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  #1   Report Post  
Old June 1st 10, 03:08 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 230
Default To Bruce, was Anyone doing anything new, or is this truly asunk ship?

If anyone needed proof positive that Gregg is an utter idiot, then this
post from rec.knives by one of the trolls that infests the group should
confirm it beyond doubt! Given that Gregg invited the trolls over to RRS
to take care of Mike Bryant and Bill Baka, I'd judge him to be the
lowest and most cowardly of all posters on usenet.

On 1/06/2010 1:24 PM, nurk_fred2000 wrote:
On May 31, 2:03 am, wrote:
The subject says it all.

***Actually Chuckles, if you need a Distinguished Troll update we can
provide one for you real time right now...

1) Got a real ball buster going on over at Krapto
the Klown is taking the BushCraft_Greg to task for inviting us Trolls
over last year...Had to do with the fake Ph.Dufus Mike Bryant so we
took BushCraft up on the invitation and crashed the radio
parte`...Krypto is really bent out of shape about the entire affair
that took place last year and is continuing to cry foul in his OZ Govt
issued tea cup...

2) I'm sure you've read that Krypto the Kid is an Honourary Member of
the Gurindji Tribe down there in them there parts of the Aussie
OutBack...We asked if he could post some tastey Abo receipes over on if he brought back any...Nothin' like a good wallaby
cooked over an open flame, eh mate :-)

3) Still haven't heard from the Kraven as yet but like a case of bad
breath or body ordor you just know he's there, lurking around no doub
in a long rain coat with his pants down around his ankles and a
snapper around his neck...

4) Smokin Billy is rearing his ugly head again over at and we've posted a nice tribute to him regarding
tree climbing..."Dancing with Trees"...As we all know he likes to
teach his underaged adopted nieces (and their gf's) how to scale the
mighty Oaks but common sense is always the better part of valour (so
hopefully he'll read it) and avoid getting anyone seriously
injured...I highlighted the part about "playing grab-ass" while you're
30ft off the ground so maybe he'll get the hint...Oh by the by, the
DTS is still unsure if the eldest (just turned 19) still has "the
hots" for the old goat...

5) We did finally vote the BushCraft_Greg into the Distinguished Troll
Society (DTS) this past January 8th when we threw the Bash for the
Chaing Mai Snapper...So sorry you couldn't make the festivities but
we'll look forward to seeing you next year...I know the Kraven will be
soooo thrilled if you RSVP :-)

So to answer your queerie, Rec dot Knives is in very capable hands.
We've pretty much got it handled from this end :-)

Aint that the truth! The trolls pretty much owns rec.knives since no one
but they post there any more. Soc.culture.thai is also pretty much a
wasteland these days. Of course, the trolls are now getting bored with a
newsgroup with no posters so they are on the prowl for fresh newsgroups
to infest! Now, thanks to Gregg's kind and timely invitation, the
trolls are going to play merry hell on RRS.

Bruce, you seem to think the trolls are easily ignored, if the private
email you sent me is any guide! You might find this set of trolls to be
much more disruptive than any that have been on RRS to date! At least
the RRS group can call these trolls their own as a RRS subscriber is now
a member of their little society. I'll bet Gregg's real proud of himself
for that achievement!

Bruce, if you haven't got the balls to post a response to me publicly,
then don't post at all. I post publicly and expect all replies to my
posts to be public as well. I have since set your address to be filtered
at my email inbox so don't bother sending any more mail my way. In fact,
if you're so good at ignoring any ruckus going on in RRS, why don't you
ignore MY posts! Better yet, killfile my posts! I promise I won't get
all "bent out of shape" about it if you do! I still find it odd that you
get upset at MY posts yet seem quite able to ignore the ruckus going on
around Mike Bryant and Bill Baka. Must be something in the water you
drink, I guess!

BTW, the trolls weren't able to disrupt goings on over at as the women in that group gave the DTS merry hell. I
guess the women there have the balls you lack as they don't take any
crap from a few slimy trolls.


  #2   Report Post  
Old June 1st 10, 05:27 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 2,027
Default To Bruce, was Anyone doing anything new, or is this truly asunk ship?

On Jun 1, 6:08*am, Krypsis wrote:
If anyone needed proof positive that Gregg is an utter idiot, then this
post from rec.knives by one of the trolls that infests the group should
confirm it beyond doubt! Given that Gregg invited the trolls over to RRS
to take care of Mike Bryant and Bill Baka, I'd judge him to be the
lowest and most cowardly of all posters on usenet.

On 1/06/2010 1:24 PM, nurk_fred2000 wrote:

On May 31, 2:03 am, *wrote:
The subject says it all.

