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I. P. Yurin yurinated:
Y'know, for decades intelligent opinion has held that the only real use for a nazi was in agriculture -- as fertilizer. But I think that might be too narrow-minded. Your recent posts here lead me to ponder whether the only other use for a nazi might be as a usenet moderator. They have that fanatical adherence to rules, and are unbothered by any superfluous respect for free speech. Comrade Stalin says "Be merciless towards the fascist invaders! (in our newsgroups)" -- Col. I.P. Yurin Commissariat of Internal Security Stakhanovite Order of Lenin (1937) Hero of Socialist Labor (1939) But at least the Nazis knew what to do with communists. It's a shame we didn't let them finish the job. A communist best serves mankind from the grave. :::::::::::::::::::::: Nations are like leaves, they change color before they fall. :::::::::::::::::::::: "A country which cannot control it's borders isn't really a country anymore." (President Ronald Reagan) :::::::::::::::::::::: |
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![]() I. P. Yurin yurinated: Y'know, for decades intelligent opinion has held that the only real use for a nazi was in agriculture -- as fertilizer. But I think that might be too narrow-minded. Your recent posts here lead me to ponder whether the only other use for a nazi might be as a usenet moderator. They have that fanatical adherence to rules, and are unbothered by any superfluous respect for free speech. Comrade Stalin says "Be merciless towards the fascist invaders! (in our newsgroups)" -- Col. I.P. Yurin Commissariat of Internal Security Stakhanovite Order of Lenin (1937) Hero of Socialist Labor (1939) But at least the Nazis knew what to do with communists. It's a shame we didn't let them finish the job. A communist best serves mankind from the grave. :::::::::::::::::::::: Nations are like leaves, they change color before they fall. :::::::::::::::::::::: "A country which cannot control it's borders isn't really a country anymore." (President Ronald Reagan) :::::::::::::::::::::: Did I offend your nazi sensibilities? Good. In fact probably the only good thing the bolsheviks accomplished was slaughtering your brown shirted heros. The Red Army gave it to your guys real good when they rolled through East Germany. Posting from AOL leads me to guess you're here in USA. Must cause you a lot of cognitive dissonance to live in the country that kicked your nazi heros' asses, huh? Well, just suffer silently, loser. -- Col. I.P. Yurin Commissariat of Internal Security Stakhanovite Order of Lenin (1937) Hero of Socialist Labor (1939) |
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You and other of your ilk suffer from cranial vacancy. No one is willing
to closely read the posts, just criticize the poster. A similar story, the execution, by 2 blacks, of 4 young whites (and attempted 5th) in Kansas. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/arti...5/190420.shtml "Two Kansas brothers were sentenced to death Friday after being found guilty of murdering four people in December 2000. Lawyers for Reginald and Jonathan Carr sought a life sentence for the two, but failed in their attempt to spare the Carrs from the death penalty. " "The woman who survived the Dec. 15, 2000, shooting that left her four friends dead told the court, "The sentence imposed on them will be a much kinder sentence than they imposed on me, my friends, and family." When the jury delivered its verdict Thursday, Mark Befort, a brother of one of the victims, sarcastically wished Reginald Carr a "happy birthday," followed by an expletive, as he was being led away. Carr's response was laced with profanity." "Plenty of Hate, Plenty of Crime, but No 'Hate Crime' Some residents in the Wichita area say the murders would have been prosecuted as "hate crimes" had the skin color of the gunmen and their victims been reversed. However, Sedgwick County, Kan., District Attorney Nola Foulston said she would not charge the suspects with committing "hate crimes" because she believed the murders were motivated by robbery and not racial hatred. The Carr brothers were charged with multiple counts of murder, robbery, rape and other crimes in a rampage that began Dec. 7, 2000 when they kidnapped a 23-year-old man from a Wichita convenience store and robbed him. Several days later, according to prosecutors, the Carrs shot a female outside her Wichita home. She died several days later from her injuries. The Carrs then broke into the home of three young men who were hosting two female guests. Later that night, prosecutors said the Carrs drove the five people