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Kim Jong-il spends $185,000 on food for dogs
http://www.worldnetdaily.com And people in North Korea are sent to death camps and they starve to death. I spend about $37.00 every three and a half months at the Animal Health Products store on I-20 Frontage Road for a big bag of Pro Pac dog food for doggy. http://www.propacpetfood.com cuhulin |
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On 10/1/2011 10:09 AM, J R wrote:
Kim Jong-il spends $185,000 on food for dogs http://www.worldnetdaily.com And people in North Korea are sent to death camps and they starve to death. I spend about $37.00 every three and a half months at the Animal Health Products store on I-20 Frontage Road for a big bag of Pro Pac dog food for doggy. http://www.propacpetfood.com cuhulin Seems even turd-burgers are in short supply in korea. Without enough people eating, there is not enough "meat" for the burgers! So, naturally, the koreans are doing "the next best thing:" http://flatrock.org.nz/topics/terror...uman_flesh.htm Kinda like we why we couldn't find the death camps in germany, until too late, or the weapons of mass destruction in korea, because we are still looking in iraq! (hint: there is no oil and wealth in no. korea.) Regards, JS |
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John Smith
So, naturally, the koreans are doing "the next best thing:" http://flatrock.org.nz/topics/terror...ng_human_flesh ..htm .... Isn't the LIBs Final Solution for us ALL PEOPLE abundantly clear? http://io9.com/5423712/crematorium-p...ing-bodies-to- generate-energy Crematorium Plans to Use Burning Bodies to Generate Energy The only Earth in Balance conceivable to the LIBs is one where Mankind become an Endangered Species in a world with cities ablaze with bodies littering the streets, a world where the dead, the Dying, the DISSENTING are carted away in boxcars that rumble night and day to smokestacks that billow without end. http://io9.com/5418487/the-existenti...es-batman-and- the-joker What it must FEEL LIKE to be the JOKER. LIBs. What PRICE their VISION? --- IMPEACH OBAMA. PERIOD. http://www.strangepolitics.com/image...ent/156120.JPG C'Mon CITIZEN, it's time to put a SMILE on that FACE! hddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ddddddddddddddddddddddd- dddyoo+++++++++++++++++++++ooossssooo+//++/+++++++++++++++++++oooooosmddd- dhd/...........-.-..-/oydmNMMMMMMMMMMNNdhyo+:-...................---:mddd- ddh:............-+sdNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmdyo:................-.:ddhd- dhd:........-/sdNMMMMMMMNNNmhhhhhddNMNMMNMMMMMMMMMho:........... ....-ydhd- dhd:....../hNMMNs/:::---...........-..-..--/+sydNMMMNd/...-..........ohhd- dhd-.....:mMMd/-..``````````````````````.`````..+symMMMd/............ohdd- ddd-..../mNMd-``````````````````````````.`````````.+MMMMN+...... .....ohhd- dhd-...:NMNm+.````````````````````````````````````.:mM MMMN/..........odhh- dhd-...hNMNs.``````````````````````````````````````.:y NMMMs..........ohhh- ddd-.`.NNNs-`````````````````````````````````````````.:hMMh... .......odhh- ddh..`.NMo.`````----::/++::..``````````.----:--:-.```..:mMo..........odhd- hdh.:-.dN-..-/ydmmmmmmmNNNNmdo.`````./ymNmNmmmmNNmdy+:..mM/..........+dhd- ddy-oo/+d-`-omMMMMmydmddshdMMd-`````.sMMhodddmdNMMMMNo-`ds:+s`.......+ddd- hds...-+y-.-odMMMMmdddmmmmNms:.``````:ymmmmmmNNMMMdhy:``+/-.-``......+dhd- ddo...`.+-`../ydddhdddhyho+-```````````-++/+soo+o+:--.``:.`````......oddd- ddo....`.-`````.----:-.`..```````````````````````````````````........ohh d- hdo....`.-.````````````````````````````````````````````.```` .........ohhh- hh+......-.`````````````.-::/:.`.`.:///:`````````....`..````.........ohhd- hh+.......`.:+:--.`.````.:++/+osss++++/:`````..+/oyyo.`````..........oddd- dh+..........ommmss+--....`.....-...........-/sdmNh+:..```...........sdhd- dh/..........:hNNdNmhhysyyhhhhyyyyhhhhyhyyyhdmNmss-`````.............ydhh- dh/.........../ys/ssssyhhdddhyyyyyyydddhhsoosso/--.````.............-ydhh- dh/............o+-...-:/++ossyyyyhyssoo+//:://:::.`````.............-ddhd- dd/.........-+/sNho:.....://++/++++//:.....`. ![]() dh/.......:smh.-hMMms-``````.......```````.-odNo:ms:..`.............-ddhd- dd+.--:/shNMN/...+hmNmyo:-..```````..--:/ohNNd+-.mMNds+/:--.........-mdhd- ddshdmNMMMMMm:.....-+hmNNNdhsss+ossyhddNNNmy/--..oMMMMMMNNmdhso/::--:mdhd- dmyNMMMMMMMMMo......`.-/ymNMMMMMMMMMMMNmy/-.....:sMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNmdmdhd- dmhMMMMMMMMMMm-...```....-+ydNMMMMNNds/-...```..-hMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNddd. ddhmNNNNNNNNNNs-------------+ymmmdo/:--....----::mNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNmddd. dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddhhddhhhhhhhdddddd dddddddddddddddddddddhd` :::::////:::://///:/:://+/////////:////://///:::/::::///:::::::::::-----. /dyyds -hhyyho` -yhyhd/ om` -md` -N- `N/ odyhd+ .Nmy `mmh yNo///`.No .Ns.No -: sN` `mydy :M: `M+ mdo:/: .MyM.+Nhd `/oydm-:M: mh-M/ `` oN` yN/+M+ :M: `M+ ./oymd..M/mymsyd `dh:-+N/ ym+-:ym- sm+/+my oN`+No++sN-:Mo///-`M+.my::sN-.M/+MM.yd `:+o+. -+o+:` `/+/. -/`/: /:`+++++: +. `/oo/. `+.`+/ :/ |
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In Russia, pregnant women about to give birth in the cabbage
fields/potato fields/whatever, they would lay down on the ground and give birth, then they would wrap the baby in a cloth, then those women would get up and go right back to work. I read about that in a book about forty years ago. Ask Lev Navrozov, he will tell you. cuhulin |
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On 10/2/2011 11:45 AM, J R wrote:
In Russia, pregnant women about to give birth in the cabbage fields/potato fields/whatever, they would lay down on the ground and give birth, then they would wrap the baby in a cloth, then those women would get up and go right back to work. I read about that in a book about forty years ago. Ask Lev Navrozov, he will tell you. cuhulin Have you ever seen those women who gave birth, in the fields, pictures of them? Krist, first time I seen the picture of one, I thought it was my cousin Fred!!! In fact, it could have been, other than I can't ever remember him having been in Russia -- but he could have been! grin It is just the part about the baby which makes me doubt it was him ... Regards, JS |
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