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  #1   Report Post  
Old September 1st 05, 05:32 PM
General Johnson Jameson
Posts: n/a
Default Hurricane Katrina HF Response and Recovery Frequencies

Hurricane Katrina HF Response and Recovery Frequencies

02802.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-91) **
03171.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-92) **
05136.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-93) **
05141.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-94) **
05211.0 USB FEMA
05236.0 USB SHARES Coordination Network (nationwide HF voice
06859.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-95) **
07507.0 USB USN/USCG hurricane net (pri)
07550.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-96 - primary) **
07698.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-97) **
09380.0 USB USN/USCG hurricane net (sec)
10493.0 USB FEMA
14396.5 USB SHARES Coordination Network (nationwide HF voice
** Type-accepted equipment and an issued US FCC license are required
to transmit on Red Cross frequencies


03845.0 LSB Gulf Coast West Hurricane
03862.5 LSB Mississippi Section Traffic
03873.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03873.0 LSB Louisiana ARES Emergency (night)
03873.0 LSB Texas ARES Emergency (night)
03873.0 LSB Mississippi ARES Emergency
03910.0 LSB Mississippi ARES
03910.0 LSB Louisiana Traffic
03923.0 LSB Mississippi ARES
03925.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03925.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency (altn)
03935.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03935.0 LSB Louisiana ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0 LSB Texas ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0 LSB Mississippi ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0 LSB Alabama Emergency
03940.0 LSB Southern Florida Emergency
03950.0 LSB Northern Florida Emergency
03955.0 LSB South Texas Emergency
03965.0 LSB Alabama Emergency (altn)
03967.0 LSB Gulf Coast (outgoing traffic)
03975.0 LSB Texas RACES
03993.5 LSB Gulf Coast (health & welfare)
03995.0 LSB Gulf Coast Wx
07225.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07235.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency
07235.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07235.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency
07240.0 LSB American Red Cross US Gulf Coast Disaster
07240.0 LSB Texas Emergency
07243.0 LSB Alabama Emergency
07245.0 LSB Southern Louisiana
07248.0 LSB Texas RACES
07250.0 LSB Texas Emergency
07260.0 LSB Gulf Coast West Hurricane
07264.0 LSB Gulf Coast (health & welfare)
07265.0 LSB Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio (SATERN) (altn)
07273.0 LSB Texas ARES (altn)
07280.0 LSB NTS Region 5
07280.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency (altn)
07283.0 LSB Gulf Coast (outgoing only)
07285.0 LSB West Gulf ARES Emergency (day)
07285.0 LSB Louisiana ARES Emergency (day)
07285.0 LSB Mississippi ARES Emergency
07285.0 LSB Texas ARES Emergency (day)
07290.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07290.0 LSB Gulf Coast Wx
07290.0 LSB Texas ARES (health & welfare)
07290.0 LSB Louisiana ARES (health & welfare) (day)
07290.0 LSB Texas ARES (health & welfare)
07290.0 LSB Mississippi ARES (health & welfare)
14265.0 USB Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio (SATERN) (health &
welfare) 14300.0 USB Intercontinental Traffic
14300.0 USB Maritime Mobile Service
14303.0 USB International Assistance & Traffic
14313.0 USB Intercontinental Traffic (altn)
14313.0 USB Maritime Mobile Service (altn)
14316.0 USB Health & Welfare
14320.0 USB Health & Welfare
14325.0 USB Hurricane Watch (Amateur-to-National Hurricane Center)
14340.0 USB Louisiana (1900)

General Johnson Jameson
USAF Alien Spacecraft Recovery Operations
North American Alliance

  #2   Report Post  
Old September 1st 05, 06:29 PM
Posts: n/a

Thanks,General Jameson.

