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http://www.radiotalkingpoints.com/ar... gItReal.html Keeping it real You know what song I like from Fergie? Glamorous, "if you ain't go not money take your broke ....home?" Voters will be saying in 2010 and 2012, if we ain't got no money take your broken promises home? Now, I don't produce Fergie, and I don't endorse all her lyrics, and I am not going to go much further down that road right now. At one time I spent a lot of time preparing for a musical career, but that's another story. A lot of musicians make their money through shock language, and that is a culture all its own, which floats through the movies, and other entertainment industries. So we wink at what they do, and a lot of entertainment people do not take well to criticism, and it is sometimes pointless to do so, and they feel it is show, and not expect the consumers to actually act out the lyrics, or ideas? If they don't laugh at themselves and point towards the light, well, we see social consequences? I've seen a lot of talent over the years, and I think they limit their careers by using shock lyrics, and they know who they are. Thanks Fergie, I like some of your songs. I love lots of music, from Rock and Roll, to some pop tunes, but I don't have the stuff jamming all the time like I did in my youth. Maybe it is because of the shock lyrics, I don't know. Sometimes if you can't wink at Madonna, or Lady Ga Ga, and others, you loose your edge, and you don't dwell on it? So that's what capitalism does, keep it real? You can't Uncle Tom, Uncle Sam? We just want to be glamorous Mr. Obama, and get our bling bling, by being all we can be, not all we can guess? The saga continues? Well, we sometimes say to ourselves their best music is yet to come? I have heard the most amazing gospel music lately from Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church, they have some really new stuff out. Back to the song, No Quarter... President Obama and other administration officials refuse to appear on Fox news, yet accuse Fox news of advancing a particular view, or as an arm of the Republican party? Just what does that mean? Did the Republican Party or over half the country that is now voicing their displeasure at the White House cease to exist in their imaginary minds? White House administration officials accuse Fox News of commentary that is not news, but viewpoints? Every show that I have watched of Glenn Beck, he has invited, has begged the White House to prove him wrong, and to come on the air? If you are going to cover political news, you have to cover it from the perspective of the voters, and not the politicians? Isn't that who is in charge, the voters? This kind of behavior is going to eventually demand that we amend the Constitution to not allow domestic spending programs to be effective for 36 months after approval, in order to remove spending that is clearly not necessary spending but political payback that is disguised as public crisis? The White House and Congress is unable to refute the the facts that hundreds of journalists, citizens, and others represent by Fox News, and continue to plan on hood winking the poorest Americans with their version of events that ignore facts, opinions, wishes, and market forces that are expected by all of the voters, and not just the partisan view point? Nebulous money trails, proven by the lack of legislative language by Congressional Bills and committee hearings, and the refusal to write legislative language that the man on the street can understand quickly, are becoming the hallmarks of current, past, and pending failure(s) by the White House? The White House counters with the statement that they will appear on Fox News, but the real test of hormones will be how often? Anyone willing to plug the numbers into a spread sheet will show you pie charts that point to what conclusions based on how often they appear? Speaking of numbers, they were debating the minimum wage on Fox News when I was writing this. It is an important subject, because some employer business plans revolve around treating employees so poorly, they depend on people quitting to keep a steady flow of fresh faces? If less than 4% of the workforce is paid the minimum wage, how much is paid within 20% of the minimum wage? Should minimum wage be different for teenagers under 18, or do you want to protect the youth that can't wait to get out of the house and on their own? Like I said earlier in other articles, this is an important aspect of your currency value, and your ability to have a functioning economy, one based on merit, skills, and diligence, not one based on fear? Do you fear how often you appear on Fox News? You are gonna be there anyway? Quote: He was standing in the hole waiting for something to develop....and WHAP! He got developed? (John Earl Maddon, unrelated conversational quote, a scenario however that applied to a football player who thought he knew what was going on in the game, and got schooled, seemed like an appropriate metaphoric epiphany at this point in the conversation?) Resistance if futile, you must comply.......with the truth! Can you smell el el el el el el el el el .........what the