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"WilleeCue" wrote:
If that is the case then you sir are not doing your job representing the public. If you know there is someing shady going on you are obgliated to speak out in defense of the public or let someone else that will have the job. As far as I know, it's not his job to review the overall business transaction. Dwight Stewart (W5NET) http://www.qsl.net/w5net/ |
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"Jack" wrote:
BTW, I just love those artificial municipal fees... I was forced to pay $150 per year for snow plowing fees in a community where it snowed maybe once or twice a year and usually not more than an inch at most! Most years they never plowed a single road. My particular street NEVER saw a snow plow in the 20 years my family lived there. On a side note, something similar could be said about related city or town taxes. Many years ago, the city here started collecting taxes to subsidize curb-side garbage pick-up. Those taxes were raised many times over the years. A few years ago, the city decided to end that service, requiring residents who want garbage pick-up to pay for it themselves. Of course, as you can guess, the taxes supporting that were never stopped. We're still paying those same taxes today, but the money is simply being used for something else. Dwight Stewart (W5NET) http://www.qsl.net/w5net/ |
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![]() "Dwight Stewart" wrote in message link.net... City ordanances often cover that situation - no CC&R or Homeowners Association required. Many additions in my area are not in the city. The only county requirement is to cut your yard one time a year. No county rule about having junk cars in your driveway either. CC&R is what keeps the new neighborhoods have nice yards. We have one trashy family that lived in our addition that would never cut their grass and had junk cars just sitting. That is just as worse as those people who put up their ugly antennas. If I move into a neighborhood where antennas are banned and my neighbor uses a new law to put one up, mine will go up as soon as he takes his down and his 4-sale sign goes up. Hope it doesn't cause some possible buyer to reconsider due to the stupid looking antenna towering above in the neighbors yard. Funny thing is that if a few people said why they didn't buy, I wonder if this die hard ham would have the balls to actually ask me to take it down until he sold the home. I think such a person would...they usually are only out for themselves. |
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On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 11:33:22 GMT, "Midwest Kid"
wrote: "Jack" wrote in message .. . You want *other* people to abide by rules set by their communities but you don't seem to be able to live even with your own rules. Damn hypocrite, I say! There are no rules. If someone puts up a huge antenna in our neighborhood....fine. I will then put up something that looks just as stupid. Many of the people in my area who have huge antennas usually live more rural and don't live in an addition. I am also only talking about these super high antennas. A very small antenna wouldn't bother me too much. Thing is that if I decided to make my yard an antenna field and put about 3-4 high antennas on my roof to cover everything, then ham wouldn't I shot this from my neighbor's back yard on the 13th of this month (Nov 2003) http://www.rogerhalstead.com/ham_files/Tower30.htm I had to get a building permit for a tower this size and it had to conform to the proper engineering standards. (the guy anchors weigh 17,000# each. The lower guys are 4,000# working strength and the top set are over 6,000). I'm the only ham in the subdivision and within one and a half to two miles that has a tower up. I've never received an RFI complaint with the exception of one neighbor having a foot ball party in their garage and the TV set had rabbit ears. I gave them a spare antenna for the set in their garage. It's a good neighborhood except for one guy (5 houses away) who has one of those big mercury vapor lights on the face of a small shed that serves as a reflector and shines right into out back yard. So much for the Amateur Astronomy. care. However, something tells me that if he/she had to sell their home they would take down their antenna first and ask me to do the same if a realtor said my antennas were driving potential buyers away. That's the hypocrisy I don't like. It's not likely to happen around here. People are far more worried about the county wanting to build a *big* jail about 300 yards to the south. One neighbor directly south of me and east of the spot where I shot the photo had their property appraised to refinance. The realtor dropped their appraised value by $10,000 and specifically stated it was due to the *likely hood* of the jail across the road. So much for the county telling us it won't affect out property values. You'll have to fix the return add due to dumb virus checkers, not spam Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL life member) (N833R, S# CD-2 Worlds oldest Debonair?) www.rogerhalstead.com |
