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  #1   Report Post  
Old September 17th 05, 09:27 AM
J.A. Rodgers
Posts: n/a
Default Star Radio Coming in loud and Clear on 9525 adesso!

Check it out~ now at 0700 to 0900

They are saying that the USA is planning to bulldoze the black section
of New Orleans, and allow Haliburton to build several gambling casinos

Also the city population will now be a big majority for Caucasians. So
we will be able to take over the city and put it in the hands of the
Chosen ones again.

There will be no reparations said President Bush. No free homes will
be built for black people despite the fact that we enslaved them,
raped, murdered, and brutalized them for centuries.
They are at the bottom of the totem pole and that's where we are
dedicated as a race to keep them.

We have been false to the past, false in the present, and we solemnly
bind ourselves as the superior race to be false to the future.

5 ATF agents shot and killed by NO police as they were attempting to
breach the levees on September 4th.

These jigaboos are full of conspiracy theories. White folks would
never pull stunts like those.

I Am A Man...and nothing human is alien to me.

The Earth is One Great Country, and humankind it's citizens.
  #2   Report Post  
Old September 17th 05, 12:57 PM
Posts: n/a

JAR - DaviD's baby brother was releasted from CMF Vacaville ! ~ RHF

  #3   Report Post  
Old September 18th 05, 12:18 AM
Fred Fartripper
Posts: n/a

"J.A. Rodgers" wrote in message
Check it out~ now at 0700 to 0900

They are saying that the USA is planning to bulldoze the black section
of New Orleans, and allow Haliburton to build several gambling casinos

Also the city population will now be a big majority for Caucasians. So
we will be able to take over the city and put it in the hands of the
Chosen ones again.

Is Hal Turner back on shotwave ?

RU sure you're not listening to the great liberty net ??

  #4   Report Post  
Old September 18th 05, 05:36 AM
Posts: n/a

It is called the Worlds longest Bridge, (and I have driven across it
many times before) the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge opens Monday
morning at 5:00 AM. (Songs and Music)
Lakes of Pontchartrain.

  #5   Report Post  
Old September 18th 05, 05:42 AM
Posts: n/a

21 to 14,Mississippi State over Tulane.

  #6   Report Post  
Old September 18th 05, 05:46 AM
Posts: n/a

fed govt IS in collusion with big business.That's why we have the best
govt money can buy. Will Rogers Quotes

Will Rogers was a cantankerous old coot,but he sure did know politics.

  #7   Report Post  
Old September 18th 05, 05:30 PM
J.A. Rodgers
Posts: n/a

Thanks for the link. This is an interesting site. I'm reading the
story now about Michael Moore and his band of Angels providing relief
to the people of New Orleans.

He says the media is not reporting the total truth. Do they ever?

He says bodies are everywhere, and not being picked up.

I said the day the levees breached that there will be at least 25,000

Despite what the locals are now saying, I believe my figure will be
found to be more accurate when all is said and done.

I'm still looking for the article about 5 contractors, gov't agents
being blasted into infamy by the New Orleans polizia.

Mille grazie muchacho

On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 21:24:21 -0500, wrote: had some articles about that too.

I Am A Man...and nothing human is alien to me.

The Earth is One Great Country, and humankind it's citizens.
  #8   Report Post  
Old September 18th 05, 05:34 PM
J.A. Rodgers
Posts: n/a

That is a great point. I had never considered that before. Those
buildings were far enough away from each other, that the towers
crumbling shouldn't have caused the other buildings to fall.

We have seen powerful tornadoes destroy one building and leave the one
next to it standing. There is a lot more destructive energy in a
category 3 tornado then there is in a plane striking a building?

One of those things that make you go hummmmmmm

I wonder what the building experts have to say about that?

On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 21:44:05 -0500, wrote:

Something that is really bad is,There are not enough people Waking Up!
It is absolutely Impossible that those two Airplanes caused those two
110 story tall World Trade Center buildings to fall down,,, and World
Trade Center building 7 haden't even been touched by an Airplane,some
rubble fell on or got blown over onto the building,perhaps,but nothing
to cause it to fall down.The high Mayor of New York City was going to
use WTC 7 or part of the building as some sort of a bunker and sone of
the floors had big diesel engine generators in there and many thousands
of gallons of diesel fuel for the generators.Silverstein said,Pull It!
Why Pull It!,Silverstein,the building wasen't on fire or damaged enough
(and neither were the other two World Trade Center buildings either)
that it was in any danger of falling down.

