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Hello, I've just about given up on trying to understand Shortwave
Bands. Can't find any info on the internet! I can't believe I can't find this info on the internet! I'm looking at purchasing a shortwave radio. I've seen radios that showcase SW1/sw2/sw3/sw4/ etc... Then I see radios that showcase MW/LW/SW/PS? (poice scanner)? etc... Ok so are the MW/LW/SW/PS ... the same as SW1/SW2/SW3/ etc.? In other words if I buy a radio with say 6 or 10 shortwaves does that mean I can tune in to MW/LW/SW/PS and so forth? I wanna be able to listen to the marine channels, police scanners, aviation talk, and then all of the world bands out there. YOu see I cannot even get the terminology right. I'm having a lot of trouble just trying to learn this stuff so I can go out and buy the DAMN radio!!! so in essence I want to listen to all the bands or waves that are available to me. I wanna see what interests me ... I thought listening to all these bands were neat. Say can you also listen in to the NASCAR races on SW radios? I notice you can buy a scanners that does just that... Thanks for any light that you can shed on this! -Jerry |
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Jerry all about Short wave, radios etc
Get a copy of "Passport To World Band Radio" http://www.passband.com/ -- Caveat Lector wrote in message ups.com... Hello, I've just about given up on trying to understand Shortwave Bands. Can't find any info on the internet! I can't believe I can't find this info on the internet! I'm looking at purchasing a shortwave radio. I've seen radios that showcase SW1/sw2/sw3/sw4/ etc... Then I see radios that showcase MW/LW/SW/PS? (poice scanner)? etc... Ok so are the MW/LW/SW/PS ... the same as SW1/SW2/SW3/ etc.? In other words if I buy a radio with say 6 or 10 shortwaves does that mean I can tune in to MW/LW/SW/PS and so forth? I wanna be able to listen to the marine channels, police scanners, aviation talk, and then all of the world bands out there. YOu see I cannot even get the terminology right. I'm having a lot of trouble just trying to learn this stuff so I can go out and buy the DAMN radio!!! so in essence I want to listen to all the bands or waves that are available to me. I wanna see what interests me ... I thought listening to all these bands were neat. Say can you also listen in to the NASCAR races on SW radios? I notice you can buy a scanners that does just that... Thanks for any light that you can shed on this! -Jerry |
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Hello, I've just about given up on trying to understand Shortwave Bands. Can't find any info on the internet! I can't believe I can't find this info on the internet! I'm looking at purchasing a shortwave radio. I've seen radios that showcase SW1/sw2/sw3/sw4/ etc... Then I see radios that showcase MW/LW/SW/PS? (poice scanner)? etc... Ok so are the MW/LW/SW/PS ... the same as SW1/SW2/SW3/ etc.? In other words if I buy a radio with say 6 or 10 shortwaves does that mean I can tune in to MW/LW/SW/PS and so forth? I wanna be able to listen to the marine channels, police scanners, aviation talk, and then all of the world bands out there. YOu see I cannot even get the terminology right. I'm having a lot of trouble just trying to learn this stuff so I can go out and buy the DAMN radio!!! so in essence I want to listen to all the bands or waves that are available to me. I wanna see what interests me ... I thought listening to all these bands were neat. Say can you also listen in to the NASCAR races on SW radios? I notice you can buy a scanners that does just that... It *is* confusing, isn't it?! There is only one shortwave band. However, for technical design reasons many radios split that one band into multiple "slices". For example, I have a Grundig YB300 which splits shortwave into SW1 (2.3-7.8MHz) and SW2. (9.1-26.1MHz) Another radio, a "boom box", splits shortwave into SW1 (2.3-7.0MHz) and SW2. (7-22MHz) Yet another radio covers 1.711-30MHz in a single band. Kinda