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Old October 15th 09, 07:27 AM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 161
Default Michael Savage Fumbled the Ball?


(posted earlier, ran this one through the spell checker, (my bad))!

Michael Savage Needs to be Corrected?
Sometimes my favorite time of the day, is when I hear the Michael
Savage show? You see, before the crooks started coming out in the
open, and tanked the economy, when I hear Michael, I was working in
over time territory? Could be, I've been wanting to mention more about
Michael, and I want to write something positive about the guy, and not
hurt his show? After hearing him, and visiting his web site today, I'm
not so sure anyone can do that, he uses both positive and negative
projections on his show?

Honestly, I don't know the guy, I've probably spent about two hours
reading his biographical descriptions, listen to him talk about
himself, and I've come to the conclusion he is a liberal masquerading
as a conservative in my humble opinion. Not sure I can get my arms
around that, maybe he is a conservative growing in his viewpoints? I
think he will talk about conservatism to get paid, but deep down I
think he is a liberal, with liberal friends, and that is my
impression? I've listened to about two dozen shows?

He could become a great conservative talk show host, but I suspect
that will not happen for several reasons? Number one, a neurotic
Italian voice, with or without the accent, is just not entertaining
after a while, you don't want to hear that voice? I love Italian
voices, it makes helps me remember my time in the North East?
Seriously, who is it that are angry all the time? Liberals? Did he go
to a liberal school? Did he participate or support "conservation"? To
what extent?

Does he talk negatively about other conservative talk show hosts,
calling them ugly names, like hemorrhoids, and there are others I
would like to forget? Well, sometimes we all talk like that, but you
can hear the nuance between someone who calls you an ugly name, and is
making a point, and not literally personally projecting your jealousy
or hatred on them? Do you have to talk about yourself due to lack of
imagination, or material, or both?

All right, you move along and start to think about the subject matter
of his show. If you know what spook talk is, you get pretty sick of
hearing it fairly quickly? Honestly, I don't know what the American
facination is with murder, and murder shows, and violence, but there
it is? That's a sentence you might hear from a Michael Savage show? He
might then go on to spend 45 minutes explaining a murder he read
about, or has an interest in?

That can be a negative and a positive? Positive, he's against murder,
negative, uh, well, that's self explanatory. If I was a liberal, I
would love the Michael Savage show, because he gets so emotional about
what he is talking about, you begin to wonder if is actually bragging
about what the communist crooks disguised as liberals, or other names,
are actually accomplishing rather than just try to alarm you about it?

So what is wrong with emotional? Nothing, unless three quarters of
your show, is about you? Seriously, that's another reason why nobody
wants to write about the guy, he becomes a basket case with the
slightest bit of realism, or critique? He'll mask those emotions by
becoming sick, and give you a litany of how he will cook a marvelous
dish to make him feel better, or worse go to a restaurant, tell you
how he acted like a jerk and was rude as hell, and then felt like he
was coming down with the flu or something, when he probably just ate
off a plate that was not rinsed right, and turned his stomach? He then
becomes an emotional basket case and goes after the chef or restaurant
and talks as though he hopes they go out of business? What do you
expect if you eat at restaurants all the time, odds are you are going
to get a plate not rinse right, if you do the numbers?

But of course some people act like jerks, I should know, but they
don't really mean to project that image? That's why I think he is a
liberal, because his show consists of heavy projection? The other talk
show hosts don't do that, do they? Well, that's my opinion, I don't
listen to the guy everyday, sometimes he gets it right. Put him out of
business? For the spook stuff related to Islam? Do the British think
he is a spook for those related to Islam? Well, he certainly fits the

The other side of the coin, is that the politicians in Britain simply
want to send a message to all the slaves, on the British plantation,
you better not listen to Michael Savage, and start thinking about
conservative ideas, and throw us out of power? You might make our
voters angry with us, because they might remember what having a set of
testicles meant, when it comes to politics? OMG! Listening today he
talked about Britain wanting to drug their slaves, with pure heroin,
or how about the past radio shows where he talked about them sneaking
around in unmarked vans, x-raying your house to see how much
electricity you are using so they can punish you?

