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  #1   Report Post  
Old January 31st 04, 02:14 AM
Posts: n/a
Default REVIEW: "Super ATS-909" mods by RadioLabs

Back in December, I e-mailed RadioLabs to ask them if they would modify my
radio. At the time, they were only selling pre-modified radios, but they
told me to give them a call. Long story short -- Chris Justice agreed to do
the "Super mods" to my radio. I UPS'd my radio to him, using the RMA
instructions on the "Repair" section of the RadioLabs site.

It took a few weeks to get my radio back, but there were very good reasons
for the delay. First and foremost was the fact that RadioLabs had not
planned on being in the "mods" business -- they were planning on selling
pre-modded ATS-909's as they had time to build them. I know they had to
wait for more custom-design filters to arrive from the manufacturer.

I got an e-mail from Chris when it was ready, and confirming UPS tracking
numbers from both him and the UPS shipping system. I had RadioLabs ship it
to my office.

Two business days later, I saw the UPS guy in my office window, and met him
at the door.

First Impressions
My Super ATS-909 looked exactly the same until I flipped it over. There, on
the upper right-hand side of the back was a new RCA jack for an external FM

I put some new Alkaline batteries in it, and powered it on.

My presets were still there, so I was treated to WWL-AM, my "Priority"
station, in a rich, full CLEAR sound.

I was floored. Why? Because my office is in one of those flat-roofed,
metal-studded, radio-unfriendly buildings full of RF from a couple of dozen
networked computers and various other noisy electronic gizmos like plotters,
copiers and laser-printers. I've never been able to hear radio there except
near a window -- and even that was noisy.

I pulled up the antenna and tried shortwave. Too much noise there. Perhaps
11:00 AM inside wasn't the best time to try

That evening, I put it on my nightstand and plugged in the AC adapter and my
75-foot random-wire antenna.

BLUE! The display was not what I expected -- I expected some "bluish" white
light (instead of the algae-colored green), but what I see is a very deep
blue color, reminiscent of something it would normally take neon to produce.
It's like indiglo on steroids. The display is very readable, and though the
display is a little brighter than it used to be, it is not an unwelcome new
night-light. I can see a dim reflection on the ceiling in a pitch-black
room. It's nice.

I was in luck -- propagation conditions were "good." WBCQ in Maine came in
great (even on the whip), and I live near New Orleans. Of course all of my
old favorite presets did as well -- only they didn't fade nearly as much as
before. Then, another surprise -- It literally took me an hour to get
through the 49-meter band, because it was full of newly-listenable signals
to explore.

I came to really appreciate what RadioLabs had done with the "AM RF GAIN"
knob. It will now zero, which is a HUGE help when you're trying to find a
direction on MW or LW. Tuning shortwave, I found that I was using it quite
a bit to help fine-tune signals. It is quickly obvious that the sensitivity
has been boosted considerably.

Setting the bandwidth to "wide" on a powerful signal results in a very
clean, full sound. When DX'ing, the "NARR AM" is different than before. It
now seems to actively isolate a signal. It's fairly difficult to get two
signals at the same time in that setting -- which I was trying to do to
review this radio so I could use SSB to zero-beat the signal. It works.

Next, I went to the 3.800 MHz area to tune in some SSB. At first, it was a
little unusual, because I could get the signals much sooner, and it required
more turns of the fine-tuner to get them. That's right -- you can now use
coarse tuning to get close and fine tuning for perfection.
I still don't hear anything I'm really interested in on Longwave. There are
some interesting "beeps and boops," but I'm just not enough of a radio geek
to get excited about them. However, you do hear more of them. A lot
I've already mentioned how the modified antenna gain helps you find (or
null) signals for medium-wave (Domestic broadcast AM radio).

