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Telemon I was going to Email this info but your addy
is bogus. I wanted to inform you of my test results and to give you the few additional refferences I located. A few comments are at the end. To everyone else: I won't be responding as I have grave concerns over the new cyber stalking laws and really have less then no desire to get into arguements with how relevent this is to SWL. Take from it whatever you can use and ignore the rest. The r2000swl and r2000swler at hotmail and at yahoo accounts are dead. I will be greatly shocked if I ever post again. Too much risk and way too little reward. --------------------------------------------------------------- In an ideal universe signals outside of a coax would not effect those inside the coax. Sadly coax is not perfect, and outside signals can and do intrude to the inside. The name for this effect is "transfer impedance". I will abreviate it to "TI" to save space. TI is real and in some situations can cause all sorts of problems. I posted on this topic back in Dec 05 and have been trying to find more info and gain a better understanding. TI is a measure of "shield effectiveness" I will start with a quote from my Dec 05 post: "From Fluke: http://www.flukenetworks.com/us/ "Transfer Impedance - For a specified cable length, transfer impedance relates to a current on one surface of a shield to the voltage drop generated by this current on the opposite surface of the shield. Transfer impedance is used to determine shield effectiveness against both ingress and egress of interfering signals. Shields with lower transfer impedance are more effective than shields with higher transfer impedance." Blue Jean Cables has a good simple article with chart. http://www.bluejeanscable.com/articles/shielding.htm Beldon has more info at: http://www.belden-wire.com/Catalog/TechInfo/TechTransfer.htm" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another Belden source: www.magma.ca/~emccons/docs/beldenTiAndSe.pdf ----------------------------------- Some patent discriptions for improved coax: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4477693.html http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4187396.html http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4414689.html ------------------------------------ One way it it is tested: www.nema.org/stds/wc61.cfm ------------------------------------ A patent that shows one way to measure TI: http://www.delphion.com/cgi-bin/viewpat.cmd/US06230105__?MODE=fstv&OUT_FORMAT=pdf (My test setup is pathetic in comparision) ------------------------------------ From http://www.ct-magazine.com/archives/ct/0599/ct0599l.htm "Transfer impedance Drop cables are shielded cables with combination foil/braid shields designed to operate in two electromagnetic environments -one is the desired RF inside the cable, and the other is the ambient over-the-air environment. Transfer impedance, Zt, is a means of characterizing how well the shielding works, or how electromagnetic energy transfers through the shield. Transfer impedance relates the current flowing on the outside shield surface (such as the common mode interference signal) to the internal voltage it develops on the other side of the shield. Figure 1 shows how the center conductor is susceptible to the voltage on the inside of the shield produced by common-mode current on the shield's outer surface. This voltage is the result of a diffusion current through the shield." ------------------------------------ A good overview of the subject: www.scte.org/documents/pdf/ANSISCTE782003IPSTP011.pdf ------------------------------------ A PDF with real math that discribes TI. www.its.bldrdoc.gov/pub/ntia-rpt/01-382/appendix_b.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------- My own tests consisted of a RF "white" noise source, buffered into a 24:1 step down transfomrer that I coupled to the cable under test in a test jig that was 12' long and with 10' of coax( or , triax, balanced pair, heliax etc) held in place with a 10' injection loop that was spaced 1/2" from the test cable over the 10' test length. My set up is very crude but even with my meager level of instrumentation I have found that common coax will allow significant engrees. The most important thing isn't to try to find a perfect coax, but to play attention to the way we route coax. Running receive coax feedlines in parallel with "noisy" cables or wires is a real bad idea. Keep receive coax at least 5 feet from CATV, power, or telephone lines. Cross noise cables at right angles. For significant noise injection to occur with "normal" noise signal levels requires the cables to be routed "close" and for more then a "few" inches. "Normal", "Close" and "few" are relative. "Close" as in a foot an means a length of inches can cause problems. Think inverse square law. TI is mainly going to be an issue with those who have "long", say over 50M(150') coax runs, or who have noisy cable drops fairly close to your coax. In most instances TI is only an issue after you have