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It is not up to tax payers to offer "choice" to women when they fail
to live up to their own personal responsibilities as citizens, this is not negotiable. Those politicians who advocate such policies reflect great dishonor on their positions of public office and the United States of America. Just like using "Tarp" money for new spending packages to create "jobs" is also dishonorable spending. The problem is not that banks or businesses do not have the money, it is that we don't know how we are going to spend it. If I don't know what the health care and energy policies are going to cost me, and it is all too apparent that US politicians are more interested in election rather than business cycles, I have no incentive to create jobs or a business. Americans are fed up with "climate data" from corrupt US scientific and British organizations (where are the other countrie's data?), fed up with social security funds vanishing into thin air, and fed up with "stimulous shovel ready projects" when even fuel taxes vanish into thin air, and are not used for their intended purposes? How can you apply for a business loan when you can not produce a business plan? When politicians are willing to sacrifice business losses for election results, there are no winners. It is dishonorable that there are union bail out packages in the health care bill. If citizens want to volunteer into some kind of basic medical care package offered by the government that is equal to the lowest paying insurance option (and not under cut it), then they could implement that as easy as making a choice on their W4, or qualify for a government backed health care "loan" instead of lottery insurance system that only encourages fraud, inflation, and a mentality that we all have unlimited credit cards. When the ratio of health care expenses is more than the costs of eating a decent, healthy meal with all the recommended nutrients three times a day, the problem is not the health care system, it is the economic theories, stupid? The way to fix economic problems is not through world government, but through world agreement such as implementing the banning of ozone depleting chemicals through cheap, affordable, and plentiful alternatives. Choking the financial system with real estate, commodity, and labor "bubbles" only lends to more chaos, and the wary eye on the uneducated who may fall prey to simplified lies that are easily distorted by a media with a wealth of experience doing so? If the world can agree that your currency accurately reflects an hour of wage, you will have met a bench mark? Freedom isn't free, because you do not experience freedom, unless you understand what you can accomplish for yourself? The less government involves itself with its citizens, the less blame it can take? When science makes claims that the ordinary citizen or local scientist can not prove independently, then the possible economic destruction risks of government interference poses more of a danger than the zealot fears of ego minded scientists who have their financial gains at heart? The UN was corrupt enough to allow Saddam to siphon billions, and we are supposed to risk getting our lights turned off or loose our jobs if we have a personal financial emergency of only a few hundred dollars? Temporary Contractor Barack Hasan Obama and the Democrat Party, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm. Universal Legal Disclaimer for the Public Domain, Version 1.6, dated Nov 10th, 2009 (which supersedes all previous versions, to which this new version applies, which takes approximately 8 minutes to read) The writings, views, expressions expressed by this author to include all written and electronic forms of communication are subject to the following disclaimer and conditions: a) The views expressed by this website and the author to include all electronic forms of communication are not representative of advertisers, or other third parties that may store and or transmit the messages from this private computer, which you may observe at your own risk, with no liability to the authors, or any party related to transmitting, storing, or any other aspect of the material involved, including email correspondence, which is not necessary to the function of the website, and may or may not be archived due to other limitations incorporated into the licensed email software in use at the time such as automated spam or virus filters. No personal information exchanged will be shared without your consent, or provided to third parties with out the express permission of the parties and, or, individuals concerned. b) The author(s) of this content and those who may interact with it in various known or unknown electronic methods do not give permission to any third parties to share or provide private personal information who may operate as part of any type of electronic or written communications system, including all parties, who may technically intercept communications due to the nature of network conditions beyond both the author's legal and physical control, unless those communications represent violations of the law, upon which the author, and or web site will cooperate to pursue any legal remedies. c) The views expressed by the author or website may or may not contain factual information, due to the use of sarcasm or parody. The views may or may not be complete, either by design, to pre-empt being called a liar even if telling the truth, or by error due to typographical, grammar, or other technical communication problems not realized or imagined, or the possibility of views based on false or missing information, or with the intention of being used for