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  #1   Report Post  
Old July 13th 09, 05:16 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 231
Default Millionaire Allan Weiner cans Johnny Lightning

And if you don't think Allan is a millionaire, think again. He owns of
all things, TWO ROLLS ROYCES including one in mint condition that is
90 years old. I guess that leaves WBCQ with maybe one legitmate
broadcaster (Area 51). I guess it doesn't matter, WBCQ comes in like
garbage on anything but 7415.


Dear JL:

Have neither you nor Steve ever ever learned in life that when you
continually insult anyone, they’ll eventually react–and not in a nice

Your insipid and demeaning comments about WBCQ, its management,
employees, and its programmers—every time you were on the air, at our
expense—just got to be too much.

Countless times we tried calling you, left messages, and not once in
at least a year could you be bothered to return a single call. That’s
what happened to your “forewarning.”

We don’t pretend to be anything more than we are—a shortwave station
in a nowhere town in a nowhere state with little profit from a few
loyal programmers and a couple of employees who do the best they can
under the circumstances.

We don’t pretend to be sophisticated, don’t pretend to have all the
latest equipment, don’t pretend to be anything at all. We basically
just do what we do for the love of radio.

We work hard—very hard. We have to, in order to make shows like yours
possible. It’s no reward to hear you and Steve on your regular WBCQ-
bashes of totally gratuitous venom. It’s not funny; it’s not even
vaguely amusing.

There was a time when all that stuff was funny. That was when it was,
as you so often say, “shtick.” But that was in the past.

Recently you’ve both taken it much further. You’ve taken it to a point
where it’s obvious—not only to us but to many of our listeners—that
it’s not “shtick” but just plain nastiness. We get e-mails and phone
calls from people who hear that and say, “Why do you put up with
that?” We got to the point where we had to say, “That’s a damned good

You don’t offend us, but you do offend our employees and listeners. I
sure as hell don’t like paying for that out of my own pocket.

Now if either you, Steve, or any of your listeners still dobn’t
understand, all you have to do is listen to any of your recent
programs. Quod erat demonstrandum.

Bottom line: You kicked us once too much, and we finally kicked back.
(Oh yeah—and that’s the beauty of having ‘owner’ next to your name.)

..... John Lightning responses....

I was just informed that 11L/RNI programming has been cancelled on
WBCQ. This was literally told to Big Steve Cole when he called in to
hook up to the station for audio. I have no inkling as to why.

Big Steve tried to contact Allan Weiner who I am told was angry over
something said in a recent program that I can only assume was so toxic
a statement that he has decided to pull the plug.

As I have not been on the air for weeks, and have always ribbed my ‘ol
pally more than a little without any problems , I know I’ve done
nothing to annoy the man most responsible for our longevity, and
cannot fathom what may have lead to his decision.

Know that I received no advanced word that we were gone, but it seems
we are. I have not spoken to Allan in quite some time, and choose not
to bother him now. Whatever the reason, I cannot say; however I can
only thank him for having extended himself and his facilities to us as
long as he has.

I am certainly not pleased, but hardly can be angry as I assume the
rationale for this move will be made know to me at some point.

I’d advise you to contact the station directly if you choose, perhaps
you can glean some info I am not privy to.

As of 10:47 Sunday evening, all I know is we are persona non grata at
Planet Radio. In a period of weeks during which I have been on an
emotional rollercoaster as the people who were to sell me my dream
house did the proverbial last minute pull out, my search for a new
home goes on while my buyers dicker around, yes, this news is oh so

But my ulcer has had enough of a workout of late, I will waste no time
fretting over this loss. I have given my best radio to WBCQ and I
think we have provided them with some of their best programming. I can
leave knowing that.

Nonetheless It was a good run. As to our internet future, we shall
decide to what extent we have one in the days and weeks to come.

Wow, Neil Rogers got axed last week, now yours truly. Radio really
does offer less every day (although at least he got a ‘buy out’ to
just go away… I should be so lucky some day!)

Check back for updates as I have them and thanks for your support for
over 10 wild years.