solved all the other noise problems. Noise is MUCH more likely to be directly radiated to your antenna or to "creep" up the outside of your coax shield, get into the the antenna and then be a problem. The same steps used to keep signals from creeping up the shield and reaching the antenna will also reduce TI. The most important step in stopping TI is to prevent or reduce common mode currents on the coax outer shield. It is usefull to understand the shield is really 2 conductors. The ouside and the inside are seperate conductors. Common mode currents on the outside can be coupled to the inside and if and/or when that happens noise is added to the desired signal. The use of feritte "beads" on coax(or the techniques shown by Bryant at http://www.dxing.info/equipment/coax_leadin_bryant.pdf ) can greatly reduce the risk of common mode noise coupling through the shield and adding noise, or creeping up the coax.. I found that in addition to beads, different feedlines can offer much greater isolation. Mini heliax, hard line(as used by CATV), Triax and twinax all have much lower levels of TI then coax. While double or quad braid coaxes tend to be better, single braid with a good foil can be much better for the 1~30MHz arena. I could not inject any noise into heliax or hardline. I had some TI allowing RFI from my 20" VGA monitor to get into my system. The feeline ran "real close" to the monitor, a very strong RFI source. By rearanging my shack so the monitor and PC are well away from the feedline and patch bay I was able to reduce the RFI to a level I can only detect with lengthy audio FFT runs to see what I can no longer hear. I hope this helps others to avoid some problems I have fought for the over 25 years. While I really knew better, I had operated like coax was a perfect faraday shield. That illusion stopped me from resolving some minor RFI issues that proved impossible to fix until I understood how the RFI was getting into my system. RF can get through the shield to cause problems. Under "most" conditions and at most locations I suspect it is a minor, at worst, problem. The noisefloor on HF is so high that the minimal noise added by TI, at most locations, will be undectable. It is something to keep in mind, and a good reson to pick the route of receive coax with some care and attention to TI, but to not switch to hardline or heliax to solve "problems" that aren't there. In my opinion feritte "beads" have great utility for many, maybe most SWL antenna feedlines. The fact that they will help to reduce TI is nice, but not thier most usefull aspect. I think that noise conducted up the outside of the shield getting into to the antenna is the bigger and more common source of RFI. And ferrite can greatly reduce that noise level. I was moved to post this after reading the post about "Coax to coax noise transfer" and accepted that I had something that might help someone. Hint: Try to find another route for you coax. Broadband has lots of noise in HF and this could be a big problem. Do a test before comitting to this route. Place your coax parallel to the Comcast broadband line and terminate the coax with 50 (or 75) ohms and see if you have any noise. I suspect you won't. I would be very concerned about the comcast cable putting noise on your shield that gets directly into the antenna. The use of feritte and a ~9:1UNUN to couple/"match" the coax from the antenna can help isolate the coax, and any noise it might carry, from the antenna. From my experiences it is much better to avoid noise then to fight to reduce it. I warned you all that this was long! Terry |
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In article
, Telamon wrote: In article .com, wrote: Telemon I was going to Email this info but your addy is bogus. I wanted to inform you of my test results and to give you the few additional refferences I located. A few comments are at the end. To everyone else: I won't be responding as I have grave concerns over the new cyber stalking laws and really have less then no desire to get into arguements with how relevent this is to SWL. Take from it whatever you can use and ignore the rest. The r2000swl and r2000swler at hotmail and at yahoo accounts are dead. I will be greatly shocked if I ever post again. Too much risk and way too little reward. --------------------------------------------------------------- In an ideal universe signals outside of a coax would not effect those inside the coax. Sadly coax is not perfect, and outside signals can and do intrude to the inside. The name for this effect is "transfer impedance". I will abreviate it to "TI" to save space. TI is real and in some situations can cause all sorts of problems. I posted on this topic back in Dec 05 and have been trying to find more info and gain a better understanding. TI is a measure of "shield effectiveness" I will start with a quote from my Dec 05 post: "From Fluke: http://www.flukenetworks.com/us/ "Transfer Impedance - For a specified cable length, transfer impedance relates to a current on one surface of a shield to the voltage