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I have been tracking your political oriented posts for a good while. Though I agree with virtually 100% of what you say I just don't think it belongs on this non political hobby newsgroup, unless there is a radio related message associated with it like the insensitivity of the black talk show host against the injured white girl. I'm a very politically educated person and know what the left has done to our culture but when I'm playing radio so to speak I really don't want to be reminded of the anti-white male rot within our decaying society. Go to my website at 160 Meter Amateur Radio Resources & Mo http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf.htm and look at the link in the left hand column concerning communists. -- 73, Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF Plant City, FL, USA EL87WX Yaesu FT-840 & PSK31 Digital Mode E Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/yaesu_ft840 160 Meter Amateur Radio Resources & Mo http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf.htm Daily Solar Space Weather & Geomagnetic Data Archive: http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf5.htm HF/MF Radio Propagation Theory Notes: http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf8.htm Florida Space & Atmospheric Weather Institute: http://www.kn4lf.com/fsawi.htm "Kevin Alfred Strom" wrote in message ... http://www.nationalvanguard.org/story.php?id=1091 Black ABC Radio Host Mocks Dismembered White Teen News/Comment; Posted on: 2003-11-10 20:08:51 [ Printer friendly ] by Kevin Alfred Strom Bethany Hamilton (pictured) is a 13-year-old White girl who lost her left arm to a 15-foot tiger shark in a tragic surfing accident on November first in Hawaii. Tom Joyner is a nationally-syndicated Black radio personality employed by Jew-controlled ABC. Shortly after Miss Hamilton's accident, Joyner and his Black co-hosts cruelly made fun of the young girl, making specific reference to the fact that she is White and singing a version of 'Mack the Knife' with words including "When that shark bites / He bites only Whites / Stay out de water, White people / Shark's gonna bite you / That's why he keeps on bitin' White" -- followed by mocking laughter. (illustration: ABC's Tom Joyner, who finds amusement in the tragic dismemberment of a 13-year-old White girl) An audio clip of the offending section of the program is he http://www.nationalvanguard.org/docs/joyner_shark.mp3 It's about 360 kb in size. One of Joyner's few non-Black listeners writes: "I have been contending for quite some time that our first amendment rights have been slowly taken away from us. There are things that a White person just cannot say but are perfectly acceptable for a Black to say. We should all be very concerned by this slow erosion of our rights. ...No White announcer could have said what Joyner and crew did about that White surfer girl had she been Black. They were LAUGHING at the fact her WHITE arm had been bitten off by a shark. It was so offensive but most people will never hear about it because Whites won't listen to Joyner and the Blacks who heard it just laughed along with him. It was 'just a white girl,' you know. Who cares about them; they're just good for... "Not a single Black will criticize him for his comments and that proves to me who the real racists are in our society. Had a White announcer done the same thing concerning a Black he would have been lambasted by many other Whites. Everyone knows this is true." And National Vanguard believes that, had the racial roles been reversed, the Jewish-owned media would be trumpeting this case to the skies. Joyner's disgusting performance would already have been an international scandal and he would have been fired and unable to work again in media for years -- if not for the rest of his life. But the media Jews aren't at all concerned about cruelty to White children. Joyner is still employed by ABC and is so totally unapologetic that he even features a studio clip of the song mocking Bethany Hamilton on his official Web site. Just go to http://blackamericaweb.tomjoyner.com/missed/intro.html and scroll down to the entry for November 3, 2003. The Tom Joyner Web site is heavy on advertising, including prominent Home Depot spots (and a probably market-appropriate ad which asks the reader "Genital irritation?"). Probably most of these advertisers aren't aware of their support of the anti-White actions of Mr. Joyner and, more importantly, the anti-White actions of Mr. Joyner's employers. http://www.tomjoyner.com/ Bethany Hamilton is facing her tragedy with religious faith and bravery. She says that her life-changing accident will be an opportunity for her to help others in new ways. It is reported that she did not even cry as she swam ashore with only one arm after the attack. Her attitude is particularly impressive since her young life was largely centered on competitive surfing. Those who wish to find out more about Bethany, her beliefs, and her efforts, should visit her Web site: http://bethanyhamilton.com/ The story of the accident is he http://tinyurl.com/uh0i And here are links to some of the advertising sponsors of Joyner and his program: ABC Radio Networks http://www.abcradio.com/index.cfm?bay=home.page Home Depot: http://www.homedepot.com McDonalds: http://www.mcdonalds.com/ Chrysler: http://www.chrysler.com/webselfservi...sler/index.jsp Source: Correspondents http://www.nationalvanguard.org/story.php?id=1091 -- Kevin Alfred Strom. News: http://www.nationalvanguard.org/ The Works of R. P. Oliver: http://www.revilo-oliver.com Personal site: http://www.kevin-strom.com --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free Thanks To Grisoft AVG. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.538 / Virus Database: 333 - Release Date: 11/10/2003 |
