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Community Service Begins with the Truth (Corrected Copy)
From: http://www.radiotalkingpoints.com/ar...tyService.html Today, my wife called me about the helicopters and Air Force One flying over our house. Mr. Obama had just left New Orleans a few hours earlier, after giving a speech. As far as I am concerned, the only speech that needs to be given to New Orleans, is to honestly tell them they should not live there, and how can we help them permanently leave? Community Service is already performed when most workers practically donate their labors to the community, and only retain 20 percent of the value they created? Community service is nodding your head that you will pay on a mortgage for thirty years, for a house really built in thirty days or thirty weeks? Community service is paying energy utility bills the size of house mortgages, or insurance payments the size of mortgages, or going to school and paying for that education for almost a decade? Community Service begins with telling the truth. I can tell you what you want to hear, but that is not the only, or best fork in the road. Earlier in the week, a trucker had called the Rush Limbaugh show and said that Rush was successful because he told them what the audience wanted to hear. He then went on to say how bad the economy was with trucks sitting in truck stops and not moving freight. Rush Limbaugh is talented enough to be a political commentator without resorting to the nuances of deception that can waste people's time, and I enjoy his show because he does not practice those kinds of actions to produce his show. The football commentator McMadden never had to do that in thirty years? If he does begin to do that, I may not understand why, and I may not understand how to continue to justify supporting him. Loyalty is not a tool to invent fools, it is the description of those who follow those with the principals and ideals that are what define America as the shining star, the light on the hill, or a point of light? That's my draft idea? If you want an example of a politically correct environment, if you want to see how government will control your life, just look at the life of a truck driver? Truck drivers are not sitting in truck stops only because they are not moving freight, but because of government rules that ignore scientific reports that say 72 hour rest breaks are not necessary, an Democrats in charge of changing those rules, just ignore the issue? Well, that is the problem today as well, with the little child, told to give a speech asking why people hate President Obama? Just because you do not agree with someone, does not mean that they hate them. If I gave a waiter an order at a restaurant, and he ignored me, and came back with lobster instead of the steak that I ordered, would I be mad about being ignored? People are mad at President Obama, because he is ignoring them, and apparently has chosen to ignore the simple fact that America has checks and balances? The reason why Mr. Obama is mad, is because he chooses to ignore those checks and balances, and has decided to hallucinate in his imaginary mind, that there is something wrong with people that do not agree with him? That is the definition of denial, that is the definition of subversion, deception, ignorance, and many more things? Mr. President, voters do not make the Presidency, the oath of office makes the Presidency. Anyone can fill ballot boxes with voting ballets, it is the oath of office, when you serve as an executive representing the President of the United States, that makes you special, and your faithful ability to honor, abide, protect, cherish, advance, support, and to be an ambassador to the world, not to fundamentally change America, but to fundamentally support why freedom is the special part of America that we hold out to all countries to emulate and embrace. These thoughts ran through my mind, as I heard the echo of President Bush, Sr., advocating for the return of civility to the political conversations today. Mr. President Obama, I will not civilly endorse your potential ignorance of the Constitution of the United States, or the looting of America that has been clearly the objective of the political winds represented by the voting public, who trust public officials to represent them, not to remake America, but to preserve the checks and balances, to preserve the fundamental freedoms, liberties and advance the ideals that make America strong. I can think of the excessive numbers of Czars, I can think of the Russian advisors possibly disguised as weapons inspectors (in my opinion they could care less how many warheads we have) whose advise would be invaluable in a civil war, I can think of the health care plans that are clearly being financed so that if there is indeed a fundamental change in Congress to throw out those who created the new entitlements, by the end of those terms of newly elected members who replaced them, new entitlement programs will be so expensive, the Republic will not survive without the tripling of current tax rates, and the parties will switch chairs again? Who can promote Democracy if Democracy is simply looting disguised as musical chairs? This is not a conclusive conversation, I am just pointing out the obvious things? Emotions are what define the degree of outrage expressed