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  #1   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 03, 01:27 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Talmud ONLINE

Right Al;

If It's on the INTERNET . . . It MUST be true !!

Nother bunch of nuts... same author

Operation 911: NO SUICIDE PILOTS
by Carol A. Valentine
Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum

In article , Al Patrick

You don't have to take my word for anything I say it says. You don't have to

Go to and scroll to the bottom of the page.

  #2   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 03, 06:05 PM
Posts: n/a

In article , says...
Thanks to Jackie Patru's program, Sweet Liberty, , I heard of a place online where you can search the Talmud.

You don't have to take my word for anything I say it says. You don't have to wonder.

Go to and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on the smiley face to indicate you accept the terms, etc. Look for the Sherlock Holmes figure. Do a search of the Talmud (top group) and find out what it says for yourself.

I typed in "sex" and was surprised at the number of times it came up. Each item you click on provides even more.

I wonder why some folks don't want you listening to Jackie Patru! :-)

Oh, you use it as text only if you prefer. Much faster, but not as graphic. :-)

For starters you may want to click on "Sex with Children by Talmud Rules" :-(


Why don't you post the bad things in th bible with the same glee you
post the bad stuff from the talmud, Al?? I can guess why, it's not part
of the jew hatin' hobby, is it??

How often do you get emails calling you a scumbag, or worse??

I hate to think how high the number is.

  #3   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 03, 09:56 PM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a

America Is Rapidly Becoming Talmudized

In 1991, the US Congress declared the Talmudic Noahide Laws to be the
basis "upon which our great Nation was founded" (see America's New
Government Church
Under Noahide Law regulations, idolaters (which includes Christians by
definition) are put to death.

In 1999, the Supreme Court agreed to consider an amicus brief based
wholly on Talmudic law (see Sentence and Execution

In November 2002, the American Orthodox Jewish community held a kosher
dinner in the Supreme Court building to celebrate the establishment of
the National Institute for Judaic Law. (6) The dinner was
attended by 200 people, including three Supreme Court Justices. The
purpose of the Institute is to introduce Talmudic laws into the US legal
system and law schools.

It is thus the clear civic duty of every American to become intimately
acquainted with the Talmud. Read articles at:
America's New Government Church:
Death Penalty:
Kosher Dinner: and

BDK wrote:

Why don't you post the bad things in th bible with the same glee you
post the bad stuff from the talmud, Al?? I can guess why, it's not part
of the jew hatin' hobby, is it??

How often do you get emails calling you a scumbag, or worse??

I hate to think how high the number is.

  #4   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 03, 10:03 PM
Posts: n/a


"The Talmud is a legal document,"

Maybe at one time it may have been, in some nation, country or state.

But, in the USA the Talmud like the Bible is NOT a Legal Document [.]

In any public library the Talmud/Bible can be found in the "Religion"
Section and also listed under 'fiction' and history.

= = = Larry Ozarow
= = = wrote in message ...
Al Patrick wrote:

I typed in "sex" and was surprised at the number of times it came up.
Each item you click on provides even more.

Like a 12 year-old going to the library and searching through
the books for the "good parts." The Talmud is a legal document,
and sex is a fairly major part of human relationships that especially
in former times had serious legal consequences. To balance the
hate literature you might take a look at

  #5   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 03, 10:04 PM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a

They really teach some odd things about sex. Example:

Here's a passage full of advice. It, like the others, gives us insight
into the folkways of Talmudic society. Among the advice: A wife should
not demand her conjugal rights, and a man should avoid having
intercourse with one wife while thinking of another wife -- he may,
however, think of a woman who is not his wife.

GEMARA. ... And that ye seek not after your own heart. (7)
[Deducing] from this Rabbi taught: One may not drink out of one
goblet and think of another. (8) Rabina said: This is necessary only
when both are his wives.