There's more -- the sensitivity improvements really pull in more signals. I
found myself wishing my CCRadio Plus had the same antenna gain control as my
Super ATS-909, because you can decrease the "floor level" of all signals and
effectively blank weaker stations heard in the background of stronger
ones -- very handy. It makes the Super 909 the more listenable of the two
in some ways. The 909 is still not as directional as the CCRadio Plus, due
to the shorter internal antenna.

I moved my Justice Antenna (CJA) to the Super ATS-909 just for grins -- and
it makes for a real DX combination. You can bring in a really marginal
frequency using the CJA, then attenuate it on the 909 to pull one station
out of the jumble, if that's your thing.

I just like being able to listen to my favorite nighttime 50 KW's with much
less fading than before.
I wish I could say that I've hooked up an external antenna for FM, but I
haven't. It is much the same as before, except with a much better sound
from the speaker, especially on "MUSIC." Headphones are much the same as
before, only with improved tone.
Basically -- night and day. First, the new speaker is crisp and clear, but
more importantly it sounds FULL. I have found that I can keep the "TONE"
switch on "MUSIC" and still understand spoken words from even marginal
signals. The other settings are very good as well, and would be very useful
when propagation conditions deteriorate, but I have really enjoyed actually
hearing a little "bottom" on shortwave lately.

To give you an idea of the sound quality, many stronger Shortwave stations
will remind you of "FM-ish" clarity.
My radio came back in great condition. Frankly, I think they polished it --
the display was really clean, etc. -- nary a sign that it had been on
someone's "bench."
Also, my radio was a bit unusual, because I bought it from C.Crane with the
tuning detent mod already done (their "Deluxe ATS-909). I was really
surprised to see that RadioLabs even tweaked that. I guess it wasn't up to
their standards, because the tuning knob now turns easily with one finger --
something it did not do before -- and that's a very welcome improvement.
This is one radio that will never be on EBay. It's a keeper.

RadioLabs may be contacted he

-- Stinger
Picayune, MS
I am not affiliated in any way with Sangean, RadioLabs, or C.Crane company,
and I was not compensated in any way for this review. In fact, I paid good
money for these modifications -- and I'm damn glad I did.

  #2   Report Post  
Old January 31st 04, 03:15 AM
Joe Strain
Posts: n/a

Your story is exciting!

I want to do it too!

However I would rather have the RCA jack for an external shortwave
antenna...That damn miniplug for the external antenna is a big PIA...I have
always thought the antenna connections should be ELSEWHERE on the radio
away from the aux power and AF out...that cluster of input and output
sockets on the end of the radio TAXES my bifocals

Do you think the heated up RF sensistivity will be spoiled with an external
antenna connected? I use a 30's random wire


"Stinger" wrote in message
Back in December, I e-mailed RadioLabs to ask them if they would modify my
radio. At the time, they were only selling pre-modified radios, but they
told me to give them a call. Long story short -- Chris Justice agreed to

the "Super mods" to my radio. I UPS'd my radio to him, using the RMA
instructions on the "Repair" section of the RadioLabs site.

It took a few weeks to get my radio back, but there were very good reasons
for the delay. First and foremost was the fact that RadioLabs had not
planned on being in the "mods" business -- they were planning on selling
pre-modded ATS-909's as they had time to build them. I know they had to
wait for more custom-design filters to arrive from the manufacturer.

I got an e-mail from Chris when it was ready, and confirming UPS tracking
numbers from both him and the UPS shipping system. I had RadioLabs ship

to my office.

Two business days later, I saw the UPS guy in my office window, and met

at the door.

First Impressions
My Super ATS-909 looked exactly the same until I flipped it over. There,

the upper right-hand side of the back was a new RCA jack for an external


I put some new Alkaline batteries in it, and powered it on.

My presets were still there, so I was treated to WWL-AM, my "Priority"
station, in a rich, full CLEAR sound.

I was floored. Why? Because my office is in one of those flat-roofed,
metal-studded, radio-unfriendly buildings full of RF from a couple of

networked computers and various other noisy electronic gizmos like

copiers and laser-printers. I've never been able to hear radio there

near a window -- and even that was noisy.