Rock of Truth, who has the smartest eyebrow in the Universe, and the whitest teeth known to man, is ............................cooking? Being that this is the most exciting, most entertaining, fact finding, brain busting, fun loving, liberal egg shell mind crunching, invincible smacketh downeth erectus amongus, you can't see the truth coming, but you know it is anyway, sonic boom of Conservatism, and, most powerful keyboard in the world, do you feel lucky? Universal Disclaimer for the Public Domain, Version 1.4, dated Oct 10th, 2009 a) The views expressed by this website and the author to include all electronic forms of communication are not representative of advertisers, or other third parties that may store and or transmit the messages from this private computer, which you may observe at your own risk, with no liability to the authors, or any party related to transmitting, storing, or any other aspect of the material involved, including email correspondence, which is not necessary to the function of the website, and may or may not be archived. No personal information exchanged will be shared without your consent, or provided to third parties with out the express permission of the parties and, or, individuals concerned. b) The author(s) of this content and those who may interact with it in various known or unknown electronic methods do not give permission to any third parties to share or provide private personal information who may operate as part of the internet communications system, including all parties, who may technically intercept communications due to the nature of network conditions beyond both the author's legal and physical control, unless those communications represent violations of the law, upon which the author, and or web site will cooperate to pursue any legal remedies. c) The views expressed by the author or website may or may not contain factual information, due to the use of sarcasm or parody. The views may or may not be complete, either by design, to pre-empt being called a liar even if telling the truth, or by error due to typographical, grammer, or other technical communication problems not realized or imagined, or the possibility of views based on false or missing information, or with the intention of being used for entertainment purposes only, and not as a definitive judgement on the actions, character, or reputation of an organization, individual, or groups of individuals, with the intent of communicating with a limited group of people, and not the general public, however no distribution restrictions apply for fair use purposes described by the US Copyright Office, if no other restrictions are present or communicated, with all commercial proceeds associated with the distribution of the content to remain the sole possesion of the original author. d) Any humor if used, is not intended to offend people, and may be designed to apply the principals of peer pressure through reverse examination to accomplish the communication of principals or ideas that consist of traditional or proposed social values that are proven to advance the common good, and are not meant to discredit, disparage or demean any person or entities in any professional or personal manner, by attempting to share through the eyes or opinion of the author, for which it is expected that you read at your own risk, with no liability held to the author or any third parties who may store, transfer, or forward this message to others, in the traditions of free speech, fair use, and to play a positive role in a society that believes that graphically depicting male homosexuals having sex, and other unusual sex acts is considered free speech or that the use of abortion to limit Negros, Latinos, and other races from "spreading the wealth around" as a "matter of privacy" (which the author does not condone). e)The use of humor is a known ingredient in providing teachable moments, and to validate and even demonstrate artistic expressions that are not shared by others, as demonstrated by many valuable scientific observations that were scoffed at in the past, yet proven to be quite valid decades later, upon which the humor used in all electronic communications by the author are based, in the principals and traditions of free speech and pursuit of happiness, and may not be a representation of others, including God. f) Additional use of automated anonymous page use tracking computer scripts (web page programs) may be licensed by www.google.com, for bandwidth verification or potential advertisement opportunities or incorporation of web master tools in the future. g) Advertisements that may appear are not necessarily endorsed by the author, either by admission, or by silence, nor are related links, that may be provided for all or any of the following known or unknown purposes, but not limited to, informational, educational, and for the purpose of giving copy right credit referal information under the terms outlined in the conditions applied to the term "fair use" regarding conversations and print under US Copy Right Law. h) It is the opinion of the author that effective 1 December, 2009, the proposed regulations from the FTC violate the first and fifth amendments