I Am A Man...and nothing human is alien to me.

The Earth is One Great Country, and humankind it's citizens.
  #9   Report Post  
Old September 18th 05, 05:54 PM
J.A. Rodgers
Posts: n/a

I jalopize Greg,

The story was found on the Guardian newspaper site; not the BBC as YOU
stated. Reading is fundamental Greg.

Hear id D stink 2 de story about the contractors being shot.,00.html La
Voz de Aztlan has a mirror page of this report at in case this
report gets changed or deleted there as well)

No one is saying anything and it appears that the news story has now
been swept under the rug. Were these US Department of Defense
personnel a Special Forces group or Navy Seals with top secret orders
to sabotaged the levee? There are verifiable reports that at least 100
New Orleans police officers have disappeared from the face of the
earth and that two have committed suicide. Could these be policemen
that died defending the levee against sabotage by "federal

The story has pretty much been removed worldwide from the Internet
for some reason. I heard it on the evening news that day and did think
it was very weird. first they said contractors had been shot . An hour
later they said it was looters. Then they went back to contractors,
and then there was total silence,

You are assuming that their is only one person in Amerikkka named R.
Limbaugh. That is definitely a false notion.

Some of them have a lot higher moral and ethical code than does the
one about whom you spoke.

Bad grammar does not in itself, render a person point incorrect. If
that were the case, then very little of what President Bush says is

If I say the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West worldwide,
that is a manifest truth, regardless of my political affiliation,
ethnicity, or religion.

If I sey de son wises in d east an sits in de west, dat is also troo.
It just takes a little more time trying to figure out what the person

?Our government is full of extremely articulate Caucasians who lie
about just about everything under the sun. If you use grammar as an
indication of whether you trust someone or not, you may find yourself
in fatal difficulty one day.

As slamem and lickum!

On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 19:43:09 -0500, J.A. Rodgers

It's all true! I verified it all today. Here is a link that you will
not find anywhere in the US. I had to go to the BBC to find the actual

They have somehow quickly removed the actual story from American
servers. You can find links about the story, but when you click on
them they talk about something else.

The Great New Orleans Land Grab

The 17th Street Canal levee was breached on purpose

R. Limbaugh

Los Angeles, Alta California - September 7, 2005 - (ACN) There were
numerous incidents that occurred during and immediately after Katrina
struck that point to the "unthinkable".

It now appears that a sophisticated plan was implemented that
utilized the "cover of a hurricane" to first destroy and than take
over the City of New Orleans?

As the world watched the events unfolding, one could not help think
that something was terribly afoot concerning the rescue by FEMA of the
city's poor and predominate Black population.

It seems that a well laid out plan was put into effect to grab
valuable real estate from well established but poverty stricken Black
families of New Orleans? What is being implemented now is nothing less
than a sophisticated scheme to purge and ethnically cleanse what
Whites have termed "Black and 'welfare bloated' New Orleans".
Among the most telling anomalies pointing to something terribly afoot
is the gun battle, killing 5, that occurred at the breached levee
between the New Orleans Police Department and, what have now been
identified as US military agents.
An Associated Press report, which has now disappeared, stated that at
least five USA Defense Department personnel where shot dead by New
Orleans police officers in the proximity of the breached levee.
(Please Note: The original media reports concerning the shootout are
now being changed or "cleansed" in a cover-up. We found one original
report at,00.html La
Voz de Aztlan has a mirror page of this report at in case this
report gets changed or deleted as well)

A spokesman for the Army Corps of Engineers said later that those
killed were "federal contractors" on their way to "repair" a canal.
The "contractors" were on their way to launch barges into Lake
Pontchartrain, in an operation to "fix" the 17th Street Canal,
according to the Army Corps of Engineers spokesman. Deputy Police
Chief W.J. Riley of New Orleans later reported that his policemen had
shot at eight suspicious people near the breached levee, killing five
or six.

Who were these "military agents" that were killed by the police near
the 17th Street Canal breached levee and what were they doing there?
Why did the New Orleans police find it necessary to shoot and kill 5
or 6 of them?

Another telling incident that points to a "nefarious plan" is what New
Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said at the height of the crisis. He said
publicly, "I fear the CIA may take me out!" Mayor Nagin, a Black, said
this twice.

He told a reporter for the Associated Press: "If the CIA slips me
something and next week you don't see me, you'll all know what
happened." Later he told interviewers for CNN on a live broadcast that
he feared the "CIA might take me out." What does Mayor Ray Nagin know
and why does he fear the CIA?