by an event, policy, or even idea, and that is what makes America special, Mr. President. Civility requires that we express that outrage when it clearly represents that we sense the destruction of the Republic, the destruction of our freedoms, the destruction of our liberties, the destruction of our economy, and the destruction of the ability to worship our God in pride, and not as though He was someone, or something to be ashamed of, that we must lash our tongues in silence. So the president is fired up? I don't see the President fired up about America, I don't see the President fired up about preserving the fundamental principals of our government, I don't see the President fired up about changing the way citizens around the world cherish, adore, or promote fundamental freedoms that protect citizens as children, that do so without treating them like children? Do you see the President fired up about promoting to the citizens around the world, and asking the question, are they trusting their leaders as brothers, or as jailers ready to throw them in the grave when ever it suits them? President Obama has a science advisor that wants to paint all roofs white? I wonder who has a relationship with paint companies, or unions? Is it civility Mr. President Bush Sr., that scientists for the EPA are fired, or inspector generals who are doing their jobs? Is it civility Mr. President Bush Sr., that we need to define foreign terrorists as anything other than people that deserve hanging? Or is civility now defined as not being American, not fighting for your Constitutional rights, such as reminding the government that seizure of property is to control it, not necessarily occupy it? If we can not see a President, fired up enough about the truth of the matter, to tell the people of New Orleans, to rebuild there, is to rebuild a death trap, just who or what is being fired up? In the open water, are injured fish fired up? Sharks never tire, the silent guardians of the ocean never tire, who are always there, and I do not see a President fired up, I see him beginning to panic, due to his imaginary injuries, and the sharks of failure will sense that soon and will eat his career? So did Captain Kirk, did he inspire by creating drama, or did he inspire by leadership, by his faith in his ship, by his faith in his engineers, so that when he said, give me all you got Scotty, he got 10 percent more? Faith is in that which is not seen? When America was given the United States Constitution, it got ten percent more. The United States Constitution does not depend on the observations of failure, it does not depend upon the liberty of greed, which defines slavery, it provides the foundation of the road that mankind must ride, with the heavy machinery that must carry the abundant gifts of God granted to his children, defined as the fruit of liberty? Being that this is the most powerful keyboard in the world, able to distinguish the truth from reality, emotion, from sanity, and hate from ignorance, in the space of one article, in the space of one moment in time, and yet last forever, so that you may be defined as a communicator, and not a director, you have to ask yourself one question...... Do you feel lucky? Universal Disclaimer for the Public Domain, Version 1.4, dated Oct 10th, 2009 a) The views expressed by this website and the author to include all electronic forms of communication are not representative of advertisers, or other third parties that may store and or transmit the messages from this private computer, which you may observe at your own risk, with no liability to the authors, or any party related to transmitting, storing, or any other aspect of the material involved, including email correspondence, which is not necessary to the function of the website, and may or may not be archived. No personal information exchanged will be shared without your consent, or provided to third parties with out the express permission of the parties and, or, individuals concerned. b) The author(s) of this content and those who may interact with it in various known or unknown electronic methods do not give permission to any third parties to share or provide private personal information who may operate as part of the internet communications system, including all parties, who may technically intercept communications due to the nature of network conditions beyond both the author's legal and physical control, unless those communications represent violations of the law, upon which the author, and or web site will cooperate to pursue any legal remedies. c) The views expressed by the author or website may or may not contain factual information, due to the use of sarcasm or parody. The views may or may not be complete, either by design, to pre-empt being called a liar even if telling the truth, or by error due to typographical, grammer, or other technical communication problems not realized or imagined, or the possibility of views based on false or missing information, or with the intention of being used for entertainment purposes only, and not as a definitive judgement on the actions, character, or reputation of an organization, individual, or groups of individuals, with the intent of communicating with a limited group of people, and not the general public, however no distribution restrictions apply for fair use purposes described by