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John Smith wrote:
On 5/25/2011 12:43 PM, RD Sandman wrote: John wrote in news:irh49m$id0$3@dont- email.me: On 5/24/2011 1:18 PM, wrote: ... You chose the easy point of my post to reply to. The point you ignored is that your suggested system - "Let me put this more bluntly. If I buy and item and pay 7% sales tax, the top one percent should buy an item and pay a 42.7% sales tax, that way they will be contributing their fair share to run government ..." - is either impossible to implement, or requires a dictatorship. ... Yes, that is a fair system, you simply want to take it literally and say it doesn't work. I am not stuck on any particular system to implement it with. Any system which can demonstrate that it can successfully accomplish the goal, and costing the least, would be great. THINK for a change, John. How would a system like that have to work? How would a merchant know whether to charge 7% sales tax or 42% sales tax or some amount in between? Any system only needs to manage that 1% of those with control of 42.7% of the financial money pay 42.7% of the sales taxes. And that 20% at the top pay 50.3% of the taxes. And just how do you think it knows which one you are? Or who is in those brackets? You are looking at Big Brother from 1984 big time. I simply gave a simplified version of what is to be accomplished. No, you showed that you really don't understand what is involved in that scheme. Those with any common sense would have realized it was over simplified ... REally, really oversimplified....so much so that you don't seem to have any grasp of the basics. I don't give a rats arse how you get the water from the well, just that the water comes from the well ... If you are whining about the costs and fairness of things, you really should care. In this case you are pushing the costs would completely overwhelm the result. I said everyone needs taxed at an equal rate on every dollar earned ... I said crooks will always attempt to avoid this. I have no real problem with a "luxury" tax, too. Cell Phones for instance? Noop Cell phones with camera's all the "apps?" Yup. Basic 19" TV's? Noop. Large screen LED/LCD things that cover an entire wall? Yup. Chevy's? Noop. They are already sorry for buying them. Cadillac's, BMW's, Mercedes' and the like? Yup. |
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Dave LaRue wrote in news:4ddd70a9$0$9061
: John Smith wrote: On 5/25/2011 12:43 PM, RD Sandman wrote: John wrote in news:irh49m$id0$3@dont- email.me: On 5/24/2011 1:18 PM, wrote: ... You chose the easy point of my post to reply to. The point you ignored is that your suggested system - "Let me put this more bluntly. If I buy and item and pay 7% sales tax, the top one percent should buy an item and pay a 42.7% sales tax, that way they will be contributing their fair share to run government ..." - is either impossible to implement, or requires a dictatorship. ... Yes, that is a fair system, you simply want to take it literally and say it doesn't work. I am not stuck on any particular system to implement it with. Any system which can demonstrate that it can successfully accomplish the goal, and costing the least, would be great. THINK for a change, John. How would a system like that have to work? How would a merchant know whether to charge 7% sales tax or 42% sales tax or some amount in between? Any system only needs to manage that 1% of those with control of 42.7% of the financial money pay 42.7% of the sales taxes. And that 20% at the top pay 50.3% of the taxes. And just how do you think it knows which one you are? Or who is in those brackets? You are looking at Big Brother from 1984 big time. I simply gave a simplified version of what is to be accomplished. No, you showed that you really don't understand what is involved in that scheme. Those with any common sense would have realized it was over simplified ... REally, really oversimplified....so much so that you don't seem to have any grasp of the basics. I don't give a rats arse how you get the water from the well, just that the water comes from the well ... If you are whining about the costs and fairness of things, you really should care. In this case you are pushing the costs would completely overwhelm the result. I said everyone needs taxed at an equal rate on every dollar earned ... I said crooks will always attempt to avoid this. I have no real problem with a "luxury" tax, too. Cell Phones for instance? Noop Cell phones with camera's all the "apps?" Yup. Basic 19" TV's? Noop. Large screen LED/LCD things that cover an entire wall? Yup. Chevy's? Noop. They are already sorry for buying them. Cadillac's, BMW's, Mercedes' and the like? Yup. Do the words "equal protection" mean ANYTHING to you? I fail to see anything in there about income levels determing anything. -- Herman Cain for President! http://hermancain.com/ If you don't support him you are a Racist!! He beat Cancer. He'll beat Obama (who is just like cancer) Remember Desert One, Carter 0? Ain't it sad to wish that Obama had as much ambition but being glad he doesn't knowing he doesn't have THAT much competence? |
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Have you got any diesel fuel?
