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  #11   Report Post  
Old January 27th 04, 03:38 PM
Posts: n/a


There you go "MWB" Again Reading Into Things...
- Some Point or Fact and Weirdifying It - Or Absurderizing It
- Twisting and Spinning It Into the "MWB" Warpped Factor !

Like a Political Convention with all the States, Territories,
and the District 'gathered' under their Signs and Banners.

I have a 'vision' of the "Michael Moore Brigade" right there in
the middle of things. An Right there in the 'middle' of them;
Standing on a Chair so he can be a Head and Shoulder above them
all is "MWB" Yelling "Burn Down The Tent of Lies and Set Us Free !"

MWB - Where You See Lies . . .
I See Unfulfilled Promises and Hope for a Better Tomorrow.
Something that is Not Democrat or Republican: But the 'common'
Spirit and Faith of the American People. Building a Better
America through Actions born out of Understanding and Deeds
performed in the name of our common Humanity.

For I Have Faith and I Believe in America ~ RHF
= = = ojunk (Michael Bryant)
= = = wrote in message ...

A Trumpet Call from the Michael Moore Brigade was issued by "SkyWave":

" "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" "

Why Thank You SkyWave - Yes I Am !

Hey, RHF, what's wrong with Michael Moore?

Nothing... But One Most recognize that 'michael moore' is "Michael
{ Michael Moore the person 'affects' a certain Personna as
"Michael Moore" the very "Out There" Public Figure. }

Isn't he part of Americana?

YES - That he Is - Big Time !

Isn't your tent big enough for him?

YES - If He Wish to Be Inside the Tent - But He has the Right To
Be Outside the Tent - Or, In-Fact Claim that there is No Tent.

Why do you want to silence Michael Moore?

MWB - Did I Say That - NO!
Why Do You Fabricate Lies about what others have said MWB ?
My Words were and A "A Trumpet Call from the Michael Moore Brigade
was issued by" NOTE: A Trumpet Call is a Call to Order; a Call to
Arms; an Anouncement of Importance (All Hail Ye). So I simply Bring
Forth the Name of "Michael Moore" and the word "Brigade" benotes that
He is not along but has a following. Thus I Give Full Recognition to
the Uniqueness of Michael Moore as Part of Americana. All Honor be

Now try hard to maintain a little philosophical consistency.....

MWB - It is simply when one speaks from ones Heart.

Why do you Republicans dress superiority up as love for all Americans?

MWB - Have I Every Claimed To Be Superior ?
I am just a common man and admittedly simple minded and guided by
the very basic fact that I Am An American [.]

If you can't see through the lies,

MWB - Where You See Lies . . .
I Must and Will Repeat Myself:
I See Unfulfilled Promises and Hope for a Better Tomorrow.
Something that is Not Democrat or Republican: But the 'common'
Spirit and Faith of the American People. Building a Better
America through Actions born out of Understanding and Deeds
performed in the name of our common Humanity.

that doesn't make others unpatriotic.

MWB - Have I Call You Un-Patriotic - NO!

I simply state:
* I Am Love My Country
* I Am Proud to be an American
* I Do Believe in the Basic Goodness of Americans
And I call for: Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue !

MWB - Can I Not Be... Do I Not Have the Right To Be... Patriotic ?

And you're a very atypical Republican.

MWB - I Am Who I Am - I Remain Who I Am - Would You Change Me ?
If placing the 'label' "Republican" On Me fills some need within
you then so be it. Does using the Republican "Label" allow your
to Objectify Me and Consider Me "Less-than-a-Human-Being" MWB ?

MWB - The the Truth of Your Statement comes to the Harsh Light of

"And you're a very atypical Republican." {Political Bias & Hatred}

'And you're a very atypical African-American.' {Racial Bias & Hatred}

'And you're a very atypical Jewish-American.' {Religious Bias &

'And you're a very atypical Mexican-American.' {Ethnic Bias & Hatred}

'And you're a very atypical Woman.' {Sexual Bias & Hatred}

TBL: All Is Revealed MWB About Your Biases and Hatred.

Hatred Breeds Hatred
- An Hatred Is One Of The Great Destroyers of Societies.

Love Be Gets Love
- And Love Is One Of The Great Builders of Societies.

But... What Do I Know...
I Am Just a simple common everyday American Who Loves His Country.
Blessed by God with Life and Progressive by Nature thru Living ~ RHF
  #13   Report Post  
Old January 27th 04, 09:57 PM
Michael Bryant
Posts: n/a

From: (RHF)

There you go "MWB" Again Reading Into Things...
- Some Point or Fact and Weirdifying It - Or Absurderizing It
- Twisting and Spinning It Into the "MWB" Warpped Factor !