to a deserted soccer field, forced them to kneel in the snow and shot each of them in the back of the head. Prosecutors said the brothers then drove a truck over the four dead bodies." End Excerpts: Yeah, the above was motivated by "robbery". Robbery caused them to force the whites involved to have sex with each other, then the perpetrators to have sex with the females, then to shoot all of them (one survived, what a surprise), then to run them over with a truck for good measure. Not racial. Never really made it to the national news. Do a Nexus search, and compare the results to the number of articles nationally concerning the dragging death of the black man in Texas, or to Matthew Sheppard. (see, the Texas death was really a traffic related death, and Matthew Sheppard was a tragic fence related accident, or so it would seem if you apply the same rules that they did in Kansas. You know idiot, you're a waste of oxygen, you and other like you. Running around reverberating with terms like "diversity" or "racial hatred", never really paying attention to the other side of the issue. The following are all wrong, but not as some like you see it. It's ok to persecute Christians, but not gays, OK for blacks to kill whites, but not whites blacks, and OK for environmentalists to destroy ski resorts and SUV dealerships, but not for some supposedly religious person to burn an abortion clinic. Go to the Department of Justice and research the truth of hate crimes. Blacks are far more likely to commit hate crime against whites than visa versa. Oh, and by the way, you won't find them under "Hate Crimes", you need to look at the actual statistics of White on Black and Black on White crimes. The rate of White on Black crimes is so low that it is almost off the bottom edge of the chart. Blacks, 15% of the population, commit 60% of the violent crimes. You won't research it though, you'll just vibrate with political correctness. Dr. Artaud Gray Shockley wrote in : On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 11:29:07 -0500, Kevin Alfred Strom wrote (in message ): by Kevin Alfred Strom, producer and host, American Dissident Voices radio program In stark contrast to the near-hysterical national coverage given to the the dragging death of a Black ex-convict in Jasper, Texas in 1998, For a couple weeks, this was true. the brutal execution-style slaying of three young Whites by Black assailants on Labor Day in Texarkana, Texas has been given only local and regional coverage in the controlled media. ROTFLMAO at Strom the Wonder Dog. It's been given world-wide coverage every since it happened, mostly by low-iq racists who keep complaining that /their/ victim didn't get as much coverage as the original victim. The old communist technique of using race to split a country to that communism could slip in. Kevin Alfred Strom is one of those who Josef Stalin called "useful idiots". Divide and conquer with StromTrooper insecurity. -------------------------------------------------------- No rebuttal via wrong topic since it's been shortwave and the "profits, pay-triots and militants who never served in a "real" military" where the StromSnoopers keep crying in their beer. Aw, po' little Strom. One of communism's "useful idiots". Gray Shockley ----------------------- DX-392 DX-398 RX-320 DX-399 70¹ Longwire Torus Tuner (3-13 MHz) Select-A-Tenna ----------------------- Vicksburg, MS US |
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![]() "Gray Shockley" wrote in message ... The old communist technique of using race to split a country to that communism could slip in. Sure sounds like the democrats. |
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![]() Kevin Alfred Strom wrote: by Kevin Alfred Strom, producer and host, American Dissident Voices radio program In stark contrast to the near-hysterical national coverage given to the the dragging death of a Black ex-convict in Jasper, Texas in 1998, the brutal execution-style slaying of three young Whites by Black assailants on Labor Day in Texarkana, Texas has been given only local and regional coverage in the controlled media. The average American TV-watcher has probably never heard of the Labor Day Massacre and doesn't even know the names of the White victims. (illustrations: right, Texarkana Police Chief Danny Alexander announces the arrests of the Black male suspects; above, the victims -- Rebecca Shifflett, Chrystal Willis, and Matthew Hines) Read mo http://www.nationalvanguard.org/story.php?id=170 -- Kevin Alfred Strom. The Works of R. P. Oliver: http://www.revilo-oliver.com Personal site: http://www.kevin-strom.com Maybe it was a case of "man bites dog". |