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![]() "Roger Halstead" wrote in message ... I shot this from my neighbor's back yard on the 13th of this month (Nov 2003) http://www.rogerhalstead.com/ham_files/Tower30.htm I had to get a building permit for a tower this size and it had to conform to the proper engineering standards. (the guy anchors weigh 17,000# each. The lower guys are 4,000# working strength and the top set are over 6,000). Exactly how tall is this big one? I'm green with envy. Dee D. Flint, N8UZE |
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On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 19:23:59 GMT, "Dee D. Flint"
wrote: "Roger Halstead" wrote in message .. . I shot this from my neighbor's back yard on the 13th of this month (Nov 2003) http://www.rogerhalstead.com/ham_files/Tower30.htm I had to get a building permit for a tower this size and it had to conform to the proper engineering standards. (the guy anchors weigh 17,000# each. The lower guys are 4,000# working strength and the top set are over 6,000). Exactly how tall is this big one? I'm green with envy. Thanks! :-)) Twas all put up by hand too:-)) Which is why it took me nigh onto two years to finish. Well, it'll never be finished as long as it's up, but ... The Tower is a 97 foot ROHN 45G. The antennas are mounted on steel tubing which runs through thrust bearings at the top and about 12 feet below the top of the tower to a BogBoy Rotor. The TH-5 tri-bander is at 100 feet, the 7 element C3i 6-meter beam (with 28'10" boom) is at 115 feet. The 144 and 440 vertically polarized arrays are on a cross boom at 130 feet. If you change that link to tower.htm ( http://www.rogerhalstead.com/ham_files/Tower.htm ) it should link to the whole story or just go to my home page, table of contents, and click on "My Tower Project". There are also some shots of the "office" end as well. There is one photo of installing the TH-5 that will give a good idea as to the scale of the antennas. Note a lot of that antenna work was done in the winter with some pretty low wind chills. "Doing it myself" was an educational and fun project, plus it saved a whale of a lot of money. I have some fears if the county puts a jail within 300 yards we won't be able to coexist and that'd mean moving. I'd pretty much have to resort to having a professional crew come in, take the tower down and then reinstall it where ever we moved which would cost a small fortune which I'm not sure I could afford. This is a nice quiet, rural subdivision with lots of Deer, Wild Turkeys, and other critters that come right up in the yard. BTW, IF you have a fast connection there is a panoramic view from the top of the tower at http://www.rogerhalstead.com/ham_files/towerview.htm It's a huge file of roughly 19 Megs so it'd be a lost cause with dial-up. It's not a great image as the images didn't match perfectly and created some artifacts where they are stitched together. (I was standing on the tower top plate with the wind gusting 20 MPH or so when I shot the photos hand held) I'm going to build a bracket and attach the camera to the mast. Then shoot an image about every 15 degrees as the antennas are turned. Unfortunately the landscape is now much less colorful. 73 Roger (K8RI) You'll have to fix the return add due to dumb virus checkers, not spam Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL life member) (N833R, S# CD-2 Worlds oldest Debonair?) www.rogerhalstead.com Dee D. Flint, N8UZE |
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On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 01:40:16 GMT, "Midwest Kid"
wrote: wrote in message ... Thank you.... ....... I am moving into a housing plan with such antenna restrictions. But what housing plan doesn't have them. There is always someone trying to tell some else how to live their lives, or knows what's best for you. You people amaze me. If you don't like covenants, then don't move into the neighborhood. The whole reason for the rules are to keep everything in check. Something tells me that neither of you would wants someone putting up some rusted out, 1970s RV and using it as a shed if the rules made that 'illegal' The point: Many times it's not possible to purchase a home any where near work, or schools, or convenient shopping without finding restrictive CC&Rs. For instance in California you quite conceivably might find it necessary to move a 100 miles to find such an area. It's my understanding that there are a great many restrictions on antennas in Florida. Here? These are ordinances, not CC&Rs, I have to keep my grass mowed, I can not keep cars up on blocks. I can not park a mobile home along side the house for more than a couple months. I can not leave a motor home parked in the driveway, or along side the house for more than a couple of months, but I can build a garage big enough to park it inside. I can not build a separate garage or shop larger than my home. Virtually any major repair requires a