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![]() "Nomen Nescio" wrote in message ... F you JBrown! |
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![]() "Nomen Nescio" wrote in message ... Hmmm. I know you from another group...and you've always seemed like such a rational person. |
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Nomen Nescio wrote:
[snip] The following is a list of some top Jewish Communist murderers, commissars, spies, assassins and propagandists (aliases are listed in parentheses). This list is by no means comprehensive. To catalog all of the Jewish Communist involved in crimes would require hundreds of pages. The following list of major Gentile Communist figures was compiled for satiric purposes, but I tried to make it as accurate as possible. So here it is: an answer to all the net-Nazis who try to convince us that the major Communist figures were "mainly" or "mostly" or "almost exclusively" Jewish. What follows contains no polemic, but only facts (aside from a few snide observations). So without further ado, the list that pushes back the last frontier of ignorance, the list of COMMIE GOYIM!!!!!!! Fran=E7ois No=EBl Babeuf ("French revolutionary, organizer of a communist uprising against the Directory . . . he formed a secret society that plotted to overthrow the government; it became known as the Conspiracy of the Equals . . . ." "Although many thinkers in the past expressed ideas that were similar to later socialism, the first theorist who may properly be called socialist was Fran=E7ois No=EBl Babeuf . . . ." Columbia Encyclopedia, articles on Babeuf and Socialism) Louis Auguste Blanqui ("Inspired by Babeuf, [Blanqui] coined the phrase 'dictatorship of the proletariat' and devoted his life to achieveing it through conspiratorial means. . ." Pipes, Conspiracy, p. 78.) Etienne Cabet (French Socialist, author of Voyage en Icarie, the word "communism" was initially associated with his ideas) Engels (Never forget that The Communist Manifesto was originally written in German by two guys named Karl and Friedrich.) BOLSHEVIKS: Alexander Bogdanov (Important early Bolshevik theorist, Had broken with Lenin by the time of the revolution.) Lenin (5th on Rudolph Rummel's list of the "This Century's Bloodiest Dictators" http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/DBG.TAB1.4.GIF ) Stalin (Most blood-stained person who ever lived, #1 on Rummel's list) Georgi Konstantinovich "Sergo" Ordzhonikidze (Soviet leader in Armenia and Georgia, Politburo member under Stalin, Beria and Mikoyan both named sons "Sergo" after him) Felix Dzerzhinsky (Founder, in 1918, of the Checka secret police agency, precursor organization of the GPU, OGPU, NKVD, and KGB) Nikolai Bukharin (Major Bolshevik theoretician, Politburo Member, Editor of Pravda) Lev Borisovich Kamenev (Member of the Original Politburo, Often mistakenly identified as a Jew although mother was non-Jew, Originally sided with Stalin and Zinoviev against Trotsky but forced out by Stalin along with Zinoviev in 1926) Anatoli Vasilyevich Lunacharsky (Revolutionary, Literary Figure, Commissar of Education 1917-29) Nikolai N. Krestinski (Member of First Politburo along with Lenin, Stalin, Kamenev, and Trotsky) Georgi Vasilyevich Chicherin (Foreign Comissar/Minister, succeeding Trotsky, until 1928) Aleksey Ivanovich Rykov (Commissar for the Interior after 1917, Politburo member under Lenin and Stalin, Premier from 1924-1931, Sided with Stalin against Zinoviev, Kamenev, and Trotsky but fell afoul of Stalin shortly afterwards) Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin (Chairman of Central Executive Committee 1919-1946, Politburo Member 1925-46) Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko ("Leading Bolshevik. Commanded storming of Winter Palace in october 1917; held important military, political, legal and diplomatic posts after Revolution. Disappeared during purges" All Stalin's Men, p. 173) Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya (Mrs. Lenin, Prominent Bolshevik) Aleksandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (Prominent Bolshevik, Feminist, People's Commissar for Welfare) Alexander Shlyapnikov (People's Commissar for Labor until Oct. 1918, later Central Committee Member, Leader--with Kollontai-- of "Worker's Opposition") Nikolai Vasilyevich Krylenko (Military comissar and later heavily involved in political trials and purges until he was purged hinmself in 1938) Inessa Armand (Prominent Bolshevik, Feminist, Lenin's Mistress) STALIN'S RULE: Kliment Voroshilov (Active Bolshevik prior to revolution, Major Red Army commander during civil war, Close associate of Stalin, Politburo Member under Stalin, Out of favor under Khruschev, restored to Central Committee in 1966) Vyacheslav Rudolfovich Menzhinsky (Succeeded Dzerzhinsky as head of NKVD in 1926) Nikolai Yezhov (Head of NKVD 1936-1938, replacing Yagoda, Wave of terror known as "Yezhovshchina") Lavrenti Beria (Head of Soviet Georgia and Transcaucasia, Head of NKVD from 1938 until Stalin's Death, Probably second most powerful figure in Stalin's government for much of that time and certainly the most hated and feared, Deputy Premier under Malenkov) Nikolai Bulganin (Defense Minister under Stalin, briefly succeeded Malenkov as Premier) Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov (Early editor of Pravda prior to revolution, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars after Rykov, then Foreign Minister, negotiated non-agression pact between Soviets and Nazi Germany, According to Roy Medvedev, "In 1932 he played a particularly sinister part in the Ukraine, where he directed