And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that
transgress against me. (1) R. Levi said: This refers to children
belonging to the following nine categories: children of fear, (2) of
outrage, of a hated wife, one under a ban, (3) of a woman mistaken
for another, (4) of strife, (5) of intoxication [during
intercourse], of a mentally divorced wife, (6) of promiscuity, and
of a brazen woman. (7) But that is not so: for did not R. Samuel b.
Nahmani say in the name of R. Jonathan: One who is summoned to his
marital duty by his wife will beget children such as were not to be
found even in the generation of Moses? For it is said, Take you wise
men, and understanding [and known among your tribes, and I will make
them rulers over you]; (8) and it is written, So I took the chiefs
of your tribes, wise men and known (9) but 'understanding' is not
mentioned. (10) But it is also written, Issachar is a large-boned
ass; (11) whilst elsewhere it is written, And of the children of
Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the titles? (12)
-- [It is virtuous] only when the wife ingratiates herself [with her
husband]. (13)

-- Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Nedarim 20b
Soncino 1961 Edition, pages 58-59


Larry Ozarow wrote:

Like a 12 year-old going to the library and searching through
the books for the "good parts." The Talmud is a legal document,
and sex is a fairly major part of human relationships that especially
in former times had serious legal consequences.

  #6   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 03, 10:14 PM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a

The references are cited. Look them up -- IN THE LIBRARY -- OR AT YOUR
PRIEST'S OFFICE. They didn't just come off the internet. It was only a
research tool. :-)

Animals Are People, Too

Now let us consider another subject important to the Talmud Sages:
Bestiality. It seems to have been quite a problem. The rabbinical
rulings on bestiality are complex and the rabbis make many subtle
distinctions. (18) The Sages weigh
carefully whether the human is male or female, whether the man uses the
vagina or the anus of the beast, whether the beast uses the vagina or
the anus of the woman, and whether the human is a minor child. The Sages
take note that of a man, only the anus is available for passive
intercourse ("unnatural").

Footnote 18 is provided: For examples of the subtle distinctions in
bestiality, see Tractate Sanhedrin 54b, Tractate
Sanhedrin 55a, Tractate
Sanhedrin 55b

A woman who commits bestiality in the presence of two witnesses, who
warn her ahead of time on the gravity of her crime -- might be tried for
a capital offense. However, if either condition is not met (two
witnesses, and a warning from each), she suffers no censure and retains
her eligibility to marry a High Priest. We are not told what happens to
the animal in this case.

GEMARA. ... R. Shimi b. Hiyya stated: A woman who had intercourse
with a beast is eligible to marry a priest. (4) Likewise it was
taught: A woman who had intercourse with that which is no human
being, (5) though she is in consequence subject to the penalty of
stoning, (6) is nevertheless permitted to marry a priest. (7)

When R. Dimi came he related: It once happened at Haitalu that while
a young woman was sweeping the floor a village dog covered her from
the rear, and Rabbi permitted her to marry a priest. Samuel said:
Even a High Priest. But was there a High Priest in the days of
Rabbi? -- Rather, [Samuel meant]: Fit for a High Priest.

-- Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Yebamoth 59b
Soncino 1961 Edition, page 397

The translator, Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki, amplifies the text with

4. Even a High Priest. The result of such intercourse being
regarded as a mere wound, and the opinion that does not regard
an accidentally injured hymen as a disqualification does not
so regard such an intercourse either.
5. A beast.
6. If the offence was committed in the presence of witnesses
after due warning.
7. In the absence of witnesses and warning.

-- Rev. Dr. Slotki


Diverd4777 wrote:

Right Al;

If It's on the INTERNET . . . It MUST be true !!

  #7   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 03, 10:26 PM
Posts: n/a

RHF wrote:

"The Talmud is a legal document,"

Maybe at one time it may have been, in some nation, country or state.

But, in the USA the Talmud like the Bible is NOT a Legal Document [.]


  #8   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 03, 10:48 PM
Posts: n/a

Does it teach how NOT to post html to text only newsgroups?

