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Keith wrote: Not Safe for Work (NSFW). Contains no nudity. http://bit.ly/dOmpVu Originally distributed by the Orange County, CA Republican Chair Woman, Marilyn Davenport -- UPDATE, APRIL 16, 5:55 P.M.: This afternoon, Marilyn Davenport sent an email to fellow Orange County Republican elected officials, apologizing if anyone was offended and blasted the "liberal media" for reporting the story. "I simply found it amusing regarding the character of [President Barack] Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth," Davenport wrote. "In no way did I even consider the fact he's half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people [Scott Baugh, Orange County GOP boss, and this writer] tried to make this about race . . . I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like yet there was no 'cry' in the media about them . . . That being said, I will NOT resign my central committee position over this matter that the average person knows and agrees is much to do about nothing." (*Davenport's entire statement is at the end of this article.) Tim Whitacre, a longtime conservative Orange County Republican activist in Santa Ana, defended Davenport. "Marilyn Davenport is a staunch, ethical Republican lady," Whitacre told me. "There is nothing unethical about this from a party standpoint because it wasn't sent out to the party at large with any racist statements and it wasn't signed as a central committee member. As a private individual, she is just real big on Birther stuff. One of her passions that drives her is the president's lack of forthrightness about where he was born. Marilyn believes that nobody knows where he was born and so this picture says a thousand words. "She is not a perfect lady, but she is no racist. She is a gentle person who would feed you, help you, be there for you if you were in trouble. She is known as a pleasant, loving person and it kills me that she is being attacked by this non-story knowing her mindset." ORIGINAL POST, April 15, 5 P.M.: Orange County might be a beautiful oceanfront locale, but it's also home to Holocaust deniers, vicious anti-gay bigots and freakish big-haired televangelists. Here, one of our Republican politicians welcomed the inauguration of the first African American U.S. president in early 2009 by sending out an email that depicted a watermelon field in front of the White House. That incident drew embarrassing international attention, but now another Orange County Republican has apparently topped the watermelon imagery with another racist attack on President Barack Obama. The Weekly has obtained a copy of an email sent to fellow conservatives this week by Marilyn Davenport, a Southern California Tea Party activist and member of the central committee of the Orange County Republican Party. Under the words, "Now you know why no birth certificate," there's an Obama family portrait showing them as apes. (Donald Trump must be elated to finally have an explanation about Obama's true birth circumstances.) Reached by telephone and asked if she thought the email was appropriate, Davenport said, "Oh, come on! Everybody who knows me knows that I am not a racist. It was a joke. I have friends who are black. Besides, I only sent it to a few people--mostly people I didn't think would be upset by it." The image did upset several local Republicans. "It's unbelievable," one high-ranking OC GOP official told me. "It's much more racist than the watermelon email. I can't believe it was sent out. I'm not an Obama fan but how stupid do you have to be to do this?" Another GOP official, who also asked not to be identified, said that Davenport is "a really, really sweet old lady so I am surprised to hear about this." Scott Baugh, chairman of the OC Republican Party, told Davenport that the email was tasteless, Davenport--a Fullerton-based political activist--admitted to me during the telephone interview. "You're not going to make a big deal about this are you?" she asked me. "It's just an Internet joke." But Baugh believes the email is a big deal. "When I saw that email today I thought it was despicable," Baugh said. "It is dripping with racism and it does not promote the type of message Orange County Republicans want to deliver to the public. I think she should consider stepping down as an elected official." Michael J. Schroeder, an Orange County resident and former chairman of the California Republican Party, also said he was disgusted. "This is a three strikes situation for Marilyn Davenport," Schroeder said. "She was a passionate defender of former Newport Beach city councilman Dick Nichols who stated that he was voting against putting in more grass at Corona del Mar's beach because, he said, there were already 'too many Mexicans on the beach.' She was also