Originally Posted by K6KBE
I have gotten a old AM HF fishing boat transceiver that I would like to restore to 160 and 80 meter AM use. Also a Catalina 75 is in transit. I hope it is closer to the Bimini. I have found a Bimini 550 schematic and owners manual and it is close to the one I have but, unfortunately not the same. I am looking for a schematic/owners manual/service manual etc for this unit. Can anyone help?? Thanks
Regards from Mexico, i have a pearce simpson catalina 75 since new, it no transmit because the tube 12jb6 apear to be bad (when i try to transmit that tube turn on in blue color inside and cant transmit) but, if you ned photos of this nice five channel radio from inside (all components) just tell me and i will send you by mail.
Saludos กกก