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  #1   Report Post  
Old March 15th 04, 08:59 AM
Melvin Creep
Posts: n/a
Default Shortwave Group Is Blackballing Me

Okay I get the picture now. I'm gay so nobody will respond to my
threads lest they be viewed as approving of my sexuality. I've never
encountered a more intolerant, bigoted and narrow minded group of
individuals in my life. I know this will come as a shock to you all
but shortwave listening isn't just for fat ignorant white trash (which
this group is comprised of). Good riddance.
P.S. Oh one last thing before I leave...**** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  #2   Report Post  
Old March 15th 04, 12:47 PM
Posts: n/a


Look at the 'content' of what you post.

* Mostly Negative
[Keep It Positive & Friendly]

* Often Combative
[Offer Encouragement & Be Helpful]

* Frequently In Your Face "About" Your Being 'gay'
[Your Personal Life is Your Personal Life
- Keep It Private and Off the List.]

* Off Topic
[Stay On Topic: Radio/Receiver, Antennas, DXing & Reception Reports,
Band Conditions, and Items in the News 'heard' on Shortwave.]

"MC" - This is after all "Rec.Radio.Shortwave" and very little
of your posts have to do with that general topic.

"MC" - You may find a Better Reception and More Acceptance in
another NewsGroup for the type of Post and the Topics that
seem to Interest You.

"MC" - With Every Social Group:
Individuals have to Get Along -or- Get-A-Long.

"MC" - Maybe You Have BlackBalled Your Self By Your Actions.
[ So You Can Un-BlackBall Yourself By Changing Your Actions. ]

"MC" - Be Well and Enjoy Your Life - Live Long and Prosper.

wmcis ~ RHF
= = = (Melvin Creep) wrote in message
= = = . com...
Okay I get the picture now. I'm gay so nobody will respond to my
threads lest they be viewed as approving of my sexuality. I've never
encountered a more intolerant, bigoted and narrow minded group of
individuals in my life. I know this will come as a shock to you all
but shortwave listening isn't just for fat ignorant white trash (which
this group is comprised of). Good riddance.
P.S. Oh one last thing before I leave...**** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mr. Volker:
You can spew all the venom you wish but be warned that it is my
duty, in my role as official spokesman for the shortwave listening
family, to monitor individuals like you. You are obviously not an
American and are clearly a security threat. Please post your real name
and address. It would behoove you to cooperate because things will go
much easier for you if you do so.
Melvin Creep
Official Spokesman For Shortwave
Washington D.C.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hint #1. I am a short fat white guy with no chin, buck teeth and a
beak nose I try to minimize with a mustauche. I am a fine example of
the white superiority message I peddle.

Hint #2. I have made millions preaching anti-government messages but
dutifully file and pay my income tax every year.

Hint #3. I am anti-government but I immediately ran to my sheriff
pleading for help when I received a death threat on my telephone
answering machine.

Hint #4. I was so broken up by my first wife's death from cancer I
remarried just months after her burial.

Hint #5. I routinely play tapes of old sermons on my nightly broadcast
because I just don't feel like working that day. After all, I'm not
the one paying for the expensive air time on WWCR - my followers are.

Hint #6. I won't allow a tv in my home because it is a "talmadic
toilet"! But I don't miss much that is on television - I even tape
lots of it with my VCR. I keep my tv in my office so I can tell
everyone I won't allow a tv in my home!

Hint #7. I deplore the "Jew owned media" but routinely purchase issues
of USA Today, Newsweek, Time, etc.

Hint #8. I am frequently unprepared when I do feel like doing a live
radio broadcast but explain it away by saying "I am just going to let
the spirit lead me tonight."

Hint #9. I often will screw up the technical aspect of my radio
broadcast which results in dead air or WWCR technicians having to pop
in a canned broadcast of a past program. Again a dreadful waste of
contributors money but hey "I'm my own technician." And I'm not
spending my own money for the airtime anyway.

Hint #10. I make such a lucrative living off of my listeners donations
I am always traveling across the USA and taking carribean cruises.
Disneyland, Branson, Nashville are just a few of my favorite hangouts.
Thanks to my flock I enjoy fine accomodations and excellent meals. I
pretty much just take off whenver I want to. Afterall it's not like I
have a real job like you who give me 10% of your paycheck.

Hint #11. I routinely display my theological ignorance by
misinterpreting scriptures and being unable to answer callers
questions. But I cover that up by telling them to "call back another
time and I will answer your question then". I never do follow up with
an answer but it bails me out of the embarrassing moment.

Hint #12. I vehemontly criticize anyone who might be actually doing
something positive for Christianity. My latest attacks have been
focused on Mel Gibson for spending $25 million of his own money to
produce a movie on Jesus the Christ. I refuse to see the movie but
will criticize it anyway - yes I'm that smart! I just know it's some
kind of Jew plot! Anyway, how can you respect a guy who spends his OWN
money! He needs to be like me and be a taker not a giver.

Hint #13. I am so lacking in theological knowledge that I don't even
know the difference between the Paulist school of thought and the
theology of Christ. Is their really a difference? Frankly I don't even
know what Paulist means but whatever, neither do my followers - THANK

Hint #14. I brag about kicking my dogs "real hard" on my broadcast.
Just makes me feel more manly and projects the macho image I so crave.
Although I'm short with a butter soft flabby body and physically weak
I like to think I'm a "man's man."

Hint #14. I will change nuances of my professed beliefs to fit the
times and call it "being led by the holy spirit."