***Actually Chuckles, if you need a Distinguished Troll update we can
provide one for you real time right now...

1) Got a real ball buster going on over at Krapto
the Klown is taking the BushCraft_Greg to task for inviting us Trolls
over *last year...Had to do with the fake Ph.Dufus Mike Bryant so we
took BushCraft up on the invitation and crashed the radio
parte`...Krypto is really bent out of shape about the entire affair
that took place last year and is continuing to cry foul in his OZ Govt
issued tea cup...

2) I'm sure you've read that Krypto the Kid is an Honourary Member of
the Gurindji Tribe down there in them there parts of the Aussie
OutBack...We asked if he could post some tastey Abo receipes over on if he brought back any...Nothin' like a good wallaby
cooked over an open flame, eh mate :-)

3) Still haven't heard from the Kraven as yet but like a case of bad
breath or body ordor you just know he's there, lurking around no doub
in a long rain coat with his pants down around his ankles and a
snapper around his neck...

4) Smokin Billy is rearing his ugly head again over at and we've posted a nice tribute to him regarding
tree climbing..."Dancing with Trees"...As we all know he likes to
teach his underaged adopted nieces (and their gf's) how to scale the
mighty Oaks but common sense is always the better part of valour (so
hopefully he'll read it) and avoid getting anyone seriously
injured...I highlighted the part about "playing grab-ass" while you're
30ft off the ground so maybe he'll get the hint...Oh by the by, the
DTS is still unsure if the eldest (just turned 19) still has "the
hots" for the old goat...

5) We did finally vote the BushCraft_Greg into the Distinguished Troll
Society (DTS) this past January 8th when we threw the Bash for the
Chaing Mai Snapper...So sorry you couldn't make the festivities but
we'll look forward to seeing you next year...I know the Kraven will be
soooo thrilled if you RSVP :-)

So to answer your queerie, Rec dot Knives is in very capable hands.
We've pretty much got it handled from this end :-)

Aint that the truth! The trolls pretty much owns rec.knives since no one
but they post there any more. Soc.culture.thai is also pretty much a
wasteland these days. Of course, the trolls are now getting bored with a
newsgroup with no posters so they are on the prowl for fresh newsgroups
to infest! Now, thanks to Gregg's kind and timely invitation, the
trolls are going to play merry hell on RRS.

Bruce, you seem to think the trolls are easily ignored, if the private
email you sent me is any guide! You might find this set of trolls to be
much more disruptive than any that have been on RRS to date! At least
the RRS group can call these trolls their own as a RRS subscriber is now
a member of their little society. I'll bet Gregg's real proud of himself
for that achievement!

Bruce, if you haven't got the balls to post a response to me publicly,
then don't post at all. I post publicly and expect all replies to my
posts to be public as well. I have since set your address to be filtered
at my email inbox so don't bother sending any more mail my way. In fact,
if you're so good at ignoring any ruckus going on in RRS, why don't you
ignore MY posts! Better yet, killfile my posts! I promise I won't get
all "bent out of shape" about it if you do! I still find it odd that you
get upset at MY posts yet seem quite able to ignore the ruckus going on
around Mike Bryant and Bill Baka. Must be something in the water you
drink, I guess!

BTW, the trolls weren't able to disrupt goings on over at as the women in that group gave the DTS merry hell. I
guess the women there have the balls you lack as they don't take any
crap from a few slimy trolls.


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Did I send you a private e-mail? I have only sent a tiny handful
lateful lately, and I do not recall any to you in particular.

Secondly, your premise is just kooky. First off, this is not a matter
of courage or "balls" on my part as you put it - it is whether or not
Gregg is disruptive. In short, he isn't, not on this group. Neither
are his friends. He has done NOTHING I have seen here to suggest he
is - he has been talking SWL, in the most friendly way, and if that is
NOT what he supposed to do, then WHAT? So far, you are the most
obnoxious of the bunch, and even that's mild. I don't give a flying
F&^% what they do on rec.knives. As far as this place goes, I can
ignore anything or pay attention anything I wish effortlessly - and I
am less computer-literate than most people. How hard can be for
anyone else?

If you have a personality conflict with Gregg, that's your business.
Don't expect the rest of us to be sociopaths along with you.

  #3   Report Post  
Old June 1st 10, 06:28 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 2,027
Default To Bruce, was Anyone doing anything new, or is this truly asunk ship?

On Jun 1, 8:51*am, Krypsis wrote:

Did I send you a private e-mail?

Yes indeed you did! It was sent on May 29th to be a little more precise.

Please show it to me - if so, it went to you by mistake - how I
respond has NOTHING to do with whether I have enough "balls" or
anything else. That is just stupid - this is a newsgroup, not a

Secondly, your premise is just kooky. *First off, this is not a matter
of courage or "balls" on my part as you put it - it is whether or not

So why not post it to the group?

