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  #101   Report Post  
Old April 5th 04, 01:17 AM
Posts: n/a

In article ,
Larry Ozarow wrote:

Telamon wrote:

Sorry you look like an idiot but why address the resident prime Troll
instead of the issue you raised with what I stated.

The communists haven't taken over yet, so I can address whoever I want
at least for the time being. You didn't raise any issues, you the
claimed that Air America is being backed by the commies. If right-
wing businessmen can back rightwing talk radio, it seems fair to me
that leftwing businessmen can back leftwing talk radio. If it's a
plot when leftists do it, why isn't it a plot when rightwingers do it?
That's free speech. That's the American way of doing things, no?
We have a Republican president, two majority Republican houses of
Congress, a majority Republican-appointed Supreme Court, and as we now
know who have been following these threads, 14 million people listen
to Rush Limbaugh on a regular basis. I think you can lower the shotgun.

The problem you are having is not that I have any "Birchite tendencies"
but that you are wrong. Living in ignorance is a choice you made. Don't
blame me.

No Telamon, the problem is that you are wrong. It is not anti-American
to speak out against the policies of the US government if you disagree
with them. You want to think that people who don't like George Bush are
in the employ of the forces of darkness, that's fine with me. You want
to keep your set tuned to the instant replays of the great twilight
struggle between the superpowers, that's fine too. If I'm wrong maybe
they'll be confiscating our modems and radios next winter. We'll compare
notes then.

I hope I'm wrong. Free speech is a good thing by anyone wether they
agree with the current administration or not. Subversion is another

People with a left wing bent should have radio they want to listen to
similar to people on the right. They just need to pay attention to
wether the man (men) behind the curtain has the best interests of the
country at heart.

This network starting up now is clearly in the interest of influencing
the coming election. Due to campaign fiance reform this past year it
looks to me that it is being used to make an end run around the large
donation reforms.

Ventura, California
  #102   Report Post  
Old April 5th 04, 01:18 AM
Frank Dresser
Posts: n/a

"Larry Ozarow" wrote in message

I just figured it out. Of course you are right. Kerry is the Manchurian
Candidate. He runs for president with the secret backing of the Commies,
cleverly laundered through Air America and Equal Time, doing an end
around campaign spending limits, just as you say. In a gesture of
bi-partisanship, who is his VP candidate? Why of course, John McCain.
And there it is plain as the nose on your face! McCain was as we all
know a POW in Vietnam and was brainwashed and is just a ticking bomb.
Kerry/McCain get elected thanks to the "useful idiots" of the American
left, Kerry gets assassinated and bingo, Hanoi John McCain becomes
the first Communist president of the USA. HoHoHo Chi Minh is pulling
the strings! Do I get my Robert Welch junior space cadet medal now?

I've seen this as well, and Hillary Clinton is the Queen of Hearts. I
tried to share my vision with Brother Stair, but the Prophet says he has a
backlog now, and is only accecpting visions which end with these two lines:

"They sure blowed up good!"

"They blowed up reeeeaaaaal good!"

Frank Dresser

  #103   Report Post  
Old April 5th 04, 01:28 AM
Posts: n/a

Larry Ozarow wrote in message ...
UJ wrote:

It makes perfect sense to call Democrats socialists.There is a group
in the US Congress called the Progressive Caucus.Here is a list of
their 54 members, overwhelmingly if not entirely comprised of
Democrats: .
Presidential candidate and Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Dennis Kucinich
is at the top of the list.
So what, you ask? Well, the Progressive Caucus has close ties to the
Democratic Socialists Of America .
As far as I know, there is no organization called the Republican Nazis
Of America, so your Democrat/Socialist = Republican/Nazi comparison is
way off target.

This is a ridiculous argument, and I assume it's at least partly a joke.
The "Democratic" in DSA of course has nothing to do with the Democratic
Party, but is an adjective to distinguish the DSA from the various
anti-democratic (i.e. pro-Soviet) socialist parties that have been
around. The link you provide is that of Bernie Sanders, who as you
doubtless know, is not a Democrat.

By the way, you used "comprised" incorrectly.