the US Copyright Office, if no other restrictions are present or communicated, with all commercial proceeds associated with the distribution of the content to remain the sole possesion of the original author. d) Any humor if used, is not intended to offend people, and may be designed to apply the principals of peer pressure through reverse examination to accomplish the communication of principals or ideas that consist of traditional or proposed social values that are proven to advance the common good, and are not meant to discredit, disparage or demean any person or entities in any professional or personal manner, by attempting to share through the eyes or opinion of the author, for which it is expected that you read at your own risk, with no liability held to the author or any third parties who may store, transfer, or forward this message to others, in the traditions of free speech, fair use, and to play a positive role in a society that believes that graphically depicting male homosexuals having sex, and other unusual sex acts is considered free speech or that the use of abortion to limit Negros, Latinos, and other races from "spreading the wealth around" as a "matter of privacy" (which the author does not condone). e)The use of humor is a known ingredient in providing teachable moments, and to validate and even demonstrate artistic expressions that are not shared by others, as demonstrated by many valuable scientific observations that were scoffed at in the past, yet proven to be quite valid decades later, upon which the humor used in all electronic communications by the author are based, in the principals and traditions of free speech and pursuit of happiness, and may not be a representation of others, including God. f) Additional use of automated anonymous page use tracking computer scripts (web page programs) may be licensed by www.google.com, for bandwidth verification or potential advertisement opportunities or incorporation of web master tools in the future. g) Advertisements that may appear are not necessarily endorsed by the author, either by admission, or by silence, nor are related links, that may be provided for all or any of the following known or unknown purposes, but not limited to, informational, educational, and for the purpose of giving copy right credit referal information under the terms outlined in the conditions applied to the term "fair use" regarding conversations and print under US Copy Right Law. h) It is the opinion of the author that effective 1 December, 2009, the proposed regulations from the FTC violate the first and fifth amendments of the United States Constitution, by infringing through economic affliction the burden without compensation all financial details concerning the communications of both free enterprise and opinion, and other civil rights such as "punishment must be fair" and not at the "discretion" of public officials, or that advertisers are assumed to be guilty of deception when United States law provides that you are innocent before being proven guilty, and are in fact demonstrations that there are current members of Congress that neither understand the spirit of the law our founding fathers made for the United States of America, or understand how they work in the opinion of the author, as of October 10th, 2009, especially in light of anticipated, and hopefully defeated, legislative taxes relating to energy use and the burden of publishers and advertisers to comply with the law and manage the environment, and in light that there are various consumer protection agencies, including the Better Business Bureau, which has free consumer information. i)Although the content provided meets or exceeds those new requirements to the knowledge of the author, and modifications to version 1.3 of this disclaimer is a result of the opinion of the author that blogging is another definition for a potentially infinite number or forms of electronic communication, as such the author will retroactively apply this version, 1.4 to all forms of previous communications, when and wherever possible, as time allows, in order to properly convey the intention of the author and to demonstrate an enthusiasm to comply with the law, and not enthusiastically pursue getting high on cocaine as often as possible as Barack Hussein Obama has admitted in his book (paraphrase, synopsis), according to (mmm, mmm, mmm (sonic emphasis)) Rush Hudson Limbaugh, (mmm mmm mmm (sonic emphasis)). j) Use of this disclaimer for either personal or professional use is permitted with no restrictions. These restrictions or disclaimers do not prohibit the author from pursuing or communicating in a truthful manner, or guarantee that the audience will understand all things as intended, and, or result in being called incoherent, or even a Chicken Chaser! |
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On 10/17/09 02:53 , Wiseguy wrote:
