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In article , johnson38
@nospam.alvillage.net says... snippety So I just want to say "**** you!" to the ignorant IE and OE users who defend their use of that hole-ridden, abominable software beyond reason. YOU are one of the major problems with today's Internet. So... Instead of wasting energy cussing at 'them,' why not HELP someone, in a nice way, to migrate AWAY from IE and into something like Opera or Firefox? Oh, I forgot... It's easier and quicker to simply swear at someone than it is to do something constructive. -- Dr. Anton T. Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute. (Known to some as Bruce Lane, ARS KC7GR, kyrrin (a/t) bluefeathertech[d=o=t]calm -- www.bluefeathertech.com "If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped with surreal ports?" |
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![]() "Dr. Anton T. Squeegee" wrote in message ... In article , johnson38 @nospam.alvillage.net says... snippety So I just want to say "**** you!" to the ignorant IE and OE users who defend their use of that hole-ridden, abominable software beyond reason. YOU are one of the major problems with today's Internet. So... Instead of wasting energy cussing at 'them,' why not HELP someone, in a nice way, to migrate AWAY from IE and into something like Opera or Firefox? Oh, I forgot... It's easier and quicker to simply swear at someone than it is to do something constructive. -- Dr. Anton T. Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute. (Known to some as Bruce Lane, ARS KC7GR, kyrrin (a/t) bluefeathertech[d=o=t]calm -- www.bluefeathertech.com "If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped with surreal ports?" Yes. Opera. Foxfire. I think I just got an alert last week that Foxfire has been found to have a security hole for which there is no known fix (as of yet). Opera? It has holes. You can subscribe to these government alerts and see for yourself. BTW, we point fingers at browsers .... uh ... do you know that Real Player has problems? Didn't think so. How about file sharing programs? Hehehe HAR DE HAR HAR. The list is virtually endless. Various instant messaging programs. Some stuff that you wouldn't think could even cause a security problem. I fixed a PC a few weeks ago. Some alleged tech "fixed" the computer. Returned it sans anti-virus and firewall. Also didn't do updates. It got hijacked. It took me quite a bit of effort which included removing spyware, getting a firewall in place, anti-virus in place, and an on-line scan to remove the last pieces of that nasty thing. I had even been locked out of regedit! Finally, everything was working except I couldn't get the home page back. Since I could get into regedit by this time, I simply edited the registry and it is finally working fine. The problem, in this case, wasn't with Microsoft or the users. It was a lazy tech that didn't want to do the whole job. Best regards from Rochester, NY Jim AA2QA --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.711 / Virus Database: 467 - Release Date: 6/25/04 |
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Jim Hampton wrote:
"Dr. Anton T. Squeegee" wrote in message ... In article , johnson38 says... snippety So I just want to say "**** you!" to the ignorant IE and OE users who defend their use of that hole-ridden, abominable software beyond reason. YOU are one of the major problems with today's Internet. So... Instead of wasting energy cussing at 'them,' why not HELP someone, in a nice way, to migrate AWAY from IE and into something like Opera or Firefox? Oh, I forgot... It's easier and quicker to simply swear at someone than it is to do something constructive. -- Dr. Anton T. Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute. (Known to some as Bruce Lane, ARS KC7GR, kyrrin (a/t) bluefeathertech[d=o=t]calm -- www.bluefeathertech.com "If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped with surreal ports?" Yes. Opera. Foxfire. I think I just got an alert last week that Foxfire has been found to have a security hole for which there is no known fix (as of yet). Opera? It has holes. You can subscribe to these government alerts and see for yourself. BTW, we point fingers at browsers .... uh ... do you know that Real Player has problems? Didn't think so. How about file sharing programs? Hehehe HAR DE HAR HAR. You use Real Player? Just using it is a security issue. The list is virtually endless. Various instant messaging programs. Some stuff that you wouldn't think could even cause a security problem. Instant messaging services is a leading source of spyware. Don't use it. I fixed a PC a few weeks ago. Some alleged tech "fixed" the computer. Returned it sans anti-virus and firewall. Also didn't do updates. It got hijacked. It took me quite a bit of effort which included removing spyware, getting a firewall in place, anti-virus in place, and an on-line scan to remove the last pieces of that nasty thing. I had even been locked out of regedit! Finally, everything was working except I couldn't get the home page back. Since I could get into regedit by this time, I simply edited the registry and it is finally working fine. The problem, in this case, wasn't with Microsoft or the users. It was a lazy tech that didn't want to do the whole job. Blaming the victim again, Jim. Like blaming a sexual assault victim because she was pretty and dressed nice. You seem to accept the flaws as inevitable and a normal part of operating. you would never accept a car that has as many flaws as a typical PC OS. Browsers and mail readers should never never ever be integrated with OS's. Ports should be inaccessible unless you tell it to be accessible. Address books should be encrypted (although there is a chicken and egg thing going on in that case) The list goes on and on. Demand competent software! - Mike KB3EIA - |
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