for the
King of Saudi were two more.

In fact, the Obama team has constantly overreached on public relations
stunts. They have a predilection for that. It's part of their
predictable neurosis. And eventually, when people get the joke, they
will run head-on into a brick wall of public laughter. They will never
laugh at themselves, nor confess their arrogance and ignorance. They
can only steam straight ahead, running right into that looming wall.

And when they do, the rest of us have to be ready just to point out
the obvious.

It's beginning already.

Don't expect quick results, just remember that reality always gets the
last vote.

Do you ever have original thoughts? I don't think you've ever made a
post with even an inkling of independent thought. You seem limited to
stealing the copyrighted thoughts of other conservatives, all clearly
far more intellectual than yourself!

  #3   Report Post  
Old May 5th 09, 03:47 PM posted to,,,alt.religion.christian,alt.politics.economics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: May 2009
Posts: 1
Default Psychotherapy for liberals

"Mike" wrote in message
On May 5, 8:14 am, wrote:
Psychotherapy for liberals
By James Lewis

Talking with liberals is frustrating, because you can't just talk
about facts. That will only get them all upset, and all they will get
out of the experience is never to listen to people like you. Most
liberals live in their heads, or in little fluffy white clouds
floating right above their scalps and resist efforts to engage them in
rational conversation.

Our media are perfect examples. They never learn. They never listen to
any other points of view. They know they have nothing to learn.
Intellectually they are stuck, stuck, stuck.

(That's why the media are finally going bankrupt, thank goodness. But
for years they got away with an endless parade of flagrant nonsense.
Some of them still do. It's embarrassing.)

Talking to liberals is very much like doing therapy. The first lesson
any psychiatrist learns is that most clients don't listen. They only
pretend to listen, and then they never follow any sensible advice. So
talking doesn't do the trick. It never does. If talking helped, they
wouldn't be there in the first place.

So what do you do?

You wait for life to happen.

And then slowly, a tiny little bit at a time, you gently point out the
ways in which clients defeat themselves, over and over again.

Therapists don't change people. Life does -- sometimes, if we are
lucky and very patient.

A good therapist can turn life into learning opportunities. But you
have to be very, very patient and forbearing. And the client has to be
pretty desperate to learn.

Talking to liberals is like that. As the Obamanistas run out their
string of self-celebration, preening and prancing before the world's
media, as they keep bumping into the harsh walls of reality, getting
a bloody nose here, a black eye there, there will be life lessons
galore. Every day will bring new lessons. Already, the Obees are
acting like George W. Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq -- notice that?
Their actions don't differ in any visible way from the most
scapegoated administration in history; all they've changed is their

Big deal.

On the economy they're hopeless. Already Midwestern Democrats have
refused to commit political suicide with carbon Cap and Trade. So that
is going nowhere.

As the economic downturn starts to bite, watch for the Obees to blame
Republicans for not saving them from their folly. It is crucial for
Republicans to remind the American people that they do not approve of
Obama's egomaniacal fantasies. Hold fast, ride out the storm, and the
people will come around when they feel their pain.

If the United States of America is very lucky, Obama -- who always
acts like a bright grad student, always hopping up to prove how well
he has learned his lessons -- Obama, as I say, may learn to avoid the
biggest international traps and pitfalls.

If we are lucky.

If not, the United States will get Carterized again and again -- in
Iran, with Russia, the Middle East and the UN. Those are all the
places where Jimmy Carter got royal bloody noses. And then blamed the
Republicans for his mistakes.

With Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians, Jimmy Carter twisted Israeli
arms over and over again, and finally got a so-called peace agreement
that never worked. He walked away with a Nobel Prize from the suckered
Oslo Nobel Committee, but no real success on the ground. Guess who got
the blame for those failures? When somebody is mentally stuck, they
only have one story to tell, no matter how reality turns out. They
just have to blame other people for their disasters -- the alternative
is to blame themselves, and they are not capable of doing that.

With Russia, Brezhnev invaded Afghanistan after telling Jimmy he
wouldn't, and with Iran, Jimmy Carter enabled the worst medieval
throwback tyrant of modern times, Ayatollah Khomeini, to take over the
fastest-modernizing country in the Middle East and drive it back to
the Dark Ages. Iranians are immensely talented people. In the West
they do extremely well, when their opportunities are not limited and
their lives are not oppressed.