Editor RadioTalkingPointseditor.radiotalkingpoints.com@g mail.com wrote in : Community Service Begins with the Truth (Corrected Copy) From: http://www.radiotalkingpoints.com/articles/2009 _radiotalkingpoints_arti cle_0043_Oct_16_CommunityService.html Today, my wife called me about the helicopters and Air Force One flying over our house. Mr. Obama had just left New Orleans a few hours earlier, after giving a speech. As far as I am concerned, the only speech that needs to be given to New Orleans, is to honestly tell them they should not live there, and how can we help them permanently leave? Community Service is already performed when most workers practically donate their labors to the community, and only retain 20 percent of the value they created? Community service is nodding your head that you will pay on a mortgage for thirty years, for a house really built in thirty days or thirty weeks? Community service is paying energy utility bills the size of house mortgages, or insurance payments the size of mortgages, or going to school and paying for that education for almost a decade? Community Service begins with telling the truth. I can tell you what you want to hear, but that is not the only, or best fork in the road. Earlier in the week, a trucker had called the Rush Limbaugh show and said that Rush was successful because he told them what the audience wanted to hear. He then went on to say how bad the economy was with trucks sitting in truck stops and not moving freight. Rush Limbaugh is talented enough to be a political commentator without resorting to the nuances of deception that can waste people's time, and I enjoy his show because he does not practice those kinds of actions to produce his show. The football commentator McMadden never had to do that in thirty years? If he does begin to do that, I may not understand why, and I may not understand how to continue to justify supporting him. Loyalty is not a tool to invent fools, it is the description of those who follow those with the principals and ideals that are what define America as the shining star, the light on the hill, or a point of light? That's my draft idea? If you want an example of a politically correct environment, if you want to see how government will control your life, just look at the life of a truck driver? Truck drivers are not sitting in truck stops only because they are not moving freight, but because of government rules that ignore scientific reports that say 72 hour rest breaks are not necessary, an Democrats in charge of changing those rules, just ignore the issue? Well, that is the problem today as well, with the little child, told to give a speech asking why people hate President Obama? Just because you do not agree with someone, does not mean that they hate them. If I gave a waiter an order at a restaurant, and he ignored me, and came back with lobster instead of the steak that I ordered, would I be mad about being ignored? People are mad at President Obama, because he is ignoring them, and apparently has chosen to ignore the simple fact that America has checks and balances? The reason why Mr. Obama is mad, is because he chooses to ignore those checks and balances, and has decided to hallucinate in his imaginary mind, that there is something wrong with people that do not agree with him? That is the definition of denial, that is the definition of subversion, deception, ignorance, and many more things? Mr. President, voters do not make the Presidency, the oath of office makes the Presidency. Anyone can fill ballot boxes with voting ballets, it is the oath of office, when you serve as an executive representing the President of the United States, that makes you special, and your faithful ability to honor, abide, protect, cherish, advance, support, and to be an ambassador to the world, not to fundamentally change America, but to fundamentally support why freedom is the special part of America that we hold out to all countries to emulate and embrace. These thoughts ran through my mind, as I heard the echo of President Bush, Sr., advocating for the return of civility to the political conversations today. Mr. President Obama, I will not civilly endorse your potential ignorance of the Constitution of the United States, or the looting of America that has been clearly the objective of the political winds represented by the voting public, who trust public officials to represent them, not to remake America, but to preserve the checks and balances, to preserve the fundamental freedoms, liberties and advance the ideals that make America strong. I can think of the excessive numbers of Czars, I can think of the Russian advisors possibly disguised as weapons inspectors (in my opinion they could care less how many warheads we have) whose advise would be invaluable in a civil war, I can think of the health care plans that are clearly being financed so that if there is indeed a fundamental change in Congress to throw out those who created the new entitlements, by the end of those terms of newly elected members who replaced them, new entitlement programs will be so expensive, the Republic will not survive without the tripling of current tax rates, and the parties will switch chairs again? Who can promote Democracy if Democracy is simply looting disguised as musical chairs? This is not a conclusive conversation, I am just pointing out the obvious things? Emotions are what define the degree of outrage expressed by an event, policy, or even idea, and that is what makes America special, Mr. President. Civility requires that we express that outrage when it clearly represents that we sense the destruction of the Republic, the destruction of our freedoms, the destruction of our liberties, the destruction of our economy, and the destruction of the ability to worship our God in pride, and not as