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![]() Fred Hambrecht wrote: If you read beyond that line, you would have seen I was fulfilling the expectations of the no code troll... you were the stand procode jerk you mean |
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![]() Fred HaFrom: Fred Hambrecht on Sat, Sep 2 2006 6:02 pm I extend fellowship to REAL hams, you no code idiots are not hams, simply CBers that have the ability to read at a third grade level. Tsk, tsk, Fred. Had you been able to read RRAP before, you'd know I have no amateur license, only a commercial one. :-) So, you think that US amateur radio is defined ONLY by morsemanship? Of course you do. You are unable to cope with any other definition. The FCC doesn't think so, Congenial Fred. Only you and the rabid olde-tyme morsemen think so. Everyone serves a purpose, even if only as a bad example... You fill that bill to a "T" Congenial Fred. :-) No code, non showering, non intellectial, whiners holding welfare licenses meet that criteria to a "T". "Non showering?" :-) Shirley, you can think of some metaphor better than that! :-) "Non intellectial?" Oh, you mean 'non intellectual." Tsk, tsk, Congenial Fred, if you wish to appear 'intellectual' you really ought to learn to spell correctly... :-) "Whiners?" Poor congenial Fred, can't understand that there are several valid reasons being held by the majority AGAINST morse code testing. You want to impose YOUR imperial will on the majority... Tsk, tsk, not a nice democratic principle idea. "Welfare licenses?" I got my First 'Phone in 1956, one test session at the Chicago Field Office of the FCC. Had to pay my own way in on the train. No snow, ground was level, and I kept my shoes on the whole time. Guess that isn't near as good as all them olde-tymers in the ham boonies, huh? :-) Now that you have been responded to in the manner you accuse all code able hams of, you may cease your trolling... Fred, you've shown yourself to be a first class morse BIGOT, one with a totally closed mind who lives in the past. But, that's not unusual among some of you kids (your birth year is 1939 but mine is earlier). After you hit the magic 65-year mark you go all shirty and start whining yourself about how "tough" YOU had it and how "loyal and principled" you are and how the "younger generation is no damn good" because they don't like YOUR ideals of a long-ago youth. I know, I've seen it hundreds of times...and am damn glad I never succumbed to such mental sickness. :-) Oh, and I do NOT "accuse all code able hams" of anything, only YOU, Fred Hambrecht, and all the other morsemen bigots who trash-mouth everyone who doesn't care for morsemanship. I don't "troll," congenial Fred, I CATCH. I've presented my views before the FCC clearly, logically, with facts researched and noted. Many times. I don't sing praises about morse code or testing for the simple reason that there's no praise for either. I don't really give a flip one way or another if you ever know code, I just wish the bunch of you would stop playing "pity me" and lamenting the fact you do not have a no code Jesse Jackson type to take up your cause. Tsk, are you a racial bigot ALSO? I'm not black, congenial Fred, don't fake any religious titles nor academic titles nor the usual bragging bull**** common to so many amateurs. I've been on this planet longer than you have and made my own way without asking for welfare. Up yours and enjoy your food stamps. Well, maybe no "Jesse Jackson" but you pro-code-test mavens DO have the Church of St. Hiram on your side plus all the Brother Believers in Newington alla time singing the praises of "cee-double-yew" that all good maxim-fearers must follow. To the letter. To a "T." You have a license, enjoy it and if you don't care to learn the code, someday you won't have to. I have a license, Freddie baby, but it NEVER had any requirement to learn morsemanship skills. I've had other FCC licenses, Freddie, and those didn't have any need to learn code. Of course those were all commercial-professional, not the mighty amateur kind (which you no doubt consider much, much more valuable). Freddie booby, 53 1/2 years ago the US Army had me and several others starting to operate HF transmitters of higher output power than was ever allowed to amateurs. NO license test needed. NO morsemanship skills needed...NO morse code modes were used to keep dozens of circuits open 24/7. I didn't have to know or learn morsemanship over a half century ago and haven't needed it in all the time up to now. You come along like some adolescent male and talk trash to me and other no-code-test advocates and say I "must?" Oh, my, you must think your morsemanship skills are super-macho with superpowers! In the mean time shut up with the whining and get on with life. Shut your own, bigot Freddie. You get NO breaks acting like a morseman bigot. Bigots don't deserve any civility. "My life" is going on just dandy without you, Freddie. Try to stay out of it. Intrude on it and you get stepped on. The license is only worth