drop generated by this current on the opposite surface of the shield. Transfer impedance is used to determine shield effectiveness against both ingress and egress of interfering signals. Shields with lower transfer impedance are more effective than shields with higher transfer impedance." Blue Jean Cables has a good simple article with chart. http://www.bluejeanscable.com/articles/shielding.htm Beldon has more info at: http://www.belden-wire.com/Catalog/TechInfo/TechTransfer.htm" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---- Another Belden source: www.magma.ca/~emccons/docs/beldenTiAndSe.pdf ----------------------------------- Some patent discriptions for improved coax: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4477693.html http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4187396.html http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4414689.html ------------------------------------ One way it it is tested: www.nema.org/stds/wc61.cfm ------------------------------------ A patent that shows one way to measure TI: http://www.delphion.com/cgi-bin/view...=fstv&OUT_FORM AT (My test setup is pathetic in comparision) ------------------------------------ From http://www.ct-magazine.com/archives/ct/0599/ct0599l.htm "Transfer impedance Drop cables are shielded cables with combination foil/braid shields designed to operate in two electromagnetic environments -one is the desired RF inside the cable, and the other is the ambient over-the-air environment. Transfer impedance, Zt, is a means of characterizing how well the shielding works, or how electromagnetic energy transfers through the shield. Transfer impedance relates the current flowing on the outside shield surface (such as the common mode interference signal) to the internal voltage it develops on the other side of the shield. Figure 1 shows how the center conductor is susceptible to the voltage on the inside of the shield produced by common-mode current on the shield's outer surface. This voltage is the result of a diffusion current through the shield." ------------------------------------ A good overview of the subject: www.scte.org/documents/pdf/ANSISCTE782003IPSTP011.pdf ------------------------------------ A PDF with real math that discribes TI. www.its.bldrdoc.gov/pub/ntia-rpt/01-382/appendix_b.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------- My own tests consisted of a RF "white" noise source, buffered into a 24:1 step down transfomrer that I coupled to the cable under test in a test jig that was 12' long and with 10' of coax( or , triax, balanced pair, heliax etc) held in place with a 10' injection loop that was spaced 1/2" from the test cable over the 10' test length. My set up is very crude but even with my meager level of instrumentation I have found that common coax will allow significant engrees. The most important thing isn't to try to find a perfect coax, but to play attention to the way we route coax. Running receive coax feedlines in parallel with "noisy" cables or wires is a real bad idea. Keep receive coax at least 5 feet from CATV, power, or telephone lines. Cross noise cables at right angles. For significant noise injection to occur with "normal" noise signal levels requires the cables to be routed "close" and for more then a "few" inches. "Normal", "Close" and "few" are relative. "Close" as in a foot an means a length of inches can cause problems. Think inverse square law. TI is mainly going to be an issue with those who have "long", say over 50M(150') coax runs, or who have noisy cable drops fairly close to your coax. In most instances TI is only an issue after you have solved all the other noise problems. Noise is MUCH more likely to be directly radiated to your antenna or to "creep" up the outside of your coax shield, get into the the antenna and then be a problem. The same steps used to keep signals from creeping up the shield and reaching the antenna will also reduce TI. The most important step in stopping TI is to prevent or reduce common mode currents on the coax outer shield. It is usefull to understand the shield is really 2 conductors. The ouside and the inside are seperate conductors. Common mode currents on the outside can be coupled to the inside and if and/or when that happens noise is added to the desired signal. The use of feritte "beads" on coax(or the techniques shown by Bryant at http://www.dxing.info/equipment/coax_leadin_bryant.pdf ) can greatly reduce the risk of common mode noise coupling through the shield and adding noise, or creeping up the coax.. I found that in addition to beads, different feedlines can offer much greater isolation. Mini heliax, hard line(as used by CATV), Triax and twinax all have much lower levels of TI then coax. While double or quad braid coaxes tend to be better, single braid with a good foil can be much better for the 1~30MHz arena. I could not inject any noise into heliax or hardline. I had some TI allowing RFI from my 20" VGA monitor to get into my system. The feeline ran "real close" to the monitor, a very strong RFI source. By rearanging