the state grain-procurement opeations in the southern provinces; after his intervention the southern Ukraine was gripped by a terrible famine that carried off millions," All Stalin's Men, p. 87) Georgi Maksimilianovich Malenkov (Politburo member, Deputy Premier under Stalin, briefly succeeded Stalin as Premier) Mikhail Tomsky (Politburo Member, Trade Union Leader, Another major figure in the power struggles that eventually led to the consolidation of Stalin's power) Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov (Central Committee Secretary, Rival of Malenkov, Anti-Semite) Stanislav Vikent'evich Kosior (Ukrainian First Secretary, Reported to have said the following: " . . . the peasant is adopting a new tactic. He refuses to reap the harvest. He wants the bread grain to die in order to choke the Soviet government with the bony hand of famine. We will show him what famine is." Harvest of Sorrow, p. 221) Pavel Petrovich Postyshev ("Postyshev was, in fact, Stalin's effective plenipotenitary in the task of 'Bolshevizing' the Ukrainian party and extracting further grain from the starving Ukrainian villages" Harvest of Sorrow, p. 241.) Grigori Ivanovich Petrovsky ("When a factory official told Petrovsky that his employees were talking of five million people having already died and asked what he should tell them, he is quoted as answering, 'Tell them nothing! What they say is true. We know millions are dying. That is unfortunate, but the glorious future of the Soviet Union will justify that. Tell them nothing!'" Harvest of Sorrow, p. 325.) Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan (Armenian Communist Party head, Chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium, Politburo member.) Sergei Mironovich Kirov (Active in Party from Civil War, Politburo Member under Stalin, Stalin used his assassination--which he probably ordered himself--as a pretext for getting rid of Zinoviev, Rykov, and Kamenev.) Andrei Yanuarievich Vyshinsky (Chief Prosecutor of Soviet Union 1935-1939) OTHER POLITBURO MEMBERS UNDER STALIN: Valerian Vladimirovich Kuibyshev Vlas Yakovlevich Chubar' Yan Ernestovich Rudzutak Aleksandr Sergeevich Shcherbakov Andrei Andreevich Andreev Nikolai Aleksandrovich Uglanov Robert Ivanovich Eikhe Sergei I. Syrtsov NKVD OFFICIALS Roman Aleksndrovich Pillyar (Deputy Head of Counterespionage 1921-1926) Eduard Petrovich Berzin (Head of Dalstroy 1932-1937) Karp Aleksandrovich Pavlov (Head of Dalstroy and Kolyma camp 1937-40) Ivan Fedorovich Nikishev (Nov 1938-Dec 1939 Head of Khabarovsk NKVD, Candidate Member of Central Committee 1939-52, Head of Dalstroy 1940-1946) DEFENDANTS AT BUKHARIN TRIAL 1937: Pavel Petrovich Bulanov (Yagoda's Secretary) Georgi E. Prokoviev (Deputy Head OGPU 1932, Deputy People's Commissar NKVD 1935-1936, Deputy People's Commissar for Communications until 1937) Georgi Aleksandrovich Molchanov (Head of Secret Political Dept GUGB, In charge of Zinoviev case) Aleksandr M Shanin (Head Transport Department GUGB, Commissar GB Grade 2 November 1935) Stanislaw Frantsevich Redens (Head of NKVD Administration in Moscow under Yagoda, Stalin's wife's sister's husband) YEZHOV PERIOD: Mikhail Petrovich Frinovsky (October 1936-Fall 1938 Deputy People's Commissar NKVD, one of Yezhov's two top henchmen along with Zakovsky) Leonid Mikhailovich Zakovsky ("Zakovski is reported as saying that he could soon make Karl Marx confess to being an agent of Bismark. Dzerzhinski, when he had called him at the Smolny to be one of the founding members of the Checka, had said that the orginazation needed 'manly, fearless, bold' officers of his type. Over the past few years these qualities had all been manifested in the torturing and framing of his old comrades, in a manner which illuminates much sentimental nonsense about the brotherhood of the revolutionaries, the pure-heartedness of the Old Bolsheviks." Conquest, Inside Stalin's Secret Police, p. 57) Nikolai Galaktionovich Nikolaev-Zhurid (Old Checkist, Old Bolshevik, Leningrad OGPU, Head of Special Department Fall 1938) Nikolai Nikolayevich Federov (Head of Odessa NKVD, Member Supreme Soviet) Grigory Fedorovich Gorbach (Head of Novosibirsk NKVD 1937, Member Supreme Soviet) NKVD OFFICIALS--BERIA PROTEGES (KNOWN AS "BERIA'S GANG"): Bogdan Kobulov (Deputy head of NKVD under Beria, with Serov oversaw deportation of Crimean Tartars and other national groups, Involved in day-to-day operation of the Gulag) Ivan Aleksandrovich Serov (Deputy Head of NKVD along with Kobulov, Head of KGB 1954-1958 "Ivan Serov was awarded the Order of Suvorov, First Class, reserved for major victories in the field, on March 9 1944--that is, immediately after the largest of his deportation operations, that of the Chechen-Ingush. He was later made a Hero of the Soviet Union and received a number of other orders." Conquest, The Nation Killers, p. 82) Vsevolod Nikolayevich Merkulov (Head of NKGB 1941-1946, briefly head of MGB in 1946) Sergei Goglidze (Head of Leningrad NKVD, Later Deputy Minister of State Security and Chief of Third Directorate of MGB) Vladimir Dekanozov (Head of GUGB Foreign Department, 1953 Minister MVD Georgia) Lavrentii Tsanava (1921-33 Checka-OGPU in Caucasus, 1938-1952 Head of Belorussia NKVD) Grigorii Karanadze ( Head of Crimea NKVD 1938-1942, 1952 People's Commissar NKVD/MVD Georgia) Aleksei Sadzhaia (Head of Uzbekistan NKVD) Amaiak Kobulov (Brother of Bogdan, Head of Ukraine NKVD 1939, NKVD Uzbekistan 1943) Mikhail Gvishiani (Head of Far East NKVD, His son Dzhermen-- named after Dzerzhinsky and Menzhinsky--was married to Kosygin's daughter) Avksentii Rapava (1941-1948 Head of Georgia NKVD then NKGB, MGB) M=2E