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  #1   Report Post  
Old June 8th 06, 10:47 PM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Looking for an Indoor Antenna for my Grundig Satellit 800 Radio


The Grundig Satellit 800 already has a built-in Pre-Amplifier
that is used with the built-in "Mega Size" Whip Antenna.
{ The Built-in Whip Antenna is an Active Antenna. ]

The Grundig Satellit 800's Whip Antenna is a design for an
earlier age of radio when Whip Antennas were Designed and
Engineered to be real Signal Gatherers: Large and Long and
Thick at the base and tapering to the tip. The majority of
today's 'portable' AM / FM Shortwave Radios have short and thin
Whip Antennas; which provide minimum Signal Gathering. The
Grundig Satellit 800's Whip Antenna is "Mega Sized" when
compared to the average much smaller Whip Antennas on most
of today's smaller 'portable' AM / FM Shortwave Radios. Plus
with the Grundig Satellit 800's you have the built-in Whip Antenna
Pre-Amplifier for add Signal Strength.

IMHO: The Size and Shape of the Grundig Satellit 800's built-in
Whip Antenna is about the Signal Gathering equivalent of one of
those 23 Feet Reel {Role-Up} Antennas that are required by most
other 'portable' AM / FM Shortwave Radios to get the same Signals
that the Grundig Satellit 800's provides with the "Mega Size" Whip
Antenna and built-in Pre-Amplifier.

QUESTION - So Why Use 'another' In-Door Active Antenna ?
When your already have "Mega Size" Whip Antenna and a
Pre-Ampliers built-in to the Grundig Satellit 800 Radio ?

First - Check-Out the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Group on YAHOO !

Second - Read any and all of these Messages about
using Antennas with the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium.

* Concerning the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium's
"Mega Size" Whip Antenna with Pre-Amplifier for
Shortwave Listening. READ "GS800M's Whip Antenna"

* One of the Grundig Satellit 800M's - Secrets for Top Perfromance

* Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Radio -
Do I Need an External Antenna ?

* Antenna Options for the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Radio
{ And the Parts that are required Cost Under $5 }

* Improving the Grundig Satellit 800 M's AM/MW Reception for DXing

* Pair of Active "InDoor" Antennas for AM/MW and SW Reception
Both work well with the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Radio.
One for AM/MW and the other for Shortwave.
hope this helps - iane ~ RHF
  #2   Report Post  
Old June 9th 06, 10:55 PM
Junior Member
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2005
Location: East Texas
Posts: 18

I have had good luck on a couple of them. The AOR 320 (limits out at 15 MHZ) with replaceable loops. Still available from used places. The newer AOR's are better and more expensive. What I am using now is 2 Metal Slinkys@ strung as a dipole fed in to a 1:1 Spiro Balun. This works very well and no need to re-tune going band to band. Have used one for over 20 years. the AOR I maily use on MW and tropical bands.

The Grundig Satellit 800 already has a built-in Pre-Amplifier
that is used with the built-in "Mega Size" Whip Antenna.
{ The Built-in Whip Antenna is an Active Antenna. ]

The Grundig Satellit 800's Whip Antenna is a design for an
earlier age of radio when Whip Antennas were Designed and
Engineered to be real Signal Gatherers: Large and Long and
Thick at the base and tapering to the tip. The majority of
today's 'portable' AM / FM Shortwave Radios have short and thin
Whip Antennas; which provide minimum Signal Gathering. The
Grundig Satellit 800's Whip Antenna is "Mega Sized" when
compared to the average much smaller Whip Antennas on most
of today's smaller 'portable' AM / FM Shortwave Radios. Plus
with the Grundig Satellit 800's you have the built-in Whip Antenna
Pre-Amplifier for add Signal Strength.

IMHO: The Size and Shape of the Grundig Satellit 800's built-in
Whip Antenna is about the Signal Gathering equivalent of one of
those 23 Feet Reel {Role-Up} Antennas that are required by most
other 'portable' AM / FM Shortwave Radios to get the same Signals
that the Grundig Satellit 800's provides with the "Mega Size" Whip
Antenna and built-in Pre-Amplifier.

QUESTION - So Why Use 'another' In-Door Active Antenna ?
When your already have "Mega Size" Whip Antenna and a
Pre-Ampliers built-in to the Grundig Satellit 800 Radio ?

First - Check-Out the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Group on YAHOO !

Second - Read any and all of these Messages about
using Antennas with the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium.

* Concerning the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium's
"Mega Size" Whip Antenna with Pre-Amplifier for
Shortwave Listening. READ "GS800M's Whip Antenna"

* One of the Grundig Satellit 800M's - Secrets for Top Perfromance

* Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Radio -
Do I Need an External Antenna ?

* Antenna Options for the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Radio
{ And the Parts that are required Cost Under $5 }

* Improving the Grundig Satellit 800 M's AM/MW Reception for DXing

* Pair of Active "InDoor" Antennas for AM/MW and SW Reception
Both work well with the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Radio.
One for AM/MW and the other for Shortwave.
hope this helps - iane ~ RHF[/quote]
  #3   Report Post  
Old June 10th 06, 12:36 AM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Looking for an Indoor Antenna for my Grundig Satellit 800 Radio

RHF wrote:
The Grundig Satellit 800 already has a built-in Pre-Amplifier
that is used with the built-in "Mega Size" Whip Antenna.
{ The Built-in Whip Antenna is an Active Antenna. ]

I have a Sat 800 and an outdoor 20-meter random wire. I keep
the whip extended and disconnect the outdoor wire when there
are storms, etc. So I am often comparing the performance of the
radio on the whip vs. the wire.

The 800 is the best-performing radio off the whip of any of the
dozens of SW radios I have. While using the outdoor wire will
usually get me an S-unit or 2 better signal strength, and a bit
less noise (there's a little hum when using the whip), for the
vast majority of the program listening I do, the whip is quite
adequate. I wouldn't expect any other indoor antenna to give
me anything better.

Now, I am in an old brick-and-wood house. If you are in a
steel-frame building or an apartment with many different
noise sources next door, your experience may differ.

73, Will

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