I pulled up the antenna and tried shortwave. Too much noise there.

11:00 AM inside wasn't the best time to try

That evening, I put it on my nightstand and plugged in the AC adapter and

75-foot random-wire antenna.

BLUE! The display was not what I expected -- I expected some "bluish"

light (instead of the algae-colored green), but what I see is a very deep
blue color, reminiscent of something it would normally take neon to

It's like indiglo on steroids. The display is very readable, and though

display is a little brighter than it used to be, it is not an unwelcome

night-light. I can see a dim reflection on the ceiling in a pitch-black
room. It's nice.

I was in luck -- propagation conditions were "good." WBCQ in Maine came

great (even on the whip), and I live near New Orleans. Of course all of

old favorite presets did as well -- only they didn't fade nearly as much

before. Then, another surprise -- It literally took me an hour to get
through the 49-meter band, because it was full of newly-listenable signals
to explore.

I came to really appreciate what RadioLabs had done with the "AM RF GAIN"
knob. It will now zero, which is a HUGE help when you're trying to find a
direction on MW or LW. Tuning shortwave, I found that I was using it

a bit to help fine-tune signals. It is quickly obvious that the

has been boosted considerably.

Setting the bandwidth to "wide" on a powerful signal results in a very
clean, full sound. When DX'ing, the "NARR AM" is different than before.

now seems to actively isolate a signal. It's fairly difficult to get two
signals at the same time in that setting -- which I was trying to do to
review this radio so I could use SSB to zero-beat the signal. It works.

Next, I went to the 3.800 MHz area to tune in some SSB. At first, it was

little unusual, because I could get the signals much sooner, and it

more turns of the fine-tuner to get them. That's right -- you can now use
coarse tuning to get close and fine tuning for perfection.
I still don't hear anything I'm really interested in on Longwave. There

some interesting "beeps and boops," but I'm just not enough of a radio

to get excited about them. However, you do hear more of them. A lot
I've already mentioned how the modified antenna gain helps you find (or
null) signals for medium-wave (Domestic broadcast AM radio).

There's more -- the sensitivity improvements really pull in more signals.

found myself wishing my CCRadio Plus had the same antenna gain control as

Super ATS-909, because you can decrease the "floor level" of all signals

effectively blank weaker stations heard in the background of stronger
ones -- very handy. It makes the Super 909 the more listenable of the two
in some ways. The 909 is still not as directional as the CCRadio Plus,

to the shorter internal antenna.

I moved my Justice Antenna (CJA) to the Super ATS-909 just for grins --

it makes for a real DX combination. You can bring in a really marginal
frequency using the CJA, then attenuate it on the 909 to pull one station
out of the jumble, if that's your thing.

I just like being able to listen to my favorite nighttime 50 KW's with

less fading than before.
I wish I could say that I've hooked up an external antenna for FM, but I
haven't. It is much the same as before, except with a much better sound
from the speaker, especially on "MUSIC." Headphones are much the same as
before, only with improved tone.
Basically -- night and day. First, the new speaker is crisp and clear,

more importantly it sounds FULL. I have found that I can keep the "TONE"
switch on "MUSIC" and still understand spoken words from even marginal
signals. The other settings are very good as well, and would be very

when propagation conditions deteriorate, but I have really enjoyed

hearing a little "bottom" on shortwave lately.

To give you an idea of the sound quality, many stronger Shortwave stations
will remind you of "FM-ish" clarity.
My radio came back in great condition. Frankly, I think they polished

it --
the display was really clean, etc. -- nary a sign that it had been on
someone's "bench."
Also, my radio was a bit unusual, because I bought it from C.Crane with

tuning detent mod already done (their "Deluxe ATS-909). I was really
surprised to see that RadioLabs even tweaked that. I guess it wasn't up

their standards, because the tuning knob now turns easily with one

finger --
something it did not do before -- and that's a very welcome improvement.
This is one radio that will never be on EBay. It's a keeper.