///If I had any more diesel fuel, they would make me join that Opec!/// cuhulin |
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"Sid9" sid9@ bellsouth.net wrote in :
"RD Sandman" wrote in message ... "Sid9" sid9@ bellsouth.net wrote in : "RD Sandman" wrote in message ... "Sid9" sid9@ bellsouth.net wrote in : "RD Sandman" wrote in message ... John Smith wrote in news:irgik5$f2r$3@dont- email.me: On 5/24/2011 8:20 AM, gfn wrote: ... Where are some credible souces to back up any of that innuendo you keep attempting to push? Truth is, sure looks like the wealthiest 1% are not paying 42% of all of governments costs, and sure looks like the top 19% are not paying half of governments costs, until that happens they are NOT paying their fair share ... a flat tax can fix that ... Oh, you mean one like this? A tax on *ALL* income no matter where derived. One deduction. Federal poverty level for a family of four and everybody gets that deduction. Have a tax rate of, say 15% and the current poverty level at $24K and we get the following: A person who earns up to $24K, pays nada... A person who earns $50K, pays $3,900 (50-24x15%) A person who earns $100K, pays $11,400 (100-24x15%) A person who earns $500K, pays $71,400 (500-24x15%) A person who earns a million pays $146,400 (1000-24x15%) That do it for you? . . If you add a $1,000 tax to the $50,000 guy he becomes homeless If you add a $1,000 tax to the $1,000,000 guy...he never notices it. That's what's UNFAIR. Nope, what's unfair is YOU expecting OTHERS to pay for what YOU want. The EFFECT on the wealthy taxpayer is nil. The EFFECT on the low income tax payer is catastrophic. Interestingly, no one is asking that $50K guy for that extra grand, but here you are whining that the million dollar guy won't as affected. The problem Democrats will have is that sometime they will run out of other people's money. -- Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman) If you woke up this morning.... Don't complain. That's what is unfair. A small increase of tax on a low earner is a huge burden The same increase on a wealthy person is INSIGNIFICANT. No one is asking for the same increase from both parties, you idiot. Besides if the low earner is really a low earner like the 45% who don't pay tax in the first place, how can you increase the tax on them. They still won't reach the AGI that pays taxes. Increasing the tax percentage doesn't do a damn thing to change their AGI. -- Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman) If you woke up this morning.... Don't complain. I gave an example of how the same number (dollars) has a different affect on people of different wealth. You didn’t understand it..... OH, I understood it. Just commented that no one is asking for that so it is a canard and little else. -- Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman) If you woke up this morning.... Don't complain. |
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gfn wrote in
: Sure I do. *The "flat tax" has the government deriving its revenue from the income tax. Yep....at a flat rate for everybody. As does the FairTax. Best part is the consumer pays it only when they buy something. They decide when to pay it, not when the government decides you owe it on payday. It looks like they are trying to mix sales tax with the old luxury tax. The FairTax is related because it is a flat sales tax that generates revenue from sales. *It replaces the income tax as the method of funding government. *If you fully understand the FairTax you will see exactly where I am coming from. Then to keep it from becoming regressive you must drop that sales tax from certain items, like food, housing, public transportation, gasoline, etc.. or you end up with the poor paying a much larger percentage of their income on those taxes than the wealthy. Nope, There are two reasons why it's not regressive. First, people pay no net FairTax at all up to the poverty level. Which means that someone, somewhere needs to know your income. Every household receives a rebate that is equal to the FairTax paid on essential goods and services. I looked at the prebate schedule. Where in there does income come into it for that poverty level? From what I see, it is based on number of adults and number of dependents. Second, per my example an item that costs $100 today still costs $100 under the FairTax. If that's regressive then sign me up. The poor are always going to pay a larger percentage of their income on everything. No tax system is going to change that. Isn't that what the bulk of this