In an interview by WWL TV, Mayor Nagin complained vociferously that
Louisiana National Guard Blackhawk helicopters were being stopped from
dropping sandbags to plug the levee soon after it breached. There is
evidence that no repairs were allowed on the levee until after New
Orleans was totally flooded!

Many civilian groups who were attempting to aid people trapped in
their attics, on their roofs and at the Superdome are reporting that
FEMA, other federal agents and the US military essentially "stopped"
them from doing so. Convoys that were organized by truckers and
carrying "food and water" were blocked by agents of the federal
government on the highways and roads leading to New Orleans. The
American Red Cross, in addition, encountered numerous incidents and
has made formal complaints.

A private ham radio network that deployed throughout the hurricane
ravished region reported that the airwaves were being "jammed" making
it impossible to communicate emergency information. Churches,
hospitals and other essential community groups reported that the first
thing that the US military did, when they arrived, was to cut their
telephone lines and confiscate communications devices.

We all witnessed news reports and heard statements by flood victims
concerning the behavior of the US military. Many Black families
complained that military vehicles did not stop to assist them but just
drove by. One news report showed military personnel playing cards
inside a barrack while Black citizens were dying of thirst and hunger.
Today, it is very revealing how the federal government is handling the
disaster. They want every Black out of New Orleans and those who
insist on staying in their homes will be removed by force. The
government, through some media, is utilizing scare tactics to cleanse
New Orleans of all Blacks.

They want no witnesses and this will make the "land grab" a lot easier
to undertake. One scare tactic is calling the flood water "a horrid
toxic soup of feces a rotting flesh of corpses". The military thugs
are now getting tough with Black families that have owned their old
but beloved homes for many generations.

Mr. Rufus Johnson, a family patriarch who lives in the French Quarter,
said in an interview, "The army has given me an ultimatum to leave or
suffer the consequences of a forced eviction. I do not understand . My
entire family and I survived Katrina and now they want to throw me out
of the home we have had for generations". Mr. Johnson lives in a
neighborhood where the flood has subsided and his home is not heavily
damaged yet FEMA wants him out!

The fact that Vice President Dick Cheney is heavily involved in the
FEMA operations from behind the scenes is very troublesome. Cheney and
his cronies at Halliburton are in line for the lucrative contracts to
"reconstruct a New Orleans".

Deals are already being made with a Las Vegas business group to
construct multi-million dollar casinos in the Big Easy on prime real
estate that was owned by Black families.

Whites throughout history have been notorious "land grabbers". In the
USA they first confiscated land that belonged to American Indians.
Most of the Indians ended up in worthless tracts of land called

The largest "land grab", however, was the theft of Aztlan. This
occurred soon after the Mexican-American War. In Alta California ,
vast "Ranchos" were stolen from the Californios through a variety of

A favorite ploy was to impose extremely heavy land taxes on the
Mexicans and then foreclosing on the properties. The land was then
given or sold at very low prices to the Forty Niners who came in large
hordes to Alta California during the so called "Gold Rush" of 1849.

On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 18:18:30 -0400, "Fred Fartripper"

"J.A. Rodgers" wrote in message
. ..
Check it out~ now at 0700 to 0900

They are saying that the USA is planning to bulldoze the black section
of New Orleans, and allow Haliburton to build several gambling casinos

Also the city population will now be a big majority for Caucasians. So
we will be able to take over the city and put it in the hands of the
Chosen ones again.

Is Hal Turner back on shotwave ?

RU sure you're not listening to the great liberty net ??

I Am A Man...and nothing human is alien to me.

The Earth is One Great Country, and humankind it's citizens.

I Am A Man...and nothing human is alien to me.

The Earth is One Great Country, and humankind it's citizens.

Join the worlds greatest no-spin discussion forum for only $100,000 a year USD
  #10   Report Post  
Old September 18th 05, 06:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Default What the Building experts say about the World
Trade Center has some links too,scroll down the middle isle at There is lots of information all over the internet about why
the WTC buildings fell down.Some of the building experts were hushed
up,some or at least one of them,that guy in New Mexico,was "forced" to
retract his opinion.I never trust govenment.Firemen and Police and
average citizens in New York City said they heard explosions in the two
tallest WTC buildings.If I was sitting in the Long Branch Saloon,I would
never turn my back on those lieing cheating crooked politicians.

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