RadioLabs may be contacted he

-- Stinger
Picayune, MS
I am not affiliated in any way with Sangean, RadioLabs, or C.Crane

and I was not compensated in any way for this review. In fact, I paid

money for these modifications -- and I'm damn glad I did.

  #3   Report Post  
Old January 31st 04, 03:35 AM
Posts: n/a

I wasn't clear on that point, Yodar. The RCA jack IS a SW/FM antenna jack
(and the miniplug one still works as well).

-- Stinger

"Joe Strain" wrote in message
. com...
Your story is exciting!

I want to do it too!

However I would rather have the RCA jack for an external shortwave
antenna...That damn miniplug for the external antenna is a big PIA...I

always thought the antenna connections should be ELSEWHERE on the radio
away from the aux power and AF out...that cluster of input and output
sockets on the end of the radio TAXES my bifocals

Do you think the heated up RF sensistivity will be spoiled with an

antenna connected? I use a 30's random wire


"Stinger" wrote in message
Back in December, I e-mailed RadioLabs to ask them if they would modify

radio. At the time, they were only selling pre-modified radios, but

told me to give them a call. Long story short -- Chris Justice agreed

the "Super mods" to my radio. I UPS'd my radio to him, using the RMA
instructions on the "Repair" section of the RadioLabs site.

It took a few weeks to get my radio back, but there were very good

for the delay. First and foremost was the fact that RadioLabs had not
planned on being in the "mods" business -- they were planning on selling
pre-modded ATS-909's as they had time to build them. I know they had to
wait for more custom-design filters to arrive from the manufacturer.

I got an e-mail from Chris when it was ready, and confirming UPS

numbers from both him and the UPS shipping system. I had RadioLabs ship

to my office.

Two business days later, I saw the UPS guy in my office window, and met

at the door.

First Impressions
My Super ATS-909 looked exactly the same until I flipped it over.

the upper right-hand side of the back was a new RCA jack for an external


I put some new Alkaline batteries in it, and powered it on.

My presets were still there, so I was treated to WWL-AM, my "Priority"
station, in a rich, full CLEAR sound.

I was floored. Why? Because my office is in one of those flat-roofed,
metal-studded, radio-unfriendly buildings full of RF from a couple of

networked computers and various other noisy electronic gizmos like

copiers and laser-printers. I've never been able to hear radio there

near a window -- and even that was noisy.

I pulled up the antenna and tried shortwave. Too much noise there.

11:00 AM inside wasn't the best time to try

That evening, I put it on my nightstand and plugged in the AC adapter

75-foot random-wire antenna.

BLUE! The display was not what I expected -- I expected some "bluish"

light (instead of the algae-colored green), but what I see is a very

blue color, reminiscent of something it would normally take neon to

It's like indiglo on steroids. The display is very readable, and though

display is a little brighter than it used to be, it is not an unwelcome

night-light. I can see a dim reflection on the ceiling in a pitch-black
room. It's nice.

I was in luck -- propagation conditions were "good." WBCQ in Maine came

great (even on the whip), and I live near New Orleans. Of course all of

old favorite presets did as well -- only they didn't fade nearly as much

before. Then, another surprise -- It literally took me an hour to get
through the 49-meter band, because it was full of newly-listenable

to explore.

I came to really appreciate what RadioLabs had done with the "AM RF

knob. It will now zero, which is a HUGE help when you're trying to find

direction on MW or LW. Tuning shortwave, I found that I was using it

a bit to help fine-tune signals. It is quickly obvious that the

has been boosted considerably.

Setting the bandwidth to "wide" on a powerful signal results in a very
clean, full sound. When DX'ing, the "NARR AM" is different than before.

now seems to actively isolate a signal. It's fairly difficult to get

signals at the same time in that setting -- which I was trying to do to
review this radio so I could use SSB to zero-beat the signal. It works.