But in Iran itself the last three decades have been painful for no
reason at all. The war between Iran and Saddam Hussein cost a million
lives. Saddam would not have attacked Iran with the Shah in charge,
because the United States would have backed the Shah. The Shah would
not have sent teenage "martyrs" on motorcycles into minefields to open
the way up for his assault troops. The Shah, even with all his flaws,
was a great modernizer, and would have spared his people endless pain
and suffering. Today Iran would be a model of Islamic modernism but
for our hero Jimmy Carter. But now it threatens a nuclear arms race in
the Middle East, one that can spread the plague to the whole world.

Carter didn't like the Shah, and allowed him to be overthrown out of
sheer, liberal guilt for what the United States did to Iran's Prime
Minister Mossadegh in 1954, twenty years before Carter came to power.

See how well liberal guilt works in the Hobbesian "world community"?
The world is not a "community." It is a wilderness full of predators.
Liberals are just like that woman in the Berlin zoo who decided to
jump into the polar bear enclosure, and got chomped. Want to
understand Vladimir Putin? Remember that polar bear.

What we are seeing today with Obama is a neurotic repetition
compulsion. All the things that didn't work for Jimmy are being tried
again by Barry O. They will end up not working again. Only a fool
could be surprised.

Obama is a natural follow-up act for Carter. Right now he looks like
Jimmy Carter, Jr., with even more self-righteous arrogance and even
more towering folly -- which is quite an accomplishment. Oh, yes, and
he's black, which delights the media, because our media airheads
always confuse symbolism with substance. But being black is only skin-
deep. It doesn't guarantee anything. You have to be a fool to believe

Being our first black president won't save Obama from the consequences
of his arrogance. Nor will it save the country. Sorry about that.
Reality always gets the final vote.

We have never seen an administration that lived more in its heads and
less on Planet Earth -- the real earth, that is, not the fantasy dream
of Mother Gaia. We have never seen a more mentally stuck power-mad
gaggle of innocents abroad. Their mistakes will mirror their

The prancing and preening Obama crowd is a natural victim for all the
con artists in the world -- and that's practically every real enemy of
the United States and Western civilization.

That's the way it is. Get used to it, because any therapeutic
intervention first requires them to bump into reality. Just listen for
the loud bangs as they go bouncing off the walls.

We can predict the Obama administration will run into trouble, because
they have set out plans that are self-contradictory and doomed to
failure. We also know what will happen when they fail really big: They
will blame the grown-ups. That's what such people do. It's how they
keep their self-esteem in the face of repeated failures.

The question is not, "Will they blame the rest of us?" They are bound

Rather, the adult question is: How can we protect the United States
and the civilized world, even with mentally stuck Keystone Cops in

Take just one little example, a very minor blooper, but one that
defines this administration: The PR disaster of flying an Air Force
One backup plane right over the Statue of Liberty, with an F-16 on its
tail. Those are serious planes, with serious purposes. They are not
manufactured to make pretty pictures. But that's evidently what the
White House thinks they are for. It's like a kid trying to drive his
Dad's car because it looks so cool.

The fly-over freaked out New Yorkers, as all sensible people knew in
advance. But the White House still did it. Bottom line: PR
considerations and a power-hungry, mentally stuck White House overrode
simple common sense.

Sounds just like therapy, right? We know the White House was advised
not to do this. But good advice has no effect on people who just want
to keep bashing their heads into brick walls.

This is not the only mad PR move of the Obamanites. PR is really
important to them. That's how they think they won; and with too many
voters, it was how they won. They are mostly PR. The styrofoam Greek
columns were another one. Promising to stop the rising seas was
another one. Michelle's $540.00 tennies at the charity affair for poor
people is another one. The iPod for the Queen and the deep bow for the
King of Saudi were two more.

In fact, the Obama team has constantly overreached on public relations
stunts. They have a predilection for that. It's part of their
predictable neurosis. And eventually, when people get the joke, they
will run head-on into a brick wall of public laughter. They will never
laugh at themselves, nor confess their arrogance and ignorance. They
can only steam straight ahead, running right into that looming wall.