  #3   Report Post  
Old September 2nd 05, 02:35 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "General Johnson Jameson"
Organization: USAF Alien Spacecraft Recovery Operations
Newsgroups: alt.ham-radio,alt.ham-radio.marketplace,
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 15:32:03 GMT
Subject: Hurricane Katrina HF Response and Recovery Frequencies

Hurricane Katrina HF Response and Recovery Frequencies

02802.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-91) **
03171.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-92) **
05136.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-93) **
05141.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-94) **
05211.0 USB FEMA
05236.0 USB SHARES Coordination Network (nationwide HF voice
06859.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-95) **
07507.0 USB USN/USCG hurricane net (pri)
07550.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-96 - primary) **
07698.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-97) **
09380.0 USB USN/USCG hurricane net (sec)
10493.0 USB FEMA
14396.5 USB SHARES Coordination Network (nationwide HF voice
** Type-accepted equipment and an issued US FCC license are required
to transmit on Red Cross frequencies


03845.0 LSB Gulf Coast West Hurricane
03862.5 LSB Mississippi Section Traffic
03873.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03873.0 LSB Louisiana ARES Emergency (night)
03873.0 LSB Texas ARES Emergency (night)
03873.0 LSB Mississippi ARES Emergency
03910.0 LSB Mississippi ARES
03910.0 LSB Louisiana Traffic
03923.0 LSB Mississippi ARES
03925.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03925.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency (altn)
03935.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03935.0 LSB Louisiana ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0 LSB Texas ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0 LSB Mississippi ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0 LSB Alabama Emergency
03940.0 LSB Southern Florida Emergency
03950.0 LSB Northern Florida Emergency
03955.0 LSB South Texas Emergency
03965.0 LSB Alabama Emergency (altn)
03967.0 LSB Gulf Coast (outgoing traffic)
03975.0 LSB Texas RACES
03993.5 LSB Gulf Coast (health & welfare)
03995.0 LSB Gulf Coast Wx
07225.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07235.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency
07235.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07235.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency
07240.0 LSB American Red Cross US Gulf Coast Disaster
07240.0 LSB Texas Emergency
07243.0 LSB Alabama Emergency
07245.0 LSB Southern Louisiana
07248.0 LSB Texas RACES
07250.0 LSB Texas Emergency
07260.0 LSB Gulf Coast West Hurricane
07264.0 LSB Gulf Coast (health & welfare)
07265.0 LSB Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio (SATERN) (altn)
07273.0 LSB Texas ARES (altn)
07280.0 LSB NTS Region 5
07280.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency (altn)
07283.0 LSB Gulf Coast (outgoing only)
07285.0 LSB West Gulf ARES Emergency (day)
07285.0 LSB Louisiana ARES Emergency (day)
07285.0 LSB Mississippi ARES Emergency
07285.0 LSB Texas ARES Emergency (day)
07290.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07290.0 LSB Gulf Coast Wx
07290.0 LSB Texas ARES (health & welfare)
07290.0 LSB Louisiana ARES (health & welfare) (day)
07290.0 LSB Texas ARES (health & welfare)
07290.0 LSB Mississippi ARES (health & welfare)
14265.0 USB Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio (SATERN) (health &
welfare) 14300.0 USB Intercontinental Traffic
14300.0 USB Maritime Mobile Service
14303.0 USB International Assistance & Traffic
14313.0 USB Intercontinental Traffic (altn)
14313.0 USB Maritime Mobile Service (altn)
14316.0 USB Health & Welfare
14320.0 USB Health & Welfare
14325.0 USB Hurricane Watch (Amateur-to-National Hurricane Center)
14340.0 USB Louisiana (1900)

General Johnson Jameson
USAF Alien Spacecraft Recovery Operations
North American Alliance

Has anyone verified these freq's? I can verify 3873, 3935, 14265, 14300,
and 14325.

Thanks General!


  #4   Report Post  
Old September 3rd 05, 08:29 AM
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 15:32:03 GMT, "General Johnson Jameson"

Hurricane Katrina HF Response and Recovery Frequencies

02802.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-91) **
03171.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-92) **
05136.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-93) **
05141.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-94) **
05211.0 USB FEMA
05236.0 USB SHARES Coordination Network (nationwide HF voice
06859.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-95) **
07507.0 USB USN/USCG hurricane net (pri)
07550.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-96 - primary) **
07698.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-97) **
09380.0 USB USN/USCG hurricane net (sec)
10493.0 USB FEMA
14396.5 USB SHARES Coordination Network (nationwide HF voice
** Type-accepted equipment and an issued US FCC license are required
to transmit on Red Cross frequencie


This data was copied from my web site, which clearly states, "If you
do copy this list, credit the author. Do not remove update request and
e-mail address. This is the only way we can keep the list updated. If
you spot an error or omission, please send a correction immediately.
Thank you all who have so generously contributed information. Enjoy!"

