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  #1   Report Post  
Old January 30th 05, 09:46 AM
Francisco José Cañizares Santofimia
Posts: n/a
Default Degen DE1103 vs. Sony ICF-SW7600GR

Hi all.
Can anyone tell me the differences, opinions... between that receivers
(Degen DE1103 and Sony ICF-SW7600GR)?


  #2   Report Post  
Old January 30th 05, 03:39 PM
Volker Tonn
Posts: n/a

Francisco José Cañizares Santofimia schrieb:

Hi all.
Can anyone tell me the differences, opinions... between that receivers
(Degen DE1103 and Sony ICF-SW7600GR)?

It's like a racing boat (Sony) runing circles around a fishing boat
Both are SW receivers but the Sony does MUCH better in every aspect.
Although the Degen fits the bill at the low cost end.

  #3   Report Post  
Old January 30th 05, 04:41 PM
Al Arduengo
Posts: n/a

Volker Tonn writes:

Francisco José Cañizares Santofimia schrieb:

Hi all.
Can anyone tell me the differences, opinions... between that receivers
(Degen DE1103 and Sony ICF-SW7600GR)?

It's like a racing boat (Sony) runing circles around a fishing boat
Both are SW receivers but the Sony does MUCH better in every aspect.
Although the Degen fits the bill at the low cost end.

I just don't find this to be true. I owned both along with a 909 and a
1102. I did a rudimentary side by side test of all four one evening,
each on a 75ft long wire. I found the following:

The 7600 synch detector offered only minimal improvement over the
others. Negligible even.

The 909 and 1103 had slightly more sensitivity than the others.

The 909 was more selective than the Degens and about on par with the

The 909 is by far more ergonomic and straight forward to use than all of
the others.

The test was done by tuning each through the same frequency range and
logging all stations picked. Honestly the 1103 had a slight lead on
overall sensitivity and the 909 and 7600 followed close behind.

Don't necessarily believe all the hype you hear about the 7600. It *is*
a good radio but not necessarily better than the others mentioned. I
sold my 1103 and 7600 and kept the 909 and 1102.

-Al A.
  #4   Report Post  
Old January 30th 05, 06:39 PM
Posts: n/a

For the money the DE1103 gives good performance. Within major
broadcast bands it delivers many signals and the dual filter helps in
some situations. And is does a good job of retrieving hams signals too.
It is quite compact and the ergonomics are good although not at the
7600 level. The tuning knob is a distinct plus for a radio in this
price range and makes band scanning fun.

There are a few shortcomings you should be aware of.
1=2E Ihe receiver generates numerous image signals 900khz down. Thus
much of the 6mhz band is repeated in an area where there are
potentially some interesting nonbroadcast catches. Same goes for the
9mhz band generating images in the interesting 8.8 segment where
international aircraft may be heard.

2=2E The usefuless of the 255 memories in the 1103 are compromised in 2
ways. A. Degen decided to use hexadecimal numbering for it's memories.
While confusing to many, this scheme also means the keypad is useful
for only certain groups within the 255 memories. B. The memory
retreival feature has a serious bug when used on FM and MW. When a
stored channel is retreived from FM, the firmware also retrives the
highest numbered memory used for MW. Likewise for retrieving MW
stations. For those of us who flip between bands it means having to
continuall retune the other band.
3=2E The signal strength meter for some reason does not work on FM as it
does on virtually every other multiband radio I'm aware of.

I've owned one for about a month now and do enjoy it. It is not
perfect nor is it a replacement for the 7600 or the YB as some have

Francisco Jos=E9 Ca=F1izares Santofimia wrote:
Hi all.
Can anyone tell me the differences, opinions... between that

(Degen DE1103 and Sony ICF-SW7600GR)?

  #5   Report Post  
Old January 30th 05, 08:52 PM
Posts: n/a

Can anyone tell me the differences, opinions... between that receivers
(Degen DE1103 and Sony ICF-SW7600GR)?

The Degen is made in China by a Communist Party owned factory.
The 7600GR is made in Japan by a free enterprise company.