of the United States Constitution, by infringing through economic affliction the burden without compensation all financial details concerning the communications of both free enterprise and opinion, and other civil rights such as "punishment must be fair" and not at the "discretion" of public officials, or that advertisers are assumed to be guilty of deception when United States law provides that you are innocent before being proven guilty, and are in fact demonstrations that there are current members of Congress that neither understand the spirit of the law our founding fathers made for the United States of America, or understand how they work in the opinion of the author, as of October 10th, 2009, especially in light of anticipated, and hopefully defeated, legislative taxes relating to energy use and the burden of publishers and advertisers to comply with the law and manage the environment, and in light that there are various consumer protection agencies, including the Better Business Bureau, which has free consumer information. i)Although the content provided meets or exceeds those new requirements to the knowledge of the author, and modifications to version 1.3 of this disclaimer is a result of the opinion of the author that blogging is another definition for a potentially infinite number or forms of electronic communication, as such the author will retroactively apply this version, 1.4 to all forms of previous communications, when and wherever possible, as time allows, in order to properly convey the intention of the author and to demonstrate an enthusiasm to comply with the law, and not enthusiastically pursue getting high on cocaine as often as possible as Barack Hussein Obama has admitted in his book (paraphrase, synopsis), according to (mmm, mmm, mmm (sonic emphasis)) Rush Hudson Limbaugh, (mmm mmm mmm (sonic emphasis)). j) Use of this disclaimer for either personal or professional use is permitted with no restrictions. These restrictions or disclaimers do not prohibit the author from pursuing or communicating in a truthful manner, or guarantee that the audience will understand all things as intended, and, or result in being called incoherent, or even a Chicken Chaser! |
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MagneticEnergy wrote:
A lot of musicians make their money through shock language, and that is a culture all its own, which floats through the movies, and other entertainment industries. So we wink at what they do, and a lot of entertainment people do not take well to criticism, and it is sometimes pointless to do so, and they feel it is show, and not expect the consumers to actually act out the lyrics, or ideas? If they don't laugh at themselves and point towards the light, well, we see social consequences? I've seen a lot of talent over the years, and I think they limit their careers by using shock lyrics, and they know who they are. Thanks Fergie, I like some of your songs. I'd quit taking amphetamine if I were you. That ****'ll rot your brains. |
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On Oct 19, 7:48*am, dave wrote:
MagneticEnergy wrote: A lot of musicians make their money through shock language, and that is a culture all its own, which floats through the movies, and other entertainment industries. So we wink at what they do, and a lot of entertainment people do not take well to criticism, and it is sometimes pointless to do so, and they feel it is show, and not expect the consumers to actually act out the lyrics, or ideas? If they don't laugh at themselves and point towards the light, well, we see social consequences? I've seen a lot of talent over the years, and I think they limit their careers by using shock lyrics, and they know who they are. Thanks Fergie, I like some of your songs. I'd quit taking amphetamine if I were you. *That ****'ll rot your brains. If you think you can take on the White House, and write circles around them, while on amphetamines, you would not be very smart, would you? If you had bothered to check out my radio bling bling, you will see some anti-drug messages there, this is your mind on drugs, don't flush your life away, (with a picture of a toilet). There is some music out there that I don't like, but its music, nothing more. Usually these artists get caught up in the moment, get trapped in the spider webs of sin, and stop making music? Actually I am a sleep deprivation specialist, I specialize in making sure liberals a., get plenty of sleep, b. don't sleep, or c. Euro Pee in the Their Dreams? Have a great day! |
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you think you can take on the White House, and write circles around
