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  #511   Report Post  
Old August 31st 06, 02:31 PM posted to,,,
L. L. is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 165
Default If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?

"Opus-" wrote in message

I have been watching this thread for a while and now I must join the

lots snipped

The term "investment" is very misleading. To explain my position, I am
in agreement that CW testing should go the way of the dinosaurs. I
have no problem with technical testing, as a way to ensure that
potential Hams can operate their radios properly, without causing
interference with neighbors and other Hams world wide. There is also a
safety factor, with transmitters that can kick out a LOT of
potentially dangerous power. So, technical exam = good idea.
Here in Canada, CW is not required IF you achieve at least 80% on your
technical exam. You need at least 55% WITH CW.
This seems fair, to me.

As for the "investment", not all investments are valuable. I invested
years of training to be a fully qualified mechanic. There is
considerable value in that investment, obviously, as it is my bread
and butter.

I'm not sure I recall all the other posters idea of investment - but
"mine" - was referring to the time/cost how ever little - "spent" or
"Invested" - if you will - in the way of time to study or prepare for the
exam - acquire equipment AND to actually go on the air to make use of it.
So - yes it "can" be looked as an investment - even if in a "minimal" sense
of the word.

IN the way I "think" you're referring to - as an investment towards a
"rewarding career" or leap forward into life - eh - depends on the person.
Many do NOT make electronics their lifes work. BUT, many have started from
ham (some from CB and then ham) and went on into some electronics or
electrical field. So for "them" - it "was" an investment of sorts - into
their future.

Just like another part of this thread where "memory and memorization" was
being used, hacked, slanged - the word "investment" could also go that
direction. It is all in how you want to look at it and perceive it.

Just my 2 cents!


  #512   Report Post  
Old August 31st 06, 04:49 PM posted to,,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 591
Default If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?

L. wrote:
"Opus-" wrote in message

As for the "investment", not all investments are valuable. I invested
years of training to be a fully qualified mechanic. There is
considerable value in that investment, obviously, as it is my bread
and butter.

I'm not sure I recall all the other posters idea of investment - but
"mine" - was referring to the time/cost how ever little - "spent" or
"Invested" - if you will - in the way of time to study or prepare for the
exam - acquire equipment AND to actually go on the air to make use of it.
So - yes it "can" be looked as an investment - even if in a "minimal" sense
of the word.

but that doesn't count of course like My g-5500 totor set isn't an
investment in my station

these folks are just in to what I call the "S&M" school of licensure

  #513   Report Post  
Old August 31st 06, 10:51 PM posted to,,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,027
Default If you had to use CW..., would Robesin still be an idiot?

From: on Wed, Aug 30 2006 4:48 am

On 29 Aug 2006 16:21:38 -0700, wrote:
Woody wrote:

Since I don't know this Robitussin guy, I really can't say anything in reply
to this post....

All you have to do (if you've got about 8 hours to spare) is go
through Google archives since before they bought it from
DejaNews several years ago. "Robitussin" has thousands of
postings in the same venal manner he continues to use...
especially his self-promotion as heroic USMC veteran which
he has never, ever proved through any third-party references,
digitized documents, or much of anything else other than his
own AOL home page and self-description on QRZ.

He is clearly into his own fantasy of imagined superpowers
without the aid of Stan Lee.

There's some real gems in there.

Lawsuits. Robeson sues people, or at least he says he does. In his
last lawsuit, he got an Upper Peninsula attorney gratis, then made
comments on who his free attorney's wife might be sleeping with.
Meanwhile, the person he is suing has yet to be served.

acrualywaiti ng now for 5 different lawsuits from steve

Five??? What are they for?

Class A uniforms for when Stebie joins the CAP Judge Advocate
General's office and goes on TV. :-)

"Bricks through windows, slashed tires, terrorized wives." These are
bad things that happen to people who shoot their mouths off, as some
people have been told they do. Mind you, Robesin isn't the one
throwing bricks, slashing tires, or terrorizing wives. "Other people"
do this sort of stuff.

his other selves perhaps

I wonder if they've all manifested themselves on RRAP, or if there are
others for situations at work, at home, on vacation, when in CAP

Oh, wow, what a thought! Major Dud could have his very own
newsgroup featuring all his personnae! :-)

"Dialing..." On Robesin's personal authority as a male nurse and
failed Marine, he can make a phone call anywhere in the USA and have
you picked up on his say so. Really.

yep whow much safer we are for him

Mmmmm. I don't think it works that way. Now if it were a reverse

Hey! Rebolutionary! 911 operators call Him! :-)

"PUTZ, Putz, putz" Disagree with Robesin and you are a penis with a
yiddish accent.

and then he dinies he makes sexauly based insults

Anyone whose read his posts for 5 minutes knows that's a lie.

Absolutely true. 'Robitussin' probably has an empty sex
life and takes out his frustrations on everyone else.
Something on the order of Saddam Hussein now...and about
as Yiddish as Hussein... :-)

"PEDOPHILE, Pedophile, pedophile" If you disagree with Robesin and you
give of your time to a youth group, you are a pervert.

or just breath air (witness Tood Hans and Myself)

"HOMO, Homo, homo" Disagree with Robesin and you are queer, with lots
and lots of inuendo.

that is you todd Han and scores of others

Everybody's gay.

