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  #41   Report Post  
Old June 28th 10, 11:31 AM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 5
Default R. AUSTRALIA on 15415 at 0515 UTC

On Jun 28, 8:38*pm, dxAce wrote:

As I recall, this was not the first time he'd mentioned just receiving an

He seems to receive them just in the nick of time when someone questions his
teaching ability/suitability.-

******Hmmmmmmmm Sounds just like a certain snapper that used to live
in Chiang Mai.
  #42   Report Post  
Old June 28th 10, 11:34 AM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2009
Posts: 635
Default R. AUSTRALIA on 15415 at 0515 UTC

On Jun 28, 4:38*am, dxAce wrote:
Gregg wrote:
On Jun 27, 7:24 am, dxAce wrote:
Mike "I'm a college professor with a PhD" Bryant wrote:

On Jun 26, 4:21 am, dxAce wrote:

You, Mr. Bryant, are nothing but a clown 'tard academic.


Hey Steve, I just won an award for having the best lectures of
any "clown tard academic" in the state of KY! I think society
evaluates "clown tard academics" as being more important
than dumb clown DXers, like yourself.

Then you yourself must be an even dumber clown DXer, 'tard boy!

Psychology speaking, I have NEVER EVER read any posts from ONE REAL
TEACHER on usenet as of this date (till now) that has ever said "I
just won an award for having the best " of It says
much of his mental makeup just to have typed that. There are actually
three words/phrases for it, I'll let him go fishing for it.

As I recall, this was not the first time he'd mentioned just receiving an

He seems to receive them just in the nick of time when someone questions his
teaching ability/suitability.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

No doubt and I can just imagine. I just don't feel like fishing for
his turds with bloodbait and knowing what he got busted for....and
that's just what he got busted's not like that was the first
time he got high with and betrayed the trust of his students/and or
parents that expected them to be in good hands - not "high hands". He
just got caught that time because that's the way life is.

They could give him the **ALL-TIME Ky Teacher of the Century
Award**......but it will never change the facts and the way I feel
about him. If he would have come back to this group after he got
busted - with hat in hand so too speak - with a little bit of'd have been totally different at least for me. But he
didn't. He came back guns a blazing and blaming everyone except
himself - even Peter who was trying to lower the noise floor in RRS
and posted about the situation as perfectly as one can took a shot to
the body from Brybaby - one of the people that welcomed him back with
a warm wet tongue lives out in Cali. Imagine that. He's still here to
this day, what a trip.

I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. You must have been busy that
week Steve because I didn't see you post in that thread and I stayed
out of it because I was gone when it went down and didn't care to get
involved because this was before he really started on me. But this guy
is baked with a capital B and I commend (not that you need it) you for
standing up to this usenet tool for years.

I may repost that thread, it shows Michael 'Bear' Bryant in all his Just got bitch slapped from the authorities in Utah for
getting high on a school sponsored trip....everyone was waiting for
him to respond and many ( a few still here till this day) rooting him
on to come back with open arms.shaking my head and he comes back
bare knucked trying to hit every poster he could except for Bruce and
a few others that had their mouths open. Unbelievable.

  #43   Report Post  
Old June 28th 10, 03:57 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 786
Default R. AUSTRALIA on 15415 at 0515 UTC

On Jun 27, 9:52*pm, Gregg wrote:
On Jun 27, 5:35*pm, dxAce wrote:

Mike wrote:
I just wanted to say that my vacation is coming to an end,

Unfortunate. Back to impregnating young minds with your clown 'tard


Brybaby has to let everyone know why he's leaving, it's the "pride
thing" - he doesn't want anyone else to think he left because he ran know his type like a book If I ever left - I wouldn't say
a freeking word about it because I wouldn't come back to read the
group - but he because he is a narcissist
(notice how the word Narc is embedded in that word Bybaby -yeah I know
about it.) *Do you still "roll"? LMAO!

*I was off of Gene Snyder Highway earlier today, I saw a Cheetos bag
on 71s right before the second loop of GS. I almost felt I was on MB's the Cheetos bag. ;-P Now don't get all ansey
Bryant, I was visiting a very good friend, not looking for you -
didn't want you to run to your "family attorney". grin

And heck no I'm not going to tell you what receiver I'm getting, free
BTW, well not 'really' free - quite unexpected and I'm not worthy to
have such a nice piece. Myself, I would never spend that much money on
a receiver, but it does have all the add ons so I am pleased. Too much
receiver for me actually, cuz I'm not a real DXer like
I will tell you that a Palomar Loop is with the receiver (never used
with it) and something else...I forget what he said. Just having the
PL would be fine with me. I wonder if you have any friends that would
just hand over a **PREMIUM RX** like that? And the answer would be a
Big Fat No!!! smirk

*Ah heck, I may tell you....but then again - may not. What purpose
would it serve you? You couldn't rag on the receiver, so (I know how
your mind works - remember) you would attack the poster - that would
be me. And all you could say is "you're lying" because you know all
about that don't you? I had to study lying and deception whereas you
did it since you were picked on as a tyke. Now go shout into your tape
recorder - all debate practice style and ****.rolling my eyes
Everyone has to have something I suppose, even you. Ha!