my shack so the monitor and PC are well away from the feedline and patch bay I was able to reduce the RFI to a level I can only detect with lengthy audio FFT runs to see what I can no longer hear. I hope this helps others to avoid some problems I have fought for the over 25 years. While I really knew better, I had operated like coax was a perfect faraday shield. That illusion stopped me from resolving some minor RFI issues that proved impossible to fix until I understood how the RFI was getting into my system. RF can get through the shield to cause problems. Under "most" conditions and at most locations I suspect it is a minor, at worst, problem. The noisefloor on HF is so high that the minimal noise added by TI, at most locations, will be undectable. It is something to keep in mind, and a good reson to pick the route of receive coax with some care and attention to TI, but to not switch to hardline or heliax to solve "problems" that aren't there. In my opinion feritte "beads" have great utility for many, maybe most SWL antenna feedlines. The fact that they will help to reduce TI is nice, but not thier most usefull aspect. I think that noise conducted up the outside of the shield getting into to the antenna is the bigger and more common source of RFI. And ferrite can greatly reduce that noise level. I was moved to post this after reading the post about "Coax to coax noise transfer" and accepted that I had something that might help someone. Hint: Try to find another route for you coax. Broadband has lots of noise in HF and this could be a big problem. Do a test before comitting to this route. Place your coax parallel to the Comcast broadband line and terminate the coax with 50 (or 75) ohms and see if you have any noise. I suspect you won't. I would be very concerned about the comcast cable putting noise on your shield that gets directly into the antenna. The use of feritte and a ~9:1UNUN to couple/"match" the coax from the antenna can help isolate the coax, and any noise it might carry, from the antenna. From my experiences it is much better to avoid noise then to fight to reduce it. I warned you all that this was long! Thanks for your research and thoughts on this subject. Generically transfer impedance refers a EM wave in this case traveling from one medium, air outside the cable to the inside of the coax where the dielectric constant of the inner insulator is the other medium but specifically since the topic is coax cable it also refers to the outer shield effectiveness. No shielding is perfect and has an attenuation value associated with it. Normally the attenuation value is large enough compared to the signal in the coax that it is practically considered infinite but apparently not with strong external interference sources around and very small internal signals from the antenna in micro-volts. Here is does not take much leakage to mess with a few micro-volts. Look like the first problem NEMA had to solve was coming up with a repeatable standard. The problem with the appears to have been controlling the mode of propagation of the external EM wave energy as this kept changing on them over frequency. The net result was unrepeatable results. The standard became another pipe, which with the coax cable kept inside and out side EM energy in TEM mode. Once this was adopted the results became repeatable. Here is an example of a fixtu http://www.dcmindustries.com/products/TI-3000.htm Now before anyone get to excited about this development this is a specific standardized method of comparing cables and uses a specific mode of energy to accomplish this comparative measurement. This is not absolute as the cable can be placed in a different environment and will not have the same effective shielding. Yup, this is a good link on the subject, I looked at this months ago. I don't remember if I found it myself or maybe you pointed it iut in the past. Beldon has more info at: http://www.belden-wire.com/Catalog/TechInfo/TechTransfer.htm Take a look at the sample report at the bottom of the DCM page http://www.dcmindustries.com/products/TI3000brochure.pdf No huge surprise here at the plot (red trace) showing the shielding becoming less effective the lower you go in frequency. Any coax you use will not shield as well at lower frequencies. They don't say what kind of cable is used in this example but around 1 MHz its about 8 ohms so if you have the strong AM station around as you complained about I see how the coax would not be as effective against it as another source at a higher frequency. The shield is only so thick and the skin depth increases with lower frequency. In any event on the Belden link the plots of those coax cables ends at 5 MHz but you can see the value of the transfer impedance going up into the single digit ohm range so it looks comparable to the DCM example. The problem with your crude test setup is keeping the EM energy outside the test coax (your noise source) is that the mode of coupling will change over frequency and change your results. Not only that but changes in the room around it will