...but morsemen aren't happy. :-(

Robesin is a national hero, taking part in seven hostile actions as a
Marine. Yet, his only overseas assignment is Okinawa. Never been
injured, but discharged after only 18 years. Says he's retired. Says
he's disabled. Says it's not medical. Says he has been rehabilitated
by the VA. "Ask the VA."

well I he=ard the army in wirtiing today They afrim the existance of
my old unit

Robesin has given so many mixed messages over the conditions of his
"discharge" that no one be;lieves him any longer.

At this stage of his fraudulent claims, without ever having
presented ANY third-party references or documents or even
personal photographs, he is caught up in his own conundrum.

If Robeson comes clean and ever shows any documentation now,
he is in for tons of remarks of his past claims that he can
never weasel out of, not even with the gratuitous personal
insults he normally uses against challengers.

If Robeson continues on his fraudulent claims, then he is
only repeating his present behavior, convincing no one, and
building only his own warped fantasy. The rest of us will be
stuck with his personal blog output.

Robesin got back into uniform as a Tennessee State Guard "officer" of
some kind. Very short lived career.

maybe that gruop held him to professional stanards unlike CAP


The duties of the Tennessee STATE Guard (not affiliated with
the National Guard) were described by them as a sort of
in-Tennessee 'custodian' of NG facilities if and only if the
NG there is activated into federal service plus being a sort-of
'military police' for that state. As quasi-MPs they would have
some ability to access federal records to confirm Robeson's
military service. On the other hand, the TN STATE Guard will
(by their own statements) accept membership by civilians.

Robesin got back into uniform as a Civil Air Patrol (CAP) "officer" of
some kind. Says he's a Major now. Photo of him in a sage green (not
blue) flight suit on his QRZ website. As far as I know, most CAP
volunteers are involved in training youth/Cadets. Hmmmm?

I know that does worry me too

Naw. It's everybody else you have to worry about.

...unless one is under the flight path of this "pilot in
command." :-)

Robesin got a vanity call, K4CAP, while in the CAP. The CAP HQ is at
Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama. Then he gave it up. Look where
his old call now resides.

Robesin got back into uniform as a male nurse. Says he doesn't wear
the white dress uniform. Probably just regular pants and a v-neck
lavendar colo[u]red top.

Robesin has military medals. He has lots of medals. Many of those
medals he didn't earn.

has he ever listed them?

Nope. I'd only be interested in the ones he earned. But that would
just raise more questions about seven hostile actions.

One doesn't get a Good Conduct Medal for fighting in a bar
outside of Camp Pendleton... :-)

Robesin used to be an ASSISTANT NCOIC of NMC MARS on Okinawa. Doesn't
know the first thing about it. Doesn't know what a MOD is.

"MARS IS Amateur Radio" according to Robesin Yup, you heard it
here first.

Wayyyy too many times... :-)

A well know amateur radio outlet had the owners daughter's photo
featured in a prominent amateur radio publication. Robesin said she
was selling "Something" but it wasn't radios. He's a swell guy.

[ NOT the way to expect a discount from that dealer... ]

Robesin can make comments all day long about how your children won't
respect you. His child died from severe birth defects and he knows
that no one will make comments about his children. He's a swell guy.

Robesin needs to talk to the wives. He needs to talk to Len's wife.
He needs to talk to my wife. He needs to talk to Mark's wife. He
wants to talk to them on the phone or in person. He wants to mail
them. He wants to knock on my door to talk to my wife and posts
partial addresses so you know to expect a visit. Now he makes jokes
about Len and Mark's wife. He's a swell guy.

I could go on, but I don't have 8 hours as Len suggests...

No? :-) It's like reading "Psychopathia Sexualis" by Kraft-
Ebbing...for fun... :-)

So what's the real beef??? I disagreed with Robesin. He doesn't like
the way I think.

prehaps it was he disliked that you THINK at all

Robeson imagined himself to be a "real" GSgt, a DILL sergeant
who GIVES orders and is immune to any criticsm. :-)

I'm not a Morse bot.

So what's the real, Real beef? I don't think the Morse Code exam
should be retained for an HF license in amateur radio.

me neither

looks liek we will win

With the tons and tons of sour grapes from these Morse Forever folks,
no one has won anything.

The morsemen have been so brainwashed into believing their own
efficacy in radio that it is impossible to "win" anything,
certainly not with the ARRL publishing house constantly implying
that morsemanship is the "best" skill an amateur could have.
Amateur morsemen are so wrapped up in their personal skill that
they are unable to come to terms with any amateur or
professional radio person who doesn't care for it. To them,
US amateur radio is ALL ABOUT manual radiotelegraphy. Tsk.

  #514   Report Post  
Old August 31st 06, 11:10 PM posted to,,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,027
Default If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?

From: Al Klein on Wed, Aug 30 2006 12:02 pm

On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 21:18:12 +0200 (CEST), George Orwell
Al Klein said:

Eliminating a requirement is dumbing things down. But no one would
expect you to be able to understand that.