The Degen ergonomics S.u.c.k.s. which will make you curse every penny you
spent on it every time you attempt to operate it.
The 7600GR ergonomics are superb.

Repairs or replacement parts are non-existent for the Degen.
Sony parts and repair and relatively easy to acquire.

A technical manual does not exist for the Degen
Sony technical manuals are easily obtained.

If the Degen breaks toss it in the trash. Spend more money for another
The Sony 7600GR is relatively well built and is repairable. But is less
likely to need repair.

You get what you pay for!

  #6   Report Post  
Old January 30th 05, 11:12 PM
Posts: n/a

I am very pleased with my 1103. I have owned three different 7600gr radios
and I just wasn't impressed. The 1103 has a much better sounding speaker.
Plus, the 1103 has a tuning knob but it still maintains the advantages of
being a digital radio.

To me, I have arranged the memories on 1103 in sequential order: MW to SW to
FM. When I need to access a particular frequency, I just give knob a spin or
two and I'm there. I've never found a reason to access any memory directly,
so it really doesn't matter to me if a memory is named 1c or 23.

A previous poster claimed that "the memory retrieval feature has a serious
bug when used on FM and MW. When a stored channel is retrieved from FM, the
firmware also retrieves the highest numbered memory used for MW."

That's not quite right on my 1103 anyway. What I have observed is that the
radio remembers the last frequency tuned on each of its 12 bands. That means
that when you switch from one band to the other, the radio tunes to the last
station you listened to on that particular band. To me, that's a pretty nice

Don't get me wrong. I don't think the 1103 is the best radio made. I have
others that I like better, depending upon my mood. But for my needs and
tastes, the 1103 comes closer to perfection than did the 7600gr.

  #7   Report Post  
Old January 30th 05, 11:16 PM
Guy Atkins
Posts: n/a

I'm in agreement with these comments. My 1103 has very impressive
performance for the price. It's the only portable I've ever used that could
pull in CHU 3.330 MHz on the whip antenna alone, indoors, from here on the
West Coast of the US. It's also delivered a handful of the 90 and 60
meterband Indonesians on the whip alone.

The Degen DE1103 Yahoo Group has lots of messages and information about this
portable to help you make an informed choice.

Guy Atkins
Puyallup, WA USA

wrote in message
For the money the DE1103 gives good performance. Within major
broadcast bands it delivers many signals and the dual filter helps in
some situations. And is does a good job of retrieving hams signals too.
It is quite compact and the ergonomics are good although not at the
7600 level. The tuning knob is a distinct plus for a radio in this
price range and makes band scanning fun.

There are a few shortcomings you should be aware of.
1. Ihe receiver generates numerous image signals 900khz down. Thus
much of the 6mhz band is repeated in an area where there are
potentially some interesting nonbroadcast catches. Same goes for the
9mhz band generating images in the interesting 8.8 segment where
international aircraft may be heard.

2. The usefuless of the 255 memories in the 1103 are compromised in 2
ways. A. Degen decided to use hexadecimal numbering for it's memories.
While confusing to many, this scheme also means the keypad is useful
for only certain groups within the 255 memories. B. The memory
retreival feature has a serious bug when used on FM and MW. When a
stored channel is retreived from FM, the firmware also retrives the
highest numbered memory used for MW. Likewise for retrieving MW
stations. For those of us who flip between bands it means having to
continuall retune the other band.
3. The signal strength meter for some reason does not work on FM as it
does on virtually every other multiband radio I'm aware of.

I've owned one for about a month now and do enjoy it. It is not
perfect nor is it a replacement for the 7600 or the YB as some have

Francisco José Cañizares Santofimia wrote:
Hi all.
Can anyone tell me the differences, opinions... between that

(Degen DE1103 and Sony ICF-SW7600GR)?


  #8   Report Post  
Old January 31st 05, 01:37 AM
john KB5AG
Posts: n/a

well, there's some bull **** there!

The only objection I have to the 1103 ergonomics is the volume control.
Yep, it can be a pain, but otherwise the radio is really fun to use. I
never curse the 50 odd bucks I paid for it.

The 7600's ergonomics are fine, but a far cry from superb. Where's that
tuning knob again?