The reason this note is posted should be clear: frequencies and other
details change frequently, and are quickly obsolete. Several
frequencies have changed just in the past few days.

Additionally, only a very few of these frequencies are currently in
use in the Hurricane Katrina disaster, despite the erroneous title of
the message. The web site offers some currently in-use frequencies.

Please, either credit the site, indicate the source, and date the
material posted. Or better still, simply provide a direct link to:

Thank you.

Bill AA6KC

  #5   Report Post  
Old September 3rd 05, 11:14 PM
General Johnson Jameson
Posts: n/a

Is this ok Bill?

"Bill" wrote in message

This data was copied from my web site, which clearly states, "If you
do copy this list, credit the author. Do not remove update request and
e-mail address. This is the only way we can keep the list updated. If
you spot an error or omission, please send a correction immediately.
Thank you all who have so generously contributed information. Enjoy!"

The reason this note is posted should be clear: frequencies and other
details change frequently, and are quickly obsolete. Several
frequencies have changed just in the past few days.

Additionally, only a very few of these frequencies are currently in
use in the Hurricane Katrina disaster, despite the erroneous title of
the message. The web site offers some currently in-use frequencies.

Please, either credit the site, indicate the source, and date the
material posted. Or better still, simply provide a direct link to:

Thank you.

Bill AA6KC

(Unless otherwise noted, times are UTC, freq in kHz)
Revised September 3, 2005

Katrina HF nets still active include:
SHARES Coordination Network (all)
West Gulf ARES Emergency
Louisiana ARES

Solar X-rays:

Geomagnetic Field:
NOAA Solar data

The following high-frequency hurricane season intercepts have been gleaned
from numerous sources. Times and frequencies are subject to frequent change,
and are listed for reference only. Check frequently during hurricane season
for updates. This is the original Hurricane Frequencies list, published
during every hurricane season since 1991.

However it was you got here, bookmark our new web address: Copies of this list are scattered across the Web.
Virtually all of them are now obsolete. By bookmarking this page, you will
be able to access the latest copy of Hurricane Frequencies when you need it.
If you do copy this list, credit the author. Do not remove update request
and e-mail address. This is the only way we can keep the list updated. If
you spot an error or omission, please send a correction immediately. Thank
you all who have so generously contributed information. Enjoy!

02670.0 USB USCG wx Cape Hatteras NC (0133 1303)
02670.0 USB USCG wx Fort Macon NC (0103 1233)
02670.0 USB USCG wx Eastern Shore VA (0233 1403)
02670.0 USB USCG wx Hampton Roads VA (0203 1333)
02670.0 USB USCG wx San Francisco (0203 1403)
02670.0 USB USCG wx Los Angeles/Long Beach CA (1303 2103)
02670.0 USB USCG wx Honolulu (0903 2103)
02670.0 USB USCG wx Marianas Section Guam (0705 2205)
02802.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-91) **
03171.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-92) **
03216.0 USB SHARES Regional Coordination Network (pri night)
03361.0 USB SHARES Regional Coordination Network (altn night)
04426.0 USB USCG wx NMN Portsmouth (0330 0500 0930)
04426.0 USB USCG wx NMC San Francisco (0430 1030)
04513.0 USB SHARES Regional Coordination Network (altn night)
04724.0 USB GHFS
05136.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-93) **
05141.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-94) **
05211.0 USB FEMA
05901.0 USB SHARES National Coordination Network (altn night)
06501.0 USB USCG wx NMN Portsmouth (0330 0500 0930 1130 1600 2200 2330)
06501.0 USB USCG wx NMO Honolulu (0600 1200)
06501.0 USB USCG wx Marianas Section Guam (0930 1530)
06739.0 USB GHFS
06859.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-95) **
07507.0 USB USN/USCG hurricane net (pri)
07508.5 USB FAA Caribbean hurricane net
07550.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-96 - primary) **
07632.0 USB SHARES National Coordination Network (pri night)
07698.5 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-97) **
08764.0 USB USCG wx NMN Portsmouth (0330 0500 0930 1130 1600 1730 2200
08764.0 USB USCG wx NMC San Francisco (0430 1030 1630 2230)
08764.0 USB USCG wx NMO Honolulu (0000 0600 1200 1800)
08992.0 USB GHFS
09064.0 USB SHARES National Coordination Network (altn night)
09380.0 USB USN/USCG hurricane net (sec)
10493.0 USB FEMA
11175.0 USB GHFS
13089.0 USB USCG wx NMN Portsmouth (1130 1600 1730 2200 2330)
13089.0 USB USCG wx NMC San Francisco (0430 1030 1630 2230)
13089.0 USB USCG wx NMO Honolulu (0000 1800)
13089.0 USB USCG wx Marianas Section Guam (0300 2130)
13200.0 USB GHFS
14396.5 USB SHARES National Coordination Network (pri day)
14455.0 USB SHARES National Coordination Network (altn day)
15016.0 USB GHFS
17314.0 USB USCG wx from NMN Portsmouth (1730)
17314.0 USB USCG wx from NMC San Francisco (1630 2230)

