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am the person who pulled a toy gun on TV anchorman David Horowitz in August
of 1987 and forced him to read on the air a statement about how the CIA and alien beings had replaced my family and friends with clones. I am here now to explain to you how I came to this conclusion, and the events that led to this incident. In 1977, my world was a simple one, I worked for my Dad's company, which manufactured a skin cleanser which cured acne. I was the head sales manager, and ran the entire 450 store operation in California. I had only one problem. I had been having problems with people from LA following me around the country from back in 1974, when I took a trip around the country by car alone to find a school to transfer to from junior college. I stopped at Shenandoah Caverns in Virginia to see it. When I came out of the cave tour, a car from California was parked near mine and I had a funny feeling about it, so I waited for the owners to come out, sitting on my car. When they came out the exit to the cave, they saw me and bolted for the gift shop at a rabbits pace. I was perplexed and contacted the local sheriffs office and waited for them to arrive. I told the officer that the people acted strange and thought they were following me, and I wanted him to find out who they were and why they were following me. He wouldn't do it because he said there was an escaped murderer in the area they were all looking for, but offered to follow me back to the highway. I accepted. When we pulled out I saw the people come running out of the gift shop at a trot and get in their car and take off at full speed in the opposite direction. I arrived back in LA the same day my grandmother succumbed to disease and died. My parents had sold our house and moved into a condo in Hollywood. It was there that I saw the same car that had followed me, parked in the basement parking lot some weeks later. There was no mistake, it was the exact car. I then began to have problems from the local residents, guys who would take over the pool room and bother me. I quickly had my parents move into a condo in West Hollywood, a security building I felt was safe. A few months after we moved, some problems started occuring with new tenants above us, who I surmised were also following me around. I had problems with all kinds of people I thought were following me around also, and I began to see the same license number sequences, with 007 and 00 numbers like James Bond, something I thought was impossible. I am rarely wrong though. I had people bother me in my apartments also, they would move in and make noises in the walls and such all day and night. I didn't tell my parents about it. One time while on a sales trip, a truck ran up to me on the one of the freeways in LA county and swerved in front of me and drove back and forth no matter how hard I would try to get around him. I didn't know why the traffic was miles back, or how he was doing this, but I finally drove off the freeway to avoid him. About 6 months later, the exact truck did the exact same thing to me in about the same spot. I had been so angry at living with this that I had started throwing pennies at cars that bothered me, and eventually threw them indiscriminantly in revenge mode for my being dragged to LA when I was 10 by my family. I threw pennies at him then he went crazy and almost drove off the edge of the freeway to try to follow me down the offramp, but I lost him. A similar thing happened to me from a car with a 007 designation who got so mad at me for trying to pull around him getting on the freeway that he leaned out of his car and hit my hood with his fist. I threw pennies at him and he wound up chasing me off the freeway, but I went the opposite way and he lost me. Getting back to this time frame, 1977. I was working for my dad, when my mom showed me an article about a computer fair at USC. I went to it and began my lifelong interest in the world of computers. I came back after the fair and spent days and nights at the Keck Center at USC, playing computer games and learning the Basic computer language. It was at this time that one of the kids at one of the other computer centers on campus, the Salvatori computer center, gave me a stolen password to a signon he was using to play games, and I began a life of computer crimes. I gradually obtained stolen signons on all the systems at USC, and spent many happy weeks there playing games, like Adventure and Trek73, a star trek derivative. I was in the Computer Store in Santa Monica, playing on one of the first micros, when a guy buying stuff came up to me and introduced himself. I asked him if he had ever seen Adventure and he asked me if I had ever seen Zork. This was new to me and I jumped at the chance to see it. He gave me his card and told me to come to his office the next day. I showed up at the top-secret government-run computer site of USC-ISI, hidden in the top floors of the south Bank of America tower in Marina Del Rey when he told me, and rang the bell at the door. A operator opened the door and I was whisked into the computer world of the Arpanet, a top-secret collection of worldwide government computer sites, run by the Department of Defense and guarded like you wouldn't believe. Larry Fye welcomed me into the site and Rick Shiffman showed me his office and let me play my first ever game of Zork on the mainframe computer. I sat there mesmerized for hours, until Rick ushered me out. I returned the next day and Larry let me in, and I asked if I could play some more. He called Rick at his home and he gave me his password, a little reluctantly, after I promised to use it wisely and not let anyone know I was there. I went into his office and played Zork all day and night, until Larry had to leave. He agreed to continue to allow me to use the secret site to play for the near future, as long as I didn't make a nuisance of myself. I had access to the most powerful signon on the Arpanet, total complete free access! I used it to the hilt over the next 3 years. I gradually realized that the stuff in that site was top secret, I used to play in an office with top secret submarine data on the shelves. After a long time, the owner caught me one night in there, and complained to Rick that I was violating the secrecy rules of the place. I left and simply