them, while on amphetamines, you would not be very smart, would you? If you had bothered to check out my radio bling bling, you will see some anti-drug messages there, this is your mind on drugs, don't flush your life away, (with a picture of a toilet). There is some music out there that I don't like, but its music, nothing more. Usually these artists get caught up in the moment, get trapped in the spider webs of sin, and stop making music? Actually I am a sleep deprivation specialist, I specialize in making sure liberals a., get plenty of sleep, b. don't sleep, or c. Euro Pee in the Their Dreams? Or are you just mad today because Conservatives can talk to youth now? Keeping it real, dog? Have a great day! Universal Disclaimer for the Public Domain, Version 1.4, dated Oct 10th, 2009 a) The views expressed by this website and the author to include all electronic forms of communication are not representative of advertisers, or other third parties that may store and or transmit the messages from this private computer, which you may observe at your own risk, with no liability to the authors, or any party related to transmitting, storing, or any other aspect of the material involved, including email correspondence, which is not necessary to the function of the website, and may or may not be archived. No personal information exchanged will be shared without your consent, or provided to third parties with out the express permission of the parties and, or, individuals concerned. b) The author(s) of this content and those who may interact with it in various known or unknown electronic methods do not give permission to any third parties to share or provide private personal information who may operate as part of the internet communications system, including all parties, who may technically intercept communications due to the nature of network conditions beyond both the author's legal and physical control, unless those communications represent violations of the law, upon which the author, and or web site will cooperate to pursue any legal remedies. c) The views expressed by the author or website may or may not contain factual information, due to the use of sarcasm or parody. The views may or may not be complete, either by design, to pre-empt being called a liar even if telling the truth, or by error due to typographical, grammer, or other technical communication problems not realized or imagined, or the possibility of views based on false or missing information, or with the intention of being used for entertainment purposes only, and not as a definitive judgement on the actions, character, or reputation of an organization, individual, or groups of individuals, with the intent of communicating with a limited group of people, and not the general public, however no distribution restrictions apply for fair use purposes described by the US Copyright Office, if no other restrictions are present or communicated, with all commercial proceeds associated with the distribution of the content to remain the sole possesion of the original author. d) Any humor if used, is not intended to offend people, and may be designed to apply the principals of peer pressure through reverse examination to accomplish the communication of principals or ideas that consist of traditional or proposed social values that are proven to advance the common good, and are not meant to discredit, disparage or demean any person or entities in any professional or personal manner, by attempting to share through the eyes or opinion of the author, for which it is expected that you read at your own risk, with no liability held to the author or any third parties who may store, transfer, or forward this message to others, in the traditions of free speech, fair use, and to play a positive role in a society that believes that graphically depicting male homosexuals having sex, and other unusual sex acts is considered free speech or that the use of abortion to limit Negros, Latinos, and other races from "spreading the wealth around" as a "matter of privacy" (which the author does not condone). e)The use of humor is a known ingredient in providing teachable moments, and to validate and even demonstrate artistic expressions that are not shared by others, as demonstrated by many valuable scientific observations that were scoffed at in the past, yet proven to be quite valid decades later, upon which the humor used in all electronic communications by the author are based, in the principals and traditions of free speech and pursuit of happiness, and may not be a representation of others, including God. f) Additional use of automated anonymous page use tracking computer scripts (web page programs) may be licensed by www.google.com, for bandwidth verification or potential advertisement opportunities or incorporation of web master tools in the future. g) Advertisements that may appear are not necessarily endorsed by the author, either by admission, or by silence, nor are related links, that may be provided for all or any of the following known or unknown purposes, but not limited to, informational, educational, and for the purpose of giving copy right credit referal information under the terms outlined in the conditions applied to the term "fair use" regarding conversations and print under US Copy Right Law. h) It is the opinion of the author that effective 1 December, 2009, the proposed regulations from the FTC violate the first and fifth amendments of the United States Constitution, by infringing through economic affliction the burden without compensation all financial details concerning the communications of both free enterprise and opinion, and other civil rights such as "punishment must be fair" and not at the "discretion" of public officials, or that advertisers are assumed to be guilty of deception when United States law provides that you are innocent before being proven guilty, and are in fact demonstrations that there are current members of Congress that neither understand the spirit of the law our founding fathers made for the United States of America, or understand how they work in the opinion of the author, as of October 10th, 2009, especially in light of anticipated, and hopefully defeated, legislative taxes relating to energy use and the burden of publishers and advertisers to comply with the law and manage the environment, and in light that there are various consumer protection agencies, including the Better Business Bureau, which has free consumer information. i)Although the content provided meets or exceeds those new requirements to the knowledge of the author, and modifications to version 1.3 of this disclaimer is a result of the opinion of the author that blogging is another definition for a potentially infinite number or forms of electronic communication, as such the author will retroactively apply this version, 1.4 to all forms of previous communications, when and wherever possible, as time allows, in order to properly convey the intention of the author and to demonstrate an enthusiasm to comply with the law, and not enthusiastically pursue getting high on cocaine as often as possible as Barack Hussein Obama has admitted in his book (paraphrase, synopsis), according to (mmm, mmm, mmm (sonic emphasis)) Rush Hudson Limbaugh, (mmm mmm mmm (sonic emphasis)). j) Use of this disclaimer for either personal or professional use is permitted with no restrictions. These restrictions or disclaimers do not prohibit the author from pursuing or communicating in a truthful manner, or guarantee that the audience will understand all things as intended, and, or result in being called incoherent, or even a Chicken Chaser! |
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![]() "MagneticEnergy" wrote in message ... From: http://www.radiotalkingpoints.com/ar... gItReal.html Keeping it real You know what song I like from Fergie? Glamorous, "if you ain't go not money take your broke ....home?" Voters will be saying in 2010 and 2012, if we ain't got no money take your broken promises home? Now, I don't produce Fergie, and I don't endorse all her lyrics, and I am not going to go much further down that road right now. At one time I spent a lot of time preparing for a musical career, but that's another story. A lot of musicians make their money through shock language, and that is a culture all its own, which floats through the movies, and other entertainment industries. So we wink at what they do, and a lot of entertainment people do not take well to criticism, and it is sometimes pointless to do so, and they feel it is show, and not expect the consumers to actually act out the lyrics, or ideas? If they don't laugh at themselves and point towards the light, well, we see social consequences? I've seen a lot of talent over the years, and I think they limit their careers by using shock lyrics, and they know who they are. Thanks Fergie, I like some of your songs. I love lots of music, from Rock and Roll, to some pop tunes, but I don't have the stuff jamming all the time like I did in my youth. Maybe it is because of the shock lyrics, I don't know. Sometimes if you can't wink at Madonna, or Lady Ga Ga, and others, you loose your edge, and you don't dwell on it? So that's what capitalism does, keep it real? You can't Uncle Tom, Uncle Sam? We just want to be glamorous Mr. Obama, and get our bling bling, by being all we can be, not all we can guess? The saga continues? Well, we sometimes say to ourselves their best music is yet to come? I have heard the most amazing gospel music lately from Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church, they have some really new stuff out. Back to the song, No Quarter... President Obama Who has nothing to do with show business, rock, or shock language... and other administration officials refuse to appear on Fox news, yet accuse Fox news of advancing a particular view, or as an arm of the Republican party? Just what does that mean? It means the whole company is a shill for the Republicans. Unless you have lived under a rock or are incredibly stupid, this should be obvious. |
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On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 08:56:53 -0500, PC wrote:
"MagneticEnergy" wrote in message ... From: President Obama Who has nothing to do with show business, rock, or shock language... and other administration officials refuse to appear on Fox news, yet accuse Fox news of advancing a particular view, or as an arm of the Republican party? Just what does that mean? It means the whole company is a shill for the Republicans. Unless you have lived under a rock or are incredibly stupid, this should be obvious. Bam! You hit it right on the head! Unfortunately, some of the verbally stupid in this NG will argue the point of staying on a sinking ship "cause they hate being wrong". A severe mental weakness. |
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