Not at all ridiculous, Larry. This is part of their resolution on the
2004 presidential election:

" Democratic Socialists of America Political Action Committee (DSA
PAC) is not endorsing any candidate for the Democratic presidential
nomination at this time.....We are, however, sobered about where this
candidate will emerge from. He (and it will be a "he") will come from
among the mix of present Democratic contenders, and not from even the
most well-meaning and creative third party effort.
DSA welcomes the grassroots renewal movement within the Democratic
Party, named for the late Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, in which
DSA members have taken a leadership role in some areas around the

Obviously, the DSA is quite cozy with the late Senator Wellstone's
Democratic Party. Notice that they say that when the time comes, the
recipient of their endorsement for president wll come from within the
Democratic Party.
I'll concede that Not ALL Democrats are socialists, but undoubtedly it
is the Democratic Party's political platform that makes it an
attractive home for the DSA.

As for Bernie Sanders, yes I know that he is officially an
Independent, not a 'Democrat'. But that is nothing more than deceptive
labeling. Look up his voting record, and you'll find that this
admitted socialist votes consistently with the Democrats.
  #105   Report Post  
Old April 5th 04, 01:38 AM
Posts: n/a

In article ,
Larry Ozarow wrote:

Telamon wrote:

Sorry you look like an idiot but why address the resident prime Troll
instead of the issue you raised with what I stated.

The communists haven't taken over yet, so I can address whoever I want
at least for the time being. You didn't raise any issues, you the
claimed that Air America is being backed by the commies. If right-
wing businessmen can back rightwing talk radio, it seems fair to me
that leftwing businessmen can back leftwing talk radio. If it's a
plot when leftists do it, why isn't it a plot when rightwingers do it?
That's free speech. That's the American way of doing things, no?
We have a Republican president, two majority Republican houses of
Congress, a majority Republican-appointed Supreme Court, and as we now
know who have been following these threads, 14 million people listen
to Rush Limbaugh on a regular basis. I think you can lower the shotgun.

The problem you are having is not that I have any "Birchite tendencies"
but that you are wrong. Living in ignorance is a choice you made. Don't
blame me.

No Telamon, the problem is that you are wrong. It is not anti-American
to speak out against the policies of the US government if you disagree
with them. You want to think that people who don't like George Bush are
in the employ of the forces of darkness, that's fine with me. You want
to keep your set tuned to the instant replays of the great twilight
struggle between the superpowers, that's fine too. If I'm wrong maybe
they'll be confiscating our modems and radios next winter. We'll compare
notes then.

I'm not wrong. I never stated "It is anti-American to speak out against
the policies of the US government if you disagree with them."

I'm just fine with free speech.

Ventura, California

  #106   Report Post  
Old April 5th 04, 02:25 AM
Larry Ozarow
Posts: n/a

Jeez, man. You are identifying the
part with the whole. Of course Socialists are going
to be more at home in the Democratic Party,
just as Klansmen are going to be more at home
in the Republican party (at least since the
great realignment of the 1960s, before which
they were all Democrats). That doesn't
make all Republicans into KKKers. We have
two fairly broad centrist parties, and each
of them will have an "extreme" wing. In 1948
as you will recall, the Democratic party had
two extreme wings, one basically Communist and one
Klannist and they both ran against Truman in
the middle.

Wellstone was a great guy in my book
but by no means was he in the mainstream of
the Democratic party.

UJ wrote:
Larry Ozarow wrote in message ...

UJ wrote:

It makes perfect sense to call Democrats socialists.There is a group
in the US Congress called the Progressive Caucus.Here is a list of
their 54 members, overwhelmingly if not entirely comprised of
Democrats: .
Presidential candidate and Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Dennis Kucinich
is at the top of the list.
So what, you ask? Well, the Progressive Caucus has close ties to the
Democratic Socialists Of America .
As far as I know, there is no organization called the Republican Nazis
Of America, so your Democrat/Socialist = Republican/Nazi comparison is
way off target.

This is a ridiculous argument, and I assume it's at least partly a joke.
The "Democratic" in DSA of course has nothing to do with the Democratic
Party, but is an adjective to distinguish the DSA from the various
anti-democratic (i.e. pro-Soviet) socialist parties that have been
around. The link you provide is that of Bernie Sanders, who as you
doubtless know, is not a Democrat.

By the way, you used "comprised" incorrectly.