took another office computer terminal. Larry would show me his prowess as an operator, and I almost learned how to run the mainframe. One night he took out a book from under the operators console marked "Warning! Opening this book is a crime punishible by $25,000 or 25 years in jail!" He opened the huge book to a certain page, then ftped over to the computer site SRI. He went into debug mode, typed in a series of 3 numbers, doubled them hit the return key, and shouted with glee, "THEY'RE GONE!" I watched in horror and amazement as the operators console came back, "SRI is not ready...", meaning they had gone down. He had in effect knocked them off the face of the Earth in a second, and told me it would leave no trace and they couldn't bring the computers up at all for at least 90 minutes or so. I was scared out of my mind! I thought of the Pentagon being on the system and all the missle silos maybe being on it too, and told him if anyone outside of the US like the Russians ever got hold of it, they could blow us to smithereens without a shot fired back at them! He told me not to worry and not to tell Rick he showed it to me. I agreed, but it was to be the end of my sanity and clear thinking. I spent about 3 years there, night and day, playing Zork and trying to learn the system. I had to leave one night when Larry told me a bunch of Generals were coming it to play War Games and destroy Russia with a handheld computer hooked into the mainframe. I wish I had seen that one! Nobody knew I was there or what I was doing there, until one day, when Rick came to me and asked if I had been there the night before. I told him I was busy, and he said some guys had gotten caught standing in the shadows and when the people yelled at them, they ran down the back stairs into the night, and that something vital to National Security had been stolen, but he couldn't tell me about it. I came back the next day, and got caught finally. The guy who owned the account screamed at me and I told him I was just burning up "funny money", but he told me it was REAL money, the governments! I was lucky he let me go. During the period of this computer stuff, I discovered the top secret TIP phone number, which granted anyone access to any of the sites on the system, sitting next to the first Plato terminals I ever saw. I tried to find the TIP number for 2 years, I even rifled Ricks card file to see if it had it. I then entered the fabulous world of Plato, the greatest computer system ever! I snuck into the building with the Plato terminals and for about 3 weeks I had a signon on the Cerl Plato system, the best in the world. I was shot out of the sky in 0airfight, and I vowed revenge. 2 years later, I drove to Cerl and blew everyone away and was the best pilot in the world. I snuck into Plato sites all over the country, and finally found FSU in Tallahassee, Florida, which had a free Plato system and free seminars on the Plato computer. I was caught a couple of times, and thought the FBI was after me. In 1981, I set up camp in Tallahassee, to finish up my AA degree at Tallahassee Community College. I had many problems that summer after I came back from my sisters wedding in New York City. I started getting phone calls from people who would ask for someone, then ask if I knew them. Then my parents started acting strange on the phone, my dad asking me if I remembered a fancy hotel with crystal staircases and stuff like that. I didn't know what he was talking about, and it got worse as the summer wore on. I entered TCC in the fall, and started taking classes. I was instantly aware that the students in my classes were acting funny, and even the teachers. I had gotten a counselor by that time, although it was total bull****! The information operator told me who the counselor was, this was getting out of hand. Also, when I moved into town, the entire phone company was digging up all the streets in the pouring rain. I lived in a small one bedroom apartment out in the sticks. I was having terrible problems by the first few weeks of class. Finally, it came to a crescendo when I got back from a local bar one night, after watching the Dodgers beat the Yankees in the World Series. My Mom called me and sounded terrified, and yelled to me on the phone, "Gary, I know you don't like people from California, but you wouldn't HURT anyone!" I knew something was terrible wrong then. I knew it was wrong when I went to the phone company office in the Governors Square Mall, and demanded to know what was going on, and I thought by then that the FBI, CIA and enemies from California were in all my classes and had taken over the town. The phone company girl called a number, talked to someone for a few minutes, then hung up the phone, looked at me carefully, then shouted, "Do you know Carol Lewis!?" I screamed I didn't. She shouted, "Do you know where she IS, Gary?!" I said, "Well, she's not THERE!", meaning my apartment. She then smiled broadly, and said, "All right, Mr. Stollman. We will fix your problem for you." I walked away wondering what in GODS NAME I had stumbled into! I finally was so disgusted by the incidents in my classes, I asked a guidance couselor for help. She called up a sheriffs deputy, and said "He says its what your thinking, Gary!" I figured by that time that every CIA, FBI agent and California DUDE in the world was after me. He told her to have me meet him at the courthouse that afternoon and he would tell me. I didn't make it. I asked a guy in my psychology class to go with me. He had discovered a secret camera in the mens bathroom and started to rip it out, when the entire TCC security ran in and told him to leave. They had it in the paper here and said the Attorney Generals office was involved and to ask them. Two seconds after we drove off, he started hanging out the window of my car, screaming obsenities at everyone on the streets. When we got to the courthouse, he said the officer wasn't there and to drive to the sheriffs office. I did so, and we went into the watch commanders office. He asked what this was about, then the guy asked to talk to him alone, and closed the door. When it opened, the watch commander asked me to call my counselor on the phone, and she told me to go into the little mental hospital in town called Path. I refused to do so. She told me I shouldn't have gone to the Attorney Generals