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Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1384 February 20, 2004
Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1384 with a release date of Friday, February 20, 2004 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a Q-S-T. Reaction begins to the FCC on B-P-L, Hamvention will probably remain in Dayton and restructuring continues around the world. These stories and more coming your way on Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1384, right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** THE BPL FIGHT: ARRL REACTS TO FCC NPRM The ARRL and many others in ham radio are not happy with last weeks FCC decision to proceed with further implementation of Broadband Over Powerline, and they are making their position known. Amateur Radio Newsline’s Mark Abramovich, NT3V, has been following developments and has more in this report: -- To say American Radio Relay League President Jim Haynie W5JBP was disappointed with the FCC's decision to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Broadband Over Powerlines might be an understatement. Haynie sat in on the FCC's Feb. 12 meeting in Washington, D.C. and admits he was dumbfounded when many of the commissioners expressed excitement about the possibilities of BPL, ignoring interference concerns expressed by their technical staff. "To have Commissioner (Kathleen) Abernathy come out in her initial speech that blew us away and her unbounded enthusiasm and then turn around at the hearing I attended and listen to Commissioner (Jonathan) Adelstein allude to unsubstantiated reports of interference and I was livid," Haynie says. Haynie says the commissioners look more like cheerleaders for, than regulators of, the communications industry. "It just seems to me though that the commission has gone from a regulatory agency to a Chamber of Commerce," Haynie says. "Their eagerness to implement this prior to the NTIA study rollout, which they actually have a letter from a congressman asking them to wait, seemed to me it was put on the fast track and try to beat the NTIA results." Haynie says lots of what he heard about what's supposed to be in the NPRM does not bode well for amateur radio. But he says there are some burdens on the electric utilities. "They put a lot of constraints on the BPL industry," Haynie explains. "They have to react in real time, they have to be frequency agile. They have to have public web sites, they've got to have somebody on duty 24-7 to mitigate complaints of interference." Ah, yes, interference. BPL proponents claim hams don't know what they're talking about. "I've heard reports of some of the BPL industry spokesman who flat deny that there's a problem," Haynie says. "There never has been a problem, there can't be a problem. "In several interviews I've done with the regular press it was: 'Okay, go down a buy you a short-wave receiver at Radio Shack. Go down there and listen to it for yourself. I don't have to give you all these engineering data, you can hear it for yourself.' "The utilities, they are being hand-held very carefully by the BPL industry and being told: "There's not a problem, there's not a problem.' " Haynie says profit for the equipment manufacturers and the utilities is clearly the motive for BPL. "Any CEO worth his salt who's running a power company is going to try to figure out more ways to get investment return for his investors," Haynie says. "He's got a grid there and if these salesmen come in and tell him: 'Well look, you know, we can bring you in an extra million dollars a day or million dollars a week for your power grid and it's not going to cost you anything other than just put these little devices on every quarter mile.' Why not?" But Haynie says a recent Carnegie Mellon University study of the BPL business model identifies pitfalls. "It would take 17 years for the recovery of the initial investment," Haynie says. "And that puzzled me until I read the article and it said because broadband is dropping, DSL dial-up is getting cheaper every month. "Deals are coming out, Verizon's fixin' to come out with some more stuff. The old thing $30 a month is going to be high. And that's what BPL wants right now, $30 for a residential, $50 for a business." Haynie accuses proponents of deception proponents in "selling" the concept. He says the claim it will finally connect rural areas of the country to high-speed internet access is, well, hogwash! "We know that what the BPL industry wants to do is pick the low-hanging fruit, the high-density population areas," Haynie says. "But that's the selling point they're using on the (Capitol) Hill. And that's the selling point they use with the commission. I heard Chairman (Michael) Powell say that himself along with several of the other commissioners. "They have been sold this bill of goods. And if anybody would stop and think about it, if it was such a good deal to