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  #1   Report Post  
Old November 29th 11, 05:12 AM posted to,,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2008
Posts: 41
Default Words From You Know Who.

.... I am the pay master for They...

Truer words never spoken, dare I say even Eponymous?

LIBs. What FARCE their Vision?

  #2   Report Post  
Old November 29th 11, 05:14 AM posted to,,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2011
Posts: 6
Default Words From You Know Who.

On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 04:12:01 GMT, MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE

... I am the pay master for They...

Truer words never spoken, dare I say even Eponymous?

LIBs. What FARCE their Vision?


The only think that is simple is you.

If you do not have skin cancer, and have ever stood outside without
having a peeling sunburn within moments, thank the ozone layer, thank
the ban on CFCs, and thank a liberal. If you have not died in a heat
wave, drought, hurricane, flood, wildfire, or other climate change
disaster, and like the idea of your children and grandchildren not
living in desert wastelands, thank a liberal. If you have ever
breathed clean air or drank clean water, thank a liberal. If no woman
you know has died or been maimed in a back-alley Abortion, thank a
liberal. If you have never been lynched, or had your children
firebombed in a church, thank a liberal. If you are glad we don't live
in a right-wing dictatorship along the lines of what conservatives
overtly and covertly created in Iran, Guatamala, Nicaragua, the
Dominican Republic, the Congo, Chile, Brazil, El Salvador, the
Phillipines, Indonesia and many others, thank a liberal. If you have
ever used Medicare, thank a liberal. If you have not gotten cancer
from radiation, thank the Nuclear test ban and thank a liberal. If you
have ever sat on a public seat, drank from a drinking fountain, stood
on a bus, or done anything in public without worrying about being
beaten up for being in the wrong section for your skin color, thank a
liberal. If you've ever driven on an interstate highway, thank a
liberal. If you grew up in a family of less than 12 kids, like the
idea of being able to choose if you have 12 kids or not, if you don't
live in an overpopulated third world slum, or just think birth control
is a good idea, thank a liberal. If your family benefited from the GI
Bill of Rights, FHA Mortgages, and so forth, thank a liberal. If you
have ever bought anything from Europe, and are glad the Marshall plan
kept it from remained a bombed-out shell or falling to communism or
neo-fascism, thank a liberal. If you are glad that the Nazis don't
control half the world (conservatives opposed joining World War 2
until it was forced on them) thank a liberal. If you have ever eaten
food (agricultural subsidies), flicked on a light switch (rural
electrification) or benefited from the Tennessee Valley Authority,
thank a liberal. If you ever drank a beer or a glass of wine without
being thrown in jail, thank a liberal. If you are not a land-owning
white male, but have voted, thank a liberal. If you have not died from
tainted meat, been prescribed something useless or poisonous by a
quack doctor, have not given your children cough syrup which turned
out to have heroin as its secret ingredient, thank a liberal. (and
Nixon) If your workplace is safe and you are paid a living wage,
including overtime; if you enjoy a 40-hour week and you are allowed to
join a union to protect your rights without being lynched, thank a
liberal. If you've ever seen a national park, and it hadn't been strip
mined and clearcut into a desert wasteland, thank a liberal. If you
have never suffered from an economy of massive deflation, and have
never even heard of an economic phenomenon called a "panic", thank a
liberal. If your children go to school instead of working in coal
mines, thank a liberal. If you're a Native American and have not been
killed or died in a concentration camp, or if you live near Native
Americans and are not at war with them, thank a liberal. If you have
an industrial or high-tech job - or really, any job other than those
available in a slave-powered cash crop economy (ie, a third world
economy) thank a liberal. If you're not a slave or "indentured
servant" (white slave), don't think protection of slavery belongs in
the constitution, if you've never been chained to a boat where half
the passengers die, been whipped, had your family split up, been
forced to "breed" with another slave you've never met, been raped by
your boss, or killed for not being profitable, thank a liberal. If you
oppose political parties starting massive wars to destroy America,
just because they lost the election, and killing hundreds of thousands
of Americans in process - if you just don't have that much fanatical
hatred of Lincoln's policy of to restricting slavery to states where
it already existed, thank a liberal. If you're part-Irish, Catholic,
Jewish, or for that matter anything not Anglo-Saxon Protestant, and
are allowed to live in America, and are not harassed and attacked for
failing to be born Anglo-Saxon Protestant, or if you've ever bought or
used anything built by a non-ASP American, thank a liberal. If you
kind of like freedom of speech, and don't want the state government to
be able to censor you - (you think the 14th amendment is a good idea)
- thank a liberal. If you have ever bought or sold anything
transported by the transcontinental railroad, or eaten food from a
farm created by the railroad, thank a liberal. If you think the US
constitution is pretty cool, and have ever traveled too or done
business with a country whose democracy was inspired by the American
revolution, thank a liberal. If you have not been drafted and used as
cannon-fodder in some war caused by some petty insult between nobles,
clan leaders, or other various overfed dictators, or suffered rape or
looting in one of those countless wars, thank a liberal. If you have
not been tortured to death in a religious inquisition, thank a
liberal. If you don't have to walk though ankle-deep sewage in the
streets (because sewers are big gummint), thank a liberal. If you have
ever done anything that is a religious or superstitious taboo (ie,
done anything at all) without being stoned to death or cast out as a
heretic, thank a liberal. If you have never been raped, and then had
the rapist escape punishment on the grounds that he marry you, thank a
liberal. If you are not a slave toiling to build a pyramid for some
lazy dictator who's so spoiled he thinks he's god, and won't even see
it until he's dead, thank a liberal. If you have not been killed as a
human sacrifice in the name of some god, thank a liberal. In short, if
you've ever enjoyed anything of the post-stone-age world, thank a
liberal. ...And if not, become a conservative. "Liberal policies made
America the freest, wealthiest, most successful and most powerful
nation in human history. Conservatism in power always threatens to
undo that national progress, and is almost always frustrated by the
innate decency and democratic instincts of the American people..." -
Joe Conason from
  #3   Report Post  
Old November 29th 11, 05:17 AM posted to,,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2008
Posts: 41
Default Words From You Know Who.