on the wrong side of the fence with the Los Alamitos mayor and his White House watermelon patch picture. Now, she has managed to top both of those incidents by comparing African Americans to monkeys. She has disgraced herself and needs to resign. If she doesn't, the Republican Party must remove her." But Davenport does not appear ready to concede she has made a mistake. After this story was published, she sent another email to fellow California conservative activists. It demanded to know the identity of "the coward" who supplied me with a copy of her offensive email. Several Los Angeles television news broadcasts are planning coverage of this story tonight (Update: KCAL and KCBS reported during their respective 10 and 11 p.m. broadcasts that in a telephone interview Davenport blamed the media for this controversy and slammed down the phone.) As a member of the local Republican central committee, Davenport represents an inland section of Orange County: Fullerton, Brea, La Habra, Placentia and, home of the Richard M. Nixon Presidential Birthplace & Library, Yorba Linda. In February 2009, Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grose, another Orange County Republican, emailed the White House watermelon image and then apologized. obama_watermelons.jpg OC Republican mayor's racist greeting in 2009 to newly elected President Obama. Ironically, Obama reversed decades and decades of tradition by not getting trounced at the presidential election polls in Orange County, long known as Ronald "Reagan Country." In fact, he won an impressive 48 percent of the vote in 2008. The last Democrat to win a decent showing he Franklin D. Roosevelt. Orange County is also home to Orly Taitz, the Soviet Union-born dentist who lives in Laguna Niguel and is one of the world's leading proponents of claims that Obama is killing homosexuals tied to his old Chicago church, was born in Kenya, is personally funding Hamas terrorists and ordered a secret agent to break into her vehicle. Alas, if you really want to be disturbed, read THIS RECENT RELATED STORY by my colleague Gustavo Arellano. Just two percent of Orange County's 3 million population is African American. (This is a copy of Davenport's entire 12:24 p.m. Saturday email to other OC Republican leaders: "I'm sorry if my email offended anyone. I simply found it amusing regarding the character of Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth. In no way did I even consider the fact he's half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people tried to make this about race. We all know a double standard applies regarding this president. I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like yet there was no 'cry' in the media about them. One only has to go to Youtube or Google Images to see a plethora or lampooning videos and pictures of Obama, Bush and other politicians. That being said, I will NOT resign my central committee position over this matter that the average person knows and agrees is much to do about nothing. Again, for those select few who might be truly offended by viewing a copy of an email I sent to a select list of friends and acquaintances, unlike the liberal left when they do the same, I offer my sincere apologies to you--the email was no meant for you. For any of my friends or acquaintances who were the recipients of my email and were truly offended, please call me so I may offer a sincere verbal apology to you.") --R. Scott Moxley / OC Weekly ) Follow us on Twitter @OCWeekly and become a fan on Facebook here! |
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"Keith" wrote in message
... In article , Keith wrote: Not Safe for Work (NSFW). Contains no nudity. http://bit.ly/dOmpVu Originally distributed by the Orange County, CA Republican Chair Woman, Marilyn Davenport -- UPDATE, APRIL 16, 5:55 P.M.: This afternoon, Marilyn Davenport sent an email to fellow Orange County Republican elected officials, apologizing if anyone was offended and blasted the "liberal media" for reporting the story. "I simply found it amusing regarding the character of [President Barack] Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth," Davenport wrote. "In no way did I even consider the fact he's half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people [Scott Baugh, Orange County GOP boss, and this writer] tried to make this about race . . . I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like yet there was no 'cry' in the media about them . . . But the problem is the Democrats used to compare Blacks to Apes. Drew lots of pictures similar to the one posted even. They're real, real touchy about their Racist Background. Recall that it was a Republican who freed the slaves and a Republican who removed the Democrat Governor of Alabama from the Schoolhouse Door.! |