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I have been tracking your political oriented posts for a good while. Though I agree with virtually 100% of what you say I just don't think it belongs on this non political hobby newsgroup, unless there is a radio related message associated with it like the insensitivity of the black talk Yeah, in other words, tell it to someone who gives a s*it..this crap doesent belong here.. steve |
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On Wed, 12 Nov 2003 02:24:34 +0000, Dr. Artaud wrote:
Hippie wrote in link.net: Any normal person would conclude Tom Joyner is a jerk, I see no reason to discriminate because he his black, it seems like it would be enough to entitle this article "ABC Radio Host Mocks Dismembered Teen". Why add the racial angle? -Hippie. Let's see, a couple of white jerks in Texas drag a black man to his death behind a pickup truck, and we hear about it 100,000 times. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/arti...5/190420.shtml 2 Black Brothers (in the literal sense) Kill 5 white kids in Kansas and no one but people in Kansas hear about it. "Two Kansas brothers were sentenced to death Friday after being found guilty of murdering four people in December 2000. Lawyers for Reginald and Jonathan Carr sought a life sentence for the two, but failed in their attempt to spare the Carrs from the death penalty. " "The woman who survived the Dec. 15, 2000, shooting that left her four friends dead told the court, "The sentence imposed on them will be a much kinder sentence than they imposed on me, my friends, and family." When the jury delivered its verdict Thursday, Mark Befort, a brother of one of the victims, sarcastically wished Reginald Carr a "happy birthday," followed by an expletive, as he was being led away. Carr's response was laced with profanity." "Plenty of Hate, Plenty of Crime, but No 'Hate Crime' Some residents in the Wichita area say the murders would have been prosecuted as "hate crimes" had the skin color of the gunmen and their victims been reversed. The Carr brothers were charged with multiple counts of murder, robbery, rape and other crimes in a rampage that began Dec. 7, 2000 when they kidnapped a 23-year-old man from a Wichita convenience store and robbed him. Several days later, according to prosecutors, the Carrs shot a female outside her Wichita home. She died several days later from her injuries. The Carrs then broke into the home of three young men who were hosting two female guests. Later that night, prosecutors said the Carrs drove the five people to a deserted soccer field, forced them to kneel in the snow and shot each of them in the back of the head. Prosecutors said the brothers then drove a truck over the four dead bodies." Odd how the media polarizes the racial stories isn't it? Kill a Christian, the media turns its head. Kill a Jew, never ending coverage. A Black kills a white, the media turns its head, a white kills a black, endless coverage. A homosexual kills a heterosexual, the media turns its head, a heterosexual kills a homosexual, endless coverage. My goodness, one would have to suppose that black gay Jews run the media, at least if one were to attempt to extrapolate the reason that such biased coverage is proffered. Dr. Artaud I guess Dr. Artaud for people to stop being racists someone has to set the example, I am a person who chooses to hold people accountable only for their deeds, not their race. Apparently some of us still need to add a racist bent to everything, how sad. -Hippie. |
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![]() "privacy.at Anonymous Remailer" wrote in message vacy.at... In article (Desmoface) wrote: Kevin, I have been tracking your political oriented posts for a good while. Though I agree with virtually 100% of what you say I just don't think it belongs on this non political hobby newsgroup, unless there is a radio related message associated with it like the insensitivity of the black talk Yeah, in other words, tell it to someone who gives a s*it..this crap doesent belong here.. I'd mock four eyed little geeky worm KKKKevin if he was dismembered in a shark attack. Too bad KKKKevin doesn't go swimming in the ocean with a raw steak attached to him, I'd pay good money to see him attacked by a shark. Better to just IGNORE HIM and those like him. If you pay them no attention they always will pull-up their pants and take themselves and their inch-long tallywhackers with them someplace else to make fools of themselves to a new audience.. : ) |