thread is about? Not on a flat tax like I proposed. The difference is slight, depending on your income, but it is there. The FairTax is a replacement for the income tax. Yes....and a flat tax is another method of figuring income tax. Yeah....and they both accomplish the same thing. *The FairTax is better because a flat tax still involves taxing income which then leads to exemptions, deductions, and keeps the 16th amendment in place as well as the IRS, and I can go on and on about the pitfalls of our current tax system. A flat tax on income replaces the current tax system. *If properly administered it only has ONE deduction and that is poverty level wages for a family of four. *Everyone gets that ONE deduction, or exemption if you prefer, and no other. *You can do your tax on a postcard. Under the FairTax you don't have to worry about deductions or exemptions. You don't even have to do your taxes on a postcard because there is nothing to do. April 15 would be just another beautiful spring day. Here's the problem with the flat tax, it retains the invasive income tax administration apparatus and can easily revert to a graduated, convoluted mess, as it has many times over many years. And your fair tax needs to know number of adults in the household along with number of dependents. There is also nothing there that prevents it from becoming another convoluted mess. Congress can **** up a bowling ball. In addition, a large part of the burden of the flat tax -- the business tax -- will remain hidden from people in the retail price of goods and services. This is an interesting point since there are supposedly intelligent folks in this newsgroup that don't understand that all businesses end up passing all their costs to the consumer in the price of the product or service. If they don't, after awhile they go under. Under a flat tax, individuals would still file an income tax return each year. Postcard or not, it's still a return. While this is a simple postcard, the record keeping requirement is still there. Under the FairTax, individuals never file a tax return again, ever! Federally, that could be true, however, when looking at state and local taxes, it is bull****. Under the flat tax, the payroll tax would be retained and income tax withholding would still be with us. Yep. Under the FairTax, the payroll tax, which is a larger and more regressive tax burden for most Americans than is the income tax, is repealed. No, actually, it isn't. It is simply placed in the Fair Tax. Under the FairTax, what you earn is what you keep. No more withholding taxes; no more income tax. Just more taxes on the point of sale while all taxes from state and local governments remains intact. It uses a flat 23% as the revenue generator. Call it what you will, the FairTax is a winner. You may think so. I don't. I think it needs too many adjustments so that it does not become regressive. I don't think so, I know so. *Tell me how this is regressive? snip...... Same taxpayer......buys $100 worth of groceries.....pays $123 for them. Stop right there. That's incorrect. Under the FairTax the $100 of groceries will still cost $100. There's no need to even go any further with your example. I was speaking of the actual worth of the product. Yes, there are business taxes, etc.. in there but one cannot generate a new tax without adding to what is already there. So a product which today costs $100 plus city and state sales taxes will now cost the difference between the 23% sales tax and the old taxes on the product plus city and state sales taxes. What you have done is taken the taxes previously included the product price and moved them into your Fair Tax in addition to the hit on that tax replacing federal income taxes and FICA. Rich guy, he eats the same, so he buys a $100 worth of groceries...pays * $123 for them. *Which one spent the bigger percentage of their income o n a necessity? *OK, let's fix it....we will not pay that tax on groceries....oooops, you just generated an exception. * Three suggestions for you to find out why as well as any other questions you might have: 1) go visit fairtax.org and read it from front to back. *Pay particular attention to the FAQ. I have. 2) Buy and read "The FairTax Book" by Linder and Boortz. Why? If they can't explain it on their website.......... 