Well, let me ask, from the point of view of a potential noob to the hobby. What use is the code requirements?

In lieu of any other meaningful test (and there currently is none), it
shows a willingness to put in a minimum amount of effort.

Gotta love your argument "technique," Big's your way or
the highway...! :-)

But, given that many professional people like myself are stretched for time, what good does all the licensing
and code requirements do for you besides build up boundries to doing something new and fun?

You might ask that about anything. Given that insert group here
like myself are stretched for time, what do all the requirements for
insert something here do for anyone?

Poor Big Al...he must have had a TERRIBLE time learning to be an
amateur when he was only Lil Al... :-)

I'm in a pretty technical field, and I study to keep up in that field everyday, the last thing I want to do,
is have to spend my weekends studying to talk on a radio.

So don't. Buy a CB, FRS or GMRS radio and talk all you like. Those
are the services created for folks who just want to talk on the radio.

Seems like that's all the extras and generals I hear on HF
doing...just talking on the radio... :-)

If less stringent requirements were there, I could
easily afford the tools of the trade, and would like to just jump in and start working with a ham setup. I'm
particularly interested in exploring the amateur radio/computer connections.

You won't like that - you'll have to devote a lot of your precious
time to learning things - electronics, both theoretical and practical,
programming, reading a waterfall display, keeping your signal
distortion-free ...

You can't just plug a radio into a computer and start using them.
Digital communications doesn't work if you do it that way.

No? You mean you can't buy a rig from HRO, unbox it, and
connect it, and have it work right away? :-)

There's several transceivers on the market that DO that,
Big Al. Have you kept up with radio technology since
Spark was outlawed?

Can you give me valid reasons as to what useful purpose in today's age they serve?

No, since someone who wants instant gratification can't be bothered to
listen to why that's the wrong way to do something. Your time is
probably much to valuable to spend it learning enough to understand
why you can't learn enough in an instant.

Go memorize some test answers, get a code-free tech, hook your
computer up to your radio and, in 6 months, you'll have your radio up
for sale on eBay, because "it doesn't really work".

Is eBay where you sold your radios, Big Al? :-)

Hey, Big Al, have you written the QPC yet about those simple,
easy-to-memorize questions on writtens? No? Why not?

Have you written the FCC yet about the anyone-can-get-a-ham-
license and tell 'em "what for?" [it's easy to submit a
petition to get back to them good ol days you want, FCC tells
you the procedure on their website] No? Why not?

Maybe you ought to write your congressperson, then. Tell THEM
that US amateur radio testing has gone down (your imaginative)
toilet and DEMAND that something be DOME about it!

You sure are ANGRY about things, Big Al. Maybe you need some
tranquilizers or mental therapy? No, you say? Okay, then I'll
just put you down in the Cranky Old Coot category. Here, have
a Foxtrot Uniform with my best wishes... :-)

  #515   Report Post  
Old September 1st 06, 02:06 AM posted to,,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 4,113
Default If you saw KB9RQZ next to a large mud puddle would you drive close and splash him?

wrote in :

On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 23:21:34 GMT, Slow Code wrote:

wrote in

On 30 Aug 2006 04:48:26 -0700,
but you are a bad one wanting to take away the preledges other earned
for themselves

You don't want to earn radio "preledges" Mark. You're too lazy to put
forth an effort to earn them.


  #516   Report Post  
Old September 1st 06, 02:23 AM posted to,,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,554
Default If you had to use CW..., would Robesin still be an idiot?

From: on Wed, Aug 30 2006 4:48 am

On 29 Aug 2006 16:21:38 -0700, wrote:
Woody wrote:

Since I don't know this Robitussin guy, I really can't say anything in reply
to this post....

All you have to do (if you've got about 8 hours to spare) is go
through Google archives since before they bought it from
DejaNews several years ago. "Robitussin" has thousands of
postings in the same venal manner he continues to use...
especially his self-promotion as heroic USMC veteran which
he has never, ever proved through any third-party references,
digitized documents, or much of anything else other than his
own AOL home page and self-description on QRZ.

He is clearly into his own fantasy of imagined superpowers
without the aid of Stan Lee.

There's some real gems in there.

Lawsuits. Robeson sues people, or at least he says he does. In his
last lawsuit, he got an Upper Peninsula attorney gratis, then made
comments on who his free attorney's wife might be sleeping with.
Meanwhile, the person he is suing has yet to be served.

acrualywaiti ng now for 5 different lawsuits from steve

Five??? What are they for?

Class A uniforms for when Stebie joins the CAP Judge Advocate
General's office and goes on TV. :-)

The CAP has a JAG? I think robesin just likes to collect suits.

I'm going to have to find an organization chart and locate the JAG's

"Bricks through windows, slashed tires, terrorized wives." These are
bad things that happen to people who shoot their mouths off, as some
people have been told they do. Mind you, Robesin isn't the one
throwing bricks, slashing tires, or terrorizing wives. "Other people"
do this sort of stuff.

his other selves perhaps

I wonder if they've all manifested themselves on RRAP, or if there are
others for situations at work, at home, on vacation, when in CAP

Oh, wow, what a thought! Major Dud could have his very own
newsgroup featuring all his personnae! :-)

Sgt York-Robesin and Chesty Puller-Robesin. And probably Sgt
Schultz-Robesin from Hogan's Heroes, and Corporal Agarn-Robesin from

Then there's Walter Mitty-Robesin from fiction.