entertainment purposes only, and not as a definitive judgment on the actions, character, or reputation of an organization, individual, or groups of individuals, with the intent of communicating with a limited group of people, and not the general public, however no distribution restrictions apply for fair use purposes described by the US Copyright Office, if no other restrictions are present or communicated, with all commercial proceeds associated with the distribution of the content to remain the sole possession of the original author. d) Any reference to copyrighted material is done in the spirit of fair use, to illustrate the context of a discussion regarding public events for reference purposes that adds to the conversation, for which that discussion constitutes a new and separate piece of intellectual property, for which the referenced copyrighted material can not convey by itself, and that the author reserves the right to retain any profits from the newly created intellectual property. This term also serves to promote the referenced copyrighted material, without necessarily endorsing the material for any particular fitness, use, or purpose, for which the purpose of fair use referral law was created for, through inclusion of a partial, but not whole, body of works that the copyright fair use reference applies, for which the intent of all terms of this disclaimer apply to that reference of a copyrighted work. e) Any humor if used, is not intended to offend people, and may be designed to apply the principals of peer pressure through reverse examination to accomplish the communication of principals or ideas that consist of traditional or proposed social values that are proven to advance the common good, and are not meant to discredit, disparage or demean any person or entities in any professional or personal manner, by attempting to share through the eyes or opinion of the author, for which it is expected that you read at your own risk, with no liability held to the author or any third parties who may store, transfer, or forward this message to others, in the traditions of free speech, fair use, and to play a positive role in a society that believes that graphically depicting male homosexuals having sex, and other unusual sex acts is considered free speech or that the use of abortion to limit Negroes, Latinos, and other races from "spreading the wealth around" as a "matter of privacy" (which the author does not condone). f) The use of humor is a known ingredient in providing teachable moments, and to validate and even demonstrate artistic expressions that are not shared by others, as demonstrated by many valuable scientific observations that were scoffed at in the past, yet proven to be quite valid decades later, upon which the humor used in all electronic communications by the author are based, in the principals and traditions of free speech and pursuit of happiness, and may not be a representation of others, including God. g) It is the opinion of the author that you respect people when you consider their views, by reflecting their thoughts or actions against your own, which may include use of language that conveys an emotional depth that is to be imagined, but not enacted through use of language that accurately, or inaccurately describes the situation, circumstance, or idea, which does not imply that any action occur other than the consideration of the thought, for which beyond the author has no control, or liability for the action of the reader as presented in all terms of this disclaimer, and may simply be the venting of emotions with the intent of no consequence by the author to an audience the author assumes will understand the message and intent, and wishes to hear those views. h) Since all intellectual property, discussions and other communications this disclaimer applies to, either in written, or electronic form, subscribe to the terms described in paragraph (e) and (g) of this disclaimer, under no circumstances are any communications meant to violate the terms of any electronic harassment laws which include the word “harm”, for which the author understands to be limited to the definition of physical harm (not self inflicted mental harm) that requires immediate medical attention based solely or in part by the communications of the author, regardless of whether the author chooses to remain anonymous or not. i) It is the intention and opinion of the author that History is full of individuals that are not harmed by criticism, and in fact such criticism can motivate and inspire them to prove their critics wrong. Based on this historical evidence, any alleged mental harm amounts to self inflicted injury not treatable by either medical or other professionals (despite the fact that many people live from the profits of lies through gradual illusion, without judicial interference), for which the author has no control over the mental development of any potential reader prior to the discovery or reading of the material for which this disclaimer applies, as evident by the necessity that speech is to be protected by law as determined by the founders of the United States of America, who, in the opinion of the author, wrote the legal framework, which was created by God, not slaves. j) Additional use of automated anonymous page use tracking computer scripts (web page programs) or advertisements may be licensed by www.google.com, for bandwidth verification, or determination of potential advertisement opportunities subject to all other terms described in this disclaimer. The author is not responsible for distributions of this work, which may be posted in public forums, and archived by www.google.com which may then create comments