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  #1   Report Post  
Old July 23rd 05, 09:57 PM Political Messageboards
Posts: n/a
Default Freedom

Freedom Fried

by Archie Kennedy

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is
fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in
reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of
Freedom has a price. It is a price that we have been willing to pay for
hundreds of years in most Western societies. The cost is a certain
degree of necessary anxiety as a result of the unpredictable nature of
disparate human impulses.

When the citizens and leaders of a society become jittery and fearful
enough, they tend to sell their freedom for safety from the unknown and
unpredictable. In societies that have cowed to fear, you may be stoned
to death for committing adultery, you may be sanctioned for
=E2??extremist=E2?? views, or you may be put to death for a crime you
have not committed. That is a problem with a secure society. It is,
after all, a myth. The upside is that all the trains tend to run on

To live in a free society we must tolerate known criminals living in
our midst. We must tolerate all sorts of political and philosophical
opinions that are an affront to our sensibilities. We have to accept
the fact that anything can happen. Many unpleasant possibilities are
plausible, even the possibility of being killed. But that=E2??s life.
Security is a myth and if we take a look around, if we take a look at
what happens when societies give in to fear, we can see what happens.
Those societies become tyrannical nightmares.

There is a border, a clear and distinct line that we cannot cross. We
must prosecute a crime AFTER the individual has acted. And no nation
can act against another preemptively.

That means that we cannot prosecute pedophiles that are likely to harm
children before they act. Instead, we have to be awake and aware and
take steps to protect them ourselves. The state cannot do it. We cannot
prosecute those that will likely murder their spouse before they act.
We have to act to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The state
cannot do it. In free societies we have always endured this precarious
situation. But we have done it.

But now all that is changing and what it may mean for us is a future of
having to endure the iron shackles of an arbitrary and brutal state
apparatus. We have to ask ourselves if we are that cowardly. Are we
timid and fearful to the point that we allow the terrorists that
slaughtered the people in the twin towers to take away our freedom?

They seem to be winning the war that Bush had boldly declared against
terrorism. Not so much in the sense that they are managing to create
enough carnage and fear in Iraq to be party to the complete terrorizing
of that society as much as the effect they are having on American
society. This also spills over into British, Canadian, Australian and
many other societies.

Coincidentally, and fortunately for the terrorists of both stripes (the
Arab terrorists and the American terrorists) there were two bombings in
London just prior to a vote in the US House of Representatives on
renewal of the misnamed and potentially fascistic Patriot Act.
Following hours of intense debate they voted 257-171 to permanently
extend 14 of 16 provisions that had a four year sunset. The remaining
two provisions were given a ten year lease on life. This would not have
happened without the London bombings. You'd almost think the
Mid-Eastren and Western neo cons were working together. One provision
is to permit "roving wiretaps" and the other will allow the state to
search individuals library and medical records.

If it is the long term plan of the terrorists to destroy individual
freedom in the West, they are doing a bang up job. Unfortunately, they
are on the same page in this regard as the neo cons that are pushing
this cancerous virus against the spirit of freedom through the media,
through legislation and through the minds of the timid and fearful
fools that buy into this fearful bull****.

On this political front, we may have to make uncomfortable bedfellows.
There are some conservatives that are vehemently passionate about
individual liberty, some liberals and socialists as well. On this
matter, we should be prepared to drop the guns we tend to hold at one
another's heads and work together against the conservatives, liberals
and socialists, that don't give a flying **** about individual liberty
and especially the terrorists and neo cons that are working to destroy

  #2   Report Post  
Old July 23rd 05, 10:13 PM
Posts: n/a

On 23 Jul 2005 12:57:51 -0700, " Political
Messageboards" wrote:

Freedom Fried

by Archie Kennedy

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is
fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in
reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of
Freedom has a price. It is a price that we have been willing to pay for
hundreds of years in most Western societies. The cost is a certain
degree of necessary anxiety as a result of the unpredictable nature of
disparate human impulses.

Thanks. I prefer real freedom to the illusion of safety.

  #3   Report Post  
Old July 23rd 05, 10:18 PM
Posts: n/a

David wrote:

On 23 Jul 2005 12:57:51 -0700, " Political
Messageboards" wrote:

Freedom Fried

by Archie Kennedy

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is
fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in
reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of
Freedom has a price. It is a price that we have been willing to pay for
hundreds of years in most Western societies. The cost is a certain
degree of necessary anxiety as a result of the unpredictable nature of
disparate human impulses.

Thanks. I prefer real freedom to the illusion of safety.

Yeah, it's kinda like sanity. Most of us prefer real sanity as opposed to the
illusion of sanity which you seem to enjoy, 'tard boy!