D. Bagirov (Head of the Communist Party in Azerbaijan) MVD-MGB-KGB OFFICIALS: Sergei Kruglov (Briefly head of NKVD, MVD first deputy, Major subordinate of Beria, but joined Khrushchev against Beria) Viktor Semyonovich Abakumov (Head of MGB 1946-1951, Technically another of Beria's subordinates, but independent of Beria and a rival to Merkulov) Sergey Ogoltsov (Head of MGB July 14 1951 - August 9 1951) Semyon Denisovich Ignatiyev (Head of MGB 1951-1953, Since he had been part of the Zhdanov faction, his appointment was a blow to Beria) Aleksandr Nikolayevich Shelepin (Head of KGB 1958-1961, Supported Khrushchev's rise to power and was also involved in his removal) Vladimir Yefimovich Semichastniy (Head of KGB 1961-1967, Also heavily involved in Khrushchev's removal) [See "LATER USSR FIGURES" for Andropov] Vitaliy Vasilyevich Fedorchuk (Head of KGB May 26 1982 - December 17 1982) Viktor Mikhaylovich Chebrikov (Head of KGB 1982-1988) Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kryuchkov (Head of KGB 1988-1991) LATER USSR FIGURES: Mikhail Andreyevich Suslov (Ideological watchdog maintaining purity of communist doctrine, Central Committee member from 1941, Supported both Khruschev's rise to power and his downfall) Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin (Succeeded Khrushchev as Premier in 1964, initially shared power with Brezhnev although power later declined) Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov (Head of KGB 1967-1982, General Secretary of Communist Party 1982-1984) (See: http://edwardjayepstein.com/archived/andropov.htm) Konstantin Chernenko (Party General Secretary and Chairman of Presiduim after Andropov's death) Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (Chernenko's successor) MISCELLANEOUS: Josip Broz Tito (9th on Rummel's list of "This Century's Century's Bloodiest Dictators") Aleksandar Rankovic (Tito's second in command 1948-1966) Vulko Chervenkov (Dictator of Bulgaria 1950-1956) Todor Zhikov (Dictator of Bulgaria 1956-1989) Mao Tse-Tung (2nd on Rummel's list) Zhou Enlai (Chinese Premier 1949-1976) Zhu De (Military leader and later Deputy Chairman of Communist China) Lin Biao (Second only to Mao in China in the late 60's, Compiler of the Little Red Book) Liu Shaoqi (Mao's leading deputy in 50's and early 60's) Kang Sheng (Chinese Secret Police Chief) Jiang Qing (Mrs. Mao, the rest of the "Gang of Four" follow) Wang Hongwen Yao Wenyuan Zhang Chunqiao Deng Xiaoping ( http://www.laogai.org/comment/dissent.htm ) Jiang Zemin (Chinese Communist Party General Secretary 1989-2002, President 1993-2003, Emerged as major leader and Deng's successor in wake of suppression of pro-democracy movement.) Hu Jintao (Currrent Chinese Leader) Pol Pot (7th on Rummel's list) Nuon Chea (Deputy General Secretary of Cambodia's Communist Party, Number Two man in Pol Pot's regime, heavily implicated in torture, mass-murder, and repression) Ieng Sary (Pol Pot's brother-in-law, Minister of Foreign Affairs) Khieu Samphan (Cambodian Head of State under Pol Pot) J=E1nos K=E1d=E1r (Head of Communist Hungary 1956-1988) Boleslaw Bierut (Leader of Communist Poland: President of Communist Poland 1947-1952, First Secretary of Central Committee 1948-1956) J=F3zef Cyrankiewicz (Polish Politburo member 1948-1971, Prime Minister 1947-1952, Deputy Premier 1952-1954, Prime Minister 1954-1970) Marian Spychalski (Polish General, PPR-PUWP Politburo member 1945-1949, 1959-1970) Zenon Nowak (Polish Central Committee, Politburo member, Secretary of Central Committee 1950-1954, Deputy Premier until 1968) Stanislaw Radkiewicz (Polish Minister of Public Security 1945-1954) Wladyslaw Gomulka (Head of Communist Poland 1956-1970) Edward Gierek (Head of Communist Poland 1970-1980) Gheorgehe Gheorghiu-Dej (According to Dennis Deletant, instituted "police terror" in Communist Romania) Nicolae Ceausescu (Dej's successor, Head of Communist Romania 1965-1989--why are so many of these guys named "Nikolai"?) Elena Ceaucescu (Ceaucescu's wife, major figure in Ceaucescu's government, promoted cult of personality surrounding Ceaucescu) Tudor Postelnicu (Promoted to Interior Minister of Romania in 1987, head of dreaded Securitate security service up to that point) Iulian Vlad (Following Postelnicu's promotion, succeeded him as Head of Securitate) George Nicolae Doicaru (Head of Securitate at time of 1978 defection of Ion Pacepa) Walter Ulbricht (Head of East Germany 1950-1971, Built Berlin Wall, sent troops to help Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia) Erich Honecker (Succeeded Ulbricht) Wilhelm Zaisser (Head of Stasi 1950-1953) Ernst Wollweber (Head of Stasi 1953-1957) Erich Mielke (Head of Stasi 1957-1989) Willi Stoph (East German Politburo Member, Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister for National Defense during 1950's, became Chairman of Council of Ministers in 1964) Mengistu Haile Mariam (Communist dictator of Ethiopia 1977-1991, When the Soviet regime collapsed, so did his.) Fidel Castro Raul Castro (Fidel's younger brother and designated heir, Defense Minister) Felipe Perez Roque (Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister) Carlos Lage (Cuban Vice President) Kim Il Sung (Head of North Korea 1948-94) Kim Jong Il (Son of the above) Kim Yong Nam (Presidium President of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Supreme People's Assembly, i.e. Kim Jong Il's second in command--not to be confused with Kim Jong Nam, KJI's now out-of-favor oldest son) Jang Song Thaek (KJI's brother in law--Deputy Head of the Korean Central Committee) Fusako Shigenobu (Head of Japanese Red Army) Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof (Baader-Meinhof Gang) William Z. Foster (U.S. Communist party candidate for President 1924, 1928, 1932) Earl Russell Browder (U.S. Communist party candidate for President 1936, 1940) Gus Hall (U.S. Communist Party candidate for President 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984) Jarvis Tyner (Hall's running mate in 1972 and 1976) Angela Davis (Civil rights activist and philosopher, Gus Hall's vice-presidential candidate in 1980 and 1984.) Enver Hoxha (Leader of Communist Albania 1946-1985) Ramiz Alia (Hoxha's successor) Klement Gottwald (President of Communist Czechoslovakia 1948-1953) Gustave Husak (Leader of Czechoslovakia after suppression of "Prague Spring.") Otto Vilgelmovich Kuusinen (Finnish communist, exiled to the USSR after Finnish independence was consolidated following WW I and the civil war that ensued, headed failed Soviet-supported bogus Terijojki government after Soviet attack on Finland in 1939, eventually rose to be the only foreign-born member of the Soviet Politburo.) Hertta Kuusinen (Finnish communist leader, Otto's daughter, In a notorious 1948 speech shortly after the communist take-over in Czechoslovakia she stated "Czechoslovakia's way will be our way.") Antanas Snieckus (Grand old man of Lithuanian communism, Lived in exile in the USSR, but tried repeatedly to subvert the Lithuanian state. Lithuanian Communist Party head after country incorporated into USSR. Defied Moscow and built his own brand of Lithuanian communism.) Arvid Yanovich Pelshe (Latvian Communist Party head, head of the Soviet Communist Party Control Committee and responsible for internal migration policies, including deportations, ethnic dilutions, and policies leading to de facto Russification of non-Russian republics) Renato Curcio (Red Brigades) Alberto Franceschini (Red Brigades) Mario Moretti (Red Brigades, negotiated mutual aid pact with PLO) Ho Chi Minh Do Muoi (Became General Secretary of Vietnamese Communist Party in 1991) Le Kha Phieu (Became General Secretary of Vietnamese Communist Party in 1997) Nong Duc Manh (Current General Secretary of Vietnamese Commuunist Party) Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, "Carlos the Jackal" Ernesto Che Guevara George Habash, PFLP Wadi Haddad, PFLP Leila Khaled, PFLP BIBLIOGRAPHY Albats, Yevgenia. The State Within a State: The KGB and Its Hold on Russia--Past, Present, and Future. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994 Conquest, Robert. Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine. Oxford, 1986. -----. Inside Stalin's Secret Police: NKVD Politics 1936-1939. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Press, 1985. -----. Kolyma: The Arctic Death Camps. Viking Press, 1978. -----. The Nation Killers: The Soviet Deportation of Nationalities. MacMillan, 1960. Courtois, Stephane, et. al. The Black Book of Communism. Harvard, 1999. Deletant, Dennis. Ceausescu and the Securitate: Coercion and Dissent in Romania, 1965-1989. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1995 Jansen, Marc and Nikita Petrov. Stalin's Loyal Executioner: People's Commissar Nikolai Ezhov 1895-1940. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Press, 2002. Knight, Amy. Beria: Stalin's first Lieutenant. Princeton, 1993. Medvedev, Roy. All Stalin's Men: Six Who Carried Out the Bloody Policies. Trans. Harold Shukman. Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1984. Pipes, Daniel. Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where it Comes From. The Free Press, 1997 Pipes, Richard. A Concise History of the Russian Revolution. Vintage Books, 1996. Rummel, R. J. Death by Government. Transaction, 1994. Service, Robert. Lenin: A Biography. Harvard, 2000. Toronska, Teresa. "Them": Stalin's Polish Puppets. New York: Harper and Row, 1987. WEB SOURCES RELEVANT TO MORE THAN ONE ENTRY: Source for some MGB, KGB entries: http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/KGB Columbia Encyclopedia: http://www.encyclopedia.com/ Rummel's List: http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/DBG.TAB1.4.GIF Who was Who in Poland: http://polish-jewish-heritage.org/Eng/prl.htm Good List of Soviet Officials with Nationalities Noted: http://holocaust.skeptik.net/misc/party.htm APPENDIX 1 According to Benjamin Pinkus (The Jews of the Soviet Union, Cambridge University Press, 1988, p. 83.): "If we take all three sectors of the administration, it emerges that of the 417 people who constituted the ruling elite of the Soviet Union in the mid 1920s (the members of the Central Executive Committee, the Party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the Ministers, and the Chairman of the Executive Committee), twenty-seven (that is 6%) were Jews." ************************************************** ****************** (Thanks to Eugene Holman for entries on Mikoyan, Suslov, the Kuusinens, Pelshe, Snieckus, and Angela Davis. Thanks to Sergei Romanov for information on nationality of NKVD officials.) Hope you enjoyed it, Yitz http://www.geocities.com/yitzgood/ |