Hint #15. I have a net worth of over $1,000,000,000 thanks to you TRUE


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tracy you've been the rasberry seed in my wisdom tooth long enough!!!
Get lost and LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
P.S. Your jealousy is so obvious it is pathetic!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I encourage everyone to do as I have done, i.e. go on welfare. For
years I was a loyal hardworking American that dutifully paid my taxes.
But no more. Why work as a serf to prop up a system that has no
interest in us or our families? How many ways does the government and
corporate American have to say "**** YOU!" before you wake up? The
only way to fight back (forget voting, if it mattered you wouldn't be
allowed to do it) is to go on welfare - the whole enchilada! I have
and am very happy. I live as well as I did when I was slaving from 6
a.m. to 6 p.m. I get free housing, free utilities, free groceries via
food stamps, free medical, and best of all tons of FREE TIME to read,
study, pursue my hobbies, work out, enjoy the outdoors, etc. It is
phenomonal how full and interesting my days are since I got out of the
rat race. The icing on the cake is my health has improved since
removing the stress and I've never felt better in my life. I recommend
the lifestyle change to everyone I meet and more and more people are
seeing the light and following suit. It really is an act of
patriotism. Yes, worse is better because the only way the insanity is
going to stop is when the greedy assholes destroying this country
begin to lose money. So STOP CONSUMING and get on the gravy train. The
sooner the system goes bankrupt and collapses the sooner the
rebuilding can begin. Until then I'm fine, and frankly, rather
enjoying the spectacle.
P.S. I'm not being facetious, I'm serious.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

To Mike S. - you are an anal retentive moron. Their is nothing wrong
with the posting of a review, especially since he didn't claim it to
be his own. Even more so considering he included the link directly to
the source at the end. Get a life, you obviously have way too much
free time on your hands.
To Mike T. - Thanks for taking the time to bring this radio to the
groups attention and for posting the review.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Not so fast my friend. Bruce (my significant other) and me have
included our favorite flavor into our fun time together on more than
one occasion. Talk about adding to the richness of the cream and
without additional calories to boot! Absolutely heavenly!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At long last our national nightmare is over. I'd like to publicly
thank the Mass. Supreme Court for declaring Wednesday that gays are
entitled to nothing less than marriage and that Vermont-style civil
unions will not suffice. This sets the stage for the nation's first
legally sanctioned same-sex weddings by the spring. "The dissimilitude
between the terms `civil marriage' and `civil union' is not innocuous;
it is a considered choice of language that reflects a demonstrable
assigning of same-sex, largely homosexual, couples to second-class
status," the justices wrote. On behalf of the shortwave listening
family I salute this very brave and historic decision. Judge Solomom
himself could not have adjudicated this matter more wisely! Sons of
Massachusetts stand proudly and take a bow - a resounding THANK YOU
echoes throughout our land!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  #3   Report Post  
Old March 15th 04, 01:38 PM
Volker Tonn
Posts: n/a

Melvin Creep schrieb:

Okay I get the picture now. I'm gay...

For what do you bring this up? Is that related to shortwave in any
matter? Most shortwave listeners are VERY liberal. Your sexual
preferings are not of any interest here. If you want to find a sexual
partnership you are really wrong here.
So what's about your RADIO?

  #4   Report Post  
Old March 15th 04, 01:45 PM
T. Early
Posts: n/a

"Melvin Creep" wrote in message
Okay I get the picture now. I'm gay so nobody will respond to my
threads lest they be viewed as approving of my sexuality. I've never
encountered a more intolerant, bigoted and narrow minded group of
individuals in my life. I know this will come as a shock to you all
but shortwave listening isn't just for fat ignorant white trash

this group is comprised of). Good riddance.
P.S. Oh one last thing before I leave...**** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I wasn't "blackballing" you -before-....and besides, I'm not

  #6   Report Post  
Old March 15th 04, 08:29 PM
Posts: n/a

*click* deleted
  #7   Report Post  
Old March 15th 04, 11:21 PM
Posts: n/a

"Lloyd" wrote in message ...
On 14 Mar 2004 23:59:14 -0800, Melvin Creep wrote:
Okay I get the picture now. I'm gay so nobody will respond to my
threads lest they be viewed as approving of my sexuality. I've never

It's not any of those things at all.

It's just that we think you're a Creep.

Well said Lloyd, nobody really cares what lifestyle a person choses.
That is not what this newsgroup is all about. If this person is looking
for such significant others he should go elsewhere. It the rest of us
who want to share information of the various aspects of this hobby

  #8   Report Post  
Old March 16th 04, 12:35 AM
Posts: n/a

In article ,
Volker Tonn wrote:

Melvin Creep schrieb:

Okay I get the picture now. I'm gay...

For what do you bring this up? Is that related to shortwave in any
matter? Most shortwave listeners are VERY liberal. Your sexual
preferings are not of any interest here. If you want to find a sexual
partnership you are really wrong here.
So what's about your RADIO?

I would say about half the people in the newsgroup are liberal. I would
say that most of the people where you live are liberal.

Ventura, California
  #9   Report Post  
Old March 16th 04, 03:17 AM
Brian Hill
Posts: n/a

"Melvin Creep" wrote in message
Okay I get the picture now. I'm gay so nobody will respond to my
threads lest they be viewed as approving of my sexuality. I've never
encountered a more intolerant, bigoted and narrow minded group of
individuals in my life. I know this will come as a shock to you all
but shortwave listening isn't just for fat ignorant white trash (which
this group is comprised of). Good riddance.
P.S. Oh one last thing before I leave...**** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok. Bye Bye Melvin. Don't forget to pack clean underwear. To Da Loo

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