"Dialing..." On Robesin's personal authority as a male nurse and
failed Marine, he can make a phone call anywhere in the USA and have
you picked up on his say so. Really.

yep whow much safer we are for him

Mmmmm. I don't think it works that way. Now if it were a reverse

Hey! Rebolutionary! 911 operators call Him! :-)

He knows everything. But he'll never get the call.

He taught the 911 Ops that there's a dash between the digits, i.e.,
9-1-1, and they can't find the dash on th{i]er dialpads, even in

"PUTZ, Putz, putz" Disagree with Robesin and you are a penis with a
yiddish accent.

and then he dinies he makes sexauly based insults

Anyone whose read his posts for 5 minutes knows that's a lie.

Absolutely true. 'Robitussin' probably has an empty sex
life and takes out his frustrations on everyone else.
Something on the order of Saddam Hussein now...and about
as Yiddish as Hussein... :-)

Queezay and Oooday had a rape room. Don't know if Saddam participated.

Perhaps if robesin had been captured on one of his seven hostile forays
behind enemy lines, we might have known the truth about Saddam.

"PEDOPHILE, Pedophile, pedophile" If you disagree with Robesin and you
give of your time to a youth group, you are a pervert.

or just breath air (witness Tood Hans and Myself)

"HOMO, Homo, homo" Disagree with Robesin and you are queer, with lots
and lots of inuendo.
that is you todd Han and scores of others

Everybody's gay.

...but morsemen aren't happy. :-(

It's not the Gay 90's anymore. But maybe before the 1st decade of the
new millenium lets out, we'll have a decision from the FCC.

Robesin is a national hero, taking part in seven hostile actions as a
Marine. Yet, his only overseas assignment is Okinawa. Never been
injured, but discharged after only 18 years. Says he's retired. Says
he's disabled. Says it's not medical. Says he has been rehabilitated
by the VA. "Ask the VA."

well I he=ard the army in wirtiing today They afrim the existance of
my old unit

Robesin has given so many mixed messages over the conditions of his
"discharge" that no one be;lieves him any longer.

At this stage of his fraudulent claims, without ever having
presented ANY third-party references or documents or even
personal photographs, he is caught up in his own conundrum.

The sad thing is, even if he were to finally tell the truth no one
would believe him.

If Robeson comes clean and ever shows any documentation now,
he is in for tons of remarks of his past claims that he can
never weasel out of, not even with the gratuitous personal
insults he normally uses against challengers.

And so, robesin can never come clean. He will go to his grave with
lies heaped up, pushing up the daisies.

If Robeson continues on his fraudulent claims, then he is
only repeating his present behavior, convincing no one, and
building only his own warped fantasy. The rest of us will be
stuck with his personal blog output.

We know better. We are stuck with nothing, the nothing that is

Robesin got back into uniform as a Tennessee State Guard "officer" of
some kind. Very short lived career.

maybe that gruop held him to professional stanards unlike CAP


The duties of the Tennessee STATE Guard (not affiliated with
the National Guard) were described by them as a sort of
in-Tennessee 'custodian' of NG facilities if and only if the
NG there is activated into federal service plus being a sort-of
'military police' for that state. As quasi-MPs they would have
some ability to access federal records to confirm Robeson's
military service. On the other hand, the TN STATE Guard will
(by their own statements) accept membership by civilians.

So they would be free to raid the armory? Yikes!

Robesin got back into uniform as a Civil Air Patrol (CAP) "officer" of
some kind. Says he's a Major now. Photo of him in a sage green (not
blue) flight suit on his QRZ website. As far as I know, most CAP
volunteers are involved in training youth/Cadets. Hmmmm?

I know that does worry me too

Naw. It's everybody else you have to worry about.

...unless one is under the flight path of this "pilot in
command." :-)

I pity anyone under that flight path. They don't know the danger they
might be in.

And the CAP and American Taxpayers are liable.

Robesin got a vanity call, K4CAP, while in the CAP. The CAP HQ is at
Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama. Then he gave it up. Look where
his old call now resides.

Robesin got back into uniform as a male nurse. Says he doesn't wear
the white dress uniform. Probably just regular pants and a v-neck
lavendar colo[u]red top.

Robesin has military medals. He has lots of medals. Many of those
medals he didn't earn.

has he ever listed them?

Nope. I'd only be interested in the ones he earned. But that would
just raise more questions about seven hostile actions.

One doesn't get a Good Conduct Medal for fighting in a bar
outside of Camp Pendleton... :-)

Probably why he rests his chin on his chest. Can't hold it high.

Robesin used to be an ASSISTANT NCOIC of NMC MARS on Okinawa. Doesn't
know the first thing about it. Doesn't know what a MOD is.

"MARS IS Amateur Radio" according to Robesin Yup, you heard it
here first.

Wayyyy too many times... :-)

Froot Loops.

A well know amateur radio outlet had the owners daughter's photo
featured in a prominent amateur radio publication. Robesin said she
was selling "Something" but it wasn't radios. He's a swell guy.