Post WHAT? Show it to me!

Gregg is disruptive. *In short, he isn't, not on this group. *Neither
are his friends. *He has done NOTHING I have seen here to suggest he

You're defending the indefensible and THAT is kooky! You really do need
to get out more!

What? Posting about shortwave on RRS is indefensible? You must be
the greatest ASSHOLE on the planet!

Well, when they start doing it here on RRS, you may sing a different
tune. With a little luck, and a bit of begging by Gregg, the trolls may
hold off from infesting this group. After all, he did say they followed
his orders.

WTF cares?

Have a look over on rec.knives and see how "effortless" it was for
posters there! They totally abandoned the group and, it would seem,
moved to moderated forums. The trolls now want to move in here and do


If you have a personality conflict with Gregg, that's your business.

I don't have a "personality conflict" with Gregg. I just think he's an
idiot is all!

I don't care how smart or dumb a person is. If he talks shortwave -
which *you* apparently can and will not - they're OK by me.

I wouldn't expect much of anything from a wimp like you to be honest!

Nyaah Nyahh Nyaah.

YOU are an Asshole and a TROLL. You're just trying to pick a fight.
Get lost.

  #4   Report Post  
Old June 1st 10, 06:29 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 2,027
Default To Bruce, was Anyone doing anything new, or is this truly asunk ship?

On Jun 1, 8:53*am, Krypsis wrote:
On 2/06/2010 1:32 AM, bpnjensen wrote:

On Jun 1, 6:08 am, *wrote:
If anyone needed proof positive that Gregg is an utter idiot, then this
post from rec.knives by one of the trolls that infests the group should
confirm it beyond doubt! Given that Gregg invited the trolls over to RRS
to take care of Mike Bryant and Bill Baka, I'd judge him to be the
lowest and most cowardly of all posters on usenet.

In fact, as to your title of your post - RRS has seen more SWL-related
posts in the last few months than I can remember from in years.
Sinking ship? *Looks like a pretty sound craft to me.

What have YOU posted about shortwave lately?

The sunk ship referred to was the rec.knives newsgroup. may well be the next sunk ship if Gregg has his way.


Apparently we're tougher than you knife-wielding crybabies, then,
'cause we'll make it through just fine.
  #5   Report Post  
Old June 1st 10, 07:28 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: May 2009
Posts: 952
Default To Bruce, was Anyone doing anything new, or is this trulya sunk ship?

On 6/1/2010 11:27 AM, bpnjensen wrote: is whether or not Gregg is disruptive. In short, he isn't,
not [disruptive] on this group.

Bruce, may I respectfully suggest that you are splitting hairs.

Gregg may (or may not) be directly disruptive, but on an INDIRECT basis,
he certainly HAS been disruptive. By his OWN ADMISSION (several times),
he has said that he willfully brought over the thugs from other
groups to cause trouble in RRS.

....and even though the Bryant party is long over, the stench of the
'visiting' trolls -still- lingers on.

The bottom line seems to be that you are saying if Gregg doesn't do the
dirty work himself, that's OK...and if he brings in others to do his
dirty work, you apparently think that's OK too.

Again, it looks like we can agree to disagree. :-)

  #6   Report Post  
Old June 1st 10, 07:35 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 8,861
Default To Bruce, was Anyone doing anything new, or is this trulya...

Storm opened up Guatemala City.Sinkhole swallows entire three storey
building and a house.


  #7   Report Post  
Old June 1st 10, 07:41 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 2,027
Default To Bruce, was Anyone doing anything new, or is this truly asunk ship?

On Jun 1, 10:28*am, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
On 6/1/2010 11:27 AM, bpnjensen wrote: is whether or not Gregg is disruptive. *In short, he isn't,
not [disruptive] on this group.

Bruce, may I respectfully suggest that you are splitting hairs.

Gregg may (or may not) be directly disruptive, but on an INDIRECT basis,
he certainly HAS been disruptive. By his OWN ADMISSION (several times),
he has said that he willfully brought over the thugs from other
groups to cause trouble in RRS.

...and even though the Bryant party is long over, the stench of the
'visiting' trolls -still- lingers on.

The bottom line seems to be that you are saying if Gregg doesn't do the
dirty work himself, that's OK...and if he brings in others to do his
dirty work, you apparently think that's OK too.

Again, it looks like we can agree to disagree. * :-)

Agreed, and like I said, every man is responsible for his own
actions. Of course, Gregg should not bring them over just to cause
trouble, but he is not responsible for them being assholes.

Over the last few months, nothing that Gregg has done has bothered me,
and none of his "thugs" have seemed especially onerous either, just
occasional twits. Other newsgroups are loaded with them, and they are
usually ignored.