serve five customers in a four-square-mile area, the DSL and the cable people would be doing it now." Haynie says he's seen and heard criticism of ARRL, much of it declaring the League hasn't done enough to address the BPL threat. "Let me assure you, we have done a lot, and we have talked to a lot of our potential allies," Haynie says."We've had one, in-face meeting in Washington. We do constant e-mails back and forth. "But I am not going to, and the League is not going to, reveal all the things we're working on because that would be ridiculous to show the hand to the industry. Let them figure out what we're up to." What can you do and where do Haynie and the League see this going? Tune in next week for part two of our interview with Jim Haynie W5JBP. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mark Abramowicz, NT3V, in Philadelphia -- Can radio services including ham radio survive with the level of interference that many experts say BPL will create? We will look into this in future reports. (ARNewsline (tm)) ** WITH THE ARRL: THREE LONGTIME AWARDS DISCONTINUED Meantime, the ARRL Awards Branch has discontinued three longtime awards programs. Gone are the Rag Chewer's Club, the Old Timer's Club and the Friendship Awards. According to the ARRL Letter, the society’s Membership Services Manager Wayne Mills, N7NG, says that the number of amateurs applying for awards in general has declined significantly over the years, and interest in these three awards had slowed to a trickle. Mills says that the awards programs eliminated had outlived their interest level. He adds that the cessation of the three awards is effective immediately. (ARRL) ** RESTRUCTURING: NEW RULES FOR DANISH HAMS More restructuring of ham radio is taking place around the world. This, as a set of new Amateur Radio regulations have been introduced in Denmark that make the nation code-free. Jeramy Boot, G4NJH, reports: -- The Danish Information Technology and Telecom Agency has announced new regulations for radio amateurs in Denmark. The main feature of the new regulations is the elimination of the Morse code examination for access to the HF bands. Danish radio amateurs are also now allowed to use parts of the 4-meter band without a special permit. These a 70.0125 to 70.0625, 70.0875 to 70.1125, 70.3125 to 70.3875 and 70.4125 to 70.4875MHz. Beacons are allowed in the 70.0125 to 70.0500MHz portion of the band. Detailed Danish 70MHz band plans can be found on the Internet. I’m G4NJH in Nottingham. -- The new regulations came into effect on the 1st of February. (GB2RS) ** RESTRUCTURING: CROATIAN HAMS GET NEW PRIVILEGES ON 40 METERS Croatia has become the first country in Region 1 to benefit from the expansion of the 40-meter band agreed at the World Radio Conference in Switzerland last summer. 9 A prefix amateurs have also been given privileges at 70 and 3400MHz and now no longer have to pass a Morse code test for access to the HF bands. New amateur radio regulations came into effect in Croatia on the 26th of December but have only recently been announced to the world. Since that date Croatian amateurs have been permitted to operate between 7100 and 7200 kilohertz on a Secondary basis, with a maximum power of 1000 watts P-E-P. This is in addition to the normal Region 1 allocation of 7000 to 7100 kilohertz. On 4 meters, Croatian amateurs now have 70.000 to 70.450 MHz, with a power limit of 10 watts. They also gain a new band between 3400 and 3410 MHz, with a maximum permitted power of 150 watts. And like so many other nations, the Morse code requirement for an H-F band access license has been dropped. Under the new regulations and there are now only two classes in Croatia. They are the full license and a beginners' ticket. (GB2RS) ** Break 1 From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world Catalina Repeater Association system serving Los Angeles California from the island that’s 26 miles across the sea. (5 sec pause here) ** CONVENTIONS: HAMVENTION HOPES TO STAY IN DAYTON Hamvention will probably stay in the Dayton Ohio area. This, according to the event’s General Chairman Gary Des Combes, N8EMO. In an interview with the Rain Report, Des Combes says that Dayton is the Hamvention’s home: -- Des Combes: “My personal goal, and the goal of all of the volunteers is to maintain the show in Dayton Ohio. This is where it started and we would love to have it stay here. The plan we have no is to continue to go in that direction.” -- How do planners intend to do this? -- Des Combes: “What we need to do as a volunteer team is to work smarter, harder and more efficiently. Make the dollar ‘squeal’ so that the cost to the attendee and the flea-marketer and the exhibitors stay reasonable.” -- What about the rumors of a move away from Dayton? -- Des Combes: “There have been questions, quite frankly, from the exhibitors and others about wanting to move to newer and nicer facilities, but there are significant