3) Then buy and read "FairTax:The Truth: Answering the Critics" It will all become crystal clear. I am familiar with sales tax schemes, they have been around for years. * With exemptions, they become just as convoluted as the current system. Excise luxury taxes were another attempt to soak the rich as poor poeple would never buy luxury taxed items. *How did that work out? You may be familiar with sales tax schemes, but it's clear you aren't familiar with the FairTax. Instead of speculating as you have done above why not go visit the site and base your criticisms on the plan itself? You will find that many of the things you raised above are answered there. Been there, read it. Look, I'm with you that a flat tax would be better than the current system. Problem is that it, as opposed to something like the FairTax, leaves itself open to far more manipulation than the FairTax. The tax code itself is evidence of just that. Are you trying to say that Congress cannot **** with the Fair Tax as much as they can **** with a flat tax? I don't think so. -- Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman) If you woke up this morning.... Don't complain. |
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Gray Ghost wrote:
Dave LaRue wrote in news:4ddd70a9$0$9061 : John Smith wrote: On 5/25/2011 12:43 PM, RD Sandman wrote: John wrote in news:irh49m$id0$3@dont- email.me: On 5/24/2011 1:18 PM, wrote: ... You chose the easy point of my post to reply to. The point you ignored is that your suggested system - "Let me put this more bluntly. If I buy and item and pay 7% sales tax, the top one percent should buy an item and pay a 42.7% sales tax, that way they will be contributing their fair share to run government ..." - is either impossible to implement, or requires a dictatorship. ... Yes, that is a fair system, you simply want to take it literally and say it doesn't work. I am not stuck on any particular system to implement it with. Any system which can demonstrate that it can successfully accomplish the goal, and costing the least, would be great. THINK for a change, John. How would a system like that have to work? How would a merchant know whether to charge 7% sales tax or 42% sales tax or some amount in between? Any system only needs to manage that 1% of those with control of 42.7% of the financial money pay 42.7% of the sales taxes. And that 20% at the top pay 50.3% of the taxes. And just how do you think it knows which one you are? Or who is in those brackets? You are looking at Big Brother from 1984 big time. I simply gave a simplified version of what is to be accomplished. No, you showed that you really don't understand what is involved in that scheme. Those with any common sense would have realized it was over simplified ... REally, really oversimplified....so much so that you don't seem to have any grasp of the basics. I don't give a rats arse how you get the water from the well, just that the water comes from the well ... If you are whining about the costs and fairness of things, you really should care. In this case you are pushing the costs would completely overwhelm the result. I said everyone needs taxed at an equal rate on every dollar earned ... I said crooks will always attempt to avoid this. I have no real problem with a "luxury" tax, too. Cell Phones for instance? Noop Cell phones with camera's all the "apps?" Yup. Basic 19" TV's? Noop. Large screen LED/LCD things that cover an entire wall? Yup. Chevy's? Noop. They are already sorry for buying them. Cadillac's, BMW's, Mercedes' and the like? Yup. Do the words "equal protection" mean ANYTHING to you? Indeed I do understand. What's that got to do with a luxury tax? I fail to see anything in there about income levels determing anything. I wasn't talking about income levels. I was talking more about a "fair sales Luxury tax", that keeps, or rather helps keep in check, the "truly poor" from buying said items whilst they are on welfare and food stamps, like they do now as they fool the system. Most wealthy people could care less what they pay for anything. They already want and buy the biggest and baddest, and buy the first models and prototypes just because it's there! THEY bring the costs down when they finally go into major production! Cost means NOTHING to them! But poor slobs don't need, nor want them, until the items or tech becomes more afforable. Again, thank us, the rich that bring these items to the masses at a lower cost, to the poor! So again, don't tax our (the rich) incomes, tax SAID ITEMS that even the poor choose to buy, instead of the food they need. |
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Gray Ghost wrote in