Next, I went to the 3.800 MHz area to tune in some SSB. At first, it

little unusual, because I could get the signals much sooner, and it

more turns of the fine-tuner to get them. That's right -- you can now

coarse tuning to get close and fine tuning for perfection.
I still don't hear anything I'm really interested in on Longwave. There

some interesting "beeps and boops," but I'm just not enough of a radio

to get excited about them. However, you do hear more of them. A lot
I've already mentioned how the modified antenna gain helps you find (or
null) signals for medium-wave (Domestic broadcast AM radio).

There's more -- the sensitivity improvements really pull in more

found myself wishing my CCRadio Plus had the same antenna gain control

Super ATS-909, because you can decrease the "floor level" of all signals

effectively blank weaker stations heard in the background of stronger
ones -- very handy. It makes the Super 909 the more listenable of the

in some ways. The 909 is still not as directional as the CCRadio Plus,

to the shorter internal antenna.

I moved my Justice Antenna (CJA) to the Super ATS-909 just for grins --

it makes for a real DX combination. You can bring in a really marginal
frequency using the CJA, then attenuate it on the 909 to pull one

out of the jumble, if that's your thing.

I just like being able to listen to my favorite nighttime 50 KW's with

less fading than before.
I wish I could say that I've hooked up an external antenna for FM, but I
haven't. It is much the same as before, except with a much better sound
from the speaker, especially on "MUSIC." Headphones are much the same

before, only with improved tone.
Basically -- night and day. First, the new speaker is crisp and clear,

more importantly it sounds FULL. I have found that I can keep the

switch on "MUSIC" and still understand spoken words from even marginal
signals. The other settings are very good as well, and would be very

when propagation conditions deteriorate, but I have really enjoyed

hearing a little "bottom" on shortwave lately.

To give you an idea of the sound quality, many stronger Shortwave

will remind you of "FM-ish" clarity.
My radio came back in great condition. Frankly, I think they polished

it --
the display was really clean, etc. -- nary a sign that it had been on
someone's "bench."
Also, my radio was a bit unusual, because I bought it from C.Crane with

tuning detent mod already done (their "Deluxe ATS-909). I was really
surprised to see that RadioLabs even tweaked that. I guess it wasn't up

their standards, because the tuning knob now turns easily with one

finger --
something it did not do before -- and that's a very welcome improvement.
This is one radio that will never be on EBay. It's a keeper.

RadioLabs may be contacted he

-- Stinger
Picayune, MS
I am not affiliated in any way with Sangean, RadioLabs, or C.Crane

and I was not compensated in any way for this review. In fact, I paid

money for these modifications -- and I'm damn glad I did.

  #4   Report Post  
Old January 31st 04, 03:09 PM
Lloyd Davies The GREAT TIME LORD
Posts: n/a

Whas was the cost for this mod?

"Stinger" wrote in message
Back in December, I e-mailed RadioLabs to ask them if they would modify my
radio. At the time, they were only selling pre-modified radios, but they
told me to give them a call. Long story short -- Chris Justice agreed to

the "Super mods" to my radio. I UPS'd my radio to him, using the RMA
instructions on the "Repair" section of the RadioLabs site.

It took a few weeks to get my radio back, but there were very good reasons
for the delay. First and foremost was the fact that RadioLabs had not
planned on being in the "mods" business -- they were planning on selling
pre-modded ATS-909's as they had time to build them. I know they had to
wait for more custom-design filters to arrive from the manufacturer.

I got an e-mail from Chris when it was ready, and confirming UPS tracking
numbers from both him and the UPS shipping system. I had RadioLabs ship

to my office.

Two business days later, I saw the UPS guy in my office window, and met

at the door.

First Impressions
My Super ATS-909 looked exactly the same until I flipped it over. There,

the upper right-hand side of the back was a new RCA jack for an external


I put some new Alkaline batteries in it, and powered it on.

My presets were still there, so I was treated to WWL-AM, my "Priority"
station, in a rich, full CLEAR sound.