** Type-accepted equipment and an issued US FCC license are required to
transmit on Red Cross frequencies

01984.0 LSB Virgin Islands (VI, Puerto Rico, Lesser Antilles)
03710.0 LSB Puerto Rico
03808.0 LSB Caribbean Wx (1030)
03815.0 LSB Antigua/Antilles Emergency and Weather
03815.0 LSB Inter-island (continuous watch)
03818.0 LSB Antigua/Antilles
03845.0 LSB Gulf Coast West Hurricane
03862.5 LSB Mississippi Section Traffic
03865.0 LSB West Virginia Emergency
03872.5 LSB Mercury Amateur Radio Assoc ad hoc hurricane info net (0100)
03873.0 LSB West Gulf ARES Emergency (night)
03873.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03873.0 LSB Louisiana ARES Emergency (night)
03873.0 LSB Texas ARES Emergency (night)
03873.0 LSB Mississippi ARES Emergency
03905.0 LSB Pacific ARES (Hawaii)
03905.0 LSB Delaware Emergency
03907.0 LSB Carolina Coast Emergency
03910.0 LSB Mississippi ARES
03910.0 LSB Louisiana Traffic
03910.0 LSB Virginia Emergency, Alpha (ARES/RACES)
03913.0 LSB New York State Emergency
03915.0 LSB South Carolina SSB NTS
03915.0 LSB Massachusetts/Rhode Island Emergency
03917.0 LSB Eastern Pennsylvania Emergency
03920.0 LSB Maryland Emergency
03923.0 LSB Mississippi ARES
03923.0 LSB North Carolina ARES Emergency (Tarheel)
03925.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03925.0 LSB New York State Emergency
03925.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency (altn)
03927.0 LSB North Carolina ARES (health & welfare)
03925.0 LSB Southwest Traffic (altn)
03935.0 LSB Belize
03935.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03935.0 LSB Louisiana ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0 LSB Texas ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0 LSB Mississippi ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0 LSB Alabama Emergency
03937.0 LSB Western Massachusetts ARES
03940.0 LSB Southern Florida Emergency
03947.0 LSB Virginia Emergency, Bravo (health & welfare)
03950.0 LSB Hurricane Watch (Amateur-to-National Hurricane Center) (altn)
03950.0 LSB Northern Florida Emergency
03955.0 LSB South Texas Emergency
03960.0 LSB Northeast Coast Hurricane
03965.0 LSB Alabama Emergency (altn)
03965.0 LSB Connecticut Emergency
03967.0 LSB Gulf Coast (outgoing traffic)
03970.0 LSB New Jersey ARES
03975.0 LSB Georgia ARES
03975.0 LSB Texas RACES
03980.0 LSB Southeast Virginia ARES
03987.5 LSB Mexican National
03990.5 LSB New Jersey RACES
03993.5 LSB New York State RACES
03993.5 LSB Gulf Coast (health & welfare)
03993.5 LSB South Carolina ARES/RACES Emergency
03995.0 LSB Gulf Coast Wx
03995.0 LSB Western New York State Coordination
07055.0 LSB El Grupo Seguimiento de Huracanes (Spanish)
07060.0 LSB Mexican (emergency and health & welfare) (Spanish)
07070.0 LSB Manana (Baja California)
07090.0 LSB Central America Emergency
07110.0 LSB Cuba Emergency (day)
07145.0 LSB Bermuda
07165.0 LSB Antigua/Antilles Emergency and Weather
07165.0 LSB Inter-island 40-meter (continuous watch)
07225.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07230.0 LSB New York State Emergency
07230.0 LSB Southwest Traffic
07232.0 LSB North Carolina ARES Emergency (Tarheel) (altn)