Actually, RHF, I was just MOCKING you by using your exact accusations right
back at you.

So, any weirifying must've been done first by you...

As usual, your inconsistencies, combined with you total lack of the ability to
apply any of your own standards to your own behavior, do you in.

I See Unfulfilled Promises and Hope for a Better Tomorrow.
Something that is Not Democrat or Republican: But the 'common'
Spirit and Faith of the American People. Building a Better
America through Actions born out of Understanding and Deeds
performed in the name of our common Humanity.

The fact that you see this as a reason to support George Bush is hilarious. I
want the exact same thing. But if you believe that George Bush is the path to
that vision you are severely self-deluded. Talk about spin... Are you a
political wannabee, RHF?

YES - If He Wish to Be Inside the Tent - But He has the Right To
Be Outside the Tent - Or, In-Fact Claim that there is No Tent.

Wonderful, why do you disparage me by condeming my actions, then?

TBL: All Is Revealed MWB About Your Biases and Hatred.

See, you say you don't condemn me and several lines later you do exactly that.
In my eyes that makes you look like a liar involved in a self-absorbed dance of

Blessed by God with Life and Progressive by Nature thru Living ~ RHF


Blessed be everything that RHF blesses. You must be dizzy from all that
self-righteous spinning!

Get a clue, Mr. Red-White&Blue!

Michael Bryant, WA4009SWL
Louisville, KY
R75, S800, RX320, SW77, ICF2010K,
DX398, 7600G, 6800W, RF2200, 7600A
GE SRll, Pro-2006, Pro-2010, Pro-76
(remove "nojunk" to reply)
  #16   Report Post  
Old January 28th 04, 09:33 PM
Beloved Leader
Posts: n/a

"Preesi" wrote in message ...

... Libyan president Mummoar Quaddafi....

What I want to know is, why is he still just a colonel? Shouldn't he
have made general by now? Really.

I'd ask him the next time the Axis of Evil gets together, but he isn't
a member.
  #17   Report Post  
Old January 29th 04, 05:15 AM
Posts: n/a


Did You Forget . . . MWB ? ? ?

What Are You Advoiding MWB ?

For the Third Time - Here are My Words:
[ Is there Not "Room" in Your America for a Cal Thomas, Paul Harvey
and others ? ]

A simple Yes or No will do. (No Long Answer with Qualifiers
and Points of Clarification is Required.) Just a Yes or a No.

Be Not Silent Now MWB... Let Us All Hear (Read) Your Yes or No.

MWB - Being the Man That You Are - Stand Up to this Juvenile:

Let Your 'yes' be a "YES" !

Let Your 'no' be a "NO" !

MWB - I Await Your One Word Reply ~ RHF
= = = ojunk (Michael Bryant)
= = = wrote in message ...

MWB - Did I 'in-fact' Say that You wanted to SILENCE Cal Thomas ? "NOT !"

Again... MWB, You Read too, Too. TOO ! Much Into What Is Written [.]

Here are My Words: [ Is there Not "Room" in Your America for
a Cal Thomas, Paul Harvey and others ? ]

I simply 'asked' You a Question MWB - Which You Have Never Answered [.]

Can You Simply Answer "The Question" MWB ?

I never said there wasn't room for anyone. You're the one's that's been
twisting words right from the beginning. You're the one that denigrates others
and, like a simpleton, tries to accuse the other of what you've just done.

Your juvenile games grow tiring.

  #20   Report Post  
Old January 29th 04, 09:04 PM
Posts: n/a


"BTW, for those of you with reading comprehension problems,
my answer is yes."
[ MWB - Let your 'yes' be a "Y E S !" Be Proud of It !]

"There's room in my America for everyone - even if they are
insipid in moralizing, like Cal Thomas, RHF, or Tracy Fort.
Hey, RHF, I believe that means yes.
[ Again, MWB - Let your 'yes' be a "Y E S !" Be Proud of It !]

Now, take your one-word answers and stick them where the sun
don't shine!"
(o: Why Thank You MWB - "MWB - Bend Over Please" )

" Now, like a cheap lawyer,"
[ And Like a Cheap Lawyer - I can now say Your Honor (MWB)...
The Question has been "Asked and Answered" [.]

