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Liberty Net: December 10, 2011
http://3950.net/2011/12/liberty-net-december-10-2011/ by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO THE LIBERTY NET is an oasis of free speech for radio amateurs who care about the kind of world that our children will inherit. We don’t always come to the table — or go away from it — agreeing with each other. But we always come away with increased understanding — and a growing sense of community. And, as civilization declines and tyranny spreads, we’ll need plenty of both. Marty, N2IRJ’s phone patch brings voices to the air who are temporarily without antennas or transmitters. If you’d like him to patch you in, just drop him a line via the “contact” tab at the top of this page. Here are some excerpts from this week’s discussion: • A Black Georgia Congressman has recently claimed that merely stating in public that Obama has lied “will bring about a resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan.” (27 minutes) • Would switching our nuclear power stations over to thorium reactors make them just as safe as conventional power plants? (1 hour 13 minutes) • The regime in Washington claims to have the right to fly spy drones and killer drones over any country in the world. But how would we feel if Iran, or any other foreign nation, did that to us? (1 hour 16 minutes) • Fox News was just caught using video of riots in Greece and falsely claiming that they were taking place in Russia. The oligarchs have lost control there, and the media’s intensifying “hate Russia” and “hate Putin” propaganda may be a precursor to another bankers’ war. (1 hour 18 minutes) • Why are agents of Israel and the Washington regime sending terrorists into Syria? And why are such agents of violence and murder often blithely referred to as “the opposition” by the likes of Fox News? (1 hour 47 minutes) • A collapse of the current corrupt financial system will mean hard times, but it would not be the end of the world as long as the genetic quality of the people is maintained. And such a collapse would give us a chance to create something better. (3 hours 26 minutes) • Americans who still have assets to protect would do well to study the examples of the French farmers during World War 2, and, more recently, the Argentinians and Russians who managed to survive a financial collapse. (3 hours 50 minutes) • It seems bizarre and grotesque, but the murderers who operate the Washington regime’s killer drones are actually recruiting teenagers who are good at shoot-em-up video games to become real killers. (4 hours 2 minutes) Thanks to Marty, N2IRJ, you’re able to listen to the Liberty Net on your computer — or download the file and listen on your portable mp3 player. And he operates a live feed and chat during Net times that lets you make an end run around jammers and a fickle ionosphere. Please check in with your call sign, and add your voice to the most exciting net on the amateur bands — every Saturday night, starting at 10PM Eastern Time. The frequency varies to avoid interference, but lately has been near 3981 kHz LSB. Our deepest thanks go to W1WCR for his hard work and courage in running the Liberty Net, which is now in its 37th year. http://3950.net/2011/12/liberty-net-december-10-2011/ -- http://nationalvanguard.org/ http://kevinalfredstrom.com/ |
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On 12/17/2011 4:14 AM, Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:
• A collapse of the current corrupt financial system will mean hard times, but it would not be the end of the world as long as the genetic quality of the people is maintained. Looks like you are saying that General Jack D. Ripper (from 'Dr. Strangelove') was right -- it's all about the purity of our "precious bodily fluids". |
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On 12/17/2011 8:45 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
On 12/17/2011 4:14 AM, Kevin Alfred Strom wrote: • A collapse of the current corrupt financial system will mean hard times, but it would not be the end of the world as long as the genetic quality of the people is maintained. Looks like you are saying that General Jack D. Ripper (from 'Dr. Strangelove') was right -- it's all about the purity of our "precious bodily fluids". No, not at all. But that was an hilarious movie! I like the scene where someone is firing on General Ripper's office with a machine gun and, when the shooting subsides, Ripper leans out the window and shouts "Nice shootin', soldier!" There are many equally classic lines in that film. Genetic quality means something quite different. It's the difference between those who can and do make cathedrals and Saturn V rockets and microprocessors and _Tales of Mystery and Imagination_ -- and those who could never do any more than trash and burn them, no matter how many times they repeat the 8th grade. With sufficient numbers of the former, we can rebuild anything, probably better than before. With sufficient numbers of latter, particularly if they can outvote us, we are doomed. With all good wishes, Kevin Alfred Strom. -- http://nationalvanguard.org/ http://kevinalfredstrom.com/ |
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On 12/17/11 08:55 , Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:
Genetic quality means something quite different. It's the difference between those who can and do make cathedrals and Saturn V rockets and microprocessors and _Tales of Mystery and Imagination_ -- and those who could never do any more than trash and burn them, no matter how many times they repeat the 8th grade. With sufficient numbers of the former, we can rebuild anything, probably better than before. With sufficient numbers of latter, particularly if they can outvote us, we are doomed. With all good wishes, Kevin Alfred Strom. The only thing that bothers me about this thinking, is tendency to delineate lines of class to determine who is and is not of the former, against the latter. Humans tend to see individual behaviour and broaden that behaviour into classes based on anything but behaviour. And then exclude the class. Along socio-economic or even racial lines, this tendency can exclude prime examples of the desirable behaviours, in an effort to exclude the more generally classed undesirable behaviours. Abilities, such as your examples of building cathedrals, Saturn V rockets, or microprocessors, and creation of "Tales of Mystery and Imagination" can be, and often are, learned. Genetics may account for the blank slate, but what one writes on it is a matter of development, and personal choice. At the individual levels, anyone of any class may excel, pursuant to one's values, instilled during rearing, and one's inate drive to absorb, synthesize and create. And, while these individuals of accomplishment may be rare to a class, it's these very individuals who may be excluded by politically derived class divisions along 'genetic' lines. And these are precisely the individuals a society needs to be productive, and broadly developed. If we are to take stock along genetic lines, let us take stock by evaluating individuals. Not the classes from which they rise. And let's keep our standards of purity scientifically honest enough to include the evaluation of the genes of all individuals of accomplishment, no matter from which pool they arise. |
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On 12/17/2011 1:14 AM, Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:
Liberty Net: December 10, 2011 http://3950.net/2011/12/liberty-net-december-10-2011/ by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO THE LIBERTY NET is an oasis of free speech for radio amateurs who care about the kind of world that our children will inherit. We don’t always come to the table — or go away from it — agreeing with each other. But we always come away with increased understanding — and a growing sense of community. And, as civilization declines and tyranny spreads, we’ll need plenty of both. Marty, N2IRJ’s phone patch brings voices to the air who are temporarily without antennas or transmitters. If you’d like him to patch you in, just drop him a line via the “contact” tab at the top of this page. Here are some excerpts from this week’s discussion: • A Black Georgia Congressman has recently claimed that merely stating in public that Obama has lied “will bring about a resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan.” (27 minutes) Yeah, you see that a lot, one crook backing another; but, you do see more of it with public servants, these days ... • Would switching our nuclear power stations over to thorium reactors make them just as safe as conventional power plants? (1 hour 13 minutes) Coal seems to work just fine ... once you ignore the "Co2 is toxic" liars ... • The regime in Washington claims to have the right to fly spy drones and killer drones over any country in the world. But how would we feel if Iran, or any other foreign nation, did that to us? (1 hour 16 minutes) Yeah, my biggest worry is them now claiming the right to use them against American citizens ... such claims should be met with prison sentences. • Fox News was just caught using video of riots in Greece and falsely claiming that they were taking place in Russia. The oligarchs have lost control there, and the media’s intensifying “hate Russia” and “hate Putin” propaganda may be a precursor to another bankers’ war. (1 hour 18 minutes) Excellent proof of a shadow world control group which has tentacles into all nations, all governments ... • Why are agents of Israel and the Washington regime sending terrorists into Syria? And why are such agents of violence and murder often blithely referred to as “the opposition” by the likes of Fox News? (1 hour 47 minutes) Maybe, if the people of Israel can't get along with anyone there, they should try somewhere else ... and on their dime, blood, sweat and tears. • A collapse of the current corrupt financial system will mean hard times, but it would not be the end of the world as long as the genetic quality of the people is maintained. And such a collapse would give us a chance to create something better. (3 hours 26 minutes) You seem to attempt to put forth anything else is possible ... this house of cards must fall at sometime ... the question is when, it has already amazed me they have kept it afloat this long. • Americans who still have assets to protect would do well to study the examples of the French farmers during World War 2, and, more recently, the Argentinians and Russians who managed to survive a financial collapse. (3 hours 50 minutes) Safe