07235.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency
07235.0 LSB Baja California
07235.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07235.0 LSB West Virginia
07235.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency
07240.0 LSB American Red Cross US Gulf Coast Disaster
07240.0 LSB Texas Emergency
07240.0 LSB Virginia Emergency, Bravo (health & welfare) (altn)
07242.0 LSB Southern Florida ARES Emergency (altn)
07243.0 LSB Alabama Emergency
07243.0 LSB South Carolina Emergency
07245.0 LSB Southern Louisiana
07245.0 LSB New York State RACES
07247.5 LSB Northern Florida ARES Emergency (altn)
07248.0 LSB Texas RACES
07250.0 LSB Belize
07250.0 LSB Texas Emergency
07254.0 LSB Northern Florida Emergency
07260.0 LSB Gulf Coast West Hurricane
07260.0 LSB Virginia Emergency, Alpha (ARES/RACES) (altn)
07264.0 LSB Gulf Coast (health & welfare)
07265.0 LSB Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio (SATERN) (altn)
07268.0 LSB Bermuda
07268.0 LSB Waterway
07273.0 LSB Texas ARES (altn)
07275.0 LSB Georgia ARES
07280.0 LSB NTS Region 5
07280.0 LSB Louisiana Emergency (altn)
07283.0 LSB Gulf Coast (outgoing only)
07285.0 LSB West Gulf ARES Emergency (day)
07285.0 LSB Louisiana ARES Emergency (day)
07285.0 LSB Mississippi ARES Emergency
07285.0 LSB Texas ARES Emergency (day)
07290.0 LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07290.0 LSB Gulf Coast Wx
07290.0 LSB Texas ARES (health & welfare)
07290.0 LSB Louisiana ARES (health & welfare) (day)
07290.0 LSB Texas ARES (health & welfare)
07290.0 LSB Mississippi ARES (health & welfare)
07290.0 LSB Hawaii Emergency
07290.0 LSB Traffic
14185.0 USB Caribbean Emergency
14200.0 USB (Please advise)
14215.0 USB Pacific Inter-island
14222.0 USB Health & Welfare
14245.0 USB Health & Welfare
14265.0 USB Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio (SATERN) (health &
14268.0 USB Amateur Radio Readiness Group
14275.0 USB Bermuda
14275.0 USB International Amateur Radio
14283.0 USB Caribus (health & welfare)
14300.0 USB Intercontinental Traffic
14300.0 USB Maritime Mobile Service
14303.0 USB International Assistance & Traffic
14313.0 USB Intercontinental Traffic (altn)
14313.0 USB Maritime Mobile Service (altn)
14316.0 USB Health & Welfare
14320.0 USB Health & Welfare
14325.0 USB Hurricane Watch (Amateur-to-National Hurricane Center)
14340.0 USB Louisiana (1900)
14340.0 USB Manana (1900)
14340.0 USB California-Hawaii
21310.0 USB Health & Welfare (Spanish)
21390.0 USB Inter-Americas (health & welfare)
21400.0 USB Transatlantic Maritime
28410.0 USB New Jersey ARES
28450.0 USB Health & Welfare (Spanish)

Hurricane reconnaissance aircraft (Hurricane Hunters) now use milsat to
relay recon data to the National Hurricane Center. The following link can be
used to retrieve the current data.
Hurricane Hunters current reconnaissance messages

Whenever a hurricane is within 300 miles of land in the northern western
hemisphere, the Hurricane Watch Net is operational on 14325 kHz. The
Hurricane Watch Net provides communication between amateur radio station
WX4NHC located at the National Hurricane Center, and the affected areas.