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Hippie wrote in
hlink.net: I guess Dr. Artaud for people to stop being racists someone has to set the example, I am a person who chooses to hold people accountable only for their deeds, not their race. Apparently some of us still need to add a racist bent to everything, how sad. -Hippie. Your answer predictable. Hey Einstein, how about addressing the issue that the media inundates us with the white racist material but completely ignores black racism against whites? Although you can mount your own "I'm better than all you other people" while shaking your limp wrists in ecstasy campaign, people like you are the real reason that political correctness has risen to the fervor that it has. We must hold blacks as responsible for their actions as we hold whites. We must publicize when blacks wrong whites to the same degree that we publicize when whites wrong blacks. Look at the real data, http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/race.htm Homicides by race of offender and victim. The simple fact is that white on black crime is almost nonexistent. Yet the media neuroses about it and you feel better than everyone else because you have deluded yourself into believing that you have taken a unilateral "I'm going to be a limp wrist passivist" stance on the issue. Remember, a liberal is really a conservative that hasn't been victimized yet. An ignorant white calling a black person, in an unprovoked situation, a ******, or some such epithet, is not the significant issue, 2 black brothers (literally) raping and murdering 5 white youths IS. Yet you care not of those murdered by barbaric blacks, just in eradicating perceived racism. Dr. Artuad. |
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On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 23:34:26 +0000, Dr. Artaud wrote:
Hippie wrote in hlink.net: I guess Dr. Artaud for people to stop being racists someone has to set the example, I am a person who chooses to hold people accountable only for their deeds, not their race. Apparently some of us still need to add a racist bent to everything, how sad. -Hippie. Your answer predictable. Hey Einstein, how about addressing the issue that the media inundates us with the white racist material but completely ignores black racism against whites? Thanks for flattering me with your Einstein comparison though my IQ is really a bit lower than his. The US media is indeed terrible, and is to be read with a great deal of skepticism. Although you can mount your own "I'm better than all you other people" while shaking your limp wrists in ecstasy campaign, people like you are the real reason that political correctness has risen to the fervor that it has. Really? Do you think I am better than you? We must hold blacks as responsible for their actions as we hold whites. We must publicize when blacks wrong whites to the same degree that we publicize when whites wrong blacks. To publicize when blacks wrong whites or vice versa only perpetuates racism. My opinion is it's better to hold people accountable for their actions without regards to race. Look at the real data, http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/race.htm Homicides by race of offender and victim. The simple fact is that white on black crime is almost nonexistent. Yet the media neuroses about it and you feel better than everyone else because you have deluded yourself into believing that you have taken a unilateral "I'm going to be a limp wrist passivist" stance on the issue. Remember, a liberal is really a conservative that hasn't been victimized yet. An ignorant white calling a black person, in an unprovoked situation, a ******, or some such epithet, is not the significant issue, 2 black brothers (literally) raping and murdering 5 white youths IS. Yet you care not of those murdered by barbaric blacks, just in eradicating perceived racism. Dr. Artuad. Well Dr. Artuad you certainly appear to have issues with people of the black race, may I suggest forgiving those whom you hate and then moving on with your life? -Hippie. |
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Hippie wrote in
hlink.net: To publicize when blacks wrong whites or vice versa only perpetuates racism. My opinion is it's better to hold people accountable for their actions without regards to race. I see, how about the two dragging deaths described in this thread? One a black man dragged by whites, the other a white man dragged by blacks. If one is to be considered a (shudder) "hate crime", why isn't the other? Why aren't all murders "hate crimes"? We have allowed society to create protected classes, almost ALL at the expense of white Christians. It is a hate crime to kill a Jew but not a Christian, a hate crime to kill a Muslim but not a Christian, a hate crime to kill a black but not a white, etc. You have spoken the truth, "it's better to hold people accountable for their actions without regards to