You probably can't get a Degen repaired. You probably don't want to pay
Sony to fix your 7600; they'll charge you as much as you paid for it and
you'll probably have to send it back a few more times for them to do it
right. I've had nothing but bad luck with Sony service. You'd feel a lot
worse throwing your $150 Sony away than the $50 Degen. Anyway, both are
pretty reliable.

Sony doesn't seem to want to be in the manufacturing business any more;
they'd rather make the big bucks selling content.
They treat their product customers like crap, and that's not what I want to
pay for!

"tianli" wrote in message

Can anyone tell me the differences, opinions... between that receivers
(Degen DE1103 and Sony ICF-SW7600GR)?

The Degen is made in China by a Communist Party owned factory.
The 7600GR is made in Japan by a free enterprise company.

The Degen ergonomics S.u.c.k.s. which will make you curse every penny you
spent on it every time you attempt to operate it.
The 7600GR ergonomics are superb.

Repairs or replacement parts are non-existent for the Degen.
Sony parts and repair and relatively easy to acquire.

A technical manual does not exist for the Degen
Sony technical manuals are easily obtained.

If the Degen breaks toss it in the trash. Spend more money for another
The Sony 7600GR is relatively well built and is repairable. But is less
likely to need repair.

You get what you pay for!

  #9   Report Post  
Old January 31st 05, 01:40 AM
Posts: n/a

There is nothing I could say without a long dissertation about China and the
CCP that could ever possibly make your little itty bitty brain understand.

wrote in message
Maybe you would care to explain how you inferred from my comments about
good radios being made in China that I'm promoting communism. While
you are at it be sure to note which kind.

DeWayne wrote:
And so you're promoting Communism?

wrote in message
"The Degen is made in China by a Communist Party owned factor*y.
The 7600GR is made in Japan by a free enterprise company."

What possible significance is there to one radio being made in China

one made in Japan. The Japanese must be concerned about the quality
and pricing of chinese goods because they are dropping out of the
shortwave market and are outsourcing more of their production in

And, just so that we fully understand what you mean please tell us

a free enterprise company is.

tianli wrote:
Can anyone tell me the differences, opinions... between that

(Degen DE1103 and Sony ICF-SW7600GR)?

The Degen is made in China by a Communist Party owned factory.
The 7600GR is made in Japan by a free enterprise company.

The Degen ergonomics S.u.c.k.s. which will make you curse every

spent on it every time you attempt to operate it.
The 7600GR ergonomics are superb.

Repairs or replacement parts are non-existent for the Degen.
Sony parts and repair and relatively easy to acquire.

A technical manual does not exist for the Degen
Sony technical manuals are easily obtained.

If the Degen breaks toss it in the trash. Spend more money for

The Sony 7600GR is relatively well built and is repairable. But is

likely to need repair.

You get what you pay for!

  #10   Report Post  
Old January 31st 05, 01:57 AM
Posts: n/a

Please stop the hypocrisy,
You make a one time purchase of a radio and proudly say it's not made in
Red China!

You know ZERO of my purchases or my personal and political knowledge of

However, look around your shack,apartment,trailer,home whatever You live
Tell me how many products are made in China? 3/4's is a conservative


I avoid Chinese "brand" products like the plague. How about you?

You are still buying from communists,they still get more of your dollar

a day-to-day basis
than a one time radiopurchase!

I have a little revelation for you. Chinese profits from foreign companys
products in China is a very small fraction of the foreign company profits.
Miniscule in fact.
The reason the Communist government encourages this is because there are
more people
unemployed in China then there are employed in the U.S. The Communist Party
be facing more social unrest if unemployment gets any worse.

What you need to avoid are Chinese products made by and sold by Chinese
I.E. Companys owned by the Chinese Communist Party = Degen!

I'm Betting You shop at Wallmart,yep China's 3rd largest trade partner.

No I don't for several reasons. How about you micro-brain?

Anyway, You should love China ,because Bush loves China , and the Record
Trade deficit with them.

We all now see what your motives are here. Your knowledge of international
and global economics is nil.

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