like the way older TV sets used to have separate dials for VHF and UHF, while newer TVs tune all the channels the same way. It's the outer limits of the MHz values that determine what you can hear. All three radios can hear a station on 5.965MHz. None of them could hear a station on 30.5MHz. Only the latter two could hear a station on 8.2MHz. As a VERY, VERY general rule any radio that splits SW into multiple slices is of poorer quality than one that can receive all SW as a single slice. On the other hand, it is also much less expensive. MW: Medium Wave. Same thing as regular AM radio. LW: Long Wave. In North America, you may find low-powered air navigation beacons here. (in Europe, there are AM broadcast stations on LW. Under exceptional conditions you might hear them on the U.S./Canadian East Coast.) PS: Public Service. Police, fire, etc.. Most radios that cover both shortwave and public service perform REALLY, REALLY BADLY on the public service band. You'll probably be able to hear the Weather Service near 162.5MHz but not much else unless you live next door to a police station. NASCAR on scanners: What they're doing is tuning in to the two-way radios the drivers use to talk to their pit crews. These communications are VERY short-distance. You have to actually be at the track to hear them. In theory a radio with the PS band could hear these transmissions but I don't think performance will be very good, and you'll still have to be at the track. -- Doug Smith W9WI Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66 http://www.w9wi.com |
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.. Take-a-Look at this "SHORTWAVE 101" Link - by ETON Corp. http://www.21st-century-goods.com/ShortWaveGuide.pdf http://www.grundigradio.com/US/suppo...1.aspx?index=4 http://www.danielatkinson.co.uk/%7Emedia/swfaq.htm http://www.radios4you.com/shortwave-listening.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shortwave .. Shortwave Radio - Learning The Basics - by RadioShack.Com http://support.radioshack.com/suppor...oc66/66356.htm .. Shortwave Radio Links - by RadioIntel.Com http://www.radiointel.com/press.htm .. An Introduction to Shortwave Listening - by the ODXC http://www.odxa.on.ca/beginnersguide/swintro.html .. Shortwave Listening - by the Australian Radio Resource Page http://www.alphalink.com.au/~parkerp/shortwave.htm .. Introduction to DXing - by Mika Makelainen {DXing.Info} http://dxing.info/introduction.dx - - - FYI - Picture of Mika Makelainen .. Glossary and Abbreviations for Radio and Shortwave DXING INFO = http://dxing.info/glossary.dx .. Shortwave Radio Information for Beginners - by Lou Castino http://www.castino.com/radio.htm .. FAQ'S About Shortwave Radio - by the NASB http://www.shortwave.org/faq.htm .. DXing.Com Shortwave Tips http://www.dxing.com/tips.htm .. .. SHORTWAVE RADIOS & RECEVERS : Shortwave Listening: Equipment - by the Radio Enthiusiast http://www.radioenthusiast.com/sw_equip.htm .. Simply look for a 'portable' AM/FM Shortwave Radio that has full coverage from 100 kHz to 30 MHz. SEE = http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/portable.html - Grundig Yacht Boy 400 PE / Porsche G4000A - Sangean ATS-909 / RadioShack DX-398 * Sony ICF-SW7600GR - Degen / Kaito 1101, 1102 or 1103 .. Or a Table Top "World Band" Radio that has full coverage from 100 kHz to 30 MHz. - Drake R8B * Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium - Icom IC-R75 - Japan Radio Co. NRD-545 DSP - Ten-Tec RX-350D - Palstar R30 - Yaesu FRG-100B .. If you are interest in buying a used 'older' Shortwave Radio then Check-Out the "Modern Shortwave Receiver Survey" http://www.dxing.com/rx/rxindex.htm - Drake SW8 - JRC NRD-525 * Kenwood R-5000 - Panasonic RF-2600 or RF-2200 * Sony ICF-2010 - Yaesu FRG-7700 or FRG-8800 .. * NOTE - These would be my choices. .. What You Need {Radios/Receivers} to Hear Shortwave Stations http://www.odxa.on.ca/beginnersguide/swhear.html - - - Which Radio / Receiver to Buy ? - - - What About Antennas ? .. .. THE SHORTWAVE BANDS : The