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  #1   Report Post  
Old February 25th 05, 01:28 PM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a
Default The Flu and its Prevention

by Ati Petrov DMH, HD (RHom.) ©


The flu is a disease of the respiratory tract caused by one of several
strains of influenza viruses.
From the 2003 "Red Book" of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP),
the Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases and the
pediatrician's reference: "Influenza classically is characterized by
sudden onset of fever, often with chills or rigors, headache, malaise,
diffuse myalgia, and a nonproductive cough. Subsequently, the
respiratory tract signs of sore throat, nasal congestion, rhinitis, and
cough become more prominent. Conjunctival injection, abdominal pain,
nausea and vomiting can occur. In some children, influenza can appear as
an upper respiratory tract infection or as a febrile illness with few
respiratory tract signs. In young infants, influenza can produce a
sepsis-like picture and occasionally can cause croup, bronchiolitis or
pneumonia. Acute myositis characterized by calf tenderness and refusal
to walk may develop after several days of influenza illness..." (p. 382)
The only death related to the influenza virus is one where the virus WAS
identified and where there were no other pre-existing illnesses as a
cause of death.


They are also caused by viruses, but other than the flu virus. Runny
nose, cough, sore throat, low-to-medium high fever or high fever in
absence of typical flu symptoms, tiredness, sneezing. Stomach cramps and
vomiting or diarrhea without fever or aches and pains, commonly called
"stomach flu" are caused by different bacteria and viruses, not to be
confused with the influenza viruses.

We need not to go that far back - I remember the flu with its aches and
fever and prostration, oftentimes with respiratory symptoms from which
people recovered after some time in bed. Today it is still considered a
seasonal illness in the rest of the world and the North American flu
hysteria and flu shot drive is looked upon with disbelief and some humor
- basically they think we are crazy...

Come flu season we are always reminded of the 1918 "Spanish" flu which
swept across the world in the aftermath of WWI and which was reported to
have caused over 20 million deaths. What we are not told is that back
then homeopaths used homeopathic remedies and lost only 1-5% of their
patients, most of which were already ill when they got the flu. And
naturopath Dr. Lincoln Graham used simple non-drug methods and cured
over 400 flu patients.

In 1976 a single case of so-called "swine flu" in one overworked,
chilled-to-the-bone army recruit caused his swift death. The fear this
struck in the USA resulted in nationwide flu shots which caused death of
30 and Guillain-Barre paralysis in over 500 citizens. Fortunately the
preparation of mass quantities of vaccines was slow otherwise the deaths
from the bad flu shot would have been many more and quite unnecessary.


Formaldehyde: a known cancer causing agent
Thimerosal: (a mercury derivative) used as a preservative in the
vaccine. Can cause brain injury and autoimmune disease
Also preservatives and solvents like aluminum, monosodium glutamate,
sodium phosphate, phenoxyethanol, gelatin, sulfites, yeast protein.
Altered live viruses and killed bacteria.
Chicken embryo cells are used for the propagation of the vaccine: But
here's the problem with those - during the serial passage of the virus
through the animal cells, animal RNA and DNA can be transferred from one
host to another. Animal viruses can (and have in the past) also slip
past quality control testing procedures as in the case with the 1955-61
polio vaccine and the SV40 ( Simian Virus#40 - the 40th virus found in
that vaccine) which has cancerogenic properties and which passed
undetected into the polio vaccines and infected millions of vaccinated


Vaccines are supposed to fool the body's immune system into producing
antibodies to resist viral and bacterial infection in the same way that
actually having the disease usually produces immunity to future infection.

The vaccine contains a "attenuated" virus - processed and broken down
until only small pieces of the virus remain. (However, the toxic
antigens, usually protein or carbohydrate in nature, remain and are
still a serious challenge to the system, pushing it into producing
antibodies to deal with these intrusive poisons).


Flu Vaccine production is a big guessing game. Every year the CDC has to
try and predict what virus will infect people in the U.S. the following
year. It seldom works. We also know that we can get the flu, the common
cold, and other viral diseases multiple times and that we do not acquire
natural immunity to them. So immunization for one virus leaves us open
to infection from other viruses.

Epidemiologist, Dr. Vittorio Demicheli, has found that influenza vaccine
is only 24% effective in reducing illness which has flu symptoms in
otherwise healthy adults.

Distinguished virologist and former Chief Vaccine Control Officer at the
US FDA, Dr. J. Anthony Morris, is even less impressed: "There is no
evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in
preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these
vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway."

In 1992-93 the isolated influenza samples for the predominant virus
(influenza A (H3N2) virus) were not similar to that in the vaccine (MMWR
42 752-55)

A 1993 article from Holland, discussing the flu shot given to elderly
residents of a nursing home says "50% of the vaccinated population
caught the illness compared to 48% unvaccinated." Some probably got the
flu as a result of the flu shot!

In 1994-95: the CDC reported that 43% of isolated influenza samples
(from sick people) for the predominant virus were not similar to the

Most recently, in 2003, the flu shot did not protect from the actual flu
virus which turned out to be a different strain, nevertheless mass
hysteria ensued due to the fear of insufficient supplies and the
purposefully deceitful message that even the wrong vaccine constituted

Even for children and babies the flu shot has been found ineffective: in
Japan, two large studies showed little difference in influenza rates
between 4 cities with flu shot coverage ranging from 1% to 90%.