OMG Dittos? Making fun of Rush Limbaugh out of jealousy? Since
obviously you will get sick of the human condition, and call us all
degenerates, and that only you are fit to breath the clear blue skies,
and dream pure dreams, we are all infidels, perhaps you will explain
to us how Tiger Woods got most of his critical training, at an "evil,
all white guy golf club"? So, if I can't get into the BET awards, or a
black dance club owned by a rapper, does that make me a horrible
writer? Did it ever occur to you brothers of industry, captains of
intellectual winds to carry us into the future, that perhaps, just
perhaps, Rush Limbaugh simply wanted to join because the golf course
(that's what the club is) is close to his house?

OK, after listening to Michael Savage, I come away with, he likes
food, he hates violence, he hates corruption, and he hates stupid
behavior that creates really, really, creepy people? Want a psych
profile? Fascinated with topics of deception, fascinated with
violence, fascinated with how to manipulate people, fascinated with
conservatives, fascinated with religion, fascinated with liberalism,
fascinated with environmentalism, fascinated with history, and I could
go on? Ah, the positives, negatives, intentions, clarifications? Nope,
that's need to know only, and who needs to know?

Well, of course Michael, we won't let you off the hook today, will we?
Your heavy use of projection needs to be corrected? Now then, who and
what does the Secretary of State for the United States perform as
their responsibilities and duties? Primarily, to act on behalf of the
President of the United States. As Secretary of State, you represent
the President of the United States. Sure, you can advise, but
ultimately, any new policies are the President's, not the Secretary of
State, regardless of negotiations, the President owns them.

Also, foreign policies are confirmed by a majority in the Senate AND
the President, the President can not solely determine United States
foreign policy. They would never give that kind of power, unless the
public had a sudden loss of memory, to one individual?

Personally, what they don't know, will not hurt the Russians? Do we
really need a bunch of Russian "advisors" running around the United
States at a time when half, or perhaps more, of your citizens are
deeply suspicious and even in mistrust of your government, Mr.
President? There is no basis for inspections of United States weapons
facilities, many of which, I believe are in one location? If Hillary
really wants to take the credit for this one, can we only ask the
question, why was Hillary Clinton, whose majority of experience in the
public realm of opinion, was as the focus of attention, then given a
role where she could advise the President of the United States by
being the eyes, and ears, and perhaps brains of the United States
regarding foreign policy? How do you make that leap, without giving
Bill Clinton credit?

Well, I'll keep this simple Michael, this was not Hillary's
achievement, this is President Obama, potentially granting access to
the Russians regarding top secret military, or alleged nuclear
facilities, in exchange for what? Please do not give us an emotional
footnote or platitude? Whatever you may feel about the past of
America, workers have died horrible deaths, creating the weapons that
allowed millions of goofy, liberal, mind experimenting drug induced
liberals, to explore their deepest gratifications, absent from the
threat of a military draft, are now asking those who have the most
accurate weapons on the planet, the exact locations of facilities and
where your weapons are? That is a reset button, or a launch button?

Will Michael Savage connect the dots between Islamic organizations in
Washington DC, and Mr. Obama, if any, or will you continue to pretend
it is all Hillary's fault? Rush Limbaugh did not get the football
team, did not get the opportunity to loose millions of hard earned
dollars, and the left is leaping for joy? Oh, I am just so
disappointed? Will Michael Savage give us a lecture on the morals of
why football games should or should not be compared to ancient Greek
gladiator events? But of course not, today's intellectual and cultural
creations of football have no comparison to Olympic games, or
gladiator events?

Honestly Michael Savage, or whatever your real name is, right now, we
are not worried about your being labeled an Islamic spook, or a
Conservative Evangelist, concerning your problems in Britain? If you
want to get off the list in Britain, you are barking up the wrong
tree, you need to stop projecting the affects of liberal policies of
politicians on others, and lay your concerns where they actually
belong, with Mr. Obama? Go ahead, make your day, listen to Michael
Savage for yourself, and draw your own opinion? Will you draw a new
opinion of the Great British Plantation, are they a jewel of truth, a
model to the world, after learning from generations of failure, or are
they reliving the past?

Being that this is the most powerful keyboard in the world, able to
crush the egg shell minds of liberals, by either confusing them, or
simply telling the truth, you've got to ask yourself a question?

Do you feel lucky?

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