change your results. This is the first problem the standards committee had to solve. Yes, your advice to limit the coupling to a nearby CATV cable to the radio receiving coax is all related to mutual inductive coupling. I learned two things from you bringing up this subject on the news group. At AMBCB frequencies coax shielding is an order of magnitude worse than I ever expected. Number two is a reason ferrites along a long run of coax can help against intrusion of a AMBCB signal. Previously I thought that ferrites on the cable ends would be effective but in the middle of a run not helpful. But note that as soon as you are above a few MHz the shield on most decent coax looks like a short and not much will get through it with an attenuation factor in the 90 to 110 dB range. The surprise for me was the drop in effectiveness in the AMBCB range. I can now see that extra shielding could be warranted if you have a AMBCB station interfering with your reception. I just re-read the Belden page and want to point out these concluding statements " To determine how these two regions interact with one another, you need to know how an electromagnetic signal in one region - with its associated voltages and current - couples to the other. The transfer impedance gives this relationship." The whole exercise on this page refers to a specific coupling mode where the transfer impedance does put a value on that particular relationship and it is valid for that mode but that coupling mode may or may not exist in a real world situation so they follow up with "Currently, no ambient models are sophisticated enough to be used for broadband system applications. However, simplified models can be used to help analyze, if not quantify, interference problems." Yeah it does that. -- Telamon Ventura, California |
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![]() wrote in message oups.com... Telemon I was going to Email this info but your addy is bogus. I wanted to inform you of my test results and to give you the few additional refferences I located. I will be greatly shocked if I ever post again. Too much risk and way too little reward. Terry Terry and Telamon, Your posts and links are very informative and I appreciate you guys posting this type of information. Telamon your previous comments on impedance and reactance is also very much appreciated. I'm still confused on why impedance is not frequency dependent, but I'm working on it. Terry I don't quite understand your fear to posting, but I hope you find a way around it and continue to contribute to this group. I'm sure they appreciate it as I do. Al KA5JGV San ANtonio, TX |
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On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 14:06:43 GMT, "Al"
wrote: wrote in message roups.com... Telemon I was going to Email this info but your addy is bogus. I wanted to inform you of my test results and to give you the few additional refferences I located. I will be greatly shocked if I ever post again. Too much risk and way too little reward. Terry Terry and Telamon, Your posts and links are very informative and I appreciate you guys posting this type of information. Telamon your previous comments on impedance and reactance is also very much appreciated. I'm still confused on why impedance is not frequency dependent, but I'm working on it. Impedance and frequency are related. Impedance depends on resistance and reactance. Reactance is determined by frequency. |
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In article ,
"Al" wrote: wrote in message oups.com... Telemon I was going to Email this info but your addy is bogus. I wanted to inform you of my test results and to give you the few additional refferences I located. I will be greatly shocked if I ever post again. Too much risk and way too little reward. Terry Terry and Telamon, Your posts and links are very informative and I appreciate you guys posting this type of information. Telamon your previous comments on impedance and reactance is also very much appreciated. I'm still confused on why impedance is not frequency dependent, but I'm working on it. Snip An antenna or transmission path has a characteristic impedance based on its physical characteristics. This is a property different from reactance, which is a response to some frequency. Example would be a folded dipole compared to a dipole. The characteristic impedance of the dipole is about 72 ohms but the folded dipole is four times this at 288 ohms due to a division of current paths in that design. This is an effect also seen in transformers where the impedance ratio value is the turns ratio squared. A single wire Marconi type can be thought of as a transmission line where the two conductors are the wire and the earth under it as the other conductor. Based on this the RF current in the wire will see a characteristic impedance as determined by the wire diameter and the distance from ground with air as the dielectric between them. Larger diameter wire for the same distance will cause the wire to assume a lower impedance