"you try to force a one-word answer.
[ MWB - That I Do -&- i did, I Did. I DID ! ]

"Go play with yourself somewhere else"
[ MWB - You Make It So Much Fun To Be Here MWB;
MWB, Please Be Yourself MWB; and I Will Remain RHF ]

"your getting pushy and obnoxious in your sanctimonious righteousness."
[ MWB - I Am Who I Am - Would You Change Me ? ]

"You say there's room in your American for everyone,
but you make fun of Michael Moore."
[ MWB - Did I "Make Fun" of Michael Moore ? - NOT! ]

Isn't there room in your society for people that think
you are a silly pest?
[ MWB - Yes htere is "Room" in My Society for People that
'think' that I Am A "Silly Pest" - I my being a 'silly pest'
causes them to "Think". ]

MWB - Lets Recall What I Have Say About "The Michael MOORE"
[ Benoted by the "*" ]


* I have a 'vision' of the "Michael Moore Brigade" right there
in the middle of things.

* A Trumpet Call from the Michael Moore Brigade was issued by . . .

* Nothing... But One Most recognize that 'michael moore' is "Michael Moore".
{ Michael Moore the person 'affects' a certain Personna as "Michael Moore"
the very "Out There" Public Figure. }

MWB? - "Isn't he part of Americana?"
* YES - That he Is - Big Time !

MWB? - Isn't your tent big enough for him ?
* YES - If He Wish to Be Inside the Tent - But He has the Right
To Be Outside the Tent - Or, In-Fact Claim that there is No Tent.

MWB - Why do you want to silence Michael Moore ?
* MWB - Did I Say That - NO !

RHF? - Why Do You Fabricate Lies about what others have said MWB ?

* My Words were and A

* "A Trumpet Call from the Michael Moore Brigade was issued by"

* NOTE: A Trumpet Call is a Call to Order; a Call to Arms;
an Anouncement of Importance (All Hail Ye).

* So I simply Bring Forth the Name of "Michael Moore" and the word
"Brigade" benotes that He is not along but has a following.

* Thus I Give Full Recognition to the Uniqueness of Michael Moore
as Part of Americana.

* All Honor be His. {Michael Moore}

MWB - I listen to Michael Moore and many others who 'i agree with'
and "Dis-Agree With": Because By Doing So, It Causes Me To THINK
About My Beliefs, My Biases, My Prejudices; YES MY VERY BEING !

Point: I Do NOT View Michael Moore as a 'necessary evil' in America.
Counter-Point: I VIEW Michael Moore as a "Necessary Part" of America.

Point: For How Can I Be... me, Me. ME !
Counter-Point: If Michael Moore is NOT... he, He. HE !

Point: As Michael Moore Speaks Out For What He Believes In and
His Vission for American and the World.
Counter-Point: I (and Every American) may/must Speak Out For What I
(We - Each of Us) Believe In and Our Vision for American and the World.

Point: MWB - Its Called "Tolerance-and-Understanding".
Counter-Point: For There Can Be NO Tolerance With-Out Understanding [.]

MWB - I Do NOT Ask You To Think Like Me. - "MWB" BE YOU !
[ So That I Can Be Me. ]

MWB - May You Grow Old and Wise; and Respected By All !
For Me this is "Simply the Process of Living by a Thinking Person"
* At Any Time of Life
* In Any Age of Mankind
* In Any Society of this World
For a Life Time of Learning by 'simply' Living an Think About Life.

Therefore, I Close By Saying:
Blessed by God with Life and Progressive by Nature thru Living ~ RHF
= = = ojunk (Michael Bryant)
= = = wrote in message ...

For the Third Time - Here are My Words:
[ Is there Not "Room" in Your America for a Cal Thomas, Paul Harvey
and others ? ]

A simple Yes or No will do. (No Long Answer with Qualifiers
and Points of Clarification is Required.) Just a Yes or a No.

You must not be able to read. I clearly pointed out that I never EVER suggested
excluding anyone from America. Those were YOUR words, not mine. Now, like a
cheap lawyer, you try to force a one-word answer. Go play with yourself
somewhere else - your getting pushy and obnoxious in your sanctimonious

You say there's room in your American for everyone, but you make fun of Michael
Moore. Isn't there room in your society for people that think you are a silly

Even conservatives in this NG laugh at your behavior, Mr. Red-White&Blue.


BTW, for those of you with reading comprehension problems, my answer is yes.
There's room in my America for everyone - even if they are insipid in
moralizing, like Cal Thomas, RHF, or Tracy Fort. Hey, RHF, I believe that means
yes. Now, take your one-word answers and stick them where the sun don't shine!

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