costs associated with that, and its our goal to keep this show a volunteer show because -- quite frankly -- we can do it better and more economically than if we went to a larger venue.” -- Keeping the show in Dayton is only a small part of what Gary De Combes has to say about Hamvention 2004. Part one of the Rain interview with De Combes is on-line right now at www.rainreport.com and on the phone at 847-827-7246. Part 2 will be available on Friday, February 27th. Hamvention 2004 takes place May 14, 15 and 16th at its traditional home at the Hara Arena in Dayton Ohio. (ARNewsline (tm), RAIN) ** ENFORCEMENT: EX-KG6IRO DUE BACK TO COURT I’m Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, with a late breaking story. Dateline Los Angeles California where former ham Jack Gerritsen, the ex-KG6IRO is headed back to court. This time for a probation hearing and sentenceing on charges that he tresspassed on a federal instalation. Bur local hams haqve gotten themselves involved in the sentencing proceedure and are trying to convince Judge Carolyn Turchin of United States District Court to ban Gerritsen from owening or operarating any transmitting equipment -- of any sort -- during his probation period. This action appears to be a grass-roots effort by repeater owner operators all across Southern California who believe that Gerritsen is responsible for interference to their systems. They are asking all of their users and other hams in the area to send a letter to Judge Turchin explaining the importance of quashing any source of interference that could cause problems during emergencies. They also want to let the judge know all about Gerritsen’s past record and have her order him to stay away from ham radio or any other two-way service as a restriction of his probation. Judge Turchin has set Monday, February 23rd for the hearing. Will let you know the outcome in next weeks Amateur Radio Newsline report. (ARNewsline(tm)) ** RADIO EDUCATION: TEXAS HAM DONATES STATION TO SCHOOL The San Angelo Texas Planning Commission has approved a 40 foot Amateur Radio tower for Santa Rita Elementary School. San Angelo businessman, Kenneth Gunther, W5ZJ, plans to donate the tower, a rotor, antenna's and radio equipment to the educational institution. The radio gear and antenna system will allow students to learn about telecommunications technology and earn their ham radio licenses. W5ZJ, is the owner of Gunter Wholesale Electric Company. His donated tower will be erected inside the courtyard of the elementary school's main building. Plans for the 40 foot tower passed 6-1 after a motion to allow a 50 foot tower failed 4-3. (San Angelo Standard Times, WB5T) ** RADIO GOOD-GUYS: COLORADO YOUTH RADIOS IN REPORT OF FOUND POLICE TWO-WAY A Highlands Ranch, Colorado, teen appears to have done the right thing when he found a Denver police radio on Monday the 16th. Not sure what the unit was, he used it to let the police force know he had it. The 13-year-old boy found the radio in the yard of a nearby home. This, after he saw it thrown from a sport utility vehicle. The unidentified youngster retrieved it, figured out how to turn it on and used the radio to tell a police dispatcher that he had it. Denver police and Douglas County sheriff's officials were working to retrieve the radio. Officials say that they hadn't been notified that a radio was missing, and investigators were trying to determine who it belonged to. They are also looking into how this radio got out of the City and County of Denver. The complete story is on-line at rockymountainnews.com/drmn/local/article/0,1299,DRMN_15_2660662,00.html (Rocky Mountain News, CGC) ** ROAD RADIO SAFETY: STUDY FINDS LOTS OF IN-CAR DISTRACTIONS Drivers are distracted 16.1 percent of the time their vehicles were moving and cellphones nor two-way radio is not the main culprit. This, according to a study conducted by the auto club and researchers at the University of North Carolina. The investigation tracked 70 drivers from North Carolina and Pennsylvania. It found that Cellular telephones were not the major distraction. In fact only 30 percent of the subjects used a cell phone while their vehicle was moving compared with 97 percent who leaned over to reach for something and 91 percent who fiddled with the controls on their car’s entertainment system. The study found all drivers fiddle with their radios or engage in other distracting behavior. This, even when they're being watched as part of a study on distracted drivers. (Science OnLine) ** HAM RADIO BUSINESS: NEW FROM CREATIVE SERVICES SOFTWARE Turning to ham radio business, Creative Services Software has announced that version 3.0 of Pacterm for Windows and P K term for Windows will be released later this year. Version 3.0 not only includes new sound card modes, but also an integrated logging program to keep track of QSO’s, DXCC and even do light contesting. It will also support exporting to ADIF for use