Basic LW, AM/MW Shortwave and FM Bands : * Long Wave (LW) = 100 kHz to 530 kHz * AM/MW (Medium Wave) = 530 kHz to 1700 kHz * Shortwave Bands (High Frequency) = 1800 kHz to 30 MHz+ http://www.odxa.on.ca/beginnersguide/swwhen.html http://www.radios4you.com/shortwave-listening.html http://www.totse.com/en/media/radio_...s/swbands.html - - 120 Meter Band = 2300 - 2500 - - 90 Meter Band = 3200 - 3400 - - 75 Meter Band = 3900 - 4000 - - 60 Meter Band = 4750 - 5060 - - 49 Meter Band = 5730 - 6205 - - 41 Meter Band = 7100 - 7595 - - 31 Meter Band = 9350 - 10000 - - 25 Meter Band = 11550 - 12160 - - 22 Meter Band = 13570 - 13870 - - 19 Meter Band = 15000 - 15710 - - 16 Meter Band = 17500 - 17900 - - 13 Meter Band = 21450 - 21850 - - 11 Meter Band = 25600 - 26100 * FM Radio Band = 87 MHz to 108 MHz .. .. iane ~ RHF .. All are WELCOME and "Invited to Join" the Shortwave Listener (SWL) eGroup on YAHOO ! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ .. Some Say: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...na/message/502 .. I BELIEVE: On A Clear Night . . . You Can Hear Forever and Beyond, The BEYOND ! With a Shortwave Listener SWL Antenna of your own making. "If You Build It {SWL Antenna} You Will Hear Them !" |
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WOW Thanks for a great list
-- Caveat Lector "RHF" wrote in message oups.com... JM, . Take-a-Look at this "SHORTWAVE 101" Link - by ETON Corp. http://www.21st-century-goods.com/ShortWaveGuide.pdf http://www.grundigradio.com/US/suppo...1.aspx?index=4 http://www.danielatkinson.co.uk/%7Emedia/swfaq.htm http://www.radios4you.com/shortwave-listening.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shortwave . Shortwave Radio - Learning The Basics - by RadioShack.Com http://support.radioshack.com/suppor...oc66/66356.htm . Shortwave Radio Links - by RadioIntel.Com http://www.radiointel.com/press.htm . An Introduction to Shortwave Listening - by the ODXC http://www.odxa.on.ca/beginnersguide/swintro.html . Shortwave Listening - by the Australian Radio Resource Page http://www.alphalink.com.au/~parkerp/shortwave.htm . Introduction to DXing - by Mika Makelainen {DXing.Info} http://dxing.info/introduction.dx - - - FYI - Picture of Mika Makelainen . Glossary and Abbreviations for Radio and Shortwave DXING INFO = http://dxing.info/glossary.dx . Shortwave Radio Information for Beginners - by Lou Castino http://www.castino.com/radio.htm . FAQ'S About Shortwave Radio - by the NASB http://www.shortwave.org/faq.htm . DXing.Com Shortwave Tips http://www.dxing.com/tips.htm . . SHORTWAVE RADIOS & RECEVERS : Shortwave Listening: Equipment - by the Radio Enthiusiast http://www.radioenthusiast.com/sw_equip.htm . Simply look for a 'portable' AM/FM Shortwave Radio that has full coverage from 100 kHz to 30 MHz. SEE = http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/portable.html - Grundig Yacht Boy 400 PE / Porsche G4000A - Sangean ATS-909 / RadioShack DX-398 * Sony ICF-SW7600GR - Degen / Kaito 1101, 1102 or 1103 . Or a Table Top "World Band" Radio that has full coverage from 100 kHz to 30 MHz. - Drake R8B * Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium - Icom IC-R75 - Japan Radio Co. NRD-545 DSP - Ten-Tec RX-350D - Palstar R30 - Yaesu FRG-100B . If you are interest in buying a used 'older' Shortwave Radio then Check-Out the "Modern Shortwave Receiver Survey" http://www.dxing.com/rx/rxindex.htm - Drake SW8 - JRC NRD-525 * Kenwood R-5000 - Panasonic RF-2600 or RF-2200 * Sony ICF-2010 - Yaesu FRG-7700 or FRG-8800 . * NOTE - These would be my choices. . What You Need {Radios/Receivers} to Hear Shortwave Stations http://www.odxa.on.ca/beginnersguide/swhear.html - - - Which Radio / Receiver to Buy ? - - - What About Antennas ? . . THE SHORTWAVE BANDS : The Basic LW, AM/MW Shortwave and FM Bands : * Long Wave (LW) = 100 kHz to 530 kHz * AM/MW (Medium Wave) = 530 kHz to 1700 kHz * Shortwave Bands (High Frequency) = 1800 kHz to 30 MHz+ http://www.odxa.on.ca/beginnersguide/swwhen.html http://www.radios4you.com/shortwave-listening.html