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On Jun 1, 10:23*pm, Gregg wrote:
Joe, are you trying to say we are all one in the same? We're not, err let me clarify that a little more. My name is Gregg, that is the only screen name I post under. No, Gregg is not saying you are the same people. He's simply saying, as you have admitted, that they came here at your invitation to do your bidding. I learned a lesson from the "real pro troublemakers" on that see...lol. I mean heaven forbid someone have a google account and use a different monicker THAT HAS TO DO WITH THE GROUP THEY ARE IN. That is what I did. The two troublemakers made a big deal about it. If I wanted to "trick" for lack of a better word or create sock puppets like both of them do - though they vehemently deny it. No proof. I have the courage to use my real name. If I was going to use anonymous screennames, I would, and avoid your threats to bother my employers. Why would I use google?? This topic is so simple a fourth grader can understand it but apparently those were the two that thought "ohhhhh- we caught Gregg - Ohhhhhh - he's busted."rolling my eyes If you post from google like I do, you can have thirty different monickers for thirty different groups and if a person googles just one of those monickers - it will show ALL OF THEM. So why would someone do that, already knowing that before hand? I could use one of numerous free anonymous usenet providers if I wanted to be all "cloak and dagger?" To believe what you are suggesting we would have to ignore that you posted under all the names in this newsgroup, actually having conversations with yourself. Also, why did you become so vociferous and threatening when I exposed that all of you were the same person? You claimed it was wrong to expose screennames. I really think that you failed to realize that all of the screennames showed in your google posting history. Why did you fail to stop bringing me up every few days when I left like you promised you would? The simple fact is that you are no more morally righteous than anyone else in here. You don't have the guts or the intelligence to defend yourself, so you resorted to bringing the locust from rec.knives to protect you. But don't pretend that you haven't lied or done your own share of hard work to destroy the atmosphere of this NG. I'm still willing to meet you face-to-face. I live exactly 104 miles from your front door. You've said in the past, that you're in Louisville several days a week. You've even threatened to meet me in a field with your favorite weapon strapped to your back. Big words from a guy that runs to his friends for protection. You know where I work. Are you a man or not? I'm tired of your cowardly sniveling. Put up or shut up. Your choice. Mike |
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On Jun 1, 5:52*pm, bpnjensen wrote:
I never said I agreed with anyone picking on you, but as usual, you insist on injecting things I neither said nor meant. *Just like before. Bruce, the majority in here knows what is going on, I know I do. Anyone whoever posted in RRS knows of Bryant's history. It's the same M.O. - start off posting on topic stuff and then little by little get to the real business at hand. Peter made a great post on it before, it couldn't have been said better. You are wasting your time, him and Krypsie will literally twist and turn every word you have have said. They then come to this group and others and throw up their hands and say "I didn't do nothing, I am the victim." It actually IMO is fascinating to watch but also - pathetic. There are two words for it psycologically speaking, but they would be lost in that verbage. For a guy who impl;ies that he ignores RRS, you were quick to jump on this one. Ha! That dude doesn't ignore or forget ANYTHING unless forgetting something or "not being aware" or "I was mistaken if" etc etc. benefits him. Then he can't remember anything. There are other terms for that also other than selective memory, that's just the easy phrase most people use. Still, could you please post what I cussed you out about, as you claimed? I agree with your politics and I've never cussed out a radio post, as most of yours are. What would be my incentive to cuss you out, Bruce? It's easy to make claims that you can't back up. - Show quoted text - Perhaps cussed out was the wrong choice of words - but you and definitely had differences, YEARS AGO, about what was happening at the time. Rut Row Bruce, you admitted you may have made a mistake - these guys NEVER do. They are experts in this field. Sorry you feel so browbeaten here. *It's a nasty place sometimes. Bruce, you said nothing to be sorry about. He browbeat many others in here. He would attack them personally or harrass them till they left. I saw it for yearssssss. And here is the scary part with fellas like him and Krypsie, they physically slow down and because of that it makes them even meaner, life is passing them by and unless something tragic happens - you and I and others have longer on this planet than they do and they can't stand it. - Show quoted text - |
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On Jun 1, 10:52*pm, Gregg wrote:
And here is the scary part with fellas like him and Krypsie, they physically slow down and because of that it makes them even meaner, life is passing them by and unless something tragic happens - you and I and others have longer on this planet than they do and they can't stand it. Lies, lies, and more lies. unlike many of Gregg's heroes in here, I'm still working, still winning awards, and living life to it's fullness. Gregg travels from group-tp-group inviting the locust to to do destruction. Keeep sharpening your knives, Gregg. That way you can imagine how big and toiugh you are. Why don't you you go out and get another big DX catch like WRNO! Are you man enough to meet me face-to-face? As slow physically as you seem to think I am I couldn't possibly be a threat, right? Coward. |
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Oil leads to first closure of Mississippi waters.