  #4   Report Post  
Old July 23rd 05, 10:38 PM
John Smith
Posts: n/a


Hang in there, stiff upper lip man, I know knight you into our order
of the "Holy 'Tard", although the dx-dummy has hoisted that title on
our order, we shall wear it in pride--as we perform our knightly
duties of slaying the dx-dra'GOON-'Tard... onward to death or glory


"David" wrote in message
On 23 Jul 2005 12:57:51 -0700, " Political
Messageboards" wrote:

Freedom Fried

by Archie Kennedy

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is
fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in
reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of
Freedom has a price. It is a price that we have been willing to pay
hundreds of years in most Western societies. The cost is a certain
degree of necessary anxiety as a result of the unpredictable nature
disparate human impulses.

Thanks. I prefer real freedom to the illusion of safety.

  #5   Report Post  
Old July 23rd 05, 11:16 PM
running dogg
Posts: n/a

-=jd=- wrote:

On Sat 23 Jul 2005 04:13:57p, David wrote in message

On 23 Jul 2005 12:57:51 -0700, " Political
Messageboards" wrote:

Freedom Fried

by Archie Kennedy

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is
fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in
reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of
Freedom has a price. It is a price that we have been willing to pay for
hundreds of years in most Western societies. The cost is a certain
degree of necessary anxiety as a result of the unpredictable nature of
disparate human impulses.

Thanks. I prefer real freedom to the illusion of safety.

Real freedom? When have you *ever* earned real freedom or even known real
freedom? All the freedoms you currently enjoy have been *given* to you by
someone else! You haven't yet repaid your debt, and attending school on the
taxpayer's dime does not equate to public service, leech-boy!

One does not need to put on a military uniform to earn one's freedom.
One can start by standing up to terrorists and their unwitting amen
corner who want to destroy freedom.

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----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----

  #6   Report Post  
Old July 23rd 05, 11:22 PM
Posts: n/a

This would make perfect sense had Einstein never had invented the nuclear

Today, it is very possible and increasingly likely, that a terrorist will
use the ultimate terror weapon. It may not happen next week, next month or
even within this decade. But it will happen. It's just a matter of time.
Then what? Who will you blame? Your freedom loving government which
allowed it to occur? Will you blame the intelligence community which is
increasing being handstrung by worldwide leftist freedom propaganda. Or
will you blame yourself for your short sighted stupidity as you bury your
family members and send your son off to war? Or, which I believe is more
likely, you will run over to your computer and post more leftist idiotic
stupidity in order to further "the cause" by stating it was a government
conspiracy to yet again increase the defense and intelligence budget.

Which will it be "next time"? Or maybe there won't be anyone around next

That's what you can call freedom on the day after. Freedom to die!

" Political Messageboards" wrote in
Freedom Fried

by Archie Kennedy

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is
fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in
reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of
Freedom has a price. It is a price that we have been willing to pay for
hundreds of years in most Western societies. The cost is a certain
degree of necessary anxiety as a result of the unpredictable nature of
disparate human impulses.

When the citizens and leaders of a society become jittery and fearful
enough, they tend to sell their freedom for safety from the unknown and
unpredictable. In societies that have cowed to fear, you may be stoned
to death for committing adultery, you may be sanctioned for
â??extremistâ?? views, or you may be put to death for a crime you
have not committed. That is a problem with a secure society. It is,
after all, a myth. The upside is that all the trains tend to run on

To live in a free society we must tolerate known criminals living in
our midst. We must tolerate all sorts of political and philosophical
opinions that are an affront to our sensibilities. We have to accept
the fact that anything can happen. Many unpleasant possibilities are
plausible, even the possibility of being killed. But thatâ??s life.
Security is a myth and if we take a look around, if we take a look at
what happens when societies give in to fear, we can see what happens.
Those societies become tyrannical nightmares.

There is a border, a clear and distinct line that we cannot cross. We
must prosecute a crime AFTER the individual has acted. And no nation
can act against another preemptively.

That means that we cannot prosecute pedophiles that are likely to harm
children before they act. Instead, we have to be awake and aware and
take steps to protect them ourselves. The state cannot do it. We cannot
prosecute those that will likely murder their spouse before they act.
We have to act to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The state
cannot do it. In free societies we have always endured this precarious
situation. But we have done it.

But now all that is changing and what it may mean for us is a future of
having to endure the iron shackles of an arbitrary and brutal state
apparatus. We have to ask ourselves if we are that cowardly. Are we
timid and fearful to the point that we allow the terrorists that
slaughtered the people in the twin towers to take away our freedom?

They seem to be winning the war that Bush had boldly declared against
terrorism. Not so much in the sense that they are managing to create
enough carnage and fear in Iraq to be party to the complete terrorizing
of that society as much as the effect they are having on American
society. This also spills over into British, Canadian, Australian and
many other societies.