building permit. There are restrictions on outside antennas *except* for hams. "In recognition for the service provided to the community" there are no restrictions on ham antennas, but there are safety regulations. I have to abide by the "set back" rules the same as anyone else and towers taller than 80 feet require a building permit and must be properly engineered. Using the engineering data in the ROHN catalog is permitted. We (hams) have a very good working relationship with the county. When they built their new Law Enforcement Center the Emergency Operations Center in it included a ham station. The mobile EOC van also has a ham station built in. These are not just 2-meter FM mobiles either. In addition, we are working on small, limited range portable repeaters for voice, data, and video in conjunction with the EOC. Some years back I served as the communications for one of the evacuation centers when a train with some really nasty stuff, derailed quite some distance away. That operation took a lot of hams as the evacuation area was quite large. We were fortunate that the wind pretty much favored us, but it changed enough that the shelter where I was located had to be moved *in a hurry*. (I now carry a gas mask in my kit) Moving a whole bunch of people who have just been awakened at 2 AM, through a cloud of *stuff* that makes it difficult to breathe and very limited visibility is an experience. Where is here? Homer Township, Midland County Michigan. You'll have to fix the return add due to dumb virus checkers, not spam Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL life member) (N833R, S# CD-2 Worlds oldest Debonair?) www.rogerhalstead.com |
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On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 02:07:32 GMT, "Midwest Kid"
wrote: "Brenda Ann" wrote in message ... I can understand where people have a right to not want someone storing a dozen rusty cars on their front lawn, or allowing their grass to get 3' tall.. but as far as antennas, etc.. they have no business telling a homeowner what to do. It's not right that they should be telling people what color they can paint their house, what kind of plants or animals they can or cannot have, etc.. Then why the hell is it 'right' that they tell your neighbor they can't have 12 rusty cars in their yard? If you want to live without rules, get an older farm house or something. Don't move into a neighborhood and then complain about the rules you disagree with. And that would solve what LOL The majority of the land around here is zoned although the zoning varies from township to township and county to county. Here, even if you own the biggest farm in the region you still can't have a pile of rusty cars in your yard. Now you could get your area rezoned commercial and then get a license and then create a junk yard, but it's more difficult to get farm land rezoned than to put a junk yard near a residential area. You'd probably stand a better chance of trying for the center of main street down town. I attended a township meeting in another county and high on their list was going after some guy who kept hauling junk into his yard against zoning. (they figured most of it was stolen but old iron pipe and tanks are difficult to trace).Another was some one with a bunch of old tires laying out back. Besides being unsightly they are a health hazard (mosquitoes and West Nile Virus) along with being a fire hazard. One pile in a neighboring county caught fire. Now there was a fire. There were over a million tires in that pile and it was a legal storage. Zoning tends to be along the lines of common sense. Safety for one thing. CC&Rs OTOH are what some one wants to see, or not see, done or not done, conformity. The ham tower serves a function whether of the greatest aesthetic appeal or not. The rusty cars benefit no one except possibly the owner. So to when it comes to CC&Rs Vs ordinances. CC&Rs are open to interpretation by the HOAs and they can change those interpretations. Say you move into a nice subdivision and like many the CC&Rs are so vague you need to get a legal opinion. Not satisfied you have the head of the HOA give you his/her opinion. As far as they are concerned you can put up that 100 foot tower on your 4 acre million dollar lot with the two million dollar home. You purchase, move in, put up the tower and get a visit from the members of the HOA who tell you the tower must come down. You point out the discussion with the head of the HOA and they simply state they must work in unison and he/she does not speak for the entire HOA. Say you had the foresight to get the contract in writing. The same as above applies. Or they can downright change their minds as to the interpretation. Now with a lengthy legal battle and I assume any one owning a house and lot worth three million could afford to do that, there is no guarantee you'd win. Also due to being the outsider you would open yourself up for harassment which you might have a difficult time proving. So back up to the zoning and regulations. Say you don't have to