. 97.142: RD Sandman wrote in : gfn wrote in : On May 24, 3:00*pm, RD Sandman wrote: gfn wrote innews:fafaebf4-7788-4906-a699-839c2c5dac6b@ s2g2000yql.googlegroups.com: On May 24, 2:34*pm, RD Sandman wrote: gfn wrote innews:5111f00d-80ed-4513-9bae-c9a63b5cdb40@ x3g2000yqj.googlegroups.com: On May 24, 1:23*pm, RD Sandman wrote: gfn wrote in news:75946acf-fb50-4a71-9677-e0b1afec14b0 @w19g2000yql.googlegroups.com: On May 24, 11:24*am, John Smith wrote: On 5/24/2011 8:20 AM, gfn wrote: * ... Where are some credible souces to back up any of that innuendo you keep attempting to push? Truth is, sure looks like the wealthiest 1% are not paying 42% of all of governments costs, and sure looks like the top 19% are not paying half of governments costs, until that happens they are NOT paying their fair share ... a flat tax can fix that ... Regards, JS I already said the tax data is at irs.gov Now, as for a flat tax I agree with you 100%. *The one I advocate is the FairTax. That is not a flat tax, it is a sales tax. It's a sales tax but it is flat. *It's a flat 23%. You had better spend some time learning what a flat tax is. I'm perfectly familiar with a flat tax. Not sure about that since it has nothing to do with sales. Sure I do. The "flat tax" has the government deriving its revenue from the income tax. Yep....at a flat rate for everybody. The FairTax is related because it is a flat sales tax that generates revenue from sales. It replaces the income tax as the method of funding government. If you fully understand the FairTax you will see exactly where I am coming from. Then to keep it from becoming regressive you must drop that sales tax from certain items, like food, housing, public transportation, gasoline, etc.. or you end up with the poor paying a much larger percentage of their income on those taxes than the wealthy. * The FairTax is a replacement for the income tax. Yes....and a flat tax is another method of figuring income tax. Yeah....and they both accomplish the same thing. The FairTax is better because a flat tax still involves taxing income which then leads to exemptions, deductions, and keeps the 16th amendment in place as well as the IRS, and I can go on and on about the pitfalls of our current tax system. A flat tax on income replaces the current tax system. If properly administered it only has ONE deduction and that is poverty level wages for a family of four. Everyone gets that ONE deduction, or exemption if you prefer, and no other. You can do your tax on a postcard. *It uses a flat 23% as the revenue generator. Call it what you will, the FairTax is a winner. You may think so. *I don't. *I think it needs too many adjustments so that it does not become regressive. I don't think so, I know so. Tell me how this is regressive? Current tax system: Taxpayer earns $1000 a year. IRS takes 25%: $250. Taxpayer has $750 left to spend. Taxpayer buys a new toaster for a FINAL total of $130. Taxpayer has $620 left. Fairtax system: Taxpayer earns $1000 a year. IRS takes 0%: $0 Taxpayer has $1000 left to spend Taxpayer buys a new toaster for a FINAL total of $130. Taxpayer has $870 left. I'll go one better under the fairtax system. Taxpayer earns $1000 a year. IRS takes 0%: $0 Taxpayer has $1000 left to spend Taxpayer buys a USED toaster for a total of $100. Taxpayer pays NO fairtax sales tax. Taxpayer has $900 left. So, again, how is that regressive. Same taxpayer......buys $100 worth of groceries.....pays $123 for them. Rich guy, he eats the same, so he buys a $100 worth of groceries...pays $123 for them. Which one spent the bigger percentage of their income on a necessity? OK, let's fix it....we will not pay that tax on groceries....oooops, you just generated an exception. Three suggestions for you to find out why as well as any other questions you might have: 1) go visit fairtax.org and read it from front to back. Pay particular attention to the FAQ. 2) Buy and read "The FairTax Book" by Linder and Boortz. 3) Then buy and read "FairTax:The Truth: Answering the Critics" It will all become crystal clear. I am familiar with sales tax schemes, they have been around for years. With exemptions, they become just as convoluted as the current system. Excise luxury taxes were another attempt to soak the rich as poor poeple would never buy luxury taxed items. How did that work out? Ask John Kerry. YOu mean after claiming everyone should pay their fair burden, he moors his yacht where the taxes are much less than if he moors it at home? -- Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman) If you woke up this morning.... Don't complain. |
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"Sid9" sid9@ bellsouth.net wrote in :