Coincidentally, and fortunately for the terrorists of both stripes (the
Arab terrorists and the American terrorists) there were two bombings in
London just prior to a vote in the US House of Representatives on
renewal of the misnamed and potentially fascistic Patriot Act.
Following hours of intense debate they voted 257-171 to permanently
extend 14 of 16 provisions that had a four year sunset. The remaining
two provisions were given a ten year lease on life. This would not have
happened without the London bombings. You'd almost think the
Mid-Eastren and Western neo cons were working together. One provision
is to permit "roving wiretaps" and the other will allow the state to
search individuals library and medical records.

If it is the long term plan of the terrorists to destroy individual
freedom in the West, they are doing a bang up job. Unfortunately, they
are on the same page in this regard as the neo cons that are pushing
this cancerous virus against the spirit of freedom through the media,
through legislation and through the minds of the timid and fearful
fools that buy into this fearful bull****.

On this political front, we may have to make uncomfortable bedfellows.
There are some conservatives that are vehemently passionate about
individual liberty, some liberals and socialists as well. On this
matter, we should be prepared to drop the guns we tend to hold at one
another's heads and work together against the conservatives, liberals
and socialists, that don't give a flying **** about individual liberty
and especially the terrorists and neo cons that are working to destroy

  #7   Report Post  
Old July 24th 05, 12:43 AM
Posts: n/a

On 23 Jul 2005 21:47:00 GMT, "-=jd=-"

On Sat 23 Jul 2005 04:13:57p, David wrote in message

On 23 Jul 2005 12:57:51 -0700, " Political
Messageboards" wrote:

Freedom Fried

by Archie Kennedy

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is
fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in
reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of
Freedom has a price. It is a price that we have been willing to pay for
hundreds of years in most Western societies. The cost is a certain
degree of necessary anxiety as a result of the unpredictable nature of
disparate human impulses.

Thanks. I prefer real freedom to the illusion of safety.

Real freedom? When have you *ever* earned real freedom or even known real
freedom? All the freedoms you currently enjoy have been *given* to you by
someone else! You haven't yet repaid your debt, and attending school on the
taxpayer's dime does not equate to public service, leech-boy!


Freedom is the natural state of things, bestowed by Nature's God.

If you support the current regime you do not embrace Freedom. They
are enemies of the Revolution.

  #8   Report Post  
Old July 24th 05, 12:48 AM
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 16:22:39 -0500, "SeeingEyeDog" wrote:

This would make perfect sense had Einstein never had invented the nuclear

Today, it is very possible and increasingly likely, that a terrorist will
use the ultimate terror weapon. It may not happen next week, next month or
even within this decade. But it will happen. It's just a matter of time.
Then what? Who will you blame? Your freedom loving government which
allowed it to occur? Will you blame the intelligence community which is
increasing being handstrung by worldwide leftist freedom propaganda. Or
will you blame yourself for your short sighted stupidity as you bury your
family members and send your son off to war? Or, which I believe is more
likely, you will run over to your computer and post more leftist idiotic
stupidity in order to further "the cause" by stating it was a government
conspiracy to yet again increase the defense and intelligence budget.

Which will it be "next time"? Or maybe there won't be anyone around next

That's what you can call freedom on the day after. Freedom to die!

Do you really think the enemy is that insane?

Do you think they'd nuke us if we were acting more truly generously;
less selfishly?

Who really runs U.S. foreign policy? Is it being conducted in the
best interests of the American people.

  #9   Report Post  
Old July 24th 05, 01:15 AM
running dogg
Posts: n/a

SeeingEyeDog wrote:

This would make perfect sense had Einstein never had invented the nuclear

Today, it is very possible and increasingly likely, that a terrorist will
use the ultimate terror weapon. It may not happen next week, next month or
even within this decade. But it will happen. It's just a matter of time.
Then what? Who will you blame? Your freedom loving government which
allowed it to occur? Will you blame the intelligence community which is
increasing being handstrung by worldwide leftist freedom propaganda. Or
will you blame yourself for your short sighted stupidity as you bury your
family members and send your son off to war? Or, which I believe is more
likely, you will run over to your computer and post more leftist idiotic
stupidity in order to further "the cause" by stating it was a government
conspiracy to yet again increase the defense and intelligence budget.

Which will it be "next time"? Or maybe there won't be anyone around next

That's what you can call freedom on the day after. Freedom to die!