And when they do, the rest of us have to be ready just to point out
the obvious.

It's beginning already.

Don't expect quick results, just remember that reality always gets the
last vote.

Do you ever have original thoughts? I don't think you've ever made a
post with even an inkling of independent thought. You seem limited to
stealing the copyrighted thoughts of other conservatives, all clearly
far more intellectual than yourself!

Retarded conservatives who long for Ronnie "Do Nothing but Lie" Reagan.

  #4   Report Post  
Old May 5th 09, 08:16 PM posted to,,,alt.religion.christian,alt.politics.economics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 7,243
Default Psychotherapy for liberals

Michael W. Bryant, the dufus who hangs out at Louisville Technical Institute and
once claimed to have a PhD, wrote:

On May 5, 8:14 am, wrote:
Psychotherapy for liberals
By James Lewis

Talking with liberals is frustrating, because you can't just talk
about facts. That will only get them all upset, and all they will get
out of the experience is never to listen to people like you. Most
liberals live in their heads, or in little fluffy white clouds
floating right above their scalps and resist efforts to engage them in
rational conversation.

Our media are perfect examples. They never learn. They never listen to
any other points of view. They know they have nothing to learn.
Intellectually they are stuck, stuck, stuck.

(That's why the media are finally going bankrupt, thank goodness. But
for years they got away with an endless parade of flagrant nonsense.
Some of them still do. It's embarrassing.)

Talking to liberals is very much like doing therapy. The first lesson
any psychiatrist learns is that most clients don't listen. They only
pretend to listen, and then they never follow any sensible advice. So
talking doesn't do the trick. It never does. If talking helped, they
wouldn't be there in the first place.

So what do you do?

You wait for life to happen.

And then slowly, a tiny little bit at a time, you gently point out the
ways in which clients defeat themselves, over and over again.

Therapists don't change people. Life does -- sometimes, if we are
lucky and very patient.

A good therapist can turn life into learning opportunities. But you
have to be very, very patient and forbearing. And the client has to be
pretty desperate to learn.

Talking to liberals is like that. As the Obamanistas run out their
string of self-celebration, preening and prancing before the world's
media, as they keep bumping into the harsh walls of reality, getting
a bloody nose here, a black eye there, there will be life lessons
galore. Every day will bring new lessons. Already, the Obees are
acting like George W. Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq -- notice that?
Their actions don't differ in any visible way from the most
scapegoated administration in history; all they've changed is their

Big deal.

On the economy they're hopeless. Already Midwestern Democrats have
refused to commit political suicide with carbon Cap and Trade. So that
is going nowhere.

As the economic downturn starts to bite, watch for the Obees to blame
Republicans for not saving them from their folly. It is crucial for
Republicans to remind the American people that they do not approve of
Obama's egomaniacal fantasies. Hold fast, ride out the storm, and the
people will come around when they feel their pain.

If the United States of America is very lucky, Obama -- who always
acts like a bright grad student, always hopping up to prove how well
he has learned his lessons -- Obama, as I say, may learn to avoid the
biggest international traps and pitfalls.

If we are lucky.

If not, the United States will get Carterized again and again -- in
Iran, with Russia, the Middle East and the UN. Those are all the
places where Jimmy Carter got royal bloody noses. And then blamed the
Republicans for his mistakes.

With Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians, Jimmy Carter twisted Israeli
arms over and over again, and finally got a so-called peace agreement
that never worked. He walked away with a Nobel Prize from the suckered
Oslo Nobel Committee, but no real success on the ground. Guess who got
the blame for those failures? When somebody is mentally stuck, they
only have one story to tell, no matter how reality turns out. They
just have to blame other people for their disasters -- the alternative
is to blame themselves, and they are not capable of doing that.

With Russia, Brezhnev invaded Afghanistan after telling Jimmy he
wouldn't, and with Iran, Jimmy Carter enabled the worst medieval
throwback tyrant of modern times, Ayatollah Khomeini, to take over the
fastest-modernizing country in the Middle East and drive it back to
the Dark Ages. Iranians are immensely talented people. In the West
they do extremely well, when their opportunities are not limited and
their lives are not oppressed.