Well, how safe is it to have mercury, formaldehyde, MSG, chicken or
swine DNA in the blood stream of a baby, an elderly person...or anybody
for that matter!

The Swine flu vaccine disaster of 1976 caused over 565 cases of
Guillain-Barre Syndrome paralysis, multiple neurological problems and
many deaths. Today, flu vaccine product inserts still caution
individuals who have a history of Guillian-Barre syndrome of the
likelihood of subsequently developing that disease.

In 1970 Rosenberg, G.A. in an article in the New England Journal of
Medicine wrote about meningo-encephalitis being reported as a result of
influenza vaccines, including a case of meningo-encephalitis developing
12 days after a flu shot. It is a travesty that now we are immunizing
against meningitis - a disease directly linked to vaccination damage.

Other reactions associated with influenza vaccines are fever , malaise,
myalgia (muscle pain), hives, allergic asthma, systemic anaphylaxis,
Guillain-Barre Syndrome, encephalopathy (brain damage), optic neuritis,
brachial plexus neuropathy (cough), many different types of paralysis,
ataxia, respiratory infections, gastro-intestianl problems, eye problems
, allergic reactions, disturbed blood pressure, collapse etc.


Use your common sense and research the pros and cons. Work on improving
your health and when in need of protection, use alternatives to the
chemical injection. Remember, knowledge dispels fear and allows us to
make better choices for ourselves and our loved ones - choices based on
our level of comfort and not on outside authority alone!


#1 - GOOD HEALTH! All natural medicines concur that good health is the
best assurance for a strong prevention of disease. Susceptibility is the
most important factor when evaluating the dangers in acquiring disease.
Good food, enough water, sleep, rest, and a positive mental/emotional
attitude are your best bet!

#2 - If you are over-worked or over-stressed and there is not much you
can do to change that, increase vitamins and minerals, eat well, make
sure you get enough rest when you can, keep hydrated by drinking water.

#3 - HOMEOPATHIC PROPHYLAXIS: homeopathy has a long history of effective
disease prevention and cure through homeopathic remedies. For these to
be effective, the above 2 conditions are important. Homeopathic remedies
are safe and non-toxic and have no side effects, they can be used by
people of all ages, especially by children and the aged, due to their
gentle action.

Flu shots vs. homeopathic prophylaxis


Flu shots constitute crude substances that poison the body
Homeopathic remedies have no chemical component and no side-effects

Flu shots inject crude substances directly into the blood,
bypassing the body's natural defenses which begin in the nose and the
respiratory tract. This is a big shock to the immune system as it
strives to protect the blood from contamination.
Homeopathic remedies are ingested and absorbed through the mouth,
introducing information about the disease and stimulating the natural
defense mechanisms of the body in the proper order.

Flu shots are administered by injection which is a trauma in
itself - through the fear and resistance it creates in the very young.
Homeopathic remedies are always taken orally: NO shocks to the

Flu shots have not been researched enough as to the possible
side-effects and no long-term studies have ever been done as to their
Homeopathic remedies have a 200 year old history of safe and
effective use, proven and well documented in the sources available and
by the practitioners that use them (who stay in contact with the patient.)

Vaccines are administered with little or now inquiry as to the
general health of the patient - homeopathic remedies are administered
after the practitioner has taken care to learn about possible health
issues of the patient.

Flu Shots - What You Need to Know Before Making a Decision - by
Catherine Diodati
Immunization - History, Ethics, Law and Health - by C. Diodati ISBN
The Vaccine Guide - by Randall Neustader
The Immunisation Decision - by Randall Neustaedter
Vaccination 100 Years of Orthodox Research shows that Vaccines Represent
a Medical Assault on the Immune System - by Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. ISBN
064615121x Australia
A Shot In The Dark - by Harris Coulter & Barbara Lee Fisher. ISBN 089529463x

WEB LINKS offering a wealth of information, citations and articles -
both alternative and from the main medical journals in the US and
Canada, as well as internationally: - Vaccination Risk Awareness Network, Canada - Vaccine Safety Website, USA PROVE - Parents Requesting Open Vaccine
Education, USA - Vaccine Information & Awareness, USA - National Vaccine Information Center, USA - Be Informed
About Vaccinations, USA - Vaccines or Not? - Concerned Parents for Vaccine Safety - Dr.Mercola vaccination links - Informed Parents Vaccination
Web page

Although often endorsed and funded by federal and provincial
governments, the shots seem only to benefit the companies who make them,
public health bureaucrats who promote them, and medical personnel who
administer them.

There IS an alternative: Homeopathy - the safe medicine.

Ati Petrov DMH, HD(RHom.) is a Registered Homeopath with the National
United Professional Association of Trained Homeopaths (NUPATH) . She is
also a Heilkunst Practitioner and a tutor for the Hahnemann College for
Heilkunst. She is available for in-person or phone consultations. She
can be reached at 613-830-8307 (Apple Hill clinic) or 613-761- 6405
(Real Medicine clinic).
  #2   Report Post  
Old February 25th 05, 02:20 PM
Posts: n/a

Flu eh?

All we can do is Pray To JESUS..
- that you get a bad case of it.

either that or Horrible Diarrhea.. .

  #3   Report Post  
Old February 25th 05, 05:01 PM
Posts: n/a

I've had the flu--exactly 11 times!

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