http://www.totse.com/en/media/radio_...s/swbands.html - - 120 Meter Band = 2300 - 2500 - - 90 Meter Band = 3200 - 3400 - - 75 Meter Band = 3900 - 4000 - - 60 Meter Band = 4750 - 5060 - - 49 Meter Band = 5730 - 6205 - - 41 Meter Band = 7100 - 7595 - - 31 Meter Band = 9350 - 10000 - - 25 Meter Band = 11550 - 12160 - - 22 Meter Band = 13570 - 13870 - - 19 Meter Band = 15000 - 15710 - - 16 Meter Band = 17500 - 17900 - - 13 Meter Band = 21450 - 21850 - - 11 Meter Band = 25600 - 26100 * FM Radio Band = 87 MHz to 108 MHz . . iane ~ RHF . All are WELCOME and "Invited to Join" the Shortwave Listener (SWL) eGroup on YAHOO ! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Some Say: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...na/message/502 . I BELIEVE: On A Clear Night . . . You Can Hear Forever and Beyond, The BEYOND ! With a Shortwave Listener SWL Antenna of your own making. "If You Build It {SWL Antenna} You Will Hear Them !" . . |
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Thanks a *lot* for all the info. I am finally making some sense out of
all this! Much more now then when I didn't even post anything here to begin with. But this is a lot to digest... but thanks to you guys I got a lot of resources here that I can chew on - finally! You see I was wondering if I could buy an "all wonder" radio that could pretty much get all the different types of bands out there. You see that is what I thought 8 band or 10 band SW radios were all about - that each SW band was related to MW/LW/PS and so forth, but I guess not. Well I could get an "all wonder" radio but it would cost me a pretty penny. So what I am going to do for now is either buy a inexpensive "GE Superadio III" or C. Crane for good AM reception. And I'll just buy a descent little SW radio to test the waters and see what I like and don't like. I found a SW radio here in town by the brand name "AirCastle". Fairly old radio and the reception isn't all that great but I get: SW bands, aviation, police, public scanners, and so forth - A little this and a little that. It's an old radio but descent reception for a beginner. After I wear it out then I get something significant. Thanks again. -Jer |
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It seems you are looking at cheap Chinese made, analog tuned receivers.
You will be severely disappointed in their performance and will quickly tire of short-wave radio. Get a digital tuned radio such as the Sony ICF-SW7600GR. It is very easy to operate and is a stellar performer in its class. wrote in message ups.com... Hello, I've just about given up on trying to understand Shortwave Bands. Can't find any info on the internet! I can't believe I can't find this info on the internet! I'm looking at purchasing a shortwave radio. I've seen radios that showcase SW1/sw2/sw3/sw4/ etc... Then I see radios that showcase MW/LW/SW/PS? (poice scanner)? etc... Ok so are the MW/LW/SW/PS ... the same as SW1/SW2/SW3/ etc.? In other words if I buy a radio with say 6 or 10 shortwaves does that mean I can tune in to MW/LW/SW/PS and so forth? I wanna be able to listen to the marine channels, police scanners, aviation talk, and then all of the world bands out there. YOu see I cannot even get the terminology right. I'm having a lot of trouble just trying to learn this stuff so I can go out and buy the DAMN radio!!! so in essence I want to listen to all the bands or waves that are available to me. I wanna see what interests me ... I thought listening to all these bands were neat. Say can you also listen in to the NASCAR races on SW radios? I notice you can buy a scanners that does just that... Thanks for any light that you can shed on this! -Jerry |
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$200.00 will put you in business. Heartlandamerica.com, get the YB400PE
Grundig. Put the next hundred down on a Bearcat/Uniden BC80XLT. You'll be cooking with fire. Darren http://community-2.webtv.net/DEMEM/L...mes/page2.html |
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