I was floored. Why? Because my office is in one of those flat-roofed,
metal-studded, radio-unfriendly buildings full of RF from a couple of

networked computers and various other noisy electronic gizmos like

copiers and laser-printers. I've never been able to hear radio there

near a window -- and even that was noisy.

I pulled up the antenna and tried shortwave. Too much noise there.

11:00 AM inside wasn't the best time to try

That evening, I put it on my nightstand and plugged in the AC adapter and

75-foot random-wire antenna.

BLUE! The display was not what I expected -- I expected some "bluish"

light (instead of the algae-colored green), but what I see is a very deep
blue color, reminiscent of something it would normally take neon to

It's like indiglo on steroids. The display is very readable, and though

display is a little brighter than it used to be, it is not an unwelcome

night-light. I can see a dim reflection on the ceiling in a pitch-black
room. It's nice.

I was in luck -- propagation conditions were "good." WBCQ in Maine came

great (even on the whip), and I live near New Orleans. Of course all of

old favorite presets did as well -- only they didn't fade nearly as much

before. Then, another surprise -- It literally took me an hour to get
through the 49-meter band, because it was full of newly-listenable signals
to explore.

I came to really appreciate what RadioLabs had done with the "AM RF GAIN"
knob. It will now zero, which is a HUGE help when you're trying to find a
direction on MW or LW. Tuning shortwave, I found that I was using it

a bit to help fine-tune signals. It is quickly obvious that the

has been boosted considerably.

Setting the bandwidth to "wide" on a powerful signal results in a very
clean, full sound. When DX'ing, the "NARR AM" is different than before.

now seems to actively isolate a signal. It's fairly difficult to get two
signals at the same time in that setting -- which I was trying to do to
review this radio so I could use SSB to zero-beat the signal. It works.

Next, I went to the 3.800 MHz area to tune in some SSB. At first, it was

little unusual, because I could get the signals much sooner, and it

more turns of the fine-tuner to get them. That's right -- you can now use
coarse tuning to get close and fine tuning for perfection.
I still don't hear anything I'm really interested in on Longwave. There

some interesting "beeps and boops," but I'm just not enough of a radio

to get excited about them. However, you do hear more of them. A lot
I've already mentioned how the modified antenna gain helps you find (or
null) signals for medium-wave (Domestic broadcast AM radio).

There's more -- the sensitivity improvements really pull in more signals.

found myself wishing my CCRadio Plus had the same antenna gain control as

Super ATS-909, because you can decrease the "floor level" of all signals

effectively blank weaker stations heard in the background of stronger
ones -- very handy. It makes the Super 909 the more listenable of the two
in some ways. The 909 is still not as directional as the CCRadio Plus,

to the shorter internal antenna.

I moved my Justice Antenna (CJA) to the Super ATS-909 just for grins --

it makes for a real DX combination. You can bring in a really marginal
frequency using the CJA, then attenuate it on the 909 to pull one station
out of the jumble, if that's your thing.

I just like being able to listen to my favorite nighttime 50 KW's with

less fading than before.
I wish I could say that I've hooked up an external antenna for FM, but I
haven't. It is much the same as before, except with a much better sound
from the speaker, especially on "MUSIC." Headphones are much the same as
before, only with improved tone.
Basically -- night and day. First, the new speaker is crisp and clear,

more importantly it sounds FULL. I have found that I can keep the "TONE"
switch on "MUSIC" and still understand spoken words from even marginal
signals. The other settings are very good as well, and would be very

when propagation conditions deteriorate, but I have really enjoyed

hearing a little "bottom" on shortwave lately.

To give you an idea of the sound quality, many stronger Shortwave stations
will remind you of "FM-ish" clarity.
My radio came back in great condition. Frankly, I think they polished

it --
the display was really clean, etc. -- nary a sign that it had been on
someone's "bench."
Also, my radio was a bit unusual, because I bought it from C.Crane with

tuning detent mod already done (their "Deluxe ATS-909). I was really
surprised to see that RadioLabs even tweaked that. I guess it wasn't up

their standards, because the tuning knob now turns easily with one

finger --
something it did not do before -- and that's a very welcome improvement.
This is one radio that will never be on EBay. It's a keeper.