and the closer the wire is to the ground the impedance would also be lower. Whatever the characteristic impedance of the wire is if you stimulate it with energy at some frequency it will react to that energy with a combination of the characteristic impedance and added to that a value of impedance based on the electrical length of the wire. The reactance of the the wire would be the combination of the characteristic impedance and the reflected energy together. The consequence of the aforementioned situation is the reactance of the wire will swing from very small values to very large values through the characteristic impedance value of the wire and basically you will also get this same response from classical Hertizan antenna types. The characteristic impedance of the wire will be measured with a zero reactance value. When you stimulate an antenna at a resonance point then the energy you put into it is not being bucked by a reflected wave of energy coming back at it at some phase combination of forward and backward energy and so the antenna looks like a resistive load where this resistance is a combination of the conductor losses in the antenna elements and the radiation resistance of the antenna. The characteristic impedance is measured when the antenna appears to be a resistive load with no reactance added or subtracted from that value is another way to look at it. Another way of saying this is all the energy goes into the antenna, which appears to be just a resistor of some value. I wrote this a couple of different ways, being redundant of purpose. Does this make sense to you now? -- Telamon Ventura, California |
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"Telamon" wrote in message
news:telamon_spamshield- Whatever the characteristic impedance of the wire is if you stimulate it with energy at some frequency it will react to that energy with a combination of the characteristic impedance and added to that a value of impedance based on the electrical length of the wire. The reactance of the the wire would be the combination of the characteristic impedance and the reflected energy together. Telamon Ventura, California Telaman, Perhaps the fault in my understanding is that there is more than one type of impedance talked about here and in other posts. Perhaps the speaker is talking about one and the listener is listening for the other. In the above paragraph you mention characteristic impedance and impedance based on electrical length. I conclude from your post here that the characteristic impedance always remains the same unless some physical changes are made to the components, antenna or feed-line. Whereas the other impedance (it would be nice if it also had a unique name rather than just other impedance) which is based on electrical length is therefore based on frequency. The introduction of frequency introduces reactance which affects the other impedance, but the characteristic impedance remains the same. If that is the case (please correct if not) then the following should be true: If I have an antenna with a characteristic impedance of, say, 600-ohms, and I have a coaxial feedline with a characteristic impedance of 50-ohms, the two are missmatched and I should use a balun (unun?) with a ratio of 600-ohms to 50-ohms to properly connect the two components. At this time I now have this antenna properly connected to this feedline, and as yet no frequency issues have been addressed. Is this correct? If yes, then it could be said that a balun (unun) matches these two physical devices without frequency of operation considerations. True? I'm not being argumentative, I'm asking. I have a loop antenna whose characteristic impedance I do not know. I want to determine its characteristic impedance. I also want to match it to my receiver (50-ohm nominal input) the best that I can. I ask myself if I need a matching device? These are the issues that I am working on and before I try to tackle the answer, I first want to understand the theory. Thank you. Al KA5JGV |
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In article ,
"Al" wrote: "Telamon" wrote in message news:telamon_spamshield- Whatever the characteristic impedance of the wire is if you stimulate it with energy at some frequency it will react to that energy with a combination of the characteristic impedance and added to that a value of impedance based on the electrical length of the wire. The reactance of the the wire would be the combination of the characteristic impedance and the reflected energy together. Telamon Ventura, California Telaman, Perhaps the fault in my understanding is that there is more than one type of impedance talked about here and in other posts. Perhaps the speaker is talking about one and the listener is listening for the other. In the above paragraph you mention characteristic impedance and impedance based on electrical length. I conclude from your post here that the characteristic impedance always remains the same unless some physical changes are made to the components, antenna or feed-line. Whereas the other