[ NOT the way to expect a discount from that dealer... ]

I'm sure that that amateur radio dealer became aware of robesin's

Robesin can make comments all day long about how your children won't
respect you. His child died from severe birth defects and he knows
that no one will make comments about his children. He's a swell guy.

Robesin needs to talk to the wives. He needs to talk to Len's wife.
He needs to talk to my wife. He needs to talk to Mark's wife. He
wants to talk to them on the phone or in person. He wants to mail
them. He wants to knock on my door to talk to my wife and posts
partial addresses so you know to expect a visit. Now he makes jokes
about Len and Mark's wife. He's a swell guy.

I could go on, but I don't have 8 hours as Len suggests...

No? :-) It's like reading "Psychopathia Sexualis" by Kraft-
Ebbing...for fun... :-)

Ordinary sex is good enough for me.

So what's the real beef??? I disagreed with Robesin. He doesn't like
the way I think.

prehaps it was he disliked that you THINK at all

Robeson imagined himself to be a "real" GSgt, a DILL sergeant
who GIVES orders and is immune to any criticsm. :-)

Sorry Anderson Amateur Radio IS NOT Boot Camp!

I'm not a Morse bot.

So what's the real, Real beef? I don't think the Morse Code exam
should be retained for an HF license in amateur radio.

me neither

looks liek we will win

With the tons and tons of sour grapes from these Morse Forever folks,
no one has won anything.

The morsemen have been so brainwashed into believing their own
efficacy in radio that it is impossible to "win" anything,
certainly not with the ARRL publishing house constantly implying
that morsemanship is the "best" skill an amateur could have.
Amateur morsemen are so wrapped up in their personal skill that
they are unable to come to terms with any amateur or
professional radio person who doesn't care for it. To them,
US amateur radio is ALL ABOUT manual radiotelegraphy. Tsk.

The day of reckoning is coming.

  #517   Report Post  
Old September 1st 06, 04:28 AM posted to,,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,027
Default If you had to use CW..., would Robesin still be an idiot?

From: on Wed, Aug 30 2006 4:48 am

On 29 Aug 2006 16:21:38 -0700, wrote:
Woody wrote:

Since I don't know this Robitussin guy, I really can't say anything in reply
to this post....

All you have to do (if you've got about 8 hours to spare) is go
through Google archives since before they bought it from
DejaNews several years ago. "Robitussin" has thousands of
postings in the same venal manner he continues to use...
especially his self-promotion as heroic USMC veteran which
he has never, ever proved through any third-party references,
digitized documents, or much of anything else other than his
own AOL home page and self-description on QRZ.

He is clearly into his own fantasy of imagined superpowers
without the aid of Stan Lee.

There's some real gems in there.

Lawsuits. Robeson sues people, or at least he says he does. In his
last lawsuit, he got an Upper Peninsula attorney gratis, then made
comments on who his free attorney's wife might be sleeping with.
Meanwhile, the person he is suing has yet to be served.

acrualywaiti ng now for 5 different lawsuits from steve

Five??? What are they for?

Class A uniforms for when Stebie joins the CAP Judge Advocate
General's office and goes on TV. :-)

The CAP has a JAG? I think robesin just likes to collect suits.

He loves UNIFORMS, Brian, not suits. ANY uniform. :-)

I'm going to have to find an organization chart and locate the JAG's

I was jesting on the "JAG" part. :-) Robeson-Robesin has been on
such a jag trying to impress folks (as a fraud) that his posts have
enough material for at least two seasons of "JAG - a personal

"Bricks through windows, slashed tires, terrorized wives." These are
bad things that happen to people who shoot their mouths off, as some
people have been told they do. Mind you, Robesin isn't the one
throwing bricks, slashing tires, or terrorizing wives. "Other people"
do this sort of stuff.

his other selves perhaps

I wonder if they've all manifested themselves on RRAP, or if there are
others for situations at work, at home, on vacation, when in CAP

Oh, wow, what a thought! Major Dud could have his very own
newsgroup featuring all his personnae! :-)

Sgt York-Robesin and Chesty Puller-Robesin. And probably Sgt
Schultz-Robesin from Hogan's Heroes, and Corporal Agarn-Robesin from

Then there's Walter Mitty-Robesin from fiction.

Don't forget the skirt-wearing guy from MASH. :-)

"Dialing..." On Robesin's personal authority as a male nurse and
failed Marine, he can make a phone call anywhere in the USA and have
you picked up on his say so. Really.

yep whow much safer we are for him

Mmmmm. I don't think it works that way. Now if it were a reverse

Hey! Rebolutionary! 911 operators call Him! :-)

He knows everything. But he'll never get the call.

He taught the 911 Ops that there's a dash between the digits, i.e.,
9-1-1, and they can't find the dash on th{i]er dialpads, even in


"PUTZ, Putz, putz" Disagree with Robesin and you are a penis with a
yiddish accent.

and then he dinies he makes sexauly based insults

Anyone whose read his posts for 5 minutes knows that's a lie.