The only think that is simple is you.

If you do not have skin cancer, and have ever stood outside without
having a peeling sunburn within moments,


THESE sunsets are to DIE FOR!

LIBs. What FARCE their Vision?
A Taxpayer voting for OBAMA is like a Chicken voting for Col. Sanders...
DEBTSTAR:: This is NOT the HOPE you have been Searching for.

  #4   Report Post  
Old November 29th 11, 07:43 AM posted to,,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: May 2008
Posts: 35
Default Words From You Know Who.

On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 04:12:01 GMT, MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE

... I am the pay master for They...

Truer words never spoken, dare I say even Eponymous?

Oh NO!

I've been caught out!

[Pssst... it's a joke, but of course, you have to be sane to realise that.]

Shill #2
Pay Section
Disinformation Directorate
Ministry of Information
Antipodean Division
  #5   Report Post  
Old November 29th 11, 01:38 PM posted to,,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2008
Posts: 41
Default Words From You Know Who.

Government Shill #2
On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 04:12:01 GMT, MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE
... I am the pay master for They...

Truer words never spoken, dare I say even Eponymous?

Oh NO!

I've been caught out!

[Pssst... it's a joke, ...

SATIRE is ALWAYS lost upon the LIBs...
What it must FEEL LIKE to be the JOKER.

LIBs. What FARCE their Vision.
This is the horrifying obviousness of the
Truth that LIBs cannot have you realize, that
they follow a leadership that is not just Mistaken, but EVIL.

History repeats itself, first as Tragedy, then as FARCE!

"to leave now we would send a message to terrorists
and other potential adversaries around the world that
they can change our policies by killing our people.
It would be open season on Americans."
-- Bill Clinton '93
just before he pulled out of Somalia.

To abandon this area now -- and to rely only on efforts against
alQaeda from a distance -- would significantly hamper our ability to
keep the pressure on al Qaeda, and create an unacceptable risk of
additional attacks on our homeland and our allies.
-- OBAMA'09

The legacy of BOTH MEN::
something about their Moms and a smoking...

  #6   Report Post  
Old December 7th 11, 12:30 AM posted to,,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2011
Posts: 102
Default Words From You Know Who.

When I was commissioned, I swore to defend the Constitution against
all enemies, foreign or domestic. Apparently the U.S. Senate
doesn't have the same requirement.

"In no part of the constitution is more wisdom to be found,
than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace
to the legislature, and not to the executive department."

- James Madison
  #7   Report Post  
Old December 7th 11, 01:06 AM posted to,,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2008
Posts: 41
Default Words From You Know Who.

Howard Brazee
When I was commissioned, I swore to defend the Constitution against
all enemies, foreign or domestic. Apparently the U.S. Senate
doesn't have the same requirement.
NUGENT: It is us
We're the ones who allowed anti-Americans to take over America

Barack Hussein Obama did not sneak into power. An army of clueless,
disconnected, ignorant Americans invited him to bring his Marxist,
glaringly anti-American jihad into our lives.

It is the Ceaseless Quest for the Unearned,
propelled by Shameless Retail Politicians who
have sold the world a bill-of-goods that somehow
the Deperate and Deliberately Evil are simply poorly understood
and need better etiquette opportutities and social interactivity lessons.