But in Iran itself the last three decades have been painful for no
reason at all. The war between Iran and Saddam Hussein cost a million
lives. Saddam would not have attacked Iran with the Shah in charge,
because the United States would have backed the Shah. The Shah would
not have sent teenage "martyrs" on motorcycles into minefields to open
the way up for his assault troops. The Shah, even with all his flaws,
was a great modernizer, and would have spared his people endless pain
and suffering. Today Iran would be a model of Islamic modernism but
for our hero Jimmy Carter. But now it threatens a nuclear arms race in
the Middle East, one that can spread the plague to the whole world.

Carter didn't like the Shah, and allowed him to be overthrown out of
sheer, liberal guilt for what the United States did to Iran's Prime
Minister Mossadegh in 1954, twenty years before Carter came to power.

See how well liberal guilt works in the Hobbesian "world community"?
The world is not a "community." It is a wilderness full of predators.
Liberals are just like that woman in the Berlin zoo who decided to
jump into the polar bear enclosure, and got chomped. Want to
understand Vladimir Putin? Remember that polar bear.

What we are seeing today with Obama is a neurotic repetition
compulsion. All the things that didn't work for Jimmy are being tried
again by Barry O. They will end up not working again. Only a fool
could be surprised.

Obama is a natural follow-up act for Carter. Right now he looks like
Jimmy Carter, Jr., with even more self-righteous arrogance and even
more towering folly -- which is quite an accomplishment. Oh, yes, and
he's black, which delights the media, because our media airheads
always confuse symbolism with substance. But being black is only skin-
deep. It doesn't guarantee anything. You have to be a fool to believe

Being our first black president won't save Obama from the consequences
of his arrogance. Nor will it save the country. Sorry about that.
Reality always gets the final vote.

We have never seen an administration that lived more in its heads and
less on Planet Earth -- the real earth, that is, not the fantasy dream
of Mother Gaia. We have never seen a more mentally stuck power-mad
gaggle of innocents abroad. Their mistakes will mirror their

The prancing and preening Obama crowd is a natural victim for all the
con artists in the world -- and that's practically every real enemy of
the United States and Western civilization.

That's the way it is. Get used to it, because any therapeutic
intervention first requires them to bump into reality. Just listen for
the loud bangs as they go bouncing off the walls.

We can predict the Obama administration will run into trouble, because
they have set out plans that are self-contradictory and doomed to
failure. We also know what will happen when they fail really big: They
will blame the grown-ups. That's what such people do. It's how they
keep their self-esteem in the face of repeated failures.

The question is not, "Will they blame the rest of us?" They are bound

Rather, the adult question is: How can we protect the United States
and the civilized world, even with mentally stuck Keystone Cops in

Take just one little example, a very minor blooper, but one that
defines this administration: The PR disaster of flying an Air Force
One backup plane right over the Statue of Liberty, with an F-16 on its
tail. Those are serious planes, with serious purposes. They are not
manufactured to make pretty pictures. But that's evidently what the
White House thinks they are for. It's like a kid trying to drive his
Dad's car because it looks so cool.

The fly-over freaked out New Yorkers, as all sensible people knew in
advance. But the White House still did it. Bottom line: PR
considerations and a power-hungry, mentally stuck White House overrode
simple common sense.

Sounds just like therapy, right? We know the White House was advised
not to do this. But good advice has no effect on people who just want
to keep bashing their heads into brick walls.

This is not the only mad PR move of the Obamanites. PR is really
important to them. That's how they think they won; and with too many
voters, it was how they won. They are mostly PR. The styrofoam Greek
columns were another one. Promising to stop the rising seas was
another one. Michelle's $540.00 tennies at the charity affair for poor
people is another one. The iPod for the Queen and the deep bow for the
King of Saudi were two more.

In fact, the Obama team has constantly overreached on public relations
stunts. They have a predilection for that. It's part of their
predictable neurosis. And eventually, when people get the joke, they
will run head-on into a brick wall of public laughter. They will never
laugh at themselves, nor confess their arrogance and ignorance. They
can only steam straight ahead, running right into that looming wall.