It's always fun to watch Gregg's verbal diarrhea expose his true
His own words and attitudes paint a much bleaker picture of the way
his mind works than I ever could. I have little doubt that Gregg is
the major force behind the DTS, if not the entire group.

What a sad, sad example of psychosis run amok. You know he won't shut
up even if I leave (you've seen proof of that!) so I think I'll stick
around just to keep him spouting his venom. He hurts himself, far more
than anyone else.

Laughing too hard to stop,

Mike (aka, Bear)
  #44   Report Post  
Old June 28th 10, 04:35 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 230
Default R. AUSTRALIA on 15415 at 0515 UTC

On 28/06/2010 5:39 PM, Gregg wrote:
On Jun 27, 6:48 am, wrote:
On Jun 27, 9:53 pm, wrote:

His premium receiver is a crystal set! Not too many knobs on those to
confuse him!

******* Say Krypto, you've only got one knob and you've been twanging
it so long it's made you into the fool you are today.

But you already know that eh???


I can PROMISE you this much Larb. I ain't buying what he's trying to
sell. He isn't as old as he says he is or look below. Nope. He can
tell it to someone else. It is either one of two things.

He's saying he's that old to try an impress his boyfriends/or whatever
group he's trolling and/or cover up for his other sock puppets - you
know - try an get em' off the trail with the age thing or make them
think " damn- this old man has kept his faculties this long and has an

My boy, you have yet to GET your faculties!

attitude" Or #2 He REALLY IS that old and he has 'literally'

Yes I really am that old and, with time, you may even get "that old" as
well. Let's hope you've lost your inferiority complex by then and have
developed a better attitude towards old age.

absolutely no life or anyone that loves or cares for him and he is
soooo ****ed that he takes it out on here. I noticed the ones he makes
friends with on usenet and I made a mental note of it and I'll just
leave it at that.

I post on usenet. I make "friends" with people I meet here in the real

I know this much (Hand Raised To God Himself and I don't take that
lightly) - if the Lord hasn't come back or I haven't died before I get
to the age that he "says he is" - - - the absolute last thing I will
have on my mind is being on usenet and leaving a legacy on usenet like
he has. What a pathetic life one must have at that "supposed age" to

What "legacy" have I left on usenet? The postings of Krypsis? Who here
knows the real person behind "Krypsis" beyond what I post and inferences
made therefrom?

be on his computer of all things and let loose his vitriolic tangents
is unquestionably the saddest (IMO) legacy one could leave behind.

Can you not see the irony in that comment you just made? I guess not!

Can you imagine if a loved one/family member (doubt he has any sadly)
or someone that thought they knew him got his computer and pulled up
all his crap.shaking my head Every perverted keystroke and every
mean thing he has said to people.....and that's just under this
monicker we know about.

This monicker, my scv monicker and the real one I use in relation to my
consultancy! That's a total of 3. Would you believe I keep every post
and every email I have ever made! I'm not ashamed of what I post, why
should I be?

I'm ashamed of myself that I have stooped to the level and was given
the directions to their neighborhoods so too speak ( him and Brybaby)
and decided to play with them, I feel dirty. But I am only human. I

To "play with them"? Yes, that's all this trolling is to you, a game. I
easily inferred as much when you showed your delight in the return of
Mike and your comment related to the fact that he would liven things up
here! You should feel dirty for what you are doing here is dirty!
Certainly you become less "human" by the day!

don't know much about Krypsis' usenet history, I've never googled him
or anything except to prove he was lying about me and that was only on
RK. I'll end it on this note. If he is truly the age he says he
is.....IMO it is tragic. And he can come back and say whatever he

Why tragic? At what age are we supposed to cease and desist posting on
usenet? Can you put a finger on the number??

wants - but I stand by my statement in regards to him. I even TRIED to
be nice to him and told him if he was my neighbor I would help him put
up a real antenna AND I MEANT IT. He didn't want none of that, he
wanted what he always sets out to do on usenet.:-(

You only "try" to be nice to people you want to suck up to. Everyone
else is fair game!