Not at all ridiculous, Larry. This is part of their resolution on the
2004 presidential election:

" Democratic Socialists of America Political Action Committee (DSA
PAC) is not endorsing any candidate for the Democratic presidential
nomination at this time.....We are, however, sobered about where this
candidate will emerge from. He (and it will be a "he") will come from
among the mix of present Democratic contenders, and not from even the
most well-meaning and creative third party effort.
DSA welcomes the grassroots renewal movement within the Democratic
Party, named for the late Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, in which
DSA members have taken a leadership role in some areas around the

Obviously, the DSA is quite cozy with the late Senator Wellstone's
Democratic Party. Notice that they say that when the time comes, the
recipient of their endorsement for president wll come from within the
Democratic Party.
I'll concede that Not ALL Democrats are socialists, but undoubtedly it
is the Democratic Party's political platform that makes it an
attractive home for the DSA.

As for Bernie Sanders, yes I know that he is officially an
Independent, not a 'Democrat'. But that is nothing more than deceptive
labeling. Look up his voting record, and you'll find that this
admitted socialist votes consistently with the Democrats.

  #107   Report Post  
Old April 5th 04, 03:01 AM
Larry Ozarow
Posts: n/a

Telamon wrote:

I'm just fine with free speech.

On this we can agree. That's why I think it's
dangerous to be so quick to question the motives
of the guys behind Air America. Our current
government has already given itself the power
to go around the Constitution in cases of
suspected terrorism. To accuse people who
disagree with that government of being communists
gives the government the tool it needs to deal with
them in ways outside what we think of as legal, and
bring the whole thing down.

I have a friend at work from Greece and we had lunch
after the recent change of governments there. I asked
him how their general ebb and flow of political power
went, and among other things he summarized it as
the pigs on the right feed for 10 years, then the
pigs from the left push them aside and take their turn.
At the very least we have to hope in this country that
both sides continue to have elbow room.
  #110   Report Post  
Old April 6th 04, 02:40 PM
Larry Ozarow
Posts: n/a

Telamon, you sound like Claude Rains in Casablanca,
you are "Shocked, shocked!" that a bunch of liberal
Democrats are spending a lot of money in media, and part
of their motivation might be
to support a Democrat in an election. As people have pointed
out in this newsgroup, various of the rightwing commentators
have support that comes from "foundations," I've pointed
out that often political magazines - which almost always strongly
support one side or the other, are at least partly bankrolled by
individuals. As for not planning to make any money for two or three
years, this isn't a sign of evil intent, as Peter Maus pointed out in
his response, this is about normally what they should expect.

And calm down a little. If this plot is such a clear and present
danger, but Al Franken will honestly answer about it if you call
him - THEN CALL HIM, and expose the whole charade for what it is.
He's a pretty lame conspirator in that case, anyway.

Look, there has been talk about doing this for a couple of years. Any
even-numbered year they would have done it in is a congressional
election year, and you could get all up in arms in that case about
the same issue.

Telamon, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander - people
on the left have every right to throw their money around to influence
elections, just as people on the right have been doing. Their secret
plan that you are so worked up about, if it is indeed merely a plot
to influence the election, and not a business venture, is to elect
a government that spends a little more on education and health care
and a little less on military, respects environmental treaties, and
throws our military weight a little less. I don't think a Kerry
administration is going to suspend civil liberties and install secret
tribunals and socialize the means of production - is that what you
really think is in the offing?

And by the way, you refer to the "older, established" means of raising
money having been eliminated. Were they fair? Didn't groups on one side
or another abuse campaign financing laws of all kinds? And also if the
law has suddenly become so Draconian how come Bush is spending a couple
of hundred million in his un-opposed PRIMARY campaign alone, before even
gearing up for the general election? The total capitalization of Air
America is dwarfed by what Bush is going to spend this spring alone.

Telamon wrote:

The following Public service message uses non standard capitalization
for the reading comprehension impaired.

I don't use profanity very often but WAKE THE HELL UP !

They are not planning to make any money for 2 to 3 YEARS !

This effort is designed to influence the coming ELECTION THIS FALL.


BECAUSE of last years campaign finance reform. It's an end run around
the rules to abuse the electorate by Lawyer's doing their thing.

Let me put this another way for the thick heads out there. People who
are not willing to have intentions known are using the startup of this
network to influence the election since the older and established
methods of doing so were eliminated last year.

It's not about FREE SPEECH.

It's not about MAKING MONEY.


If you don't believe me then just call AL Franken on his show. He's
honest enough to tell you why its happening now. Go ahead and CALL HIM
or write to

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