In other words, freedom is less important to you than having the "right
side" win. It doesn't matter to you whether in the process of winning
we've given up our humanity. As long as the US wins, that's all that's
important. Freedom is just rhetoric. Well, the US is rapidly becoming
like the Communist ruled China that you hate so much, and you and most
other Americans don't seem to care, because to you the US is always
right. Well, if we become a fascist dictatorship, the Republican Party
will be no better than the CCP. All that will be different is the
rhetoric. The actions will be the same. And you will be happy, since the
"right side" will have won, but the only thing that will have won will
be the forces of tyranny. You want to overthrow the tyranny of the CCP
and replace it with the tyranny of the GOP. Well, I say bull****.

If a man hasn't found a cause for which he is willing to die, then he
isn't fit to live. -Martin Luther King Jr. I'm willing to die for
freedom. Most people aren't. Most people live in fear of dying in a
terrorist attack. Well, I say "bring it on". I'm not afraid of
terrorists, Islamic, Communist, or American.

" Political Messageboards" wrote in
Freedom Fried

by Archie Kennedy

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is
fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in
reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of
Freedom has a price. It is a price that we have been willing to pay for
hundreds of years in most Western societies. The cost is a certain
degree of necessary anxiety as a result of the unpredictable nature of
disparate human impulses.

When the citizens and leaders of a society become jittery and fearful
enough, they tend to sell their freedom for safety from the unknown and
unpredictable. In societies that have cowed to fear, you may be stoned
to death for committing adultery, you may be sanctioned for
â??extremistâ?? views, or you may be put to death for a crime you
have not committed. That is a problem with a secure society. It is,
after all, a myth. The upside is that all the trains tend to run on

To live in a free society we must tolerate known criminals living in
our midst. We must tolerate all sorts of political and philosophical
opinions that are an affront to our sensibilities. We have to accept
the fact that anything can happen. Many unpleasant possibilities are
plausible, even the possibility of being killed. But thatâ??s life.
Security is a myth and if we take a look around, if we take a look at
what happens when societies give in to fear, we can see what happens.
Those societies become tyrannical nightmares.

There is a border, a clear and distinct line that we cannot cross. We
must prosecute a crime AFTER the individual has acted. And no nation
can act against another preemptively.

That means that we cannot prosecute pedophiles that are likely to harm
children before they act. Instead, we have to be awake and aware and
take steps to protect them ourselves. The state cannot do it. We cannot
prosecute those that will likely murder their spouse before they act.
We have to act to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The state
cannot do it. In free societies we have always endured this precarious
situation. But we have done it.

But now all that is changing and what it may mean for us is a future of
having to endure the iron shackles of an arbitrary and brutal state
apparatus. We have to ask ourselves if we are that cowardly. Are we
timid and fearful to the point that we allow the terrorists that
slaughtered the people in the twin towers to take away our freedom?

They seem to be winning the war that Bush had boldly declared against
terrorism. Not so much in the sense that they are managing to create
enough carnage and fear in Iraq to be party to the complete terrorizing
of that society as much as the effect they are having on American
society. This also spills over into British, Canadian, Australian and
many other societies.

Coincidentally, and fortunately for the terrorists of both stripes (the
Arab terrorists and the American terrorists) there were two bombings in
London just prior to a vote in the US House of Representatives on
renewal of the misnamed and potentially fascistic Patriot Act.
Following hours of intense debate they voted 257-171 to permanently
extend 14 of 16 provisions that had a four year sunset. The remaining
two provisions were given a ten year lease on life. This would not have
happened without the London bombings. You'd almost think the
Mid-Eastren and Western neo cons were working together. One provision
is to permit "roving wiretaps" and the other will allow the state to
search individuals library and medical records.

If it is the long term plan of the terrorists to destroy individual
freedom in the West, they are doing a bang up job. Unfortunately, they
are on the same page in this regard as the neo cons that are pushing
this cancerous virus against the spirit of freedom through the media,
through legislation and through the minds of the timid and fearful
fools that buy into this fearful bull****.

On this political front, we may have to make uncomfortable bedfellows.
There are some conservatives that are vehemently passionate about
individual liberty, some liberals and socialists as well. On this
matter, we should be prepared to drop the guns we tend to hold at one
another's heads and work together against the conservatives, liberals
and socialists, that don't give a flying **** about individual liberty
and especially the terrorists and neo cons that are working to destroy

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----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----
  #10   Report Post  
Old July 24th 05, 07:59 PM
Posts: n/a

"David" wrote
Do you really think the enemy is that insane?

What enemy David? They are your friends!

Do you think they'd nuke us if we were acting more truly generously;
less selfishly?

Why don't you move there yourself and help them so that you can
find out just how "poor' they really are.

Who really runs U.S. foreign policy? Is it being conducted in the
best interests of the American people.

What is it they say? What you don't know CAN hurt you.
And you Komrade David, know virtually squat!

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