  #45   Report Post  
Old June 28th 10, 04:36 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 230
Default R. AUSTRALIA on 15415 at 0515 UTC

On 28/06/2010 5:44 PM, Gregg wrote:
On Jun 27, 6:48 am, wrote:
On Jun 27, 9:53 pm, wrote:

His premium receiver is a crystal set! Not too many knobs on those to
confuse him!

******* Say Krypto, you've only got one knob and you've been twanging
it so long it's made you into the fool you are today.

But you already know that eh???


I have more knobs and toggles on two of my HQ's combined than he has
ever had in his life. How did I miss all these posts?

You were somewhere else trying to get a life?? Obviously you didn't


  #46   Report Post  
Old June 28th 10, 04:41 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 230
Default R. AUSTRALIA on 15415 at 0515 UTC

On 28/06/2010 6:30 PM, Gregg wrote:
On Jun 27, 7:24 am, wrote:
Mike "I'm a college professor with a PhD" Bryant wrote:

On Jun 26, 4:21 am, wrote:

You, Mr. Bryant, are nothing but a clown 'tard academic.


Hey Steve, I just won an award for having the best lectures of
any "clown tard academic" in the state of KY! I think society
evaluates "clown tard academics" as being more important
than dumb clown DXers, like yourself.

Then you yourself must be an even dumber clown DXer, 'tard boy!

Psychology speaking, I have NEVER EVER read any posts from ONE REAL
TEACHER on usenet as of this date (till now) that has ever said "I
just won an award for having the best " of It says
much of his mental makeup just to have typed that. There are actually
three words/phrases for it, I'll let him go fishing for it.

How in hell would you know WHO is a teacher from what they may post on a
radio newsgroup? I notice that very few here post much at all about
their vocation. Given that you seem to delight in hammering people about
their vocation, I'm not surprised at their reluctance!

I wonder if his "students" not students aka; 'drug connections' or
aka; 'party friends, because he can't have friends of his own age and
trying to relive his glory days'.....but real honest too goodness
students/parents know of his "real history" - and I mean REAL history,
not what he chose to tell them or lied by omission. I wonder if they
knew/thought "he/Daniel rolled on his connection" in Utah if they
would "deal with him" for lack of a better phrase. Drug addicts and
dealers want you to "man up" if you're stupid enough to get
busted....not to turn them in for a lighter charge/sentence aka
'rolling'. Why doesn't he say on his Linked profile why he left Weber
St. or for that matter why doesn't it say on Sullivan College of
Technology and Design that he got busted by the law in Utah on a
school sponsored debate trip for burning weed with one student "that
they could prove" in a hotel room?

Why do you keep harping on it? Is it to deflect attention away from your
own activities?

I know this much. This won't be the last time 'Bear' makes the news
because he was stupid, he thinks (like he did back then- that he's too
smart to get busted) it is- and that he'll cover his bases better- but
he's gonna get bit, remember I said it. I wonder how many "male
students" will be in his hotel room this time? Not that there's
anything wrong with that in his type of mind. Just saying.

So what are you hinting at here? Are you a latent homosexual? You seem
to be obsessing about it!

  #47   Report Post  
Old June 28th 10, 04:43 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 230
Default R. AUSTRALIA on 15415 at 0515 UTC

On 28/06/2010 7:34 PM, Gregg wrote:
On Jun 28, 4:38 am, wrote:


- Show quoted text -

No doubt and I can just imagine. I just don't feel like fishing for
his turds with bloodbait and knowing what he got busted for....and
that's just what he got busted's not like that was the first
time he got high with and betrayed the trust of his students/and or
parents that expected them to be in good hands - not "high hands". He
just got caught that time because that's the way life is.

They could give him the **ALL-TIME Ky Teacher of the Century
Award**......but it will never change the facts and the way I feel
about him. If he would have come back to this group after he got
busted - with hat in hand so too speak - with a little bit of'd have been totally different at least for me. But he
didn't. He came back guns a blazing and blaming everyone except
himself - even Peter who was trying to lower the noise floor in RRS
and posted about the situation as perfectly as one can took a shot to
the body from Brybaby - one of the people that welcomed him back with
a warm wet tongue lives out in Cali. Imagine that. He's still here to
this day, what a trip.

I just shook my head and rolled my eyes.