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![]() www.jewwatch.com For more info................GC wrote in message oups.com... Nomen Nescio wrote: [snip] The following is a list of some top Jewish Communist murderers, commissars, spies, assassins and propagandists (aliases are listed in parentheses). This list is by no means comprehensive. To catalog all of the Jewish Communist involved in crimes would require hundreds of pages. The following list of major Gentile Communist figures was compiled for satiric purposes, but I tried to make it as accurate as possible. So here it is: an answer to all the net-Nazis who try to convince us that the major Communist figures were "mainly" or "mostly" or "almost exclusively" Jewish. What follows contains no polemic, but only facts (aside from a few snide observations). So without further ado, the list that pushes back the last frontier of ignorance, the list of COMMIE GOYIM!!!!!!! François Noël Babeuf ("French revolutionary, organizer of a communist uprising against the Directory . . . he formed a secret society that plotted to overthrow the government; it became known as the Conspiracy of the Equals . . . ." "Although many thinkers in the past expressed ideas that were similar to later socialism, the first theorist who may properly be called socialist was François Noël Babeuf . . . ." Columbia Encyclopedia, articles on Babeuf and Socialism) Louis Auguste Blanqui ("Inspired by Babeuf, [Blanqui] coined the phrase 'dictatorship of the proletariat' and devoted his life to achieveing it through conspiratorial means. . ." Pipes, Conspiracy, p. 78.) Etienne Cabet (French Socialist, author of Voyage en Icarie, the word "communism" was initially associated with his ideas) Engels (Never forget that The Communist Manifesto was originally written in German by two guys named Karl and Friedrich.) BOLSHEVIKS: Alexander Bogdanov (Important early Bolshevik theorist, Had broken with Lenin by the time of the revolution.) Lenin (5th on Rudolph Rummel's list of the "This Century's Bloodiest Dictators" http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/DBG.TAB1.4.GIF ) Stalin (Most blood-stained person who ever lived, #1 on Rummel's list) Georgi Konstantinovich "Sergo" Ordzhonikidze (Soviet leader in Armenia and Georgia, Politburo member under Stalin, Beria and Mikoyan both named sons "Sergo" after him) Felix Dzerzhinsky (Founder, in 1918, of the Checka secret police agency, precursor organization of the GPU, OGPU, NKVD, and KGB) Nikolai Bukharin (Major Bolshevik theoretician, Politburo Member, Editor of Pravda) Lev Borisovich Kamenev (Member of the Original Politburo, Often mistakenly identified as a Jew although mother was non-Jew, Originally sided with Stalin and Zinoviev against Trotsky but forced out by Stalin along with Zinoviev in 1926) Anatoli Vasilyevich Lunacharsky (Revolutionary, Literary Figure, Commissar of Education 1917-29) Nikolai N. Krestinski (Member of First Politburo along with Lenin, Stalin, Kamenev, and Trotsky) Georgi Vasilyevich Chicherin (Foreign Comissar/Minister, succeeding Trotsky, until 1928) Aleksey Ivanovich Rykov (Commissar for the Interior after 1917, Politburo member under Lenin and Stalin, Premier from 1924-1931, Sided with Stalin against Zinoviev, Kamenev, and Trotsky but fell afoul of Stalin shortly afterwards) Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin (Chairman of Central Executive Committee 1919-1946, Politburo Member 1925-46) Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko ("Leading Bolshevik. Commanded storming of Winter Palace in october 1917; held important military, political, legal and diplomatic posts after Revolution. Disappeared during purges" All Stalin's Men, p. 173) Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya (Mrs. Lenin, Prominent Bolshevik) Aleksandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (Prominent Bolshevik, Feminist, People's Commissar for Welfare) Alexander Shlyapnikov (People's Commissar for Labor until Oct. 1918, later Central Committee Member, Leader--with Kollontai-- of "Worker's Opposition") Nikolai Vasilyevich Krylenko (Military comissar and later heavily involved in political trials and purges until he was purged hinmself in 1938) Inessa Armand (Prominent Bolshevik, Feminist, Lenin's Mistress) STALIN'S RULE: Kliment Voroshilov (Active Bolshevik prior to revolution, Major Red Army commander during civil war, Close associate of Stalin, Politburo Member under Stalin, Out of favor under Khruschev, restored to Central Committee in 1966) Vyacheslav Rudolfovich Menzhinsky (Succeeded Dzerzhinsky as head of NKVD in 1926) Nikolai Yezhov (Head of NKVD 1936-1938, replacing Yagoda, Wave of terror known as "Yezhovshchina") Lavrenti Beria (Head of Soviet Georgia and Transcaucasia, Head of NKVD from 1938 until Stalin's Death, Probably second most powerful figure in Stalin's government for much of that time and certainly the most hated and feared, Deputy Premier under Malenkov) Nikolai Bulganin (Defense Minister under Stalin, briefly succeeded Malenkov as Premier) Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov (Early editor of Pravda prior to revolution, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars after Rykov, then Foreign Minister, negotiated non-agression pact between Soviets and Nazi Germany, According to Roy Medvedev, "In 1932 he played a particularly sinister part in the Ukraine, where he directed the state grain-procurement opeations in the southern provinces; after his intervention the southern Ukraine was gripped by a terrible famine that carried off millions," All Stalin's Men, p. 87) Georgi Maksimilianovich Malenkov (Politburo member, Deputy Premier under Stalin, briefly succeeded Stalin as Premier) Mikhail Tomsky (Politburo Member, Trade Union Leader, Another major figure in the power struggles that eventually led to the consolidation of Stalin's power) Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov (Central Committee Secretary, Rival of Malenkov, Anti-Semite) Stanislav Vikent'evich Kosior (Ukrainian First Secretary, Reported to have said the following: " . . . the peasant is adopting a new tactic. He refuses to reap the harvest. He wants the bread grain to die in order to choke the Soviet government with the bony hand of famine. We will show him what famine is." Harvest of Sorrow, p. 221) Pavel Petrovich Postyshev ("Postyshev was, in fact, Stalin's effective plenipotenitary in the task of 'Bolshevizing' the Ukrainian party and extracting further grain from the starving Ukrainian villages" Harvest of Sorrow, p. 241.) Grigori Ivanovich Petrovsky ("When a factory official told Petrovsky that his employees were talking of five million people having already died and asked what he should tell them, he is quoted as answering, 'Tell them nothing! What they say is true. We know millions are dying. That is unfortunate, but the glorious future of the Soviet Union will justify that. Tell them nothing!'" Harvest of Sorrow, p. 325.) Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan (Armenian Communist Party head, Chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium, Politburo member.) Sergei Mironovich Kirov (Active in Party from Civil War, Politburo Member under Stalin, Stalin used his assassination--which he probably ordered himself--as a pretext for getting rid of Zinoviev, Rykov, and Kamenev.) Andrei Yanuarievich Vyshinsky (Chief Prosecutor of Soviet Union 1935-1939) OTHER POLITBURO MEMBERS UNDER STALIN: Valerian Vladimirovich Kuibyshev Vlas Yakovlevich Chubar' Yan Ernestovich Rudzutak Aleksandr Sergeevich Shcherbakov Andrei Andreevich Andreev Nikolai Aleksandrovich Uglanov Robert Ivanovich Eikhe Sergei I. Syrtsov NKVD OFFICIALS Roman Aleksndrovich Pillyar (Deputy Head of Counterespionage 1921-1926) Eduard Petrovich Berzin (Head of Dalstroy 1932-1937) Karp Aleksandrovich Pavlov (Head of Dalstroy and Kolyma camp 1937-40) Ivan Fedorovich Nikishev (Nov 1938-Dec 1939 Head of Khabarovsk NKVD, Candidate Member of Central Committee 1939-52, Head of Dalstroy 1940-1946) DEFENDANTS AT BUKHARIN TRIAL 1937: Pavel Petrovich Bulanov (Yagoda's Secretary) Georgi E. Prokoviev (Deputy Head OGPU 1932, Deputy People's Commissar NKVD 1935-1936, Deputy People's Commissar for Communications until 1937) Georgi Aleksandrovich Molchanov (Head of Secret Political Dept GUGB, In charge of Zinoviev case) Aleksandr M Shanin (Head Transport Department GUGB, Commissar GB Grade 2 November 1935) Stanislaw Frantsevich Redens (Head of NKVD Administration in Moscow under Yagoda, Stalin's wife's sister's husband) YEZHOV PERIOD: Mikhail Petrovich Frinovsky (October 1936-Fall 1938 Deputy People's Commissar NKVD, one of Yezhov's two top henchmen along with Zakovsky) Leonid Mikhailovich Zakovsky ("Zakovski is reported as saying that he could soon make Karl Marx confess to being an agent of Bismark. Dzerzhinski, when he had called him at the Smolny to be one of the founding members of the Checka, had said that the orginazation needed 'manly, fearless, bold' officers of his type. Over the past few years these qualities had all been manifested in the torturing and framing of his old comrades, in a manner which illuminates much sentimental nonsense about the brotherhood of the revolutionaries, the pure-heartedness of the Old Bolsheviks." Conquest, Inside Stalin's Secret Police, p. 57) Nikolai Galaktionovich Nikolaev-Zhurid (Old Checkist, Old Bolshevik, Leningrad OGPU, Head of Special Department Fall 1938) Nikolai Nikolayevich Federov (Head of Odessa NKVD, Member Supreme Soviet) Grigory Fedorovich Gorbach (Head of Novosibirsk NKVD 1937, Member Supreme Soviet) NKVD OFFICIALS--BERIA PROTEGES (KNOWN AS "BERIA'S GANG"): Bogdan Kobulov (Deputy head of NKVD under Beria, with Serov oversaw deportation of Crimean Tartars and other national groups, Involved in day-to-day operation of the Gulag) Ivan Aleksandrovich Serov (Deputy Head of NKVD along with Kobulov, Head of KGB 1954-1958 "Ivan Serov was awarded the Order of Suvorov, First Class, reserved for major victories in the field, on March 9 1944--that is, immediately after the largest of his deportation operations, that of the Chechen-Ingush. He was later made a Hero of the Soviet Union and received a number of other orders." Conquest, The Nation Killers, p. 82) Vsevolod Nikolayevich Merkulov (Head of NKGB 1941-1946, briefly head of MGB in 1946) Sergei Goglidze (Head of Leningrad NKVD, Later Deputy Minister of State Security and Chief of Third Directorate of MGB) Vladimir Dekanozov (Head of GUGB Foreign Department, 1953 Minister MVD Georgia) Lavrentii Tsanava (1921-33 Checka-OGPU in Caucasus, 1938-1952 Head of Belorussia NKVD) Grigorii Karanadze ( Head of Crimea NKVD 1938-1942, 1952 People's Commissar NKVD/MVD Georgia) Aleksei Sadzhaia (Head of Uzbekistan NKVD) Amaiak Kobulov (Brother of Bogdan, Head of Ukraine NKVD 1939, NKVD Uzbekistan 1943) Mikhail Gvishiani (Head of Far East NKVD, His son Dzhermen-- named after Dzerzhinsky and Menzhinsky--was married to Kosygin's daughter) Avksentii Rapava (1941-1948 Head of Georgia NKVD then NKGB, MGB) M. D. Bagirov (Head of the Communist Party in Azerbaijan) MVD-MGB-KGB OFFICIALS: Sergei Kruglov (Briefly head of NKVD, MVD first deputy, Major subordinate of Beria, but joined Khrushchev against Beria) Viktor Semyonovich Abakumov (Head of MGB 1946-1951, Technically another of Beria's subordinates, but independent of Beria and a rival to Merkulov) Sergey Ogoltsov (Head of MGB July 14 1951 - August 9 1951) Semyon Denisovich Ignatiyev (Head of MGB 1951-1953, Since he had been part of the Zhdanov faction, his appointment was a blow to Beria) Aleksandr Nikolayevich Shelepin (Head of KGB 1958-1961, Supported Khrushchev's rise to power and was also involved in his removal) Vladimir Yefimovich Semichastniy (Head of KGB 1961-1967, Also heavily involved in Khrushchev's removal) [See "LATER USSR FIGURES" for Andropov] Vitaliy Vasilyevich