During a communications emergency, W1AW transmits special bulletins hourly
by voice, teleprinter and CW (Morse) according to the following schedule:

W1AW SPECIAL BULLETINS SCHEDULEVoice (hh:00)01855.0 03990.0 07290.0
14290.0 18160.0 21390.0 28590.0
Teleprinter (hh:15)03625.0 07095.0 14095.0 18102.5 21095.0 28095.0
CW (hh:30)01817.5 03581.5 07047.5 14047.5 18097.5 21067.5

Visit the W1AW Bulletins archive
Recent W1AW Propagation Bulletins

The National Institute of Standards and Technology broadcasts storm warnings
on 2.5, 5, 10, 15 & 20 MHz AM according to the following schedule:

eastern North Pacific
WWVH (hh:48)Covers Western, Eastern, Southern, and North Pacific

The US National Weather Service maintains a comprehensive online guide to
marine weather products via radiofacsimile (WEFAX) on its RADIOFAX web site.
Current information, useful links and basic tutorials are available from the
site. Download the current revision of Worldwide Marine Radiofacsimile
Broadcast Schedules in PDF format.

The frequencies listed on this page are primarily oriented toward
hurricane-related disaster communications and crucial
intelligence-gathering. If your monitoring interests extend beyond the scope
of this site (eg, recreational short-wave listening), I encourage you to
visit Hugh Stegman's Utility World for additional frequencies.

Links to a wide array of current technical hurricane information and data
can be found at Eric Blake's Atlantic Tropical Weather Center page. Products
include weather forecasts, hurricane reconnaissance flight data, satellite
weather images, and much more.

Current Tropical Storm Bulletins
Current satellite image of Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean
Create your own interactive GOES satellite images
Tropical Weather Outlook
Eastern Pacific
Central Pacific
Western Pacific
Forecast storm tracks (when storms are present)
Northwestern Pacific
Northeastern Pacific
North Indian
Severe Weather Watches and Warnings (48 contiguous states)
StormWatch (R) Image from Earth Watch (48 contiguous states)
Tropical Storm Spotting Map and weather links, from The Weather Underground

The following links may be useful for disaster Situation Reports and Health
& Welfare inquiries via the Internet. Please let me know of other search
resources you find. Do not include media sources, official government
bulletins and the like. Just Internet bulletin boards currently active
during major disasters to assist families determine the status of loved ones
in a disaster area.
These resources can become overwhelmed during a disaster, so please use them
wisely and sparingly! Links will open in a new window.
American Red Cross (Family Health and Welfare Inquiries: Contact Your Local
Chapter or call 1-866-GET-INFO)
US Dept of Homeland Security "Homeport" (Hurricane Katrina Strasnded/Missing
Persons Request)
SATERN (Health and Welfare Information Request form)
Updates from the Islands (Links to several Caribbean H&W bulletin boards)
Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA) Caribbean Disaster
Belize SITREPs and H&W bulletin boards
Honduras SITREPs and H&W bulletin boards
Other Hurricane Katrina Health & Welfare Resources (From

You really can help keep this list current by sharing your additions,
corrections and deletions. If you spot an error or omission, please notify
me immediately. Cite source and include detailed info.
Bill Snyder
Amateur call sign AA6KC
American Red Cross of Greater Los Angeles Disaster Services Volunteer

Send e-mail to Bill Snyder

  #6   Report Post  
Old September 6th 05, 11:33 AM
Roy Haines with Dewey Foley
Posts: n/a

"General Johnson Jameson" wrote in message
.. .
Hurricane Katrina HF Response and Recovery Frequencies

02802.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-91) **
03171.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-92) **
05136.4 USB American Red Cross Disaster (F-93) **


Hell, I would just like to know if anyone has heard any activity on these
before I plug them into my R8500

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