My E Mail to Allan Weiner was answered with an open letter to yours
truly, which caN be read using the link below. it seemingly explains
why 11L/RNI will no longer be heard on Planet Radio.
Well it seems my standard shtick has gone unappreciated by some WBCQ
listeners. At least what has long been my ‘act’ did not sit well with
many, so we have been dismissed.
I guess I am as clueless as many of you believe me to be, and you may
be right.
Nonetheless, I am so clueless I am uncertain just what comments
offended WBCQ listeners and staff, among others.
Then again, I had a bad habit of offending other broadcasters back in
my Pirate day, and was wholly unaware that what I thought was funny,
was anything but. I guess in 20 years down the line, I learned little
about where to draw the line even though I thought I had.
Yeah, I feel misunderstood, but obviously contributed to anger and
animus while not intending to. That is no excuse, just the truth.
So if that is the case, I plead guilty and will leave it at that. As I
have stated to many listeners, go to the archives and listen to any
shows. If there is any malice to be heard in my comments, I cannot
find it.
As for the Big Guy who also gets blame, I cannot speak for him, but I
don’t think we have ever engaged in ‘gratuitous venom’. But then
again, the opinion of some is unlikely to be mine.
As I’ve apparently offended many, it matters not at all if it was
unintentional. But the charges that I have been nasty is pure BS. I
strongly disagree with those assertions.
Since the fire, I’ve done precious few shows on WBCQ and they have
hardly been nasty or venomous to the very people who enabled us. Well,
we just disagree and go on our way duly chastised. Another lesson
learned, and for that I probably owe my former enables thanks.
But I contend that the line between shtick and nasty has not been
crossed by me. My act is longstanding, but ‘biting the hand that feeds
me’ has never been my intent. Obviously I about chewed it off.
Just know it was never the intent of this broadcaster to be nasty, and
I do not believe that was the case. Nevertheless as you feel that is
the case, you did what was right by you, your staff and listeners. My
apologies are real if belated. As we both are oceans apart on the
charges that I’ve been nasty, I accept blame regardless.
It seems too many people disagree with me, but I hope those that do
will let me know so on or off the air.
WBCQ enabled us and for that my gratitude is real. Yes, that may mean
nothing to the staff and management in the end, but that is the fact.
You carried us for a long time and what I thought was programming good
for the station, proved to be anything but. I am sorry that was the
case. I wish you nothing but the best regardless.
However I insist the allegations that recently we have taken our
‘nastyness’ much further is not based in fact. OOFAH! But hey, we just
Recluse that I am, I was indeed out of touch with my enablers. My
fault and my mistake. Imperfect asshole that I am, I was hardly the
perfect guest. I just gave my best radio. That other listeners to the
station felt what I did was nasty, indicates a lack of knowledge of
what I do, or an inability to get my act. So be it.
As many of you know, I have been considering quitting this
broadcasting grind for some time. Perhaps that time is in the future,
but not quite yet. We shall do the occasional Internet show, including
one this weekend.
But it is obviously time to look back and reflect. I am not one to go
back and listen to old shows, that is a big waste of time. But I take
Allan and Company at their word, I obviously upset people so despite
my not believing I did, and certainly did not intend to, I shall
redouble my efforts to not do the same to others in the future.
Although I have no desire to do a show all about this Sunday (and will
not), I’d appreciate calls or E Mail from anyone citing just what
actual nastyness, not shtick I engaged in. You may beat me about the
head if you wish, that is fine.
MY broadcast code has always strived to be like that of Doctors,
basically ‘Do no harm’. However it seems, regardless of my intent I
have. Although I disagree, I obviously inflicted pain to some, accept
blame for such and wherever in the future I lay claim to an open mic,
will take the lesson of my time at WBCQ with me.
I ask you please not annoy WBCQ staff if you disagree with their
decision. We will not be coming back and have no wish to. Considering
the fact that we were so misunderstood, while I felt I was providing
programming I could take pride in, I now feel as if I picked Allan’s
pocket. That is not a good feeling at all, but all I can do is strive
to become a better person that it seems I am.
There are no ‘good’ guys or ‘bad’ guys here.. Frankly I feel barely sad
at all about our seemingly self inflicted demise, as compared to how I
feel about being the source of agita for those people who were
responsible for my radio career.
We too Allan, broadcast out of the love we have for doing so. Both you
and I spend money we don’t have to offer an alternative views and our
unique vision of radio. Thank you one last time for spending yours to
enable mine. Overall I think I delivered the goods, and can move on
knowing that. And while I ponder what other possible peripheral
rationale lead to our axing, I leave without bitterness or anger and
truly do hope your ongoing venture continues to thrive.
John L.

As it would be more than slightly incongruous to use our old E Mail
address (WBCQRADIO), while it shall remain active for some time,
please address all future E Mail to our new address:

It has come to my short attention span that many of you are confused
by my last post about our broadcasting future. Well, you are no more
so than I, but WE WILL BE LIVE AT JOHNLIGHTNING.COM this Sunday at
8PM, with the usual pre game fill at 7:30. It promises to be

11L/RNI continues worldwide on the worldwide web. For all fans of RNI,
accept no substitutes and join us this week. This web site will keep
you apprised of our programming schedule. Those on our mailing list
will get E Mail alerts whenever 11L/RNI will be broadcasting on the

If you wish to get such alerts, let us know with an E Mail to:

Many thanks to all for your support of our efforts. �

And here is today’s RNI update…NOTHING.

Yes, I am still wholly without a logical, rational explanation as
to why our program was excised from WBCQ. Indeed, I am beginning to
suspect the one offered to Big Steve is just laboratory grade,
government spec, pure BS. I do not know if some errant comment, a lack
of JL programming, financial considerations, or other nebulous and
perhaps never to be revealed reasons were behind our sudden demise on
shortwave. And with each passing day, I care less what lead to our
being deep sixed.