"RD Sandman" wrote in message ... gfn wrote in : On May 24, 3:00 pm, RD Sandman wrote: gfn wrote innews:fafaebf4-7788-4906-a699-839c2c5dac6b@ s2g2000yql.googlegroups.com: On May 24, 2:34 pm, RD Sandman wrote: gfn wrote innews:5111f00d-80ed-4513-9bae-c9a63b5cdb40@ x3g2000yqj.googlegroups.com: On May 24, 1:23 pm, RD Sandman wrote: gfn wrote in news:75946acf-fb50-4a71-9677-e0b1afec14b0 @w19g2000yql.googlegroups.com: On May 24, 11:24 am, John Smith wrote: On 5/24/2011 8:20 AM, gfn wrote: ... Where are some credible souces to back up any of that innuendo you keep attempting to push? Truth is, sure looks like the wealthiest 1% are not paying 42% of all of governments costs, and sure looks like the top 19% are not paying half of governments costs, until that happens they are NOT paying their fair share ... a flat tax can fix that ... Regards, JS I already said the tax data is at irs.gov Now, as for a flat tax I agree with you 100%. The one I advocate is the FairTax. That is not a flat tax, it is a sales tax. It's a sales tax but it is flat. It's a flat 23%. You had better spend some time learning what a flat tax is. I'm perfectly familiar with a flat tax. Not sure about that since it has nothing to do with sales. Sure I do. The "flat tax" has the government deriving its revenue from the income tax. Yep....at a flat rate for everybody. The FairTax is related because it is a flat sales tax that generates revenue from sales. It replaces the income tax as the method of funding government. If you fully understand the FairTax you will see exactly where I am coming from. Then to keep it from becoming regressive you must drop that sales tax from certain items, like food, housing, public transportation, gasoline, etc.. or you end up with the poor paying a much larger percentage of their income on those taxes than the wealthy. The FairTax is a replacement for the income tax. Yes....and a flat tax is another method of figuring income tax. Yeah....and they both accomplish the same thing. The FairTax is better because a flat tax still involves taxing income which then leads to exemptions, deductions, and keeps the 16th amendment in place as well as the IRS, and I can go on and on about the pitfalls of our current tax system. A flat tax on income replaces the current tax system. If properly administered it only has ONE deduction and that is poverty level wages for a family of four. Everyone gets that ONE deduction, or exemption if you prefer, and no other. You can do your tax on a postcard. It uses a flat 23% as the revenue generator. Call it what you will, the FairTax is a winner. You may think so. I don't. I think it needs too many adjustments so that it does not become regressive. I don't think so, I know so. Tell me how this is regressive? Current tax system: Taxpayer earns $1000 a year. IRS takes 25%: $250. Taxpayer has $750 left to spend. Taxpayer buys a new toaster for a FINAL total of $130. Taxpayer has $620 left. Fairtax system: Taxpayer earns $1000 a year. IRS takes 0%: $0 Taxpayer has $1000 left to spend Taxpayer buys a new toaster for a FINAL total of $130. Taxpayer has $870 left. I'll go one better under the fairtax system. Taxpayer earns $1000 a year. IRS takes 0%: $0 Taxpayer has $1000 left to spend Taxpayer buys a USED toaster for a total of $100. Taxpayer pays NO fairtax sales tax. Taxpayer has $900 left. So, again, how is that regressive. Same taxpayer......buys $100 worth of groceries.....pays $123 for them. Rich guy, he eats the same, so he buys a $100 worth of groceries...pays $123 for them. Which one spent the bigger percentage of their income on a necessity? OK, let's fix it....we will not pay that tax on groceries....oooops, you just generated an exception. Three suggestions for you to find out why as well as any other questions you might have: 1) go visit fairtax.org and read it from front to back. Pay particular attention to the FAQ. 2) Buy and read "The FairTax Book" by Linder and Boortz. 3) Then buy and read "FairTax:The Truth: Answering the Critics" It will all become crystal clear. I am familiar with sales tax schemes, they have been around for years. With exemptions, they become just as convoluted as the current system. Excise luxury taxes were another attempt to soak the rich as poor poeple would never buy luxury taxed items. How did that work out? -- Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman) If you woke up this morning.... Don't complain. More nonsense. We have a system that was god when it started and has been eroded over the years. It was sound. It can be made sound again without phony "fair" tax and "flat" tax nonsense Fix it. YOu just don't understand either the Fair Tax or a flat income tax, Sid. -- Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman) If you woke up this morning.... Don't complain. |