though He was someone, or something to be ashamed of, that we must lash our tongues in silence. So the president is fired up? I don't see the President fired up about America, I don't see the President fired up about preserving the fundamental principals of our government, I don't see the President fired up about changing the way citizens around the world cherish, adore, or promote fundamental freedoms that protect citizens as children, that do so without treating them like children? Do you see the President fired up about promoting to the citizens around the world, and asking the question, are they trusting their leaders as brothers, or as jailers ready to throw them in the grave when ever it suits them? President Obama has a science advisor that wants to paint all roofs white? I wonder who has a relationship with paint companies, or unions? Is it civility Mr. President Bush Sr., that scientists for the EPA are fired, or inspector generals who are doing their jobs? Is it civility Mr. President Bush Sr., that we need to define foreign terrorists as anything other than people that deserve hanging? Or is civility now defined as not being American, not fighting for your Constitutional rights, such as reminding the government that seizure of property is to control it, not necessarily occupy it? If we can not see a President, fired up enough about the truth of the matter, to tell the people of New Orleans, to rebuild there, is to rebuild a death trap, just who or what is being fired up? In the open water, are injured fish fired up? Sharks never tire, the silent guardians of the ocean never tire, who are always there, and I do not see a President fired up, I see him beginning to panic, due to his imaginary injuries, and the sharks of failure will sense that soon and will eat his career? So did Captain Kirk, did he inspire by creating drama, or did he inspire by leadership, by his faith in his ship, by his faith in his engineers, so that when he said, give me all you got Scotty, he got 10 percent more? Faith is in that which is not seen? When America was given the United States Constitution, it got ten percent more. The United States Constitution does not depend on the observations of failure, it does not depend upon the liberty of greed, which defines slavery, it provides the foundation of the road that mankind must ride, with the heavy machinery that must carry the abundant gifts of God granted to his children, defined as the fruit of liberty? Being that this is the most powerful keyboard in the world, able to distinguish the truth from reality, emotion, from sanity, and hate from ignorance, in the space of one article, in the space of one moment in time, and yet last forever, so that you may be defined as a communicator, and not a director, you have to ask yourself one question...... Do you feel lucky? Universal Disclaimer for the Public Domain, Version 1.4, dated Oct 10th, 2009 a) The views expressed by this website and the author to include all electronic forms of communication are not representative of advertisers, or other third parties that may store and or transmit the messages from this private computer, which you may observe at your own risk, with no liability to the authors, or any party related to transmitting, storing, or any other aspect of the material involved, including email correspondence, which is not necessary to the function of the website, and may or may not be archived. No personal information exchanged will be shared without your consent, or provided to third parties with out the express permission of the parties and, or, individuals concerned. b) The author(s) of this content and those who may interact with it in various known or unknown electronic methods do not give permission to any third parties to share or provide private personal information who may operate as part of the internet communications system, including all parties, who may technically intercept communications due to the nature of network conditions beyond both the author's legal and physical control, unless those communications represent violations of the law, upon which the author, and or web site will cooperate to pursue any legal remedies. c) The views expressed by the author or website may or may not contain factual information, due to the use of sarcasm or parody. The views may or may not be complete, either by design, to pre-empt being called a liar even if telling the truth, or by error due to typographical, grammer, or other technical communication problems not realized or imagined, or the possibility of views based on false or missing information, or with the intention of being used for entertainment purposes only, and not as a definitive judgement on the actions, character, or reputation of an organization, individual, or groups of individuals, with the intent of communicating with a limited group of people, and not the general public, however no distribution restrictions apply for fair use purposes described by the US Copyright Office, if no other restrictions are present or communicated, with all commercial proceeds associated with the distribution of the content to remain the sole possesion of the original author. d) Any humor if used, is not intended to offend people, and may be designed to apply the principals of peer pressure through reverse examination to accomplish the communication