As wave after wave of terror appear over the horizon
as did so many Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain,
LIBs continue to not only deny their point of origin, and
their intent, but-also demand that we prosecute each pilot
as an individual even as they urge them on to their targets,
even as they discover Cell-phone-wrapped-Pepto Bismol bottles
in their luggage -- it's obvious, that they consider YOU to be MORE
of a threat with you 3oz toothpaste and toothbrush.

LIBs. What PRICE their VISION?
LIBs know that America will NOT be destroyed by its Enemies,
but RATHER by those who's job it was to protect it.
Shrink: Obama Suffers 'Father Hunger'

The abandonment by his father when he was an infant and by his
stepfather at age 10 has left President Obama with a "father hunger"
that influences everything
Being Obama

What makes President Obama's executive passivity so interesting is that it
seems to be a symptom not of policy uncertainty, but of personal
narcissism. The president is free to delegate the tasks of the president
because he's already done the important job of simply showing up.
The Roots of Obama's Rage

The real Obama is a man shaped by experiences far different from those
of most Americans; he is a much stranger, more determined, and
exponentially more dangerous man than you’d ever imagined.
How Obama Thinks
How Did Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged' Predict an America
Spinning Out of Control?

How could she have painted villains who seem ripped from today’s headlines?

There’s Wesley Mouch, who in the face of failed government programs
screams like Rep. Barney Frank (D) of Massachusetts for wider powers.

There’s Eugene Lawson, “the banker with a heart,” who like former Treasury
Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is ever
ready with a bailout.

There’s Mr. Thompson, who like President Obama seeks to rally the country
behind pious platitudes.

There’s Orren Boyle, who like President Bush says that we must abandon
free-market principles to save the free market. ...
Was the solution to “go Galt” and quit society? No, Rand again answered.
The solution was simultaneously much easier and much harder. “So long as
we have not yet reached the state of censorship of ideas,”...

"But you know what one does have to do? One has to break relationships with
the culture. . . . [D]iscard all the ideas—the entire cultural philosophy
which is dominant today."


  #8   Report Post  
Old December 7th 11, 01:23 AM posted to,,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics
BAR BAR is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2011
Posts: 20
Default Words From You Know Who.

In article ,

When I was commissioned, I swore to defend the Constitution against
all enemies, foreign or domestic. Apparently the U.S. Senate
doesn't have the same requirement.

It is pretty damy close.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I
take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose
of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of
the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

"I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support
and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the
same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the
duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

U. S. Maritime Service Oath of Office

Oath for commissioned officers:

Having been appointed an Ensign in the United States Maritime
I do solemnly swear (or affirm)
That I will support and defend the Constitution of the United
Against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
That I take this obligation freely,
Without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion;
And that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the
On which I am about to enter;
So help me God.

United States Armed Services Oath

Enlistment oath:

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the
same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United
States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to
regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
(Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first
adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

Oath for commissioned officers:

I, _____ , having been appointed an officer in the Army of the
United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly
swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the
United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear
true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation
freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that
I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which
I am about to enter; So help me God. (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for

  #9   Report Post  
Old December 7th 11, 04:20 AM posted to,,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2008
Posts: 41
Default Words From You Know Who.

In article howard
When I was commissioned, I swore to defend the Constitution against
all enemies, foreign or domestic. Apparently the U.S. Senate
doesn't have the same requirement.

It is pretty damy close.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
RED/BLUE States. Manifestly different.

Why shouldn't the Guilty be Rewarded?
Why shouldn't the Innocent be Punished?
Why shouldnt the Mediocre, the Unworthy, the DEPRAVED
be CHAMPIONED on the basis of their Depravity?

to leave Office in Disgrace after becoming
the worst Mass Murderer in History because of
his upcoming Strategic Political and Military Miscalculation. YES, HE CAN!

LIBs. What FARCE their Vision?
A Taxpayer voting for OBAMA is like a Chicken voting for Col. Sanders...

DEBTSTAR:: This is NOT the HOPE you have been Searching for.

  #10   Report Post  
Old December 7th 11, 10:32 PM posted to,,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2011
Posts: 102
Default Words From You Know Who.

On Tue, 6 Dec 2011 19:23:02 -0500, BAR wrote:

When I was commissioned, I swore to defend the Constitution against
all enemies, foreign or domestic. Apparently the U.S. Senate
doesn't have the same requirement.

It is pretty damy close.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I
take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose
of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of
the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

If that were the case, they wouldn't be trying to make this a police
state, expanding out the undeclared war to one against our own

"In no part of the constitution is more wisdom to be found,
than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace
to the legislature, and not to the executive department."

- James Madison
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