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John Smith wrote in
: On 5/25/2011 12:25 PM, RD Sandman wrote: John wrote in : On 5/24/2011 12:05 PM, RD Sandman wrote: John wrote in news:irgufi$l7$7@dont- email.me: On 5/24/2011 11:36 AM, RD Sandman wrote: John wrote in news:irgsdu$b0g$2@dont- email.me: On 5/24/2011 10:24 AM, RD Sandman wrote: John wrote in : On 5/24/2011 9:02 AM, gfn wrote: On May 24, 11:24 am, John wrote: On 5/24/2011 8:20 AM, gfn wrote: ... Where are some credible souces to back up any of that innuendo you keep attempting to push? Truth is, sure looks like the wealthiest 1% are not paying 42% of all of governments costs, and sure looks like the top 19% are not paying half of governments costs, until that happens they are NOT paying their fair share ... a flat tax can fix that ... Regards, JS I already said the tax data is at irs.gov Now, as for a flat tax I agree with you 100%. The one I advocate is the FairTax. Let me put this more bluntly. If I buy and item and pay 7% sales tax, the top one percent should buy an item and pay a 42.7% sales tax, that way they will be contributing their fair share to run government ... http://sociology.ucsc.edu/whorulesam...er/wealth.html And how do you know that at the time of purchase? You set up a system which handles it ... where they pay their fair share of the cost of government. IOW, when buying a pack of gum at a Stop-N-Rob, you have to go through a check on your income so they know how much tax to charge? C'mon, even you can't be that stupid. The flat tax, the flat tax, I thought you would be able to catch on ... I was wrong. A flat tax is on income. It replaces the current method of calculating income tax by applying the same tax rate to all income not just wages and salaries. I gave an example of it here in this thread. Did you take the time to read it? It is really quite simply and quite short so you should have no problem understanding it. ![]() What you proposed above is a sales tax and it sure as hell isn't flat. A flat sales tax would be the same percentage on whatever was purchased and no matter who purchased it. You need to learn a bit more before you venture out into the real world. Everyone paying their fair share, this is how the discussion began, or, basically, everyone being equally taxed. Of course, even with a flat tax certain safeguards would have to be in place from preventing criminals from crimes which would allow them to ignore the taxes. See Al Capone. For example, a case where they made their dollars here and bought only foreign goods in mexico or canada ... it is a given, as soon as any fix, situation, solution, etc. is enacted, the criminals will come crawling out from under their rocks attempting to avoid it ... some of these safeguards to prevent this will have to be worked out as we catch the criminals ... Unfortunately, every discussion must begin on the premise that everyone is capable of realizing "common sense." At the bottom of the fair tax or fair tax is the real intent and sole purpose that all contribute equally and in direct relationship to how much they profit from business here. Just how is your fair tax different from your scenarios above. After all, you said folks would by only foreign goods from outside the US which avoids your fair tax. I said everyone needs taxed at an equal rate of every dollar earned. My flat tax does that. Fair Tax (or a sales tax) does not. I said crooks will always attempt to break any laws in existence. That would be true regardless of the taxing system. -- Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman) If you woke up this morning.... Don't complain. |
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Gray Ghost wrote in