And when they do, the rest of us have to be ready just to point out
the obvious.

It's beginning already.

Don't expect quick results, just remember that reality always gets the
last vote.

Do you ever have original thoughts? I don't think you've ever made a
post with even an inkling of independent thought. You seem limited to
stealing the copyrighted thoughts of other conservatives, all clearly
far more intellectual than yourself!

Heck, you tried to "steal" a PhD by claiming to have one when you really didn't!


And, as always, don't let your children attend Louisville Technical Institute.
They've hired at least one dufus who once claimed to have a PhD, and who knows,
there may be more dufi there.

  #5   Report Post  
Old May 5th 09, 08:39 PM posted to,,,alt.religion.christian,alt.politics.economics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2009
Posts: 19
Default Psychotherapy for liberalsis like ****ing in the wind

Mike wrote:
On May 5, 8:14 am, wrote:
Psychotherapy for liberals
By James Lewis

Talking with liberals is frustrating, because you can't just talk
about facts. That will only get them all upset, and all they will get
out of the experience is never to listen to people like you. Most
liberals live in their heads, or in little fluffy white clouds
floating right above their scalps and resist efforts to engage them in
rational conversation.

Our media are perfect examples. They never learn. They never listen to
any other points of view. They know they have nothing to learn.
Intellectually they are stuck, stuck, stuck.

(That's why the media are finally going bankrupt, thank goodness. But
for years they got away with an endless parade of flagrant nonsense.
Some of them still do. It's embarrassing.)

Talking to liberals is very much like doing therapy. The first lesson
any psychiatrist learns is that most clients don't listen. They only
pretend to listen, and then they never follow any sensible advice. So
talking doesn't do the trick. It never does. If talking helped, they
wouldn't be there in the first place.

So what do you do?

You wait for life to happen.

And then slowly, a tiny little bit at a time, you gently point out the
ways in which clients defeat themselves, over and over again.

Therapists don't change people. Life does -- sometimes, if we are
lucky and very patient.

A good therapist can turn life into learning opportunities. But you
have to be very, very patient and forbearing. And the client has to be
pretty desperate to learn.

Talking to liberals is like that. As the Obamanistas run out their
string of self-celebration, preening and prancing before the world's
media, as they keep bumping into the harsh walls of reality, getting
a bloody nose here, a black eye there, there will be life lessons
galore. Every day will bring new lessons. Already, the Obees are
acting like George W. Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq -- notice that?
Their actions don't differ in any visible way from the most
scapegoated administration in history; all they've changed is their

Big deal.

On the economy they're hopeless. Already Midwestern Democrats have
refused to commit political suicide with carbon Cap and Trade. So that
is going nowhere.

As the economic downturn starts to bite, watch for the Obees to blame
Republicans for not saving them from their folly. It is crucial for
Republicans to remind the American people that they do not approve of
Obama's egomaniacal fantasies. Hold fast, ride out the storm, and the
people will come around when they feel their pain.

If the United States of America is very lucky, Obama -- who always
acts like a bright grad student, always hopping up to prove how well
he has learned his lessons -- Obama, as I say, may learn to avoid the
biggest international traps and pitfalls.

If we are lucky.

If not, the United States will get Carterized again and again -- in
Iran, with Russia, the Middle East and the UN. Those are all the
places where Jimmy Carter got royal bloody noses. And then blamed the
Republicans for his mistakes.

With Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians, Jimmy Carter twisted Israeli
arms over and over again, and finally got a so-called peace agreement
that never worked. He walked away with a Nobel Prize from the suckered
Oslo Nobel Committee, but no real success on the ground. Guess who got
the blame for those failures? When somebody is mentally stuck, they
only have one story to tell, no matter how reality turns out. They
just have to blame other people for their disasters -- the alternative
is to blame themselves, and they are not capable of doing that.

With Russia, Brezhnev invaded Afghanistan after telling Jimmy he
wouldn't, and with Iran, Jimmy Carter enabled the worst medieval
throwback tyrant of modern times, Ayatollah Khomeini, to take over the
fastest-modernizing country in the Middle East and drive it back to
the Dark Ages. Iranians are immensely talented people. In the West
they do extremely well, when their opportunities are not limited and
their lives are not oppressed.