http://www.clarionledger.com The Territory of Mississippi. Huge fire and auto wreaks in Jackson.That is four miles East behind doggy's couch. Doggy, you wants to go see that fire? ///Hell NO!/// cuhulin |
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On Jun 1, 5:59*pm, bpnjensen wrote:
See that first word, "Duh"? *That kind of arrogance is one reason why I probably had a problem with you. *Arrogance sucks whether you're a liberal or a conservative. EXACTLY and the "Duh" by him was being kind because he and Krypsie are trying to "lay the trip" on you and recruit you so too speak....lol...it is soooo easy to see watching from the outside and knowing the history of these two. Bruce, this guy (MB) "used to be my buddy" ;-) He would email me all the time and talk about everyone behind their backs when I was new in here. I wondered why he was emailing me of all people and asked him to stop. I asked politely, but it kept happening and I would ask again and finally I had to block him. Then his tone changed towards me and he didn't let up. He made fun of my religion / he made fun of my God / ANYTHING he could take a jab at - he did. I took and took it and finally I told my self that I had enough of it and it wasn't going to happen again. I literally BEGGED him to leave me alone, just don't respond to me in anyway and we'll be fine. It would last no longer than two weeks and then he'd take his jab again. These guys are "mental" and that is really being kind but they are both vicious also. I have read their posts in this thread and because I won't respond to them specifically they feel they will just make up lies to try an lure me into their game and it ain't gonna happen. - Show quoted text - |
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On Jun 1, 6:05*pm, bpnjensen wrote:
All I can thibnk of is, that e-mail that I apparently sent two days ago, was likely mis-sent. *I probably hit the "mail to sender" button instead of the "post to group" button. *If so, I apologize for my error. *It makes no diff to me if it's posted publicly. As far as my memory goes, I don't clutter it up with rehashed gunk from a year ago. *Life is too short, and I'm already 50 ;-) But they do. It's funny, like I said before if I were the big troublemaker like MB and Krypsie would have you believe, would there not be a pattern? Why don't I have a problem in the Reds group? In the UFC group? In the survival group? Or the other six groups? And that's not counting the other four groups that aren't on usenet that are either loosely moderated or not moderated at all, one guy got booted off seven months ago but that was after close to a year of what MB and Krypsie do on usenet EVERY DAY. I don't have a problem in here either, everything was dandy- MB took his act out of here and then along came Krypsie and now MB is backshaking my head and rolling my eyes. :-D Gotta love usenet. As far as this "more than meets the eye" stuff goes - get a life, for God's sake. *Aren't there enough conspiracy theories on the Right? Also, try to be specific. *I am *not* defending activities in which Gregg participated that caused others grief. *I am defending his right to post on-topic and innocuous radio-related posts, which is what I have witnessed recently. *YMMV, but that's true for everyone anyway. This IS what I am guilty of, I went over to rec knives to ask questions about knives and because I didn't believe Kramer/Krypsies crap - Krypsie followed ME over to RRS to sniff around and see what this Gregg was all about....lol. He saw the battle with MB and said "thank you lord this is my inroad" they started deeply tongue kissing each other and Krypsie won't leave here and if I post in another group he will bring it here. That is the short version and you have called him on it before and that is why I asked you Bruce to not even engage him because that is EXACTLY what he wanted. And here we are today. sigh 'Nuff said. *RADIO. Bruce- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - |
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On Jun 1, 11:15*pm, Gregg wrote:
Bruce, this guy (MB) "used to be my buddy" ;-) He would email me all the time and talk about everyone behind their backs when I was new in here. I wondered why he was emailing me of all people and asked him to stop. I asked politely, but it kept happening and I would ask again and finally I had to block him. Then his tone changed towards me and he didn't let up. He made fun of my religion / he made fun of my God / ANYTHING he could take a jab at - he did. I took and took it and finally I told my self that I had enough of it and it wasn't going to happen again. I literally BEGGED him to leave me alone, just don't respond to me in anyway and we'll be fine. It would last no longer than two weeks and then he'd take his jab again. These guys are "mental" and that is really being kind but they are both vicious also. Damn, you are mental. I never sent you any backchannels. I did make fun of your posts claiming that that Revelations clearly proclaims that Russia will re-form the Soviet Union and that was the "Magog" spoke of in Revelations. That's not making fun of Christianity. That was making fun of your attempts to re-interpret the Bible to support your own twisted right-wing politics. I begged you p[ublicly to leave me alone and just let me post logs. You claimed that was just a conspiracy on my part to twist people against you. You admitted bringing in your foreign goons to take care of me. July and August of 2009. Anyone can check the archives for themselves. Do you want me to post the URLs proving your lies, once again? The last time I did that you had your friends invade the group until even Steve Lare lashed out at their nonsense. The you asked them to leave. A liar and a coward. Fairly pathetic. |
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On Jun 1, 10:48*pm, Mike wrote:
On Jun 1, 10:23*pm, Gregg wrote: Joe, are you trying to say we are all one in the same? We're not, err let me clarify that a little more. My name is Gregg, that is the only screen name I post under. No, Gregg is not saying you are the same people. He's simply saying, as you have admitted, that they came here at your invitation to do your bidding. I learned a lesson from the "real pro troublemakers" on that see...lol. I mean heaven forbid someone have a google account and use a different monicker THAT HAS TO DO WITH THE GROUP THEY ARE IN. That is what I did. The two troublemakers made a big deal about it. If I wanted to "trick" for lack of a better word or create sock puppets like both of them do - though they vehemently deny it. No proof. I have the courage to use my real name. If I was going to use anonymous screennames, I would, and avoid your threats to bother my employers. *Why would I use google?? This topic is so simple a fourth grader can understand it but apparently those were the two that thought "ohhhhh- we caught Gregg - Ohhhhhh - he's busted."rolling my eyes If you post from google like I do, you can have thirty different monickers for thirty different groups and if a person googles just one of those monickers - it will show ALL OF THEM. So why would someone do that, already knowing that before hand? I could use one of numerous free anonymous usenet providers if I wanted to be all "cloak and dagger?" To believe what you are suggesting we would have to ignore that you posted under all the names in this newsgroup, actually having conversations with yourself. Also, why did you become so vociferous and threatening when I exposed that all of you were the same person? You claimed it was wrong to expose screennames. I really think that you failed to realize that all of the screennames showed in your google posting history. Why did you fail to stop bringing me up every few days when I left like you promised you would? The simple fact is that you are no more morally righteous than anyone else in here. You don't have the guts or the intelligence to defend yourself, so you resorted to bringing the locust from rec.knives to protect you. But don't pretend that you haven't lied or done your own share of hard work to destroy the atmosphere of this NG. I'm still willing to meet you face-to-face. I live exactly 104 miles from your front door. You've said in the past, that you're in Louisville several days a week. You've even threatened to meet me in a field with your favorite weapon strapped to your back. Big words from a guy that runs to his friends for protection. You know where I work. Are you a man or not? I'm tired of your cowardly sniveling. Put up or shut up. Your choice. OK, I'll play this once with you. You DO KNOW you have serious mental problems don't you? You need to be honest with your health care provider and have him send you somewhere where you can get the help you need Michael and I'm being serious because your physician prescribing you anti depressants apparently isn't working......you need "real help" - where they have a couch and you can lay down and get to the core issues as too why you are the way you are. Why would I need a weapon with you? Are you trying to scare me, I'll play the reverse bullcrap you do OK and then tell me how it feels. Are you threatening me Michael? I KNOW FOR A FACT you were driving by my house three days ago. I'll quit....lol...I can't even do it - you're not worth it. It kills you that this group was going smooth because YOU left with your tail between your legs and