Fedorchuk (Head of KGB May 26 1982 - December 17 1982) Viktor Mikhaylovich Chebrikov (Head of KGB 1982-1988) Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kryuchkov (Head of KGB 1988-1991) LATER USSR FIGURES: Mikhail Andreyevich Suslov (Ideological watchdog maintaining purity of communist doctrine, Central Committee member from 1941, Supported both Khruschev's rise to power and his downfall) Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin (Succeeded Khrushchev as Premier in 1964, initially shared power with Brezhnev although power later declined) Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov (Head of KGB 1967-1982, General Secretary of Communist Party 1982-1984) (See: http://edwardjayepstein.com/archived/andropov.htm) Konstantin Chernenko (Party General Secretary and Chairman of Presiduim after Andropov's death) Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (Chernenko's successor) MISCELLANEOUS: Josip Broz Tito (9th on Rummel's list of "This Century's Century's Bloodiest Dictators") Aleksandar Rankovic (Tito's second in command 1948-1966) Vulko Chervenkov (Dictator of Bulgaria 1950-1956) Todor Zhikov (Dictator of Bulgaria 1956-1989) Mao Tse-Tung (2nd on Rummel's list) Zhou Enlai (Chinese Premier 1949-1976) Zhu De (Military leader and later Deputy Chairman of Communist China) Lin Biao (Second only to Mao in China in the late 60's, Compiler of the Little Red Book) Liu Shaoqi (Mao's leading deputy in 50's and early 60's) Kang Sheng (Chinese Secret Police Chief) Jiang Qing (Mrs. Mao, the rest of the "Gang of Four" follow) Wang Hongwen Yao Wenyuan Zhang Chunqiao Deng Xiaoping ( http://www.laogai.org/comment/dissent.htm ) Jiang Zemin (Chinese Communist Party General Secretary 1989-2002, President 1993-2003, Emerged as major leader and Deng's successor in wake of suppression of pro-democracy movement.) Hu Jintao (Currrent Chinese Leader) Pol Pot (7th on Rummel's list) Nuon Chea (Deputy General Secretary of Cambodia's Communist Party, Number Two man in Pol Pot's regime, heavily implicated in torture, mass-murder, and repression) Ieng Sary (Pol Pot's brother-in-law, Minister of Foreign Affairs) Khieu Samphan (Cambodian Head of State under Pol Pot) János Kádár (Head of Communist Hungary 1956-1988) Boleslaw Bierut (Leader of Communist Poland: President of Communist Poland 1947-1952, First Secretary of Central Committee 1948-1956) Józef Cyrankiewicz (Polish Politburo member 1948-1971, Prime Minister 1947-1952, Deputy Premier 1952-1954, Prime Minister 1954-1970) Marian Spychalski (Polish General, PPR-PUWP Politburo member 1945-1949, 1959-1970) Zenon Nowak (Polish Central Committee, Politburo member, Secretary of Central Committee 1950-1954, Deputy Premier until 1968) Stanislaw Radkiewicz (Polish Minister of Public Security 1945-1954) Wladyslaw Gomulka (Head of Communist Poland 1956-1970) Edward Gierek (Head of Communist Poland 1970-1980) Gheorgehe Gheorghiu-Dej (According to Dennis Deletant, instituted "police terror" in Communist Romania) Nicolae Ceausescu (Dej's successor, Head of Communist Romania 1965-1989--why are so many of these guys named "Nikolai"?) Elena Ceaucescu (Ceaucescu's wife, major figure in Ceaucescu's government, promoted cult of personality surrounding Ceaucescu) Tudor Postelnicu (Promoted to Interior Minister of Romania in 1987, head of dreaded Securitate security service up to that point) Iulian Vlad (Following Postelnicu's promotion, succeeded him as Head of Securitate) George Nicolae Doicaru (Head of Securitate at time of 1978 defection of Ion Pacepa) Walter Ulbricht (Head of East Germany 1950-1971, Built Berlin Wall, sent troops to help Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia) Erich Honecker (Succeeded Ulbricht) Wilhelm Zaisser (Head of Stasi 1950-1953) Ernst Wollweber (Head of Stasi 1953-1957) Erich Mielke (Head of Stasi 1957-1989) Willi Stoph (East German Politburo Member, Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister for National Defense during 1950's, became Chairman of Council of Ministers in 1964) Mengistu Haile Mariam (Communist dictator of Ethiopia 1977-1991, When the Soviet regime collapsed, so did his.) Fidel Castro Raul Castro (Fidel's younger brother and designated heir, Defense Minister) Felipe Perez Roque (Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister) Carlos Lage (Cuban Vice President) Kim Il Sung (Head of North Korea 1948-94) Kim Jong Il (Son of the above) Kim Yong Nam (Presidium President of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Supreme People's Assembly, i.e. Kim Jong Il's second in command--not to be confused with Kim Jong Nam, KJI's now out-of-favor oldest son) Jang Song Thaek (KJI's brother in law--Deputy Head of the Korean Central Committee) Fusako Shigenobu (Head of Japanese Red Army) Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof (Baader-Meinhof Gang) William Z. Foster (U.S. Communist party candidate for President 1924, 1928, 1932) Earl Russell Browder (U.S. Communist party candidate for President 1936, 1940) Gus Hall (U.S. Communist Party candidate for President 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984) Jarvis Tyner (Hall's running mate in 1972 and 1976) Angela Davis (Civil rights activist and philosopher, Gus Hall's vice-presidential candidate in 1980 and 1984.) Enver Hoxha (Leader of Communist Albania 1946-1985) Ramiz Alia (Hoxha's successor) Klement Gottwald (President of Communist Czechoslovakia 1948-1953) Gustave Husak (Leader of Czechoslovakia after suppression of "Prague Spring.") Otto Vilgelmovich Kuusinen (Finnish communist, exiled to the USSR after Finnish independence was consolidated following WW I and the civil war