from people who hide their true identities by using false email credentials, who will then be violating terms of service regarding accessing computer systems by directly or indirectly accessing computer systems through hacking (hiding their requested email address or other forms of requested identification) which should not be archived for public display by www.google.com in order to fight acts of criminal behavior ranging from acts of nuisance, to lethal forms of terrorism, for which the author does not intend to encourage, and to remind it is a civic duty to all web masters to remove from public view such illegal postings by hackers, and ban their use. k) Advertisements that may appear are not necessarily endorsed by the author, either by admission, or by silence, nor are any electronic links that may transport the reader to other web pages, sites, or computers, and such links that may be provided for all or any of the following known or unknown purposes, but not limited to, informational, educational, and for the purpose of giving copy right credit referral information under the terms outlined in the conditions applied to the term "fair use" regarding conversations and print under US Copy Right Law, and for which the author assumes no liability for any particular use, fitness, or legality there of, any link, current, past, or future, which the reader should use at their sole risk, with no liability to the author, or any other party that may store, transmit, or otherwise facilitate use of the material for which this disclaimer applies. l) It is the opinion of the author that effective 1 December, 2009, the proposed regulations from the FTC violate the first and fifth amendments of the United States Constitution, by infringing through economic affliction the burden without compensation all financial details concerning the communications of both free enterprise and opinion, and other civil rights such as "punishment must be fair" and not at the "discretion" of public officials, or that advertisers are assumed to be guilty of deception when United States law provides that you are innocent before being proven guilty, and are in fact demonstrations that there are current members of Congress that neither understand the spirit of the law our founding fathers made for the United States of America, or understand how they work in the opinion of the author, as of October 10th, 2009, especially in light of anticipated, and hopefully defeated, legislative taxes relating to energy use and the burden of publishers and advertisers to comply with the law and manage the environment, and in light that there are various consumer protection agencies, including the Better Business Bureau, which has free consumer information which preclude the use and need for excessive government regulation that burdens business with obstacles it may sense that it can not overcome without inflicting harm on the business plan or survival ability of the business to provide advertised, goods and or services. m) Although the content provided meets or exceeds those new requirements to the knowledge of the author, and modifications to version 1.3 or 1.4 of this disclaimer is a result of the opinion of the author that “blogging” is another definition for a potentially infinite number or forms of electronic communication, as such the author will retroactively apply this version, 1.6 to all forms of previous communications, when and wherever possible, as time allows, in order to properly convey the intention of the author and to demonstrate an enthusiasm to comply with the law, and not enthusiastically pursue getting high on cocaine as often as possible as Barrack Hussein Obama has admitted in his book (paraphrase, synopsis), according to (mmm, mmm, mmm (sonic emphasis)) Rush Hudson Limbaugh, (mmm mmm mmm (sonic emphasis)). n) Use of this disclaimer for either personal or professional use is permitted with no restrictions. These restrictions or disclaimers do not prohibit the author from pursuing or communicating in a truthful manner, or guarantee that the audience will understand all things as intended, and, or result in being called incoherent, or even a Chicken Chaser! o) This disclaimer is meant to establish the intent of the author who may participate in message forums, or create other written or electronic forms of communication to comply with current law, and may be revoked without prior notice, due to circumstances beyond the author's control, changes in the law, or for any of the purposes, terms, or conditions that may be in effect or described by this disclaimer, or to changes in this disclaimer that the author may clarify in a revised version of this disclaimer. p) This disclaimer is attached to this message, and retroactively applies to all previous forms of communication by the author, and is done so because there is no recognized central suppository of a public disclaimer recognized by the Government of the United States to the author, and as such, the legal imperative of the author is to apply this disclaimer to all manner of correspondence as the author seems fit or prudent, so that no misunderstandings occur, or to comply with past, current or future revisions of the law, due to any of, but not limited to, any or all of the terms, partial terms, or combination of terms, of this disclaimer, which is derived from the freedom of speech, for it appears to the author that the zeal of lawmakers to take away free speech outweigh the providence of attaching this disclaimer to all correspondence for which this applies, and any inconvenience for which this presents, is the result of simply complying with the law, and not to inconvenience the reader. |