Michael Bryant was/is a relatively unusual character, you have to
admit - and these kinds of people seem to attract taunters and bullies
wherever they go, regardless of the group. Even before Gregg and the
boys (whose antics with MB I did not witness), MB's personality easily
made enemies of many people, including some who should have been his
friends. I should have been an ally, and I never really disliked him,
but he derided and eventually cussed at me because I dared to disagree
with him on a couple of minor points. He wa shis own worst enemy.
You've seen the type elsewhere, I am sure. He is not here right now,
and things seem pretty quiet overall, except for Krypsis.

I don't care anymore, really. I'm gonna let it drop on this end.
Krypsis can go on all he wants. As long as Gregg talks SWL and keeps
it civil, I am not going to complain about him or give whiners any
credence. Krypsis is not a prophet, and I am not paranoid ;-)


Bruce Jensen
  #8   Report Post  
Old June 1st 10, 09:10 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2010
Posts: 583
Default To Bruce, was Anyone doing anything new, or is this truly a...

On Tue, 1 Jun 2010 12:35:43 -0500, wrote:

Storm opened up Guatemala City.Sinkhole swallows entire three storey
building and a house.


They said in this report it was a clothing factory. Sinkhole was 65
feet deep.

  #9   Report Post  
Old June 1st 10, 10:24 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 230
Default To Bruce, was Anyone doing anything new, or is this trulya sunk ship?

On 2/06/2010 3:41 AM, bpnjensen wrote:
On Jun 1, 10:28 am, Joe from wrote:
On 6/1/2010 11:27 AM, bpnjensen wrote: is whether or not Gregg is disruptive. In short, he isn't,
not [disruptive] on this group.

Bruce, may I respectfully suggest that you are splitting hairs.

Gregg may (or may not) be directly disruptive, but on an INDIRECT basis,
he certainly HAS been disruptive. By his OWN ADMISSION (several times),
he has said that he willfully brought over the thugs from other
groups to cause trouble in RRS.

...and even though the Bryant party is long over, the stench of the
'visiting' trolls -still- lingers on.

The bottom line seems to be that you are saying if Gregg doesn't do the
dirty work himself, that's OK...and if he brings in others to do his
dirty work, you apparently think that's OK too.

Again, it looks like we can agree to disagree. :-)

Agreed, and like I said, every man is responsible for his own
actions. Of course, Gregg should not bring them over just to cause
trouble, but he is not responsible for them being assholes.

He IS responsible for them being assholes in RRS.

Over the last few months, nothing that Gregg has done has bothered me,
and none of his "thugs" have seemed especially onerous either, just
occasional twits. Other newsgroups are loaded with them, and they are
usually ignored.

No, they aren't and that is their aim. These are more persistent than most.

Michael Bryant was/is a relatively unusual character, you have to
admit - and these kinds of people seem to attract taunters and bullies
wherever they go, regardless of the group. Even before Gregg and the
boys (whose antics with MB I did not witness), MB's personality easily

It still beggars belief that you didn't witness that!

made enemies of many people, including some who should have been his
friends. I should have been an ally, and I never really disliked him,
but he derided and eventually cussed at me because I dared to disagree
with him on a couple of minor points. He wa shis own worst enemy.
You've seen the type elsewhere, I am sure. He is not here right now,
and things seem pretty quiet overall, except for Krypsis.

I'd like RRS to stay quiet too but with Gregg bringing trolls over here
to stir things up (their words) it is unlikely to remain so.

I don't care anymore, really. I'm gonna let it drop on this end.
Krypsis can go on all he wants. As long as Gregg talks SWL and keeps
it civil, I am not going to complain about him or give whiners any
credence. Krypsis is not a prophet, and I am not paranoid ;-)

Don't need to be a prophet! I'm working on the evidence before my eyes.


  #10   Report Post  
Old June 1st 10, 10:32 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 2,027
Default To Bruce, was Anyone doing anything new, or is this truly asunk ship?

On Jun 1, 1:24*pm, Krypsis wrote:
On 2/06/2010 3:41 AM, bpnjensen wrote:

Michael Bryant was/is a relatively unusual character, you have to
admit - and these kinds of people seem to attract taunters and bullies
wherever they go, regardless of the group. *Even before Gregg and the
boys (whose antics with MB I did not witness), MB's personality easily

It still beggars belief that you didn't witness that!

When was it? I last remember MB being taunted about 4-5 yrears ago,
but mostly by a relative handful of regulars...not these guys. I did
not pay too much attention here for awhile (sidetracked by a million
other things) unitl the last 6 months or so, during which I have
*tried* to focus on radio and not the other bull**** that people keep
dragging up. Unless it was that period half a decade ago, I am not
surprised that I missed it - in fact, this message from MB this
morning is the first one I easily recall seeing for years...there may
have been a few others.

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