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  #1   Report Post  
Old June 4th 04, 07:10 AM
Beloved Leader
Posts: n/a
Default Stock up on Tinfoil NOW

Seen this on the mainstream media? No? I thought so.

A supposed intercept of a U.S. military SSB radio transmission on 26
January of this year referred to a mysterious "countdown" to an
unnamed event which (by the countdown) will occur around June 19 or 20
of this year. In the past few weeks, however, naval units worldwide
have been putting to sea in unusual numbers, sufficient to cause us to
revisit the original message to assess movements and adopt a watch
mode going forward into the June 19-20 date area.

When tinfoil hats are outlawed, only wackos will have tinfoil hats. I
mean outlaws.
  #2   Report Post  
Old June 4th 04, 12:12 PM
Jim Douglas
Posts: n/a

You are correct, impact will be about that time. If not, execute plan
KillURSelf @20:00Z on the date.

"Beloved Leader" wrote in message
Seen this on the mainstream media? No? I thought so.

A supposed intercept of a U.S. military SSB radio transmission on 26
January of this year referred to a mysterious "countdown" to an
unnamed event which (by the countdown) will occur around June 19 or 20
of this year. In the past few weeks, however, naval units worldwide
have been putting to sea in unusual numbers, sufficient to cause us to
revisit the original message to assess movements and adopt a watch
mode going forward into the June 19-20 date area.

When tinfoil hats are outlawed, only wackos will have tinfoil hats. I
mean outlaws.

  #3   Report Post  
Old June 4th 04, 03:46 PM
Posts: n/a

I have my AFRB with me at all times.


Jim Douglas wrote:

You are correct, impact will be about that time. If not, execute plan
KillURSelf @20:00Z on the date.

"Beloved Leader" wrote in message

Seen this on the mainstream media? No? I thought so.

A supposed intercept of a U.S. military SSB radio transmission on 26
January of this year referred to a mysterious "countdown" to an
unnamed event which (by the countdown) will occur around June 19 or 20
of this year. In the past few weeks, however, naval units worldwide
have been putting to sea in unusual numbers, sufficient to cause us to
revisit the original message to assess movements and adopt a watch
mode going forward into the June 19-20 date area.

When tinfoil hats are outlawed, only wackos will have tinfoil hats. I
mean outlaws.

  #4   Report Post  
Old June 4th 04, 05:32 PM
Posts: n/a


Are You 'waiting' on Heaven's Gate ?

Hale-Bopp - You All Comet Back You Hear ~ RHF
Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
An Effective, Low-Cost Solution To Combating Mind-Control
A Tin-Foil Hat or Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB) is a
piece of headgear designed to shield the brain from mind control
and/or mind reading by surrounding it with a metallic lining
(typically, aluminium foil or tin foil).
= = = (Beloved Leader) wrote in message
= = = . com...
Seen this on the mainstream media? No? I thought so.

A supposed intercept of a U.S. military SSB radio transmission on 26
January of this year referred to a mysterious "countdown" to an
unnamed event which (by the countdown) will occur around June 19 or 20
of this year. In the past few weeks, however, naval units worldwide
have been putting to sea in unusual numbers, sufficient to cause us to
revisit the original message to assess movements and adopt a watch
mode going forward into the June 19-20 date area.

When tinfoil hats are outlawed, only wackos will have tinfoil hats. I
mean outlaws.

  #5   Report Post  
Old June 4th 04, 08:25 PM
The Monotheist Entomologist
Posts: n/a

"Beloved Leader" wrote in message
Seen this on the mainstream media? No? I thought so.

A supposed intercept of a U.S. military SSB radio transmission on 26
January of this year referred to a mysterious "countdown" to an
unnamed event which (by the countdown) will occur around June 19 or 20
of this year. In the past few weeks, however, naval units worldwide
have been putting to sea in unusual numbers, sufficient to cause us to
revisit the original message to assess movements and adopt a watch
mode going forward into the June 19-20 date area.

James Lloyd has been playing up this story big time
on his kooky radio show at 7.490 - Rense and Lloyd
two matching 8-Ball bookends. 10-4 on the tinfoil.
(better get that 25" wide stuff the pizza shops use...grin)

Ain't heard Brother Stair talk about this much, he seems
pre-occupied with gettin "financial donations" of late
most likely for his lawyers when his alleged underage-sex
exploits down-on-the-farm-in-SC hit the fan....