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If you are going to make abortion tax payer funded, then stop
collecting Social Security taxes, because obviously the money will not be there? Why stop there, after all, starvation is the natural selection process of evolution, why provide food stamps to the inferior gene pool? Isn't that the logic of Senator Reed, when he alluded to the Nazis, and his plan for eliminating freedom in the private sector through "competition"? Is that what he was talking about? Universal Legal Disclaimer for the Public Domain, Version 1.6, dated Nov 10th, 2009 (which supersedes all previous versions, to which this new version applies, which takes approximately 8 minutes to read) The writings, views, expressions expressed by this author to include all written and electronic forms of communication are subject to the following disclaimer and conditions: a) The views expressed by this website and the author to include all electronic forms of communication are not representative of advertisers, or other third parties that may store and or transmit the messages from this private computer, which you may observe at your own risk, with no liability to the authors, or any party related to transmitting, storing, or any other aspect of the material involved, including email correspondence, which is not necessary to the function of the website, and may or may not be archived due to other limitations incorporated into the licensed email software in use at the time such as automated spam or virus filters. No personal information exchanged will be shared without your consent, or provided to third parties with out the express permission of the parties and, or, individuals concerned. b) The author(s) of this content and those who may interact with it in various known or unknown electronic methods do not give permission to any third parties to share or provide private personal information who may operate as part of any type of electronic or written communications system, including all parties, who may technically intercept communications due to the nature of network conditions beyond both the author's legal and physical control, unless those communications represent violations of the law, upon which the author, and or web site will cooperate to pursue any legal remedies. c) The views expressed by the author or website may or may not contain factual information, due to the use of sarcasm or parody. The views may or may not be complete, either by design, to pre-empt being called a liar even if telling the truth, or by error due to typographical, grammar, or other technical communication problems not realized or imagined, or the possibility of views based on false or missing information, or with the intention of being used for entertainment purposes only, and not as a definitive judgment on the actions, character, or reputation of an organization, individual, or groups of individuals, with the intent of communicating with a limited group of people, and not the general public, however no distribution restrictions apply for fair use purposes described by the US Copyright Office, if no other restrictions are present or communicated, with all commercial proceeds associated with the distribution of the content to remain the sole possession of the original author. d) Any reference to copyrighted material is done in the spirit of fair use, to illustrate the context of a discussion regarding public events for reference purposes that adds to the conversation, for which that discussion constitutes a new and separate piece of intellectual property, for which the referenced copyrighted material can not convey by itself, and that the author reserves the right to retain any profits from the newly created intellectual property. This term also serves to promote the referenced copyrighted material, without necessarily endorsing the material for any particular fitness, use, or purpose, for which the purpose of fair use referral law was created for, through inclusion of a partial, but not whole, body of works that the copyright fair use reference applies, for which the intent of all terms of this disclaimer apply to that reference of a copyrighted work. e) Any humor if used, is not intended to offend people, and may be designed to apply the principals of peer pressure through reverse examination to accomplish the communication of principals or ideas that consist of traditional or proposed social values that are proven to advance the common good, and are not meant to discredit, disparage or demean any person or entities in any professional or personal manner, by attempting to share through the eyes or opinion of the author, for which it is expected that you read at your own risk, with no liability held to the author or any third parties who may store, transfer, or forward this message to others, in the traditions of free speech, fair use, and to play a positive role in a society that believes that graphically depicting male homosexuals having sex, and other unusual sex acts is considered free speech or that the use of abortion to limit Negroes, Latinos, and other races from "spreading the wealth around" as a "matter of privacy" (which the author does not condone). f) The use of humor is a known ingredient in providing teachable moments, and to validate and even demonstrate artistic expressions that are not shared by others, as demonstrated by many valuable scientific observations that were scoffed at in the past, yet proven to be quite valid decades later, upon which the humor used in all electronic communications by the author are based, in the principals and traditions of free speech and pursuit of happiness, and may not be a representation