RadioLabs may be contacted he

-- Stinger
Picayune, MS
I am not affiliated in any way with Sangean, RadioLabs, or C.Crane

and I was not compensated in any way for this review. In fact, I paid

money for these modifications -- and I'm damn glad I did.

  #5   Report Post  
Old January 31st 04, 09:21 PM
Posts: n/a


Since you asked RadioLabs 'offers' two options:

Send in your Sangean ATS-909 / RadioShack Dx-398 for Mods = $110.

Buy a newly Moded Sangean ATS-909 / RadioShack Dx-398 for = $300.


jm2cw ~ RHF
= = = "Lloyd Davies The GREAT TIME LORD"
= = = wrote in message ...
Whas was the cost for this mod?

"Stinger" wrote in message
Back in December, I e-mailed RadioLabs to ask them if they would modify my
radio. At the time, they were only selling pre-modified radios, but they
told me to give them a call. Long story short -- Chris Justice agreed to

the "Super mods" to my radio. I UPS'd my radio to him, using the RMA
instructions on the "Repair" section of the RadioLabs site.

It took a few weeks to get my radio back, but there were very good reasons
for the delay. First and foremost was the fact that RadioLabs had not
planned on being in the "mods" business -- they were planning on selling
pre-modded ATS-909's as they had time to build them. I know they had to
wait for more custom-design filters to arrive from the manufacturer.

I got an e-mail from Chris when it was ready, and confirming UPS tracking
numbers from both him and the UPS shipping system. I had RadioLabs ship

to my office.

Two business days later, I saw the UPS guy in my office window, and met

at the door.

First Impressions
My Super ATS-909 looked exactly the same until I flipped it over. There,

the upper right-hand side of the back was a new RCA jack for an external


I put some new Alkaline batteries in it, and powered it on.

My presets were still there, so I was treated to WWL-AM, my "Priority"
station, in a rich, full CLEAR sound.

I was floored. Why? Because my office is in one of those flat-roofed,
metal-studded, radio-unfriendly buildings full of RF from a couple of

networked computers and various other noisy electronic gizmos like

copiers and laser-printers. I've never been able to hear radio there

near a window -- and even that was noisy.

I pulled up the antenna and tried shortwave. Too much noise there.

11:00 AM inside wasn't the best time to try

That evening, I put it on my nightstand and plugged in the AC adapter and

75-foot random-wire antenna.

BLUE! The display was not what I expected -- I expected some "bluish"

light (instead of the algae-colored green), but what I see is a very deep
blue color, reminiscent of something it would normally take neon to

It's like indiglo on steroids. The display is very readable, and though

display is a little brighter than it used to be, it is not an unwelcome

night-light. I can see a dim reflection on the ceiling in a pitch-black
room. It's nice.

I was in luck -- propagation conditions were "good." WBCQ in Maine came

great (even on the whip), and I live near New Orleans. Of course all of

old favorite presets did as well -- only they didn't fade nearly as much

before. Then, another surprise -- It literally took me an hour to get
through the 49-meter band, because it was full of newly-listenable signals
to explore.

I came to really appreciate what RadioLabs had done with the "AM RF GAIN"
knob. It will now zero, which is a HUGE help when you're trying to find a
direction on MW or LW. Tuning shortwave, I found that I was using it

a bit to help fine-tune signals. It is quickly obvious that the

has been boosted considerably.

Setting the bandwidth to "wide" on a powerful signal results in a very
clean, full sound. When DX'ing, the "NARR AM" is different than before.

now seems to actively isolate a signal. It's fairly difficult to get two
signals at the same time in that setting -- which I was trying to do to
review this radio so I could use SSB to zero-beat the signal. It works.