house, water supply, food, God, gold, guns and keep family and friends close ... • It seems bizarre and grotesque, but the murderers who operate the Washington regime’s killer drones are actually recruiting teenagers who are good at shoot-em-up video games to become real killers. (4 hours 2 minutes) It may be contrary however, if we still stood for the American dream, motherhood, brotherhood, fairness, justice, Constitution, fellow citizens, etc., I'd have little problem with taking out "real enemies" of American citizens. However, all I see are banksters, wall street, criminals in public servant positions, theft of other nations resources to enrich the 1%, etc. -- and, "them" engaging our young people in their high crimes and treasonous actions ... Thanks to Marty, N2IRJ, you’re able to listen to the Liberty Net on your computer — or download the file and listen on your portable mp3 player. And he operates a live feed and chat during Net times that lets you make an end run around jammers and a fickle ionosphere. Please check in with your call sign, and add your voice to the most exciting net on the amateur bands — every Saturday night, starting at 10PM Eastern Time. The frequency varies to avoid interference, but lately has been near 3981 kHz LSB. Our deepest thanks go to W1WCR for his hard work and courage in running the Liberty Net, which is now in its 37th year. http://3950.net/2011/12/liberty-net-december-10-2011/ Regards, JS |
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On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 09:55:06 -0500, Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:
On 12/17/2011 8:45 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote: On 12/17/2011 4:14 AM, Kevin Alfred Strom wrote: • A collapse of the current corrupt financial system will mean hard times, but it would not be the end of the world as long as the genetic quality of the people is maintained. Looks like you are saying that General Jack D. Ripper (from 'Dr. Strangelove') was right -- it's all about the purity of our "precious bodily fluids". No, not at all. But that was an hilarious movie! I like the scene where someone is firing on General Ripper's office with a machine gun and, when the shooting subsides, Ripper leans out the window and shouts "Nice shootin', soldier!" There are many equally classic lines in that film. Genetic quality means something quite different. It's the difference between those who can and do make cathedrals and Saturn V rockets and microprocessors and _Tales of Mystery and Imagination_ -- and those who could never do any more than trash and burn them, no matter how many times they repeat the 8th grade. With sufficient numbers of the former, we can rebuild anything, probably better than before. With sufficient numbers of latter, particularly if they can outvote us, we are doomed. With all good wishes, Kevin Alfred Strom. |
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On 12/18/2011 7:41 AM, dave wrote: NOTHING. He just tried to be "cutesy"
by changing the title. Dave, Dave, Dave...when will you ever learn NOT to keep changing thread titles? It's NOT cute. It's NOT clever. It IS bad netiquette. It IS lazy. It IS *very* RUDE. Why not leave the tile the same and just type your response in the body of the post? On the other hand, if you wish to have people think of you as being rude (i.e., shooting yourself in the foot), that's your choice. Not trying to start a flame war, just my 2 cents... |
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On 12/18/2011 6:24 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
On 12/18/2011 7:41 AM, dave wrote: NOTHING. He just tried to be "cutesy" by changing the title. Dave, Dave, Dave...when will you ever learn NOT to keep changing thread titles? It's NOT cute. It's NOT clever. It IS bad netiquette. It IS lazy. It IS *very* RUDE. Why not leave the tile the same and just type your response in the body of the post? On the other hand, if you wish to have people think of you as being rude (i.e., shooting yourself in the foot), that's your choice. Not trying to start a flame war, just my 2 cents... Just a side effect of over medication with dope ... Regards, JS |
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On Dec 17, 4:14*am, Kevin Alfred Strom
wrote: THE LIBERTY NET is an oasis of free speech ... W9ART best summarized The Great Liberty Nit-Wit-Net by saying .. "Blah blah blah ..." And the late Arky Bob added .. "You people make me sick ..." "Iiinnnnn Arkinnnn-Sawwwwwww ..." PS - Bill Clinton - "the best president we ever had" - really does listen to 3950 every night. And Water Melon Man lost. |
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On 12/21/2011 5:57 AM, Arky Bob wrote:
On Dec 17, 4:14 am, Kevin Alfred wrote: THE LIBERTY NET is an oasis of free speech ... W9ART best summarized The Great Liberty Nit-Wit-Net by saying .. "Blah blah blah ..." And the late Arky Bob added .. "You people make me sick ..." "Iiinnnnn Arkinnnn-Sawwwwwww ..." PS - Bill Clinton - "the best president we ever had" - really does listen to 3950 every night. And Water Melon Man lost. You serve a very important purpose, fools like you make me thankful for intelligent people ... gawd, what contrast, good job! Regards, JS |
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