impedance (it would be nice if it also had a unique name rather than just other impedance) which is based on electrical length is therefore based on frequency. The introduction of frequency introduces reactance which affects the other impedance, but the characteristic impedance remains the same. If that is the case (please correct if not) then the following should be true: If I have an antenna with a characteristic impedance of, say, 600-ohms, and I have a coaxial feedline with a characteristic impedance of 50-ohms, the two are missmatched and I should use a balun (unun?) with a ratio of 600-ohms to 50-ohms to properly connect the two components. At this time I now have this antenna properly connected to this feedline, and as yet no frequency issues have been addressed. Is this correct? If yes, then it could be said that a balun (unun) matches these two physical devices without frequency of operation considerations. True? I'm not being argumentative, I'm asking. I have a loop antenna whose characteristic impedance I do not know. I want to determine its characteristic impedance. I also want to match it to my receiver (50-ohm nominal input) the best that I can. I ask myself if I need a matching device? These are the issues that I am working on and before I try to tackle the answer, I first want to understand the theory. Yes you are right about the fact that I am talking about two different things. 1. The "characteristic impedance" of a device. 2. The "impedance" to RF at some arbitrary frequency. People are used to thinking of #2 as a complex equivalent number of AC resistance to be calculated in circuit analysis problem. Antennas are a little different as we must consider all the ramifications of the actual physical construction of the device. In basic circuit analysis capacitors, inductors and resistors that make up a circuit are looked at as simplistic lumped elements. Calculating impedance to an AC signal implicitly means the circuit resistance to current flow must consider a frequency to compute a value. A better simulation of a circuit will consider the parasitics of the elements and the characteristics of the paths between them, including the electrical distance between them and through them for a more accurate answer at higher frequency operation but again the nature of coming to an equivalent value of impedance to a RF signal numerically requires the frequency be a part of the resistance to current flow. Antennas are transducers in a physical sense taking a local RF current loop and translating it into an EM wave through space. Other language would call this a near field to far field conversion. The antenna electrical and physical characteristics require that you look at more than just taking the view of circuit analysis affecting the local current loop or near field. The physical properties must also address the near field becoming the far field so the description of the antenna as an RF circuit must also be more complex. The antenna can not be seen as just a impedance number at some frequency because that would not address its implicit purpose or utility. Since an antenna is designed to be operated at some frequency the calculation of impedance is known or considered as integral to the meaning of the appearance of the value an antenna would present as a resistive load with no reactive component. This value is a combination of the conductor loses in the antenna itself, local current loop or near field and is in combination with the radiation resistance, EM field around the antenna or far field. Many paragraphs to come to the fact that antenna impedance implicitly uses a known frequency to compute the resistive value of the antenna as a load. A corollary here that is that when you mean to use the antenna at some frequency you adjust the electrical lengths accordingly so the antenna ends up being that characteristic impedance value where you intend to operate it so now the impedance value becomes a number irrespective of frequency because it is implicitly considered. Circular definitions at their best. This is all part of actually using an antenna. You start with a design, adjust the elements to be resonant in frequency you intend to use it. Changing the operating frequency means that you change the electrical length again to what is appropriate so you can see the frequency of operation does not matter and that the antenna has a "characteristic impedance value" when speaking about that design in a generic sense because you make the adjustments to it in actuality. Answering your question above if the antenna was a balance type where the coax is inherently unbalanced then you would use the BALUN to transform the 50 ohm impedance of the transmission line path to the 600 ohm resistive load of the antenna. BAL-UN is a term meaning BALanced to UNbalanced for an impedance transforming device. If you used an inherently unbalanced single wire to the coax then you would use an UNUN. UN-UN means UNbalanced to UNbalanced. -- Telamon Ventura, California |
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