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Old November 14th 09, 03:16 AM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2009
Posts: 68
Default The Rattle Snake of Gitmo has bitten?

Watching the Democrat(s) eyes widen with horror, as the venom begins
to chemically destroy the tissue, and the pain, the memory, that never
fades away, slowly begins flowing through the veins, as they turn to
dial ..... 9, 1, 1? (metaphoric scenario?)

President Bush was just sooooooo MBA material? He just wants to edge
a mi gate us? Don't worry, be happy? Don't let your heart be
troubled, they just want to talk bad about Republicans, because they
can't explain their own faults?

Did ya notice how Andy Stern compared "union plans" to "congressional
plans"? Well why would he make a comparison to something that is
subsidized, by the tax payer (and not fees alone), to something that
is not? Apparently these people have not mastered the english
language, and they want to sell their "experience" world wide?

President Obama Stabs Unions in Back?

Did I hear Rush Limbuagh right the other day, that Mr. Obama wants to
purge all Republican members from the Civil Service? Well guess what
all Civil Service members are a part of? Ever hear of the AFL-CIO, or
the American Federal Government Employees Union? Let's go to
That's not politics, that denying Federal Workers their civil rights,
their freedom of speech? This is the kind of “civil rights” attorney
coming out of Harvard? He loves Latinos, Asian and Black people, but
if you are a White Republican, we'll just look the other way while I
put on my Kommunist Krooks in Kongress Robe and Hood on? And this
President campaigned on the phrase “we want to move beyond our

When he talks about “diversity”, the first thing that comes to mind,
as with any other subject, is himself? But of course, he knows all too
well, the “politics of fear, undermines basic civil liberties”? So
that means if you are a Republican, or not a registered Democrat, you
will loose your civil liberties of free speech, and your job too?
“Warping our domestic policies”? You want to explain that phrase
again? Undermining civil liberties, or our “reputation around the
world”? I think Jerry Kellman was wrong, Mr. Obama is not the heir of
MLK, he is the distortion of Martin Luther King's ideals, aspirations,
and ideology? What is Jerry Kellman, some sort of black nationalist?
Is he a “skin head, black supremacist?” Isn't that how the media
distorts and escalates the emotion of the day to affect the agenda of
tomorrow? I don't get it. There is no racial equality agenda left on
the table. There is no segregation, there is no legal rights held by
one race over another. We are all responsible for our own success, or

The strange part about this is that Mr. Obama recognized personal
responsibility, but then claimed that racial equality was not
achieved? Excuse me Mr. Obama, you can't have it both ways. I find it
offensive and even deceptive that he chooses to speak this way. He
does not like the Confederate Flag, because it reminds him of a
People's rebellion? Is that why he takes so many international trips,
he can't stand to be around the White House, with all those symbols of
freedom and liberty all around? US policies are not unpopular in the
Muslim world, and it is mainly one country, Iran, that is stoking the
fires of hate in the region, because America allows them too? That's
not a popularity contest Mr. Obama, that's a fight that's waiting to
happen when the bell rings after the school day ends? All that time
spent thinking, they are digging in?

And if there is no color in America, then quit talking about it? If we
are all unified Americans, stop making policies that favor one over
the other? President Obama has not been a fierce defender of the
fundamental American values of freedom and equality under the law,
purging Republican appointees is not equality, and bail outs instead
of take overs and bail outs are not fundamental American values, those
are experiments of disaster?

Affirmative Action in College? Why? Legalized discrimination was
outlawed, so why does he bring up the allegation that segregation
meant that blacks could not amass wealth? He blames history for not
giving blacks loans for college, business, or mortgages, but then
fails to explain high drop out rates of school children? And yes,
there is a big obstacle to funding schools, especially when some
cities, even though they spend billions, are not funding education
because of oppressive property tax rates that drain the pool of tax
payers and their ability to pay? Equal pay? Do you want to pay for a
bag of peanuts that is half shelled, the same as one that is not? Pay
is based on performance, on opportunity and a host of other factors
that the government has no business micro managing?

Does it occur to anyone that maybe, just maybe, men are a little more
aggressive and successful at earning money, because they are stronger?
So basically, affirmative action is just a tool to get votes for the
Democrat Party, it is not a real social tool, because you never over
come an imaginary obstacle you create, but it can sure sound good
trying to convince people you are trying, so you get votes? He
believes in affirmative action, but that marriage is not a civil
right? Unbelievable, this person passed a law school exam? What is an
anti-discrimination law? A vote for the Democrat Party? Well, that's
what a lot of this stuff is, just a bunch of hype to make you look
more sophisticated than your opponent, but all it does is add more
legal code that we don't need, for people that can't get over the fact
that others don't think like they do, because they look different?

Sure, you can talk about internment camps for people, but we don't
need them today, and we don't need to create them in our minds with
imaginary razor wire either. I suggested a witch hunt in the US
military to find others that might commit violence, and that may
simply involve making sure those suspected of wrong doing are either
thrown out, or given limited opportunities to do others harm with
friendly fire. Populations are too large today to go through
internment camps, and prison does not bring out the best in society
when it can be avoided.

This is really the first time I've looked over the issues that Mr.
Obama ran on in paper, and it just doesn't make sense, why he is so
popular to run on themes of empty rhetoric. When times were tough in
the past, Americans turned to the art of being polite, and good
manners, and being patient to weather out the spells of famine. I
don't remember any time where Americans thought of hating each other
as a way of life. Please don't tell me we should start now.

Being that this is the most exciting, most entertaining, fact finding,
idea busting, fun loving, egg shell mind crunching, invincible
smacketh downeth erectus among us, you can't see the truth coming, but
you know it is anyway, sonic boom of Conservatism, and, most powerful
keyboard in the world,

do you feel lucky?

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