Absolutely true. 'Robitussin' probably has an empty sex
life and takes out his frustrations on everyone else.
Something on the order of Saddam Hussein now...and about
as Yiddish as Hussein... :-)

Queezay and Oooday had a rape room. Don't know if Saddam participated.

Them's Hussein sons? Could they do morse code? :-)

Perhaps if robesin had been captured on one of his seven hostile forays
behind enemy lines, we might have known the truth about Saddam.

"PEDOPHILE, Pedophile, pedophile" If you disagree with Robesin and you
give of your time to a youth group, you are a pervert.

or just breath air (witness Tood Hans and Myself)

"HOMO, Homo, homo" Disagree with Robesin and you are queer, with lots
and lots of inuendo.
that is you todd Han and scores of others

Everybody's gay.

...but morsemen aren't happy. :-(

It's not the Gay 90's anymore. But maybe before the 1st decade of the
new millenium lets out, we'll have a decision from the FCC.

Maybe. Who knows what the ARRL backroom boys are doing in DC?

Robesin is a national hero, taking part in seven hostile actions as a
Marine. Yet, his only overseas assignment is Okinawa. Never been
injured, but discharged after only 18 years. Says he's retired. Says
he's disabled. Says it's not medical. Says he has been rehabilitated
by the VA. "Ask the VA."

well I he=ard the army in wirtiing today They afrim the existance of
my old unit

Robesin has given so many mixed messages over the conditions of his
"discharge" that no one be;lieves him any longer.

At this stage of his fraudulent claims, without ever having
presented ANY third-party references or documents or even
personal photographs, he is caught up in his own conundrum.

The sad thing is, even if he were to finally tell the truth no one
would believe him.

That's one of my points...

If Robeson comes clean and ever shows any documentation now,
he is in for tons of remarks of his past claims that he can
never weasel out of, not even with the gratuitous personal
insults he normally uses against challengers.

And so, robesin can never come clean. He will go to his grave with
lies heaped up, pushing up the daisies.

"Hedgerow flowers," Brian, also known as weeds...

If Robeson continues on his fraudulent claims, then he is
only repeating his present behavior, convincing no one, and
building only his own warped fantasy. The rest of us will be
stuck with his personal blog output.

We know better. We are stuck with nothing, the nothing that is

We got plenty o' nuthin... [from the song]

Robesin got back into uniform as a Tennessee State Guard "officer" of
some kind. Very short lived career.

maybe that gruop held him to professional stanards unlike CAP


The duties of the Tennessee STATE Guard (not affiliated with
the National Guard) were described by them as a sort of
in-Tennessee 'custodian' of NG facilities if and only if the
NG there is activated into federal service plus being a sort-of
'military police' for that state. As quasi-MPs they would have
some ability to access federal records to confirm Robeson's
military service. On the other hand, the TN STATE Guard will
(by their own statements) accept membership by civilians.

So they would be free to raid the armory? Yikes!

The armories would no doubt be empty if full activation happens.

Prolly better quarters for their monthly meetings, though...

Robesin got back into uniform as a Civil Air Patrol (CAP) "officer" of
some kind. Says he's a Major now. Photo of him in a sage green (not
blue) flight suit on his QRZ website. As far as I know, most CAP
volunteers are involved in training youth/Cadets. Hmmmm?

I know that does worry me too

Naw. It's everybody else you have to worry about.

...unless one is under the flight path of this "pilot in
command." :-)

I pity anyone under that flight path. They don't know the danger they
might be in.

And the CAP and American Taxpayers are liable.

Well, be thankful we aren't in TN.

Robesin got a vanity call, K4CAP, while in the CAP. The CAP

HQ is at
Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama. Then he gave it up. Look where
his old call now resides.

Robesin got back into uniform as a male nurse. Says he doesn't wear
the white dress uniform. Probably just regular pants and a v-neck
lavendar colo[u]red top.

Robesin has military medals. He has lots of medals. Many of those
medals he didn't earn.

has he ever listed them?

Nope. I'd only be interested in the ones he earned. But that would
just raise more questions about seven hostile actions.

One doesn't get a Good Conduct Medal for fighting in a bar
outside of Camp Pendleton... :-)

Probably why he rests his chin on his chest. Can't hold it high.

Sounds plausible...

Robesin used to be an ASSISTANT NCOIC of NMC MARS on Okinawa. Doesn't
know the first thing about it. Doesn't know what a MOD is.

"MARS IS Amateur Radio" according to Robesin Yup, you heard it
here first.

Wayyyy too many times... :-)

Froot Loops.

We've been exposed to his cereal killing of the truth...

A well know amateur radio outlet had the owners daughter's photo
featured in a prominent amateur radio publication. Robesin said she
was selling "Something" but it wasn't radios. He's a swell guy.

[ NOT the way to expect a discount from that dealer... ]

I'm sure that that amateur radio dealer became aware of robesin's

Tsk on me, I missed those exchanges.

Robesin can make comments all day long about how your children won't
respect you. His child died from severe birth defects and he knows
that no one will make comments about his children. He's a swell guy.