with the ARRL Logbook of the World and to other logging programs, provide radio and rotor control, and be able to sync with Packet Clusters that are connected by the Packet window. More information on Creative Services Software products can be found at www.cssincorp.com (CSS via VHF Reflector) ** THE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY: CES PREDICTS GOOD SALES IN 2004 The Consumer Electronics Association -- better known by the initials CES -- says that the wholesale electronics market in 2004 is likely to grow to 100 point 99 billion dollars in sales. That’s up 5 percent over 2003 and a major improvement over three years of negative or minimal growth. CES is a trade group representing audio, video and mobile electronics makers. It says that the U.S. consumer electronics market is seeing a sharp growth in video products, which has helped to offset the decline in stand-alone audio products and in-car consumer electronics. Sales of new technologies such as plasma television screens were expected to generate nearly $1.5 billion in revenues for 2003, nearly tripling from $515 million just one year earlier. Growth in consumer electronics last peaked in 2000, when sales rose 12.7 percent to $96.37 billion over 1999. (Adapted from CES release) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for today’s radio amateur. From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** CHANGING OF THE GUARD: LELAND SMITH, W5KL OF QCWA - S.K. Some sad news to report QCWA President Emeritus Leland Smith, W5KL, has become a Silent Key. According to QCWA webmaster Bob Roske, N0UF, Smith passed away in his sleep the evening of February 15th. In addition to being President Emeritus of QCWA, Smith served as Chairman of the organizations Scholarship Committee, was President of The Old-Old Timers Club and a member of The Society Of Wireless Pioneers. (QCWA) ** CHANGING OF THE GUARD: RSGB PAST PRES. GEOFF STONE, G3FZL - S.K. And word that Radio Society of Great Britain past president Geoff Stone, G3FZL, has also become a Silent Key. This following a long illness. Stone served as the Society's President in 1964. The RSGB described him as a loyal servant of the Society, serving on Council and numerous boards including the VHF Committee. His funeral took place at on Wednesday, February 11th in South London. (RSGB) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: AMSAT SAYS IT NEEDS $110,000 TO LAUNCH ECHO AMSAT says that it urgently needs to raise $110,000 to help defray the launch of the Echo ham radio satellite. The bird is scheduled to ride into orbit thus coming June 29th, and the money has to be raided well before that date. AMSAT like Amateur Radio Newsline is a federally recognized tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization, and your donation should be tax deductible in the United States. Information on how to support the Echo launch and other ham radio in space projects is on the web at www.amsat.org (AMSAT-NA) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: U-O-SAT AT AGE 20 Meantime, there’s a big anniversary coming up for ham radio space operations. March 1st marks the 20th anniversary of the UO11 ham radio satellite on-orbit. We have more in this report: -- On the 1st March the UO-11 ham radio satellite, which is also known as UOSAT 2 will have been in space for two decades. To mark the event, AMSAT-UK will be issuing a commemorative QSL card in exchange for listener reports from stations hearing the signals during the month of March. The reports must be made by way of the reporting page on the web site and the QSL card will be in the form of a downloadable "E-QSL". By way of background, UO-11 was the second satellite to be launched by Martin Sweeting, G3YJO's, group at the University of Surrey in here in England. Its telemetry beacon can still be heard on 145.825 MHz FM using nothing more than a handheld 2 meter rig. There is also a 2401.5 MHz beacon but signal is not very strong and represents quite a challenge. Depending on the status of the satellite, it sometimes goes into 'safe' mode, and the beacon transmitters are not activate for days at a time. Because of this, University of Surrey ground station controllers will attempt to maximise the number of days the transmitters are active during the month of March. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, Rick Johnson, KA9VZD reporting. -- An article and pictures about U O11 and the rules for filing reports are available on the AMSAT-UK website. Its in cyberspace at www.uk.amsat.org (AMSAT-UK) ** RADIO IN SPACE: RADIO TELESCOPES DISCOVER NEW GALAXY Using radio telescopes on Earth and another optical scope in space, a team of astrophysicists says it's detected a tiny galaxy that is the farthest known object from Earth. California Institute of Technology astronomer Richard Ellis says the galaxy is roughly 13 billion light-years from Earth. According to Science On Line, an expert at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Massachusetts says the discovery gives a rare glimpse of the time when the first stars and galaxies began to emerge. (Science OnLine) ** INTERNATIONAL - ISRAEL: A REPEATER FOR ALBANIA Hagal International reports that the Israel Amateur Radio Club has donated a 2 meter repeater to Albania’s amateur radio society. Hopefully, by the time you read this it will be up and running in Tirana, which is Albania’s capital city. (Hagal International) ** CONTEST CALENDAR: THE DIGITAL SKIRMISH Turning to the contest calendar, "The Skirmish" - that’s the Troy Amateur Radio Association’s digital prefix contest, will be held on April 17. Categories include PSK31, PSK63, MFSK, RTTY, Packet, ASCII, SSTV and others with activity on 160 through 6 meters excluding the Warc bands. You can find additional information at www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_seasons.html (Via E-Mail) ** CONTEST CALENDAR: N3FTI FROM TURKS & CAICOS FOR ARRL DX CONTEST Steve Kerns, N3FTI, says he will be on the island of Providenciales, Grid Square FL31 in the Turks & Caicos chain for this years ARRL World Wide DX Contest. During the contest, his group consisting of WE3C, KQ3V and himself will be active as VQ5A. This is the first time to Steve’s knowledge this prefix has been activated from the Turks and Caicos and the first time this prefix has been used by any station. During non-contest times listen for Steve operating as VP5 stroke N3FTI. This contest runs for 48 hours from zero hours UTC on Saturday the 21st of February on all the contest bands between 160 and 10 meters. For more information the VQ5A operation, check www.qsl.net/n3fti on the world-wide-web (VHF Reflector) ** DX In D-X, word that LZ1ZF is celebrating his 35th anniversary of being on the amateur radio bands with the special callsign L35ZF. He is active on all bands and modes. until the 31st of December. Also, SM0CCM will be active as J73CCM from Dominica through the 4th of March. He will operate on 160 to 6 meters mostly CW, with some RTTY and PSK 31. QSL as directed on the air. And word that JA2EZD will be traveling in Vietnam and Cambodia through the end of the month. He plans to operate using the calls 3W2B and XU7AAA. Again, QSL as directed on the air. And QSL Manager José of Jesus Moura Costa, PS8ET tells Amateur Radio Newsline that he has relocated. His new address is Q-25 C-17 Parque Piau* Teresina, PI. 64.025-100 Brazil South América Lastly, 4X4SIX is an Israeli 6 meter beacon operating on 50.080 MHz. The team of 4X6ON and 4Z5AY built the 5 watt station which announces its call sign around the clock in Morse using a J-Pole antenna. (Above from various DX sources) ** THAT FINAL ITEM: THE LONG HAM RADIO WALK And finally this week, the story of a long walk that’s taking ham radio with it. Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF reports: -- Tony Whitaker, G3RKL, from Sheffield, in the United Kingdom is off to New Zealand for a short walk. Well not exactly a short walk. More like 750 miles as Whitaker treks from Invercargill to Blenheim, along State Highway 6 up the West Coast of the South Island. And he will operate an Amateur Radio station along the way. Whitaker will be on the air using the special callsign ZL6SHS on H-F, V-H-F and U-H-F while actually walking. He also plans to use F-M simplex, Echolink and I-R-L-P Internet-linked repeaters in places where they are available. He will use them to keep in touch with his ham radio friends back home in the U-K. Whitaker’s marathon walk starts in Invercargill on the 21st of February. If all goes to plan he is scheduled to arrive in Blenheim on the 8th of April -- probably a bit tired -- but very satisfied. We will keep you posted on his progress. For the Amateur Radio Newsline down-under, I’m Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF. -- This is not Whitaker’s fist long ham radio walk. He has already made seven others including one in Australia. (GB2RS) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB and Australia's Q-News, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is newsline @arnewsline.org. More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's(tm) only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), P.O. Box 660937, Arcadia, California 91066. A reminder that the newly created Roy Neal, K6DUE, Amateur Radio Mentoring Project is up and operating. We already have signed up over two dozen hams who are willing to assist others. If you can help, or if you need assistance please drop a note with your name, address, hone number and area of expertise to and we will get back to you as fast as we can. For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I’m Don Wilb anks, AE5DW, in New Orleans saying 73, Happy Mardi Gras and we thank you for listening." Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. |
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