race". My only objection on this thought can be summarized by the following: "All people are equal, only some people are more equal than others". I'm sure you'll twist this to suit your needs, but I refer to it in the sense of accountability, a topic you broached. Blacks simply do not believe that they (as a race) are to be held accountable for their actions. As much as I fret over police brutality, being outraged when the police in N.Y. shot and killed an unarmed black man some 17 times (he reached for his wallet) but went unpunished, I was also incredulous of the protestations of the family of a black youth that was shot by the police here in Pittsburgh. The youth was holed up in a van, the conclusion of a chase, the event starting with an armed holdup and shots being fired. The parents felt that the police overreacted, but if the youth hadn't held up the store at gun point, and had not fired the gun, he would still be alive today. His actions are directly responsible for his demise. I also notice that you neglected to respond to the statistics page? Do you regard the wanton and torturous murder of 5 white youths as merely "an issue"? My my, sanctimony reigns supreme. By the way, in what city and country do you live? Dr. Artaud Look at the real data, http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/race.htm Homicides by race of offender and victim. The simple fact is that white on black crime is almost nonexistent. Yet the media neuroses about it and you feel better than everyone else because you have deluded yourself into believing that you have taken a unilateral "I'm going to be a limp wrist passivist" stance on the issue. Remember, a liberal is really a conservative that hasn't been victimized yet. An ignorant white calling a black person, in an unprovoked situation, a ******, or some such epithet, is not the significant issue, 2 black brothers (literally) raping and murdering 5 white youths IS. Yet you care not of those murdered by barbaric blacks, just in eradicating perceived racism. Dr. Artuad. Well Dr. Artuad you certainly appear to have issues with people of the black race, may I suggest forgiving those whom you hate and then moving on with your life? -Hippie. |
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On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 21:44:48 +0000, Dr. Artaud wrote:
Hippie wrote in hlink.net: To publicize when blacks wrong whites or vice versa only perpetuates racism. My opinion is it's better to hold people accountable for their actions without regards to race. I see, how about the two dragging deaths described in this thread? One a black man dragged by whites, the other a white man dragged by blacks. If one is to be considered a (shudder) "hate crime", why isn't the other? Why aren't all murders "hate crimes"? We have allowed society to create protected classes, almost ALL at the expense of white Christians. It is a hate crime to kill a Jew but not a Christian, a hate crime to kill a Muslim but not a Christian, a hate crime to kill a black but not a white, etc. You have spoken the truth, "it's better to hold people accountable for their actions without regards to race". My only objection on this thought can be summarized by the following: "All people are equal, only some people are more equal than others". I'm sure you'll twist this to suit your needs, but I refer to it in the sense of accountability, a topic you broached. Blacks simply do not believe that they (as a race) are to be held accountable for their actions. As much as I fret over police brutality, being outraged when the police in N.Y. shot and killed an unarmed black man some 17 times (he reached for his wallet) but went unpunished, I was also incredulous of the protestations of the family of a black youth that was shot by the police here in Pittsburgh. The youth was holed up in a van, the conclusion of a chase, the event starting with an armed holdup and shots being fired. The parents felt that the police overreacted, but if the youth hadn't held up the store at gun point, and had not fired the gun, he would still be alive today. His actions are directly responsible for his demise. I also notice that you neglected to respond to the statistics page? Do you regard the wanton and torturous murder of 5 white youths as merely "an issue"? My my, sanctimony reigns supreme. By the way, in what city and country do you live? Dr. Artaud I live in Southern California. You have good points about the unfair ways hate crimes are reported, I personally disagree with the premise "hate crime". If someone commits a crime to another, that is enough to punish them, no reason to add the fact the two came from different ethnic groups. Your complaints about the reporting of hate crimes are indeed valid, but this racial stuff cuts both ways. In my town if a black man is simply walking down the street at night he his more likely to be interviewed by a passing deputy than is a white person. I have witnessed this personally and it just sickens me! The USA is still a backward country socially. -Hippie. |
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