that ensued, headed failed Soviet-supported bogus Terijojki government after Soviet attack on Finland in 1939, eventually rose to be the only foreign-born member of the Soviet Politburo.) Hertta Kuusinen (Finnish communist leader, Otto's daughter, In a notorious 1948 speech shortly after the communist take-over in Czechoslovakia she stated "Czechoslovakia's way will be our way.") Antanas Snieckus (Grand old man of Lithuanian communism, Lived in exile in the USSR, but tried repeatedly to subvert the Lithuanian state. Lithuanian Communist Party head after country incorporated into USSR. Defied Moscow and built his own brand of Lithuanian communism.) Arvid Yanovich Pelshe (Latvian Communist Party head, head of the Soviet Communist Party Control Committee and responsible for internal migration policies, including deportations, ethnic dilutions, and policies leading to de facto Russification of non-Russian republics) Renato Curcio (Red Brigades) Alberto Franceschini (Red Brigades) Mario Moretti (Red Brigades, negotiated mutual aid pact with PLO) Ho Chi Minh Do Muoi (Became General Secretary of Vietnamese Communist Party in 1991) Le Kha Phieu (Became General Secretary of Vietnamese Communist Party in 1997) Nong Duc Manh (Current General Secretary of Vietnamese Commuunist Party) Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, "Carlos the Jackal" Ernesto Che Guevara George Habash, PFLP Wadi Haddad, PFLP Leila Khaled, PFLP BIBLIOGRAPHY Albats, Yevgenia. The State Within a State: The KGB and Its Hold on Russia--Past, Present, and Future. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994 Conquest, Robert. Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine. Oxford, 1986. -----. Inside Stalin's Secret Police: NKVD Politics 1936-1939. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Press, 1985. -----. Kolyma: The Arctic Death Camps. Viking Press, 1978. -----. The Nation Killers: The Soviet Deportation of Nationalities. MacMillan, 1960. Courtois, Stephane, et. al. The Black Book of Communism. Harvard, 1999. Deletant, Dennis. Ceausescu and the Securitate: Coercion and Dissent in Romania, 1965-1989. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1995 Jansen, Marc and Nikita Petrov. Stalin's Loyal Executioner: People's Commissar Nikolai Ezhov 1895-1940. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Press, 2002. Knight, Amy. Beria: Stalin's first Lieutenant. Princeton, 1993. Medvedev, Roy. All Stalin's Men: Six Who Carried Out the Bloody Policies. Trans. Harold Shukman. Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1984. Pipes, Daniel. Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where it Comes From. The Free Press, 1997 Pipes, Richard. A Concise History of the Russian Revolution. Vintage Books, 1996. Rummel, R. J. Death by Government. Transaction, 1994. Service, Robert. Lenin: A Biography. Harvard, 2000. Toronska, Teresa. "Them": Stalin's Polish Puppets. New York: Harper and Row, 1987. WEB SOURCES RELEVANT TO MORE THAN ONE ENTRY: Source for some MGB, KGB entries: http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/KGB Columbia Encyclopedia: http://www.encyclopedia.com/ Rummel's List: http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/DBG.TAB1.4.GIF Who was Who in Poland: http://polish-jewish-heritage.org/Eng/prl.htm Good List of Soviet Officials with Nationalities Noted: http://holocaust.skeptik.net/misc/party.htm APPENDIX 1 According to Benjamin Pinkus (The Jews of the Soviet Union, Cambridge University Press, 1988, p. 83.): "If we take all three sectors of the administration, it emerges that of the 417 people who constituted the ruling elite of the Soviet Union in the mid 1920s (the members of the Central Executive Committee, the Party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the Ministers, and the Chairman of the Executive Committee), twenty-seven (that is 6%) were Jews." ************************************************** ****************** (Thanks to Eugene Holman for entries on Mikoyan, Suslov, the Kuusinens, Pelshe, Snieckus, and Angela Davis. Thanks to Sergei Romanov for information on nationality of NKVD officials.) Hope you enjoyed it, Yitz http://www.geocities.com/yitzgood/ |
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george craig wrote:
www.jewwatch.com For more info................GC I have become concerned recently that the list of COMMIE GOYIM has become bloated and unwieldy due to the addition of so many deserving historical figures and brief descriptions of their "achievements." Therefore, in the interests of brevity, here is the short version: Fran=E7oisBabeuf,LouisBlanqui, Engels,Lenin,Stalin,Dzerzhinsky,Menzhinsky, Bukharin,Kamenev,Lunacharsky, Chicherin,Beria,Yezhov,Bulganin, Khrushchev,Molotov,Malenkov,Rykov, Tomsky,Voroshilov,Kalinin,Kirov,Kobulov, Serov,Merkulov,Abakumov,Ogoltsov, Ignatiyev,Shelepin,Semichastniy, Fedorchuk,Chebrikov,Kryuchkov,Brezhnev, Kosygin,Andropov,Chernenko,Tito, Rankovic,Chervenkov,Zhikov,Mao,PolPot, HoChiMinh,K=E1d=E1r,Gomulka,Gheorghiu-Dej, Ceausescu,ElenaCeucescu,Postelnicu,Vlad, Doicaru,DengXiaoping,JiangQing, WangHongwen,YaoWenyuan,ZhangChunqiao, Ulbricht,Honecker,Mielke,WilhelmZaisser, ErnstWollweber,WilliStoph, Castro,KimIlSung,KimJongIl, FusakoShigenobu,Baader,Meinhof, GusHall,WilliamZFoster,EarlBrowder, JarvisTyner,Hoxha,Husak,OttoKuusinen, HerttaKuusinen,Snieckus,Mikoyan,Pelshe, Suslov,AngelaDavis,RenatoCurcio, AlbertoFranceschini,MarioMoretti, DoMuoi,LeKhaPhieu,NongDucManh, CarlosTheJackal,CheGuevara, GeorgeHabash,WadiHaddad,LeilaKhaled Hope you enjoyed it, Yitz http://www.geocities.com/yitzgood/ |
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