But in Iran itself the last three decades have been painful for no
reason at all. The war between Iran and Saddam Hussein cost a million
lives. Saddam would not have attacked Iran with the Shah in charge,
because the United States would have backed the Shah. The Shah would
not have sent teenage "martyrs" on motorcycles into minefields to open
the way up for his assault troops. The Shah, even with all his flaws,
was a great modernizer, and would have spared his people endless pain
and suffering. Today Iran would be a model of Islamic modernism but
for our hero Jimmy Carter. But now it threatens a nuclear arms race in
the Middle East, one that can spread the plague to the whole world.

Carter didn't like the Shah, and allowed him to be overthrown out of
sheer, liberal guilt for what the United States did to Iran's Prime
Minister Mossadegh in 1954, twenty years before Carter came to power.

See how well liberal guilt works in the Hobbesian "world community"?
The world is not a "community." It is a wilderness full of predators.
Liberals are just like that woman in the Berlin zoo who decided to
jump into the polar bear enclosure, and got chomped. Want to
understand Vladimir Putin? Remember that polar bear.

What we are seeing today with Obama is a neurotic repetition
compulsion. All the things that didn't work for Jimmy are being tried
again by Barry O. They will end up not working again. Only a fool
could be surprised.

Obama is a natural follow-up act for Carter. Right now he looks like
Jimmy Carter, Jr., with even more self-righteous arrogance and even
more towering folly -- which is quite an accomplishment. Oh, yes, and
he's black, which delights the media, because our media airheads
always confuse symbolism with substance. But being black is only skin-
deep. It doesn't guarantee anything. You have to be a fool to believe

Being our first black president won't save Obama from the consequences
of his arrogance. Nor will it save the country. Sorry about that.
Reality always gets the final vote.

We have never seen an administration that lived more in its heads and
less on Planet Earth -- the real earth, that is, not the fantasy dream
of Mother Gaia. We have never seen a more mentally stuck power-mad
gaggle of innocents abroad. Their mistakes will mirror their

The prancing and preening Obama crowd is a natural victim for all the
con artists in the world -- and that's practically every real enemy of
the United States and Western civilization.

That's the way it is. Get used to it, because any therapeutic
intervention first requires them to bump into reality. Just listen for
the loud bangs as they go bouncing off the walls.

We can predict the Obama administration will run into trouble, because
they have set out plans that are self-contradictory and doomed to
failure. We also know what will happen when they fail really big: They
will blame the grown-ups. That's what such people do. It's how they
keep their self-esteem in the face of repeated failures.

The question is not, "Will they blame the rest of us?" They are bound

Rather, the adult question is: How can we protect the United States
and the civilized world, even with mentally stuck Keystone Cops in

Take just one little example, a very minor blooper, but one that
defines this administration: The PR disaster of flying an Air Force
One backup plane right over the Statue of Liberty, with an F-16 on its
tail. Those are serious planes, with serious purposes. They are not
manufactured to make pretty pictures. But that's evidently what the
White House thinks they are for. It's like a kid trying to drive his
Dad's car because it looks so cool.

The fly-over freaked out New Yorkers, as all sensible people knew in
advance. But the White House still did it. Bottom line: PR
considerations and a power-hungry, mentally stuck White House overrode
simple common sense.

Sounds just like therapy, right? We know the White House was advised
not to do this. But good advice has no effect on people who just want
to keep bashing their heads into brick walls.

This is not the only mad PR move of the Obamanites. PR is really
important to them. That's how they think they won; and with too many
voters, it was how they won. They are mostly PR. The styrofoam Greek
columns were another one. Promising to stop the rising seas was
another one. Michelle's $540.00 tennies at the charity affair for poor
people is another one. The iPod for the Queen and the deep bow for the
King of Saudi were two more.

In fact, the Obama team has constantly overreached on public relations
stunts. They have a predilection for that. It's part of their
predictable neurosis. And eventually, when people get the joke, they
will run head-on into a brick wall of public laughter. They will never
laugh at themselves, nor confess their arrogance and ignorance. They
can only steam straight ahead, running right into that looming wall.