everyone in here knows it. As of April 28th I have no need to go to Louisville. You are more than welcome though to come to Cincinnati, are you going to beat me up Michael? Is this how you're going to play it now? All the sudden the machismo is dripping through your every pore and you're going to give ole' Gregg the lickin' he (in your baked mind) deserves? LOLOLOL - Oh quit it Michael, just quit it....you are embarrasing yourself. You would have a bowel movement if you met me and tried to get all hard with me.rolling my eyes Keep it right here where I am safe from the thumping you would dish out. Now put up or shut up...lol....you're killing me MB - you haven't changed a bit but this group sure did till you and your partner in crime had to rile things up. I can hear you two now (hands raised in the air) "What? We didn't do anything." You guys are sick and I don't need the moral highground to say that either. |
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On Jun 1, 11:59*pm, Krypsis wrote:
On 2/06/2010 1:34 PM, Gregg wrote: On Jun 1, 6:05 pm, *wrote: All I can thibnk of is, that e-mail that I apparently sent two days ago, was likely mis-sent. *I probably hit the "mail to sender" button instead of the "post to group" button. *If so, I apologize for my error. *It makes no diff to me if it's posted publicly. As far as my memory goes, I don't clutter it up with rehashed gunk from a year ago. *Life is too short, and I'm already 50 ;-) But they do. It's funny, like I said before if I were the big troublemaker like MB and Krypsie would have you believe, would there not be a pattern? Why don't I have a problem in the Reds group? In the UFC group? In the survival group? Or the other six groups? And that's not counting the other four groups that aren't on usenet that are That's because not even a dog craps in its own bed. Even then, you slipped up and were stupid enough to crap in RRS so that makes you somewhat less intelligent than a dog. either loosely moderated or not moderated at all, one guy got booted off seven months ago but that was after close to a year of what MB and Krypsie do on usenet EVERY DAY. I don't have a problem in here either, everything was dandy- MB took his act out of here and then along came Krypsie and now MB is backshaking my head and rolling my eyes. :-D Gotta love usenet. As far as this "more than meets the eye" stuff goes - get a life, for God's sake. *Aren't there enough conspiracy theories on the Right? Also, try to be specific. *I am *not* defending activities in which Gregg participated that caused others grief. *I am defending his right to post on-topic and innocuous radio-related posts, which is what I have witnessed recently. *YMMV, but that's true for everyone anyway. This IS what I am guilty of, I went over to rec knives to ask questions about knives and because I didn't believe Kramer/Krypsies What "Krypsies crap" are you speaking of? You came to rec.knives LONG AFTER Kramer left the scene. I didn't have a problem with you UNTIL YOU started stirring up the trolls. YOU had a large hand in the final destruction of rec.knives! crap - Krypsie followed ME over to RRS to sniff around and see what I was reading RRS all along, just not posting much. Didn't have the time to post except in soc.culture.vietnam where, in fact, I still post a lot. this Gregg was all about....lol. He saw the battle with MB and said "thank you lord this is my inroad" they started deeply tongue kissing Saw the battles and, for the most part, avoided them. each other and Krypsie won't leave here and if I post in another group he will bring it here. That is the short version and you have called Only if you continue to conduct your trolling activities in other groups to which I am subscribed. him on it before and that is why I asked you Bruce to not even engage him because that is EXACTLY what he wanted. And here we are today. sigh We are here today because (a) you brought the trolls to RRS and (b) Bruce is defending the indefensible! No more, no less! Krypsis- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - I am waiting on my post where I said that Kramer was gone before I started posting in rec knives. I will only answer to you when you can provide that post. Now go back to your corner. Lord, you're like a virus. |
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Old country boy from Edwards,Mississippi will be porch sittin on his
porch and holding a hand mirror and picking at his ugly face.Old underwear shorts I was using to wipe up paint spills and crud, I am going to hang my old shorts on a line where he can't help but be looking at them.Those old shorts look like I crapped in them. cuhulin |
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