I have tried to contact WBCQ management by E Mail and have yet to
receive a response. This is troubling, but so be it. Understand my
friends, that I have NO DESIRE to return to WBCQ, it is a done deal. I
gave my best radio to them in exchange for lots of gratis air time. We
are even.

Regardless, I thank not condemn WBCQ management for allowing me to
broadcast at their expense for 10 years. I owe my broadcasting career
as it were, to promise keeper Allan Weiner, so my disappointment in
the ignoble manner in which we were dismissed is tempered by his
loyalty to yours truly for all that time.

We shall be ‘on the air’ so to speak, here at JohnLightning.Com
this Sunday with a show that will briefly only, discuss our pink
slipping. Unless I receive some clarification there will be little
more to add. Station management is infamous for sugarcoating or
otherwise being less than frank about certain decisions. Too bad, I
would not be angry or recoil at the truth behind our exit, but I doubt
I will ever get the truth from an old friend who has so far, come up
truth challenged.

Nonetheless, my thanks for our long run is heartfelt and sincere.
It is just a shame the plug was pulled in a manner that I am certain
neither 11L/RNI staffers or myself were deserving of.

That said, spread the word about there being something worth
listening to on Sunday nights to a friend or 20, and perhaps we shall
remain Live on Sundays, although a streaming and downloadable pod cast
may be the final result of post Move RNI.

Once again, thanks and this time to all the fine programmers,
friends one and all, who have been there for me during the post fire
period of our broadcasting. Know that you are one and all, welcomed to
continue to be a part of any future 11L/RNI may have, if you so
desire. I hope to hear from just about all of you (meaning probably
two of you) this Sunday. Be civil to all and be well.
  #2   Report Post  
Old July 13th 09, 10:38 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 380
Default Millionaire Allan Weiner cans Johnny Lightning

On Jul 12, 11:16*pm, SC Dxing wrote:
And if you don't think Allan is a millionaire, think again. He owns of
all things, TWO ROLLS ROYCES including one in mint condition that is

*******************Rest of Post Snipped*****************

Damn SC, was that long enough? I started to
read through the first three sentences, till I saw
another fifty plus sentences, :-(
  #3   Report Post  
Old July 14th 09, 07:12 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 231
Default Millionaire Allan Weiner cans Johnny Lightning

On Jul 13, 4:38*pm, Bushcraftgregg wrote:

Damn SC, was that long enough? I started to
read through the first three sentences, till I saw
another fifty plus sentences, :-(

I'll be honest, the point in posting all the sentences was so it was
archived in it's entire text. No doubt one of them will remove the
statements, but google usenet lives forever. Well at least for a few
more months.

Only time WBCQ is even listenable is when Brother Star is on the air.
5110 is useless and I have no idea why Area 51 pays to be on it when
no one is listening. WWRB, WWCR, and the Cuban station on 5025 have no
trouble with their signals in that range.

WBCQ would be smart to transmit out of Aguilla.
  #4   Report Post  
Old July 14th 09, 12:40 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 380
Default Millionaire Allan Weiner cans Johnny Lightning

On Jul 14, 1:12*am, SC Dxing wrote:
On Jul 13, 4:38*pm, Bushcraftgregg wrote:

Damn SC, was that long enough? I started to
read through the first three sentences, till I saw
another fifty plus sentences, :-(

I'll be honest, the point in posting all the sentences was so it was
archived in it's entire text. No doubt one of them will remove the
statements, but google usenet lives forever. Well at least for a few
more months.

Only time WBCQ is even listenable is when Brother Star is on the air.
5110 is useless and I have no idea why Area 51 pays to be on it when
no one is listening. WWRB, WWCR, and the Cuban station on 5025 have no
trouble with their signals in that range.

WBCQ would be smart to transmit out of Aguilla.

I noticed you said something along the lines of googles archives are
only going to last a few more weeks? What's up with that?

Yeah, I see why you posted all of it now. My bad.

I used to listen to WBCQ every day, great programming IMO. What was up
with the
people starting trouble calling in about?
They weren't talking about our Steve (Ace),
were they?

  #5   Report Post  
Old July 15th 09, 03:19 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 231
Default Millionaire Allan Weiner cans Johnny Lightning

On Jul 14, 6:40*am, Bushcraftgregg wrote:

I noticed you said something along the lines of googles archives are
only going to last a few more weeks? What's up with that?

Sorta of joking but with most of the major ISP providers no longer
support usenet, it's a wonder if google will stop supporting it also.
I can't get it through RoadRunner and it's not worth the money for me
to pay for a usenet provider. I suspect google would love to get
everyone to switch to their own google groups.

Cheers and happy listening.
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