of others, including God. g) It is the opinion of the author that you respect people when you consider their views, by reflecting their thoughts or actions against your own, which may include use of language that conveys an emotional depth that is to be imagined, but not enacted through use of language that accurately, or inaccurately describes the situation, circumstance, or idea, which does not imply that any action occur other than the consideration of the thought, for which beyond the author has no control, or liability for the action of the reader as presented in all terms of this disclaimer, and may simply be the venting of emotions with the intent of no consequence by the author to an audience the author assumes will understand the message and intent, and wishes to hear those views. h) Since all intellectual property, discussions and other communications this disclaimer applies to, either in written, or electronic form, subscribe to the terms described in paragraph (e) and (g) of this disclaimer, under no circumstances are any communications meant to violate the terms of any electronic harassment laws which include the word “harm”, for which the author understands to be limited to the definition of physical harm (not self inflicted mental harm) that requires immediate medical attention based solely or in part by the communications of the author, regardless of whether the author chooses to remain anonymous or not. i) It is the intention and opinion of the author that History is full of individuals that are not harmed by criticism, and in fact such criticism can motivate and inspire them to prove their critics wrong. Based on this historical evidence, any alleged mental harm amounts to self inflicted injury not treatable by either medical or other professionals (despite the fact that many people live from the profits of lies through gradual illusion, without judicial interference), for which the author has no control over the mental development of any potential reader prior to the discovery or reading of the material for which this disclaimer applies, as evident by the necessity that speech is to be protected by law as determined by the founders of the United States of America, who, in the opinion of the author, wrote the legal framework, which was created by God, not slaves. j) Additional use of automated anonymous page use tracking computer scripts (web page programs) or advertisements may be licensed by www.google.com, for bandwidth verification, or determination of potential advertisement opportunities subject to all other terms described in this disclaimer. The author is not responsible for distributions of this work, which may be posted in public forums, and archived by www.google.com which may then create comments from people who hide their true identities by using false email credentials, who will then be violating terms of service regarding accessing computer systems by directly or indirectly accessing computer systems through hacking (hiding their requested email address or other forms of requested identification) which should not be archived for public display by www.google.com in order to fight acts of criminal behavior ranging from acts of nuisance, to lethal forms of terrorism, for which the author does not intend to encourage, and to remind it is a civic duty to all web masters to remove from public view such illegal postings by hackers, and ban their use. k) Advertisements that may appear are not necessarily endorsed by the author, either by admission, or by silence, nor are any electronic links that may transport the reader to other web pages, sites, or computers, and such links that may be provided for all or any of the following known or unknown purposes, but not limited to, informational, educational, and for the purpose of giving copy right credit referral information under the terms outlined in the conditions applied to the term "fair use" regarding conversations and print under US Copy Right Law, and for which the author assumes no liability for any particular use, fitness, or legality there of, any link, current, past, or future, which the reader should use at their sole risk, with no liability to the author, or any other party that may store, transmit, or otherwise facilitate use of the material for which this disclaimer applies. l) It is the opinion of the author that effective 1 December, 2009, the proposed regulations from the FTC violate the first and fifth amendments of the United States Constitution, by infringing through economic affliction the burden without compensation all financial details concerning the communications of both free enterprise and opinion, and other civil rights such as "punishment must be fair" and not at the "discretion" of public officials, or that advertisers are assumed to be guilty of deception when United States law provides that you are innocent before being proven guilty, and are in fact demonstrations that there are current members of Congress that neither understand the spirit of the law our founding fathers made for the United States of America, or understand how they work in the opinion of the author, as of October 10th, 2009, especially in light of anticipated, and hopefully defeated, legislative taxes relating to energy use and the burden of publishers and advertisers to comply with the law and manage the environment, and in light that there are various consumer protection agencies, including the Better Business Bureau, which has free consumer information which preclude the use and need for excessive government regulation that burdens business with obstacles it may sense that it can not overcome without inflicting harm on the business plan or survival