  #6   Report Post  
Old June 4th 04, 09:47 PM
Fred Garvin
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 03 Jun 2004 22:10:39 -0700, Beloved Leader wrote:

Seen this on the mainstream media? No? I thought so.

You got to love the freaks of nature!

  #7   Report Post  
Old June 5th 04, 05:59 AM
Les &/or Claire
Posts: n/a

Government Into The Bunker? the Greenbrier going 'active'?

A very strange website indeed is 'Rumormillnews.Com'. Owned and operated by
someone calling themselves 'Rayelan Allan'. Some of the stuff on that site
is simply bizarre, to say the least.

The following item was posted there a week ago, and while my first tendency
was to dismiss it as nonsense, the more I read it over, the more it seemed
to have the ring of truth, if for no other reason due to the ease with which
it can be disproven, IF somebody is willing to go to the trouble of doing
so, specifically somebody in the local vincinity of the famous Greenbrier
Hotel Resort in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia:


Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Thursday, 29 April 2004, 10:41 p.m.

The following was sent to me by a reader I have known for a while who always
has provided excellent information.

What kind of attack is the Elite preparing for? Nuclear, biological?
Chemical? What can Greenbriar
withstand these days?

The Greenbriar Hotel complex in West Virginia, The very exclusive place
which houses the first underground bunker built for the DC set, has been in
a lock down for a few weeks and the tours of the bunker are stopped. No one
gets in except those attending very high level meetings, which are going on
regularly. It is totally closed to the public. It was a public hotel. The
staff are told that the bunker is needed for storage, but they all know it
is being prepared for something big. I believe this is a real sign. My
sources are employees.

Reader K

Now it doesn't help that these fine people couldn't even spell 'Greenbrier'
correctly. But spellcheck notwithstanding, this is the sort of subtle intel
item that one looks for when trying to detect clandestine preparations for

And there is a lot of talk about 'what' that might be:


Ok, ok. Don't start running in circles, don't start digging a foxhole next
to your septic tank out back, and don't start calling up relatives and
friends to say goodbye just yet.

But as they say, 'knowledge is power', so you might want to consider doing
some digging on the subject of asteroids, comets, near-earth collisions and
what-not, because what-the-hey? Google.Com is literally only a couple of
clicks away, know what I mean?

It is no secret that we are entering a period of increased asteroid, comet
and celestial activity. Not to be caught with their pants down by
'Rumormillnews.Com', the posters at 'Timebomb2000.Com' had an interesting
thread going on long before this whole Greenbrier Bunker story got started,
to save you the bother of hunting it down, here is one of the more detailed
posts for your perusal:

(From 'Dragonslayer2001')
A mystery
People are tracking these comets (and now this asteroid) as on January 20
this message was picked up by Ham operators:

.................................................. ...........................

A member of our ham radio club intercepted this transmission and shared it
with a few of us. He made a digital recording of it. The transmissions took
place on 1-26-04 staring at 0:5:00 UTC. The frequency was 11.176 mhz, USB.

The conversation is between SNOWBALL NET and another station. We assume
SNOWBALL is the network operator.

Here is a transcript:

SNOWBALL NET: Snowball Net comms check. All stations, clock sync, (pause)
impact at minus 146 days, 5 hours UTC. Standby for ACC link (could have been

Burst of digital data.

Burrow: SNOWBALL This is BURROW (could be Burro as in donkey). You are not
secure.repeat not secure.go green.go green.

Bursts of white noise follow for approximately 3 minutes.

Copies of this have been posted on several ham boards and have been sent to
Popular Communications Magazine.

.................................................. ...........................

If you count forward the time, it comes to June 20th, 2004.

Some of the sources with that frequency are the following:****ch.shtml

SNOWBALL is an alias


Info - NIGH****CH Activity

NIGH****CH is generally considered to be the name of the
program/mission/network involving the TACAMOs, NOAC and ground based C3
stations in support of the Strategic forces of the United States. It is part
of their overall purpose to provide the United States with the capability to
strike back in the event of nuclear war, even after being struck first, and
otherwise command forces in the event of a national emergency.