Robesin needs to talk to the wives. He needs to talk to Len's wife.
He needs to talk to my wife. He needs to talk to Mark's wife. He
wants to talk to them on the phone or in person. He wants to mail
them. He wants to knock on my door to talk to my wife and posts
partial addresses so you know to expect a visit. Now he makes jokes
about Len and Mark's wife. He's a swell guy.

I could go on, but I don't have 8 hours as Len suggests...

No? :-) It's like reading "Psychopathia Sexualis" by Kraft-
Ebbing...for fun... :-)

Ordinary sex is good enough for me.

I think Robeson wants to experience OTHERS' sex lives...

So what's the real beef??? I disagreed with Robesin. He doesn't like
the way I think.

prehaps it was he disliked that you THINK at all

Robeson imagined himself to be a "real" GSgt, a DILL sergeant
who GIVES orders and is immune to any criticsm. :-)

Sorry Anderson Amateur Radio IS NOT Boot Camp!

Guess the wannabe DILL sergeant told me, huh? :-)

I'm not a Morse bot.

So what's the real, Real beef? I don't think the Morse Code exam
should be retained for an HF license in amateur radio.

me neither

looks liek we will win

With the tons and tons of sour grapes from these Morse Forever folks,
no one has won anything.

The morsemen have been so brainwashed into believing their own
efficacy in radio that it is impossible to "win" anything,
certainly not with the ARRL publishing house constantly implying
that morsemanship is the "best" skill an amateur could have.
Amateur morsemen are so wrapped up in their personal skill that
they are unable to come to terms with any amateur or
professional radio person who doesn't care for it. To them,
US amateur radio is ALL ABOUT manual radiotelegraphy. Tsk.

The day of reckoning is coming.

Ah reckon y'all are raht... :-)

  #518   Report Post  
Old September 1st 06, 10:11 PM posted to,,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,027
Default If you had to use CW..., would Robesin still be an idiot?

From: on Thurs, Aug 31 2006 8:27 pm


At this stage of his fraudulent claims, without ever having
presented ANY third-party references or documents or even
personal photographs, he is caught up in his own conundrum.

The sad thing is, even if he were to finally tell the truth no one
would believe him.

That's one of my points...

indeed ut if he told something convincing enough I might pretend to
believe just for the sake of peace

So far, Robeson has NOT been convincing. He IMPLIES and ALLUDES
to things but hardly ever states anything outright and then
never with any referencible sources that anyone can access.

Robeson has tried to construct an edifice, indeed almost a
temple in which we should all venerate his mighty
accomplishments AND, at the same time, has leveled barrages
of personal insults and deragatory accusations against all
challengers. That latter action negated his mighty
constructs and established his fraud. That 'edifice' has
to be torn down...if for no other reason than being an
eyesore to us in his field of dreams.

The duties of the Tennessee STATE Guard (not affiliated with
the National Guard) were described by them as a sort of
in-Tennessee 'custodian' of NG facilities if and only if the
NG there is activated into federal service plus being a sort-of
'military police' for that state. As quasi-MPs they would have
some ability to access federal records to confirm Robeson's
military service. On the other hand, the TN STATE Guard will
(by their own statements) accept membership by civilians.

So they would be free to raid the armory? Yikes!

The armories would no doubt be empty if full activation happens.

well they would be defending things like the kitchen sinks and the

In reality, the STATE Guards (not all states have them) are
little more than state political constructs to enable a few
to play soldier and otherwise establish their machismo. Part
of that is the ever-present "conspiracy theory" coupled with
some kind of imaginative armageddon scenario of a doomed
future where everything in a state is in ruins or anarchy but
the "state guard" can step in and "restore order."

The curious thing about the latter is that some of the Believers
in the efficacy of morsemanship think in the same manner...that
only amateur radio survives the worst emergency and that only
morsemanship can be used to call for help. That is patently
absurd in light of reality but founded on the mythos of morse
that grew following the Titanic disaster of 94 years ago.

As to fully-activated National Guard units, the states have
various plans to keep the NG structures and land intact,
usually using civilian personnel (law enforcement, probably)
and that does not require a lot of personnel. In the field
of communications for the REAL public safety agencies, those
agencies are well-supplied with many forms of communication
of their own (outnumbering amateur licensees according to EIA
data of about 15 years ago) that is NOT part of the "telephone
infrastructure" that many ham-patriots erroneously think
"always fails in an emergency." Most public safety agencies
in the USA have established emergency-scenario plans and
they periodically train/drill for those procedures. Very few
amateur radio local organizations do that.

A well know amateur radio outlet had the owners daughter's photo
featured in a prominent amateur radio publication. Robesin said she
was selling "Something" but it wasn't radios. He's a swell guy.

[ NOT the way to expect a discount from that dealer... ]

I'm sure that that amateur radio dealer became aware of robesin's

Tsk on me, I missed those exchanges.

me too

For several months past I simply did not bother accessing Google
for this newsgroup. It was a waste of time when the macho
middle-school mental-adolescents came in and talked trash and
filth to anyone. How many of those anony-mousies were actual
amateur radio licensees is unknown and irrelevant. The known
licensed amateurs just didn't do anything about them. That
presents a very BIG negative on the amateurs' ability "to
police their own." They couldn't. They can't despite their
brags about such "policing."