The weed you're smoking will do that to you!

help is available



  #48   Report Post  
Old June 28th 10, 05:16 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 230
Default R. AUSTRALIA on 15415 at 0515 UTC

On 28/06/2010 11:57 PM, Mike wrote:
On Jun 27, 9:52 pm, wrote:
On Jun 27, 5:35 pm, wrote:

Mike wrote:
I just wanted to say that my vacation is coming to an end,

Unfortunate. Back to impregnating young minds with your clown 'tard


Brybaby has to let everyone know why he's leaving, it's the "pride
thing" - he doesn't want anyone else to think he left because he ran his type like a book If I ever left - I wouldn't say
a freeking word about it because I wouldn't come back to read the
group - but he because he is a narcissist
(notice how the word Narc is embedded in that word Bybaby -yeah I know
about it.) Do you still "roll"? LMAO!

I was off of Gene Snyder Highway earlier today, I saw a Cheetos bag
on 71s right before the second loop of GS. I almost felt I was on MB's the Cheetos bag. ;-P Now don't get all ansey
Bryant, I was visiting a very good friend, not looking for you -
didn't want you to run to your "family attorney".grin

And heck no I'm not going to tell you what receiver I'm getting, free
BTW, well not 'really' free - quite unexpected and I'm not worthy to
have such a nice piece. Myself, I would never spend that much money on
a receiver, but it does have all the add ons so I am pleased. Too much
receiver for me actually, cuz I'm not a real DXer like
I will tell you that a Palomar Loop is with the receiver (never used
with it) and something else...I forget what he said. Just having the
PL would be fine with me. I wonder if you have any friends that would
just hand over a **PREMIUM RX** like that? And the answer would be a
Big Fat No!!!smirk

Ah heck, I may tell you....but then again - may not. What purpose
would it serve you? You couldn't rag on the receiver, so (I know how
your mind works - remember) you would attack the poster - that would
be me. And all you could say is "you're lying" because you know all
about that don't you? I had to study lying and deception whereas you
did it since you were picked on as a tyke. Now go shout into your tape
recorder - all debate practice style and ****.rolling my eyes
Everyone has to have something I suppose, even you. Ha!

It's always fun to watch Gregg's verbal diarrhea expose his true
His own words and attitudes paint a much bleaker picture of the way
his mind works than I ever could.

I'm just happy that he is not a teacher!

I have little doubt that Gregg is the major force behind the DTS,
if not the entire group.

It is possible I suppose but I truly doubt that he has the intellect ,
quite frankly!!

What a sad, sad example of psychosis run amok. You know he won't shut
up even if I leave (you've seen proof of that!) so I think I'll stick

He needs you to generate interest in here. He has said that much quite
publicly already!

around just to keep him spouting his venom. He hurts himself, far more
than anyone else.

The irony of it all just cracks me up!!

Laughing too hard to stop,

Mike (aka, Bear)


  #49   Report Post  
Old June 29th 10, 12:15 AM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2009
Posts: 172
Default Krypto's lifes work.

On Jun 29, 2:43*am, Krypsis wrote:

The weed you're smoking will do that to you!


******** This Gregg character really has gotten to you eh Krypto?????

The quality time that you waste searching for and answering anything
he posts is amazing.
Still with a sad life that you lead I guess this must be the highlight
of your day.
  #50   Report Post  
Old June 29th 10, 02:25 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 24
Default R. AUSTRALIA on 15415 at 0515 UTC

On 6/28/2010 10:57 PM, Mike wrote:

It's always fun to watch Gregg's verbal diarrhea expose his true

There is absolutely nothing fun about it. He's a sick man.

His own words and attitudes paint a much bleaker picture of the way
his mind works than I ever could. I have little doubt that Gregg is
the major force behind the DTS, if not the entire group.

He certainly is the driving force for their being in this group. No
doubt of that. He even admitted to calling for them to come here. He is
a trouble maker of the lowest sort. The kind that throws a rock at
someone from behind then swears that it wasn't him. Meanwhile, everyone
else saw him throw it, but he is too self-centered to realize that there
are others about.

What a sad, sad example of psychosis run amok. You know he won't shut
up even if I leave (you've seen proof of that!) so I think I'll stick
around just to keep him spouting his venom. He hurts himself, far more
than anyone else.

It shouldn't be too very long before someone else hurts him. I'm talking
about in real life. Have you seen all the posts made with his name to
many different groups, attacking race, religion, and culture? He's even
gone so far as to call Mohamed names. That's enough to write a death
sentence. Noooooo, I don't think Gregg is too long for this mortal coil.

Can anyone provide his snail mail address? That would quicken the
process. Or even his QSL?
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