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"Lobby Dosser" wrote in message
... "Keith" wrote in message ... In article , Keith wrote: Not Safe for Work (NSFW). Contains no nudity. http://bit.ly/dOmpVu Originally distributed by the Orange County, CA Republican Chair Woman, Marilyn Davenport -- UPDATE, APRIL 16, 5:55 P.M.: This afternoon, Marilyn Davenport sent an email to fellow Orange County Republican elected officials, apologizing if anyone was offended and blasted the "liberal media" for reporting the story. "I simply found it amusing regarding the character of [President Barack] Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth," Davenport wrote. "In no way did I even consider the fact he's half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people [Scott Baugh, Orange County GOP boss, and this writer] tried to make this about race . . . I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like yet there was no 'cry' in the media about them . . . But the problem is the Democrats used to compare Blacks to Apes. Drew lots of pictures similar to the one posted even. They're real, real touchy about their Racist Background. Recall that it was a Republican who freed the slaves and a Republican who removed the Democrat Governor of Alabama from the Schoolhouse Door.! Misspoke, meant Arkansas. So many Democrat Governors and so many Schoolhouse Doors! -- "I'm the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo ..." |
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"Lobby Dosser" wrote:
"Keith" wrote in message ... In article , Keith wrote: Not Safe for Work (NSFW). Contains no nudity. http://bit.ly/dOmpVu Originally distributed by the Orange County, CA Republican Chair Woman, Marilyn Davenport -- UPDATE, APRIL 16, 5:55 P.M.: This afternoon, Marilyn Davenport sent an email to fellow Orange County Republican elected officials, apologizing if anyone was offended and blasted the "liberal media" for reporting the story. "I simply found it amusing regarding the character of [President Barack] Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth," Davenport wrote. "In no way did I even consider the fact he's half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people [Scott Baugh, Orange County GOP boss, and this writer] tried to make this about race . . . I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like yet there was no 'cry' in the media about them . . . But the problem is the Democrats used to compare Blacks to Apes. Drew lots of pictures similar to the one posted even. They're real, real touchy about their Racist Background. Recall that it was a Republican who freed the slaves and a Republican who removed the Democrat Governor of Alabama from the Schoolhouse Door.! Ku Klux Klan Rallies in Support of Republican Proposition 2 http://blog.radioleft.com/blog/_arch...5/1349403.html The KKK Endorses John McCain http://www.thepresidentialcandidates...hn-mccain/454/ Former KKK Leader And Anti-Semite, David Duke, Endorses JD Hayworth – Hispanic Republicans Disgusted http://somosrepublicans.com/2010/07/...i-semite-david -duke-endorses-jd-hayworth-hispanic-republicans-disgusted/ |
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On Apr 17, 3:07*am, (Drooling Idiot) wrote:
"Lobby Dosser" wrote: "Keith" wrote in message ... In article , Keith wrote: Not Safe for Work (NSFW). Contains no nudity. http://bit.ly/dOmpVu Originally distributed by the Orange County, CA Republican Chair Woman, Marilyn Davenport -- UPDATE, APRIL 16, 5:55 P.M.: This afternoon, Marilyn Davenport sent an email to fellow Orange County Republican elected officials, apologizing if anyone was offended and blasted the "liberal media" for reporting the story. "I simply found it amusing regarding the character of [President Barack] Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth," Davenport wrote. "In no way did I even consider the fact he's half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people [Scott Baugh, Orange County GOP boss, and this writer] tried to make this about race . . . I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like yet there was no 'cry' in the media about them . . . But the problem is the Democrats used to compare Blacks to Apes. Drew lots of pictures similar to the one posted even. They're real, real touchy about their Racist Background. Recall that it was a Republican who freed the slaves and a Republican who removed the Democrat Governor of Alabama from the Schoolhouse Door.! Ku Klux Klan Rallies in Support of Republican Proposition 2http://blog.radioleft.com/blog/_archives/2005/11/5/1349403.html The KKK Endorses John McCainhttp://www.thepresidentialcandidates.us/the-kkk-endorses-john-mccain/... Former KKK Leader And Anti-Semite, David Duke, Endorses JD Hayworth – Hispanic Republicans Disgustedhttp://somosrepublicans.com/2010/07/former-kkk-leader-and-anti-semite... -duke-endorses-jd-hayworth-hispanic-republicans-disgusted/ Ah... The Taint of the 'KKK' {Klan} ! Robert eC* Byrd the West-Virgina Democrat Elected time and time again to the US Senate and Member of the "KKK". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Byrd#Ku_Klux_Klan * Elected "Exalted Cyclops" of the KKK http://emptysuit.files.wordpress.com...6/kkk-byrd.jpg Robert eC* Byrd the West-Virgina Democrat Elected by his other Democrats as the President Pro Tempore of the US Senate and Member of the "KKK". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_...nt_pro_tempore Robert eC* Byrd the West-Virgina Democrat Elected by his other Democrats as the Democrat Majority Leader of the US Senate and Member of the "KKK". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_...adership_roles Robert eC* Byrd the West-Virgina Democrat Lead His Fellow Majority Democrats in a Filibuster of the 1964 Civil Rights Act in the US Senate and Member of the "KKK". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_..._Act_of_ 1964 ....so... *IF* Once a 'KKK' {Klan} Member : Always a 'KKK' {Klan} Member Applies to Republicans : Then Why Does It Equally Apply to Democrats ? -oops- Another Liberal Double-Standard ....also... *IF* Once Tainted by the 'KKK' {Klan} : Always Associated With The 'KKK' {Klan} Applies to Republicans : Then Why Does It Equally Apply to Democrats ? -oops- Another Liberal Double-Standard and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF |
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On Sun, 17 Apr 2011 10:07:12 +0000, Drooling Idiot wrote:
Ku Klux Klan Rallies Godwins law.. |
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On Sun, 17 Apr 2011 10:27:52 -0400, Nathan Bedford Forrest wrote:
On Sat, 16 Apr 2011 22:48:15 -0700, "Lobby Dosser" wrote: "Keith" wrote in message ... In article , Keith wrote: Not Safe for Work (NSFW). Contains no nudity. http://bit.ly/dOmpVu Originally distributed by the Orange County, CA Republican Chair Woman, Marilyn Davenport -- UPDATE, APRIL 16, 5:55 P.M.: This afternoon, Marilyn Davenport sent an email to fellow Orange County Republican elected officials, apologizing if anyone was offended and blasted the "liberal media" for reporting the story. "I simply found it amusing regarding the character of [President Barack] Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth," Davenport wrote. "In no way did I even consider the fact he's half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people [Scott Baugh, Orange County GOP boss, and this writer] tried to make this about race . . . I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like yet there was no 'cry' in the media about them . . . But the problem is the Democrats used to compare Blacks to Apes. Drew lots of pictures similar to the one posted even. They're real, real touchy about their Racist Background. Recall that it was a Republican who freed the slaves and a Republican who removed the Democrat Governor of Alabama from the Schoolhouse Door.! But then the democrats discovered that if they embrace blacks, along with the other dregs of society, they could form a formidable voting block. Same with faggots, child molesters, welfare tit-suckers, rapists, murderers, muggers, girlie men........etc. Their voting block increases. You see how they react to a black republican. They curse and demonize them as uncle Tom. That proves they don't like blacks; only black servants to the dim party. However, blacks are so stupid that they fall for that garbage as long as it get's them entitlements and special laws. Bingo. |
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Lobby Dosser wrote:
But the problem is the Democrats used to compare Blacks to Apes. Drew lots of pictures similar to the one posted even. They're real, real touchy about their Racist Background. Recall that it was a Republican who freed the slaves and a Republican who removed the Democrat Governor of Alabama from the Schoolhouse Door.! John Kennedy was a republican? Who have thunk it?! The George Wallace "Schoolhouse Door" incident was in June, 1963. I'd suggest you consult a good history book for who was president then. How can you be so historically ignorant? OBTW, the 13th amendment was authored by a democratic senator. peace and justice, |
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On 4/17/2011 12:50 PM, Alfred stomacker wrote:
... that is true . A joke is a joke . but if I was half chimp I would be embarrassed also . Imagine the embarrassment of knowing that your ancestors used to be only human and then bred with chimps . Well, I imagine it must be pretty embarrassing, to obama, when it is obvious that the man in the picture is not his father! Regards, JS |
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