of principals or ideas that consist of traditional or proposed social values that are proven to advance the common good, and are not meant to discredit, disparage or demean any person or entities in any professional or personal manner, by attempting to share through the eyes or opinion of the author, for which it is expected that you read at your own risk, with no liability held to the author or any third parties who may store, transfer, or forward this message to others, in the traditions of free speech, fair use, and to play a positive role in a society that believes that graphically depicting male homosexuals having sex, and other unusual sex acts is considered free speech or that the use of abortion to limit Negros, Latinos, and other races from "spreading the wealth around" as a "matter of privacy" (which the author does not condone). e)The use of humor is a known ingredient in providing teachable moments, and to validate and even demonstrate artistic expressions that are not shared by others, as demonstrated by many valuable scientific observations that were scoffed at in the past, yet proven to be quite valid decades later, upon which the humor used in all electronic communications by the author are based, in the principals and traditions of free speech and pursuit of happiness, and may not be a representation of others, including God. f) Additional use of automated anonymous page use tracking computer scripts (web page programs) may be licensed by www.google.com, for bandwidth verification or potential advertisement opportunities or incorporation of web master tools in the future. g) Advertisements that may appear are not necessarily endorsed by the author, either by admission, or by silence, nor are related links, that may be provided for all or any of the following known or unknown purposes, but not limited to, informational, educational, and for the purpose of giving copy right credit referal information under the terms outlined in the conditions applied to the term "fair use" regarding conversations and print under US Copy Right Law. h) It is the opinion of the author that effective 1 December, 2009, the proposed regulations from the FTC violate the first and fifth amendments of the United States Constitution, by infringing through economic affliction the burden without compensation all financial details concerning the communications of both free enterprise and opinion, and other civil rights such as "punishment must be fair" and not at the "discretion" of public officials, or that advertisers are assumed to be guilty of deception when United States law provides that you are innocent before being proven guilty, and are in fact demonstrations that there are current members of Congress that neither understand the spirit of the law our founding fathers made for the United States of America, or understand how they work in the opinion of the author, as of October 10th, 2009, especially in light of anticipated, and hopefully defeated, legislative taxes relating to energy use and the burden of publishers and advertisers to comply with the law and manage the environment, and in light that there are various consumer protection agencies, including the Better Business Bureau, which has free consumer information. i)Although the content provided meets or exceeds those new requirements to the knowledge of the author, and modifications to version 1.3 of this disclaimer is a result of the opinion of the author that blogging is another definition for a potentially infinite number or forms of electronic communication, as such the author will retroactively apply this version, 1.4 to all forms of previous communications, when and wherever possible, as time allows, in order to properly convey the intention of the author and to demonstrate an enthusiasm to comply with the law, and not enthusiastically pursue getting high on cocaine as often as possible as Barack Hussein Obama has admitted in his book (paraphrase, synopsis), according to (mmm, mmm, mmm (sonic emphasis)) Rush Hudson Limbaugh, (mmm mmm mmm (sonic emphasis)). j) Use of this disclaimer for either personal or professional use is permitted with no restrictions. These restrictions or disclaimers do not prohibit the author from pursuing or communicating in a truthful manner, or guarantee that the audience will understand all things as intended, and, or result in being called incoherent, or even a Chicken Chaser! Is the question mark on your keyboard stuck? Apparently, a number of things are stuck. |
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On Oct 17, 9:42*am, wrote:
On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 21:03:21 -0700 (PDT), Editor RadioTalkingPoints wrote: So the president is fired up? I don't see the President fired up about America, I don't see the President fired up about preserving the fundamental principals of our government, I - What "fundamental principals of government"?? They Govern Best : Who Govern Least Big Government Controls -versus- Individual {Person} Freedoms |
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Editor RadioTalkingPoints wrote
in : On Oct 17, 11:42*am, wrote: On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 21:03:21 -0700 (PDT), Editor RadioTalkingPoints A corrected copy would be not to send this garbage at all. |
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