worry about CC&Rs, but discover the township has a prohibition against any structure over 25 feet. Typically, with a tactful approach pointing out that they are superseding a federal law when it comes to amateur radio towers might get you that variance. We had just such a case in a township north of Midland. Several hams had tried for years to put up towers, but to no avail. A new guy moved in and several months later had a 60 foot tower. He took the proper approach and was prepared. OTOH if the township is immovable, you most likely will win a court battle and lawsuit, but it takes money to do that. Most often a *lot* of money. Normally a lot more than you'd get back. Vindictive township officials can be a royal pain, but nothing like vindictive HOAs. OTOH you might discover there are no homes available without overly restrictive CC&Rs within 50 miles of your new job that pays $50,000 a year. What HOA are you going to fight on that much?. Having said all that, I fully expect to see passage of a bill that will void any CC&R restriction on ham antennas deemed unreasonable within the next decade IF government continues in its current direction of recognizing the amateur service as an asset. Particularly in the light of Homeland Security. You'll have to fix the return add due to dumb virus checkers, not spam Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL life member) (N833R, S# CD-2 Worlds oldest Debonair?) www.rogerhalstead.com |
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![]() "Roger Halstead" wrote in message ... We (hams) have a very good working relationship with the county. When they built their new Law Enforcement Center the Emergency Operations Center in it included a ham station. The mobile EOC van also has a ham station built in. These are not just 2-meter FM mobiles either. In addition, we are working on small, limited range portable repeaters for voice, data, and video in conjunction with the EOC. Some years back I served as the communications for one of the evacuation centers when a train with some really nasty stuff, derailed quite some distance away. That operation took a lot of hams as the evacuation area was quite large. We were fortunate that the wind pretty much favored us, but it changed enough that the shelter where I was located had to be moved *in a hurry*. (I now carry a gas mask in my kit) Moving a whole bunch of people who have just been awakened at 2 AM, through a cloud of *stuff* that makes it difficult to breathe and very limited visibility is an experience. And therein lies the major difference. Whereas it is not a 'mandate' in the true sense of the word, it has long been a standing relationship between amateur radio ops and the local, state and federal authorities that hams perform essential communications and other assistance during times of emergency. (this is why, among other things, ham plates are not considered vanity plates in most, if not all, states). And these towers and arrays are important to the facilitation of those emergency communications. |
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On Fri, 21 Nov 2003 16:31:45 -0500, Dave Holford
wrote: Frank Dresser wrote: "A.Pismo Clam" wrote in message ... Hello All! snip The thought occurs to me that in the "good old days" aircraft used to have wire antennas, either strung around the airframe or trailing below and behind. Some still do Modern, high speed, aircraft can't do this so they have various solutions including HF probes and conformal antennas (I have seen unpainted panels on some large military aircraft which were identified as HF antennas) and it is not difficult to receive their signals over distances of several thousand miles. I wonder why no one has, at least as far as I am aware, attempted to adapt these solutions to Ham Radio? The aircraft has a height above Terrain (HAT) advantage that few homes are ever going to obtain. :-)) I have personal experience, some 40 years ago, with an HF antenna which consisted of the top half of the tail (about a 15 to 20 foot square metal surface) which was tuned by a remote ATU (Collins CU-351 ISTR) and performed at least as well as a fixed wire over the range of 2.5 to 30 MHz. I had considered at one time covering one end of the house with foil and trying the idea against ground, but for some reason I encountered some opposition from another member of my household. I think she figured 15 antennas was enough! Then there is the problem of electrical wiring on the inside of the wall too. :-)) The plane I'm building (335 MPH hot rod) is all advanced composite. The plans call for the antennas to all be inside. Unfortunately the VOR antenna is supposed to be in the horizontal stabilizer. They changed the material so the horizontal stab is all carbon fiber. Wellll...maybe it'd be good for deicing. You'll have to fix the return add due to dumb virus checkers, not spam Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL life member) (N833R, S# CD-2 Worlds oldest Debonair?) www.rogerhalstead.com Dave VE3HLU |
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