***As far as the freq in the original post (scroll down):

The USSTRATCOM Command Center transmits nightly test calls on HF, 11175khz,
usually around 00:00z and as late as 03:00z. Below is a sample list of the
aliases I´ve heard used...
.................................................. ...........................

Asteroid Itokawa might have the following dimentions:

630 meters long
250 meters wide
6.0 X 10(13) grams weight

On closer inspection it is scheduled to come within .0013 AU on 26 Jun 2004.
Now if my math is correct that is 224,396.8065 Kilometers.

The moons Average Distance from the Earth:
384,400 km (0.0026 AU)

So there you have it.

Beloved Leader wrote:
Seen this on the mainstream media? No? I thought so.

A supposed intercept of a U.S. military SSB radio transmission on 26
January of this year referred to a mysterious "countdown" to an
unnamed event which (by the countdown) will occur around June 19 or 20
of this year. In the past few weeks, however, naval units worldwide
have been putting to sea in unusual numbers, sufficient to cause us to
revisit the original message to assess movements and adopt a watch
mode going forward into the June 19-20 date area.

When tinfoil hats are outlawed, only wackos will have tinfoil hats. I
mean outlaws.


"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission
natural selection, the force that made us.... Soon we must look deep
within ourselves and decide what we wish to become." Edward O. Wilson
Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge

Remove frontal lobes to reply from a NG

  #8   Report Post  
Old June 5th 04, 06:29 AM
Les &/or Claire
Posts: n/a
Default ( do a "find on page" for "snowball" the
net does exist.

Beloved Leader wrote:
Seen this on the mainstream media? No? I thought so.

A supposed intercept of a U.S. military SSB radio transmission on 26
January of this year referred to a mysterious "countdown" to an
unnamed event which (by the countdown) will occur around June 19 or 20
of this year. In the past few weeks, however, naval units worldwide
have been putting to sea in unusual numbers, sufficient to cause us to
revisit the original message to assess movements and adopt a watch
mode going forward into the June 19-20 date area.

When tinfoil hats are outlawed, only wackos will have tinfoil hats. I
mean outlaws.


"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission
natural selection, the force that made us.... Soon we must look deep
within ourselves and decide what we wish to become." Edward O. Wilson
Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge

Remove frontal lobes to reply from a NG

  #9   Report Post  
Old June 5th 04, 06:23 PM
Posts: n/a

The transmissions took
place on 1-26-04 staring at 0:5:00 UTC. The frequency was 11.176 mhz, USB.

The conversation is between SNOWBALL NET and another station. We assume
SNOWBALL is the network operator.

Here is a transcript:

SNOWBALL NET: Snowball Net comms check. All stations, clock sync, (pause)
impact at minus 146 days, 5 hours UTC. Standby for ACC link (could have been

well let's look at this. Jan 26 is Julian day 26 in 2004. And 0500 UTC is
midnight EST.

146 days later is Julian day 172, which I figure to be Sunday June 27, but I'm
not sure how to figure in the 5 hours, uness they mean midnight EST (but is it
June 27 or 28?).

No astronomical event would happen exactly at midnight EST, so I suspect that
it's the beginning of some pre-July 4th week event.
Could there be world-wide coordinated terrorist attacks on July 4, and that we
go on high alert a week early?
  #10   Report Post  
Old June 5th 04, 06:32 PM
Posts: n/a

Radioman390 wrote:

The transmissions took
place on 1-26-04 staring at 0:5:00 UTC. The frequency was 11.176 mhz, USB.

The conversation is between SNOWBALL NET and another station. We assume
SNOWBALL is the network operator.

Here is a transcript:

SNOWBALL NET: Snowball Net comms check. All stations, clock sync, (pause)
impact at minus 146 days, 5 hours UTC. Standby for ACC link (could have been

well let's look at this. Jan 26 is Julian day 26 in 2004. And 0500 UTC is
midnight EST.

146 days later is Julian day 172, which I figure to be Sunday June 27, but I'm
not sure how to figure in the 5 hours, uness they mean midnight EST (but is it
June 27 or 28?).

No astronomical event would happen exactly at midnight EST, so I suspect that
it's the beginning of some pre-July 4th week event.
Could there be world-wide coordinated terrorist attacks on July 4, and that we
go on high alert a week early?

I have a feeling that someone has mis-understood what was transmitted, or
fabricated the transmission.

Holland, MI
Drake R7, R8 and R8B

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