  #9   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 03, 11:36 PM
Frank Dresser
Posts: n/a

"Al Patrick" wrote in message
America Is Rapidly Becoming Talmudized

In 1991, the US Congress declared the Talmudic Noahide Laws to be the
basis "upon which our great Nation was founded" (see America's New
Government Church
Under Noahide Law regulations, idolaters (which includes Christians by
definition) are put to death.


That come-and-hear website sure exposes the unexposed. Such as:

"Despite this Congressional declaration, many Americans are still not aware
that their country was founded on Talmudic laws. (70) It is still widely
believed that America was founded on the principles contained in the
Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and
Anglo-Saxon law generally. Some of the Founding Fathers even thought they
had been influenced by the writings of John Locke, a Scot. Help clear up
this misunderstanding. A copy of that 1991 resolution, Joint House
Resolution 104 Public Law 102-14, and prior Congressional Schneerson
birthday resolutions are available for easy download and study. (1)"

That's news to me! The Magna Carta, Locke, Hobbes, The Holy Bible, Indian
tribal traditions, the Freemasons, the Illumanati didn't influence the
thinking of guys like George Mason and Tom Jefferson and Hamilton and Adams
and all the other founding fathers. Nope! It came straight from the
Talmud!! Who'd have figured? Clearly, I've been reading the wrong sources.
I've never even seen a Talmud. I guess the best conspiracies are the most

Oh, the website clearly explains exactly why the ACLU is so anti-abortion
and pro-death penalty.

"On the authority of R. Ishmael it was said: [He is executed] even for the
murder of an embryo."

"Our Rabbis taught: [Any man that curseth his God, shall bear his sin. (3)
It would have been sufficient to say], 'A man, etc.:' What is taught by the
expression any man? (4) The inclusion of heathens, to whom blasphemy is
prohibited just as to Israelites, and they are executed by decapitation; for
every death penalty decreed for the sons of Noah is only by

That's the death penalty, and ACLUites are all for it, I'm sure. It also
has a vaguely Decalogueish look to it. Thank goodness the ACLU/Talmud gang
are fighting to keep the Stone Tablets on display in Alabama.

Thanks, Al. Looks like I've filled my quota of "Special Knowledge" early
this week. I might even sleep through George W. Gentry Sunday morning.

Frank Dresser

  #10   Report Post  
Old August 23rd 03, 12:00 AM
Dr Artaud
Posts: n/a

BDK wrote in

This is an easy question to answer. The media, the news, the purveyors of
movies, drama, comedy, sci-fi, they all see to it that Christians are given
a bad rap.

Watch TV closely for a week, 10,000 Holocaust movies designed to elicit
empathy for the plight of the Jews, (truly a sad time in history), and as
many movies showing perverted priests, reverends, holy rollers, everything
and anything to demean the Christian religion. Why was our current
president not shown as a picture of Moses rather than Christ? Jews are NOT
made fun of on TV, unless it's by another Jew, such as Mel Brooks. But Jews
are quite comfortable denigrating Christianity.

It's that simple. Many Christians have tired of seeing their beliefs put
through the meat grinder by gays, Jews, atheists, and so on. In life, many
Christians make a positive contribution to society, but you wouldn't think
so by watching the news.

Jews undoubtedly make positive contributions to society, but also very
negative ones. When several members of the JDL (Jewish Defense League)
were caught that were intent on destroying a Mosque and killing a Muslim
lawmaker in the U.S., it hardly made the news. But if some Catholic Priest
in a parish in the middle of Montana gets caught giving an underage kid a
bottle of beer, whoa, this is national news.

Dr. Artaud

Why don't you post the bad things in th bible with the same glee you
post the bad stuff from the talmud, Al?? I can guess why, it's not
part of the jew hatin' hobby, is it??

How often do you get emails calling you a scumbag, or worse??

I hate to think how high the number is.


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