. 97.142: RD Sandman wrote in : "Scout" wrote in : "John Smith" wrote in message ... On 5/24/2011 12:05 PM, RD Sandman wrote: John wrote in news:irgufi$l7$7@dont- email.me: On 5/24/2011 11:36 AM, RD Sandman wrote: John wrote in news:irgsdu$b0g$2@dont- email.me: On 5/24/2011 10:24 AM, RD Sandman wrote: John wrote in : On 5/24/2011 9:02 AM, gfn wrote: On May 24, 11:24 am, John wrote: On 5/24/2011 8:20 AM, gfn wrote: ... Where are some credible souces to back up any of that innuendo you keep attempting to push? Truth is, sure looks like the wealthiest 1% are not paying 42% of all of governments costs, and sure looks like the top 19% are not paying half of governments costs, until that happens they are NOT paying their fair share ... a flat tax can fix that ... Regards, JS I already said the tax data is at irs.gov Now, as for a flat tax I agree with you 100%. The one I advocate is the FairTax. Let me put this more bluntly. If I buy and item and pay 7% sales tax, the top one percent should buy an item and pay a 42.7% sales tax, that way they will be contributing their fair share to run government ... http://sociology.ucsc.edu/whorulesam...er/wealth.html And how do you know that at the time of purchase? You set up a system which handles it ... where they pay their fair share of the cost of government. IOW, when buying a pack of gum at a Stop-N-Rob, you have to go through a check on your income so they know how much tax to charge? C'mon, even you can't be that stupid. The flat tax, the flat tax, I thought you would be able to catch on ... I was wrong. A flat tax is on income. It replaces the current method of calculating income tax by applying the same tax rate to all income not just wages and salaries. I gave an example of it here in this thread. Did you take the time to read it? It is really quite simply and quite short so you should have no problem understanding it. ![]() What you proposed above is a sales tax and it sure as hell isn't flat. A flat sales tax would be the same percentage on whatever was purchased and no matter who purchased it. You need to learn a bit more before you venture out into the real world. Everyone paying their fair share, this is how the discussion began, or, basically, everyone being equally taxed. Let's see person A buys product Z and pays 7% in taxes. Person B buys product Z and pays 7% in taxes What's more fair than that? Same product, same taxes paid. Fair. Or a person earns $50K and is taxed 15% on amount over federal poverty level. Another person earns $500K and is taxed 15% on amount over federal poverty level. Same percentage on taxable income paid. Fair. The big problem with sales taxes is what is taxed. How about food or necessities? Food stamps? Now you begin to list exemptions....and the list goes on......Thanks, Sonny and Cher...... The real problem is... First you have to decide how much the government needs to funtion. That is true under any taxing scheme. To do that you have to decide what the government should be doing. Same here and that is most of the discussion and difference between liberals and conservatives. I think rather than discussing camoflaging how the feds fleece the taxpayer those questions really need to be answered. Yep, but, good luck. Those discussions have been going on for two hundred years. ![]() I am of the opinion that taxes overall hurt the economy by taking people's hard earned money. I don't care if you are the bus boy or the owner of the chain. You earened it, it's yours. However, one does get things from having a government. Overall if the bite is reasonably low than whatever negative effects it has are mitigated. But the only really effective way to increase government revenues is to have a going, expanding economy. That way whatever "protection" money the government extorts from the people can increase without increasing the percentage that it takes. True. Of course that would require a complete ovrehaul of most federal policies and the expulsion of Marxists and enviromentalists. One would have to stop viewing tax policy as a method of molding people's behavior and relegate to the neccessary evil it is. Frankly I have yet to hear anyone explain to me how we can tax out way out of the current crisis wherein the debt equals the GDP and is likely to double in 8 years. There is simply no possible way to do it without removing so much wealth from the private sector as to thorougly tank the economy, which will in turn make the problem immeasurably worse. To get out of this will require BOTH taxes and spending cuts. Doing just one or the other won't do it. The truth of this must be recognized and those that ignore the question should in turn be ignored. They are greedy, twisted people that want to punish the successful, get thier government cheese and then ignore the calamity for our children and grand children. And us. They imagine somehow the beast will continue feeding enough to support them, in spite of what the vampirism does to the country as a whole. -- Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman) If you woke up this morning.... Don't complain. |
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