ability of the business to provide advertised, goods and or services. m) Although the content provided meets or exceeds those new requirements to the knowledge of the author, and modifications to version 1.3 or 1.4 of this disclaimer is a result of the opinion of the author that “blogging” is another definition for a potentially infinite number or forms of electronic communication, as such the author will retroactively apply this version, 1.6 to all forms of previous communications, when and wherever possible, as time allows, in order to properly convey the intention of the author and to demonstrate an enthusiasm to comply with the law, and not enthusiastically pursue getting high on cocaine as often as possible as Barrack Hussein Obama has admitted in his book (paraphrase, synopsis), according to (mmm, mmm, mmm (sonic emphasis)) Rush Hudson Limbaugh, (mmm mmm mmm (sonic emphasis)). n) Use of this disclaimer for either personal or professional use is permitted with no restrictions. These restrictions or disclaimers do not prohibit the author from pursuing or communicating in a truthful manner, or guarantee that the audience will understand all things as intended, and, or result in being called incoherent, or even a Chicken Chaser! o) This disclaimer is meant to establish the intent of the author who may participate in message forums, or create other written or electronic forms of communication to comply with current law, and may be revoked without prior notice, due to circumstances beyond the author's control, changes in the law, or for any of the purposes, terms, or conditions that may be in effect or described by this disclaimer, or to changes in this disclaimer that the author may clarify in a revised version of this disclaimer. p) This disclaimer is attached to this message, and retroactively applies to all previous forms of communication by the author, and is done so because there is no recognized central suppository of a public disclaimer recognized by the Government of the United States to the author, and as such, the legal imperative of the author is to apply this disclaimer to all manner of correspondence as the author seems fit or prudent, so that no misunderstandings occur, or to comply with past, current or future revisions of the law, due to any of, but not limited to, any or all of the terms, partial terms, or combination of terms, of this disclaimer, which is derived from the freedom of speech, for it appears to the author that the zeal of lawmakers to take away free speech outweigh the providence of attaching this disclaimer to all correspondence for which this applies, and any inconvenience for which this presents, is the result of simply complying with the law, and not to inconvenience the reader. |
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On Dec 9, 4:36*am, Editor RadioTalkingPoints
wrote: It is not up to tax payers to offer "choice" to women when they fail to live up to their own personal responsibilities as citizens, this is not negotiable. *Those politicians who advocate such policies reflect great dishonor on their positions of public office and the United States of America. Just like using "Tarp" money for new spending packages to create "jobs" is also dishonorable spending. *The problem is not that banks or businesses do not have the money, it is that we don't know how we are going to spend it. *If I don't know what the health care and energy policies are going to cost me, and it is all too apparent that US politicians are more interested in election rather than business cycles, I have no incentive to create jobs or a business. But according to you it was a moral imperative to randomly invade some country and kill thousands of our troops. It was a moral imperative to spending trillions on new weapons systems that don't work. It was a moral imperative to keep the defense industry humming no matter what. So you oppose not spending money and getting a working health care system. You supported spending billions in failed wars. Does that make any sense? |
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![]() "Kevin Cunningham" wrote in message ... On Dec 9, 4:36 am, Editor RadioTalkingPoints wrote: It is not up to tax payers to offer "choice" to women when they fail to live up to their own personal responsibilities as citizens, this is not negotiable. Those politicians who advocate such policies reflect great dishonor on their positions of public office and the United States of America. Just like using "Tarp" money for new spending packages to create "jobs" is also dishonorable spending. The problem is not that banks or businesses do not have the money, it is that we don't know how we are going to spend it. If I don't know what the health care and energy policies are going to cost me, and it is all too apparent that US politicians are more interested in election rather than business cycles, I have no incentive to create jobs or a business. But according to you it was a moral imperative to randomly invade some country and kill thousands of our troops. It was a moral imperative to spending trillions on new weapons systems that don't work. It was a moral imperative to keep the defense industry humming no matter what. So you oppose not spending money and getting a working health care system. You supported spending billions in failed wars. Does that make any sense? ========== Yes. In Bizarroland. |
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B.O. just SPENT a TRILLION DOLLARS of American TAX PAYERS Moneywithout killing | Shortwave | |||
Thank you tax payers! | Shortwave | |||
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OT Deep Philosophical Thoughts on Abortion | Shortwave |