Robeson once made claims that he was IN one of the local Los
Angeles HRO stores, with "friends while visiting them." A big
problem with that was that was his claimed time-line and NOT
being able to describe, even in minor detail, the locations
or the surrounding territory. The first HRO in northern L.A.
was in Van Nuys, CA, in the center of the San Fernando Valley.
[bought my Icom R70 there years ago] That HRO moved to
Burbank, CA, a few years ago, at the corner of Buena Vista
and Victory (a major intersection with shops at all four
corners). It is across the street from a relatively new
food supermarket having a huge elevated sign visible from
all four corners. Robeson could not describe that sign, let
alone the location, even though it was easily visible (he
didn't name the supermarket). It is very familiar to me since
my wife and I shop there regularly. Robeson couldn't name a
single store in the mini-mall across the street from the
market even though there's a Radio Shack outlet next to that
HRO. That HRO has now moved again (they had a window sign
announcing that for weeks) and we will see if Robeson wants
to repeat all of his lies about being in any one of them. :-)

Robeson imagined himself to be a "real" GSgt, a DILL sergeant
who GIVES orders and is immune to any criticsm. :-)

Sorry Anderson Amateur Radio IS NOT Boot Camp!

Guess the wannabe DILL sergeant told me, huh? :-)

well real boot camp would pleasenter than what Robesin would devise

I know Boot camp was accuauly the most fun I had in the army

Brian and I were being sarcastic about "boot camp." The
US Army and the USAF *never* had "boot camp." In those
branches is was called BASIC TRAINING. It still is and
is usually referred to familiarly as just "Basic."

I "took Basic" at Camp Gordon (now Fort Gordon) which was
in 1952 a Signal Corps center and now THE Center for Army
Signal Corps. We had to learn basic infantryman
soldiering, how to "close with the enemy and destroy
them." No fun in that part of Georgia near Agusta. The
only communications taught in Basic were courier duties
and connecting/using an EE-8 Field Telephone plus laying
field wire (real grunt work carrying that auto-pay-out
wire box on a back pack). After 8 weeks of Basic we were
assigned to Signal Schools...Field Radio and TTY at
Gordon, radar-microwave-photography at Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
For me, "fun" didn't begin until Monmouth and the ability
to actually handle radios, examine their guts and theory,
use them on the air.

Things have changed greatly in military communications
since 54 years ago. The Field Radio MOS long since became
extinct and with it the need to learn manual radio-
telegraphy. HF radio is still taught but more as an
adjunct to VHF radios common from small units to battalion
level...the SINCGARS family of digital voice/data, optional
frequency-hopping and encrypted modes with a quarter million
produced since 1989 and all be replaced
soon with a compatible but upgraded family of radios with
more and better features. HT-sized SINCGARS-compatible
radios are being used in Iraq and Afghanistan now (you can
see them on news telecasts). The ONLY radiotelegraphy
classes are centered at the Military Intelligence School
at Ft. Huachuca and that for (passive, listening-only)
Intercept Analysis purposes, not communications.

Some non-active or never-serving morsemen in here have
insisted that Special Forces "use" radiotelegraphy since
a Special Forces Communications Sergeant MOS is required
to know that. Special Forces are very macho in image
but they, like the USN SEALs, are a very small group of
specialists, for (as their name implies) Special
operations. The major Army and land-force marines effort
is done by regular land soldiers. "Behind the lines"
(quaint euphemism) comms can be done by regular land
signal units by encrypted data over VHF-UHF, relay by
aircraft or satellite, extemely hard to intercept. Even
in the 1990 First Gulf War there was no "CW" used from
"Behind enemy lines." The AN/PSC-3 did that or, in a
few locations inside Iraq, by VHF voice or data.

The extreme mobility of USA land forces now, and in 1990,
is described in the many land-forces reports done on the
First Gulf War, namely Operation "73-Easting." The final
hundred hours of the First Gulf War outdid the best
panzerfaust actions of Rommel in North Africa of 1942-
1943. About two orders of magnitude better. One thing
that the American military did copy from Rommel's units
was "Nevis" or NVIS, Near Vertical Incidence Skywave,
short-distance ionospheric bounce that some hams deride
as "cloud burning." Nevis works rather well and has been
a field procedure in USA-USMC-USAF land-to-land comms for
at least a quarter century.

World War 2 was over 61 years ago. Vietnam War was
over 33 years go. The First Gulf War started (and
finished almost as quickly) 16 years ago. The Korean
War went into a state of perpetual Truce 53 years ago.
Amateur morsemen still gorge their imaginations on
the Titanic disaster CW comms of 94 years ago. Time
has gone on and technology has changed...for all but
those hidebound morsemen are still pipe-dreaming their
imagined glory and self-steam after watching old WW2
movies on late-night TV, demanding that future amateurs
learn morse to defend their homeland. :-)

  #520   Report Post  
Old September 2nd 06, 04:30 AM posted to,,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 1,590
Default trolling right along

Slow Code wrote:
wrote in :

You might have gotten some priviledges, but that was only because ham
radio has been dumbed down and you didn't have to make an effort to earn

funy how for all you claim to be better than I and better than those
that agree with me on code tesing Our view is going to prevail

trolling right along

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