And when they do, the rest of us have to be ready just to point out
the obvious.

It's beginning already.

Don't expect quick results, just remember that reality always gets the
last vote.

Do you ever have original thoughts? I don't think you've ever made a
post with even an inkling of independent thought. You seem limited to
stealing the copyrighted thoughts of other conservatives, all clearly
far more intellectual than yourself!

*Liberal Commandments*
1. Thou shalt always be a victim.
2. Spend thy Neighbors money to keep your Brothers in the comfort zone,
that which makes him happy.
3. That which is not Liberal is Evil, use any means possible to promote
Liberal/socialist agenda.
4. Do not covet Success and achievement, teach others to strive for
5. Show your enemy your Bluster, before whining like a child.
6. Government is the only religion of man, serve no other cause.
7. Tithe all you have and will have to our cause, for that which is not
spent, will come back.
8. Believe in unconditional Peace and Love, so then shall you become
self important and omnipotent.
9. The truth of everything is that which you make it.
10. Life is above all else... until it would interfere with ones choice.

  #6   Report Post  
Old May 5th 09, 09:19 PM posted to,,,alt.religion.christian,alt.politics.economics
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 5,185
Default Psychotherapy for liberalsis like ****ing in the wind

Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:

*Liberal Commandments*

Don't be silly. The only difference between Liberals and Conservatives
is the pace of Progress they are comfortable with.
  #7   Report Post  
Old May 7th 09, 04:42 AM posted to,,,alt.religion.christian,alt.politics.economics
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 38
Default Psychotherapy for liberals due to lack of inteligence ofwhitie-righty

On Tue, 05 May 2009 05:14:57 -0700, obamao.sux.donki.dixsss wrote:

Psychotherapy for liberals
By James Lewis

Talking with liberals is frustrating, because you can't just talk about
facts. That will only get them all upset, and all they will get out of
the experience is never to listen to people like you.

Here's a tool you can use when you don't like what you hear...****_protector.jpg

The frustration will diminish once you start posting original thoughts
instead of having to cut-n-paste lemming food that, as far as we can tell
is the only thought process you have. I the meantime, don't post items
you have are able to defend or understand.

Problem solved!

  #8   Report Post  
Old May 7th 09, 06:42 AM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 8,861
Default Psychotherapy for liberals due to lack of inteligence ofwhiti...

Hawaii Lawmakers Pass Bill to honor Islam is a Cult of Death Day.

  #9   Report Post  
Old May 7th 09, 08:28 AM posted to,,,alt.religion.christian,alt.politics.economics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 38
Default Psychotherapy for liberals due to GOP Killer Kristain stupidity

On Wed, 06 May 2009 23:42:08 -0500, cuhulin wrote:

Hawaii Lawmakers Pass Bill to honor Islam is a Cult of Death Day. cuhulin

If we can have Christmas, why not Islam day? Or even Satin day?

Just like guns, freedom of religion is in our constitution. We can not
selectively enforce one amendment and not the others. (maybe in texASS)
It's too bad most republican'ts have a distorted narrow view of Islam
acquired through Ru$H and FAUX. Of the small group of Islamics I know,
they are friendlier if not more friendlier then church-going christains.
I'm sure other countries look at our killer christain groups here and see
the same thing of what you see about muslim. It's just that there was no
political ad campaign sending out millions of DVDs to all the households
in their country!

Of course, if we remove all religion from government, we would not be
having this problem now. I think it's just the tip of the iceberg in
gubberment funded religious groups. YOUR tax money will have to equally
be divided between christianity, Scientology, muslim and cult of Bob!

  #10   Report Post  
Old May 7th 09, 01:29 PM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2008
Posts: 968
Default (OT) : Let's Make 9/11 A National Holiday of Remembrance

On May 6, 9:42*pm, wrote:

- Hawaii Lawmakers Pass Bill to honor
- Islam is a Cult of Death Day.
- cuhulin

Better know as 9/11 Day !

September 11 Attacks -aka- 9/11
by the Islam-O-Fascist Terrorists
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