Next, I went to the 3.800 MHz area to tune in some SSB. At first, it was

little unusual, because I could get the signals much sooner, and it

more turns of the fine-tuner to get them. That's right -- you can now use
coarse tuning to get close and fine tuning for perfection.
I still don't hear anything I'm really interested in on Longwave. There

some interesting "beeps and boops," but I'm just not enough of a radio

to get excited about them. However, you do hear more of them. A lot
I've already mentioned how the modified antenna gain helps you find (or
null) signals for medium-wave (Domestic broadcast AM radio).

There's more -- the sensitivity improvements really pull in more signals.

found myself wishing my CCRadio Plus had the same antenna gain control as

Super ATS-909, because you can decrease the "floor level" of all signals

effectively blank weaker stations heard in the background of stronger
ones -- very handy. It makes the Super 909 the more listenable of the two
in some ways. The 909 is still not as directional as the CCRadio Plus,

to the shorter internal antenna.

I moved my Justice Antenna (CJA) to the Super ATS-909 just for grins --

it makes for a real DX combination. You can bring in a really marginal
frequency using the CJA, then attenuate it on the 909 to pull one station
out of the jumble, if that's your thing.

I just like being able to listen to my favorite nighttime 50 KW's with

less fading than before.
I wish I could say that I've hooked up an external antenna for FM, but I
haven't. It is much the same as before, except with a much better sound
from the speaker, especially on "MUSIC." Headphones are much the same as
before, only with improved tone.
Basically -- night and day. First, the new speaker is crisp and clear,

more importantly it sounds FULL. I have found that I can keep the "TONE"
switch on "MUSIC" and still understand spoken words from even marginal
signals. The other settings are very good as well, and would be very

when propagation conditions deteriorate, but I have really enjoyed

hearing a little "bottom" on shortwave lately.

To give you an idea of the sound quality, many stronger Shortwave stations
will remind you of "FM-ish" clarity.
My radio came back in great condition. Frankly, I think they polished

it --
the display was really clean, etc. -- nary a sign that it had been on
someone's "bench."
Also, my radio was a bit unusual, because I bought it from C.Crane with

tuning detent mod already done (their "Deluxe ATS-909). I was really
surprised to see that RadioLabs even tweaked that. I guess it wasn't up

their standards, because the tuning knob now turns easily with one

finger --
something it did not do before -- and that's a very welcome improvement.
This is one radio that will never be on EBay. It's a keeper.

RadioLabs may be contacted he

-- Stinger
Picayune, MS
I am not affiliated in any way with Sangean, RadioLabs, or C.Crane

and I was not compensated in any way for this review. In fact, I paid

money for these modifications -- and I'm damn glad I did.

  #6   Report Post  
Old February 1st 04, 04:02 AM
Lloyd Davies The GREAT TIME LORD
Posts: n/a

"RHF" wrote in message

Since you asked RadioLabs 'offers' two options:

Send in your Sangean ATS-909 / RadioShack Dx-398 for Mods = $110.

Buy a newly Moded Sangean ATS-909 / RadioShack Dx-398 for = $300.


jm2cw ~ RHF

Sounds like a good deal to me. I have a 8 year old ATS 909 (bought in
1996) It's front-end sensitivity has gone down some, and the wide/narrow
switch is broke. The display is getting a little dim too. So this in
turn, would be a good way to get it refurbished/overhaluled.


  #7   Report Post  
Old February 3rd 04, 08:13 AM
D. Kim
Posts: n/a

"Stinger" wrote in message . ..
Back in December, I e-mailed RadioLabs to ask them if they would modify my
radio. At the time, they were only selling pre-modified radios, but they
told me to give them a call. Long story short -- Chris Justice agreed to do
the "Super mods" to my radio.

Great review Stinger. I've always lusted for an ATS-909 and reading
your review and the list of mods from the RadioLabs site decided it
for me.
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