Office earlier in the day. I had gone there seeking help. The regular secretary greeted me, then another one came out and picked up the phone and began shouting "Operator! Operator!" into it without it having rung first. I knew this was total bull****. I had told the other girl I had people following me for years from LA and wanted to know what the camera was doing at TCC. She told me to go to see the Consumer officer at a building downtown and smiled and said, "Good Luck!" At the office downtown, some guy was in an office talking about running stolen cars around, then I asked for the guy and he said, "Thats the CHIEF!" I sat down and waited, my resolve fading fast. Finally, the Chief came in. He was a tall blond haired swanky guy, who reeked of CIA operative all over. He collapsed into a chair, then leaned forward, and said, "So these people have been following you for 7 years?!" I said yes. He asked why. I said I didn't know. He said, "For SEVEN YEARS! Why, if they wanted to bother you, they would have just WASTED YOU!" He then went into a diatribe about drugs, and other **** I got lost on. He asked if I knew who it was. I told him I had taken down license numbers over the years. He leaned across the table and said firmly, "I NEED that list!" I was startled and told him I didnt have it on me. He ended by giving me his card and wrote his own name into the actual guys name on the card and told me he would run any license number if I gave it to him. I walked out of there a changed man, realizing that I must have just spoken with a top CIA operative, who would have obviously have killed all the dudes from LA had I given him the numbers like the 007 sequence and others. I can't tell you all of this, it will be in my book. Suffice it to say, I was illegally forced soon thereafter into the local mental hospital, after suffering such bull**** as you could ever believe. My Mom came to see me then, and I realized it wasn't really her. I came to this idea after her clone almost ripped my door to my bedroom off its hinges when I tied rope to keep her in to see what would happen. I had also known that someone had stolen that code to drop the Arpanet computers, when my Plato pal here had almost cried after showing me Assembly code and asking if I knew what it was, and I lied and told him I didn't. The whole thing came to a head when my "Mom" had the entire sheriffs dept show up at my front door at night to force me into Path. I wouldn't open my door to them, and they went away. Thinking a sneak attack on our computer system was imminent, I drove away into the night in terror, expecting a nuclear war. I went haywire. I drove to Atlanta, and got snuck in a snowstorm, and went to the FBI office for help. I told a woman agent the name Carol Lewis, and she picked up a phone and called and wrote down two times in jail on a piece of paper, the locations and times. She then introduced me to two "agents" to help me, looked more like bums in street clothes, who directed me out. This was getting insane, but I had lived through it for months by then. Guys running up to pay phones, taking down the number, then running off carrying walkie talkies with them. A "fake" sheriffs deputy, the one who had told me to see him, who replaced the real one the next day after that, who spouted bull**** galore in the courthouse office along with 2 "secretarys", who said, "I can't stand doing this!" then started screaming **** at him and me. I was at my wits end, and winded up driving to get to Washington in time to stop a nuclear war. I got stopped in Cinncinnati and hijacked by cops who were part of it all, it was nuts by then, totally crazy! I got trapped in a mental hospital there for 7 long weeks, when they shut off all the phones and I couldn't call anyone for help. I have had a series of hospitaliztions, all of them illegal, in CIA run mental hospitals from here to Texas and California, where one time when I tried to run from UCLA, I was literally carried 100 yards and thrown into the nuthouse there. My fake parents signed me into the hospitals everytime. I have obtained those records, and fradulent ones created by the hospitals I was forced into, and forged ones used to incarcerate me. I had my penis cut up in the emergency room at the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital, and then thrown into the nuthouse to bleed. My beloved mother was finally murdered by the CIAs drugs, after being reduced to a stroke victim from other drugs at LAs Cedars Sinai hospital, by the dudes "goddess", the infamous Carol Lewis, whose name I remembered later on as being one of the names used by dudes who checked into a hotel after me, and as per "dude", started tearing out the walls. I am here to warn you that the CIA and the dudes, along with aliens the CIA nicknamed the "7's" have this country in a grip of fear. They have the government on their side. I have had tons of help though for years now, the CIA only playing "hardball" against me after I jumped on the TV set to try to save us. They tried to murder me in the LA County Jail, by having me beat up, and handing me a disease infected shirt when leaving. Three of them screamed my name in the anteroom when I bailed out, and circled around the room to try to kill me. I have been mind ****ed to death, but I have over 10 computer courses and languages on my side, although I fear at this age I won't be able to obtain work. I am working on a BS degree in Computer Science, although I may not be able to complete it. I am on Medicare benefits which my dear mother got me to help me out. I have lived through nightmares nobody would believe, but I have had a lot of help. I have most of the actresses in Hollywood, in particular, Carrie Fisher, whom I met in 1980 after me. I don't know what else to add, except, have faith in the Lord. Jesus is coming back, and boy, is he ever mad! The dudes may have taken over this city and most of the country, but they are going to lose to the good guys... Sincerely Yours, Gary Stollman |
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Gary Stollman wrote:
I entered TCC in the fall, and started taking classes. I was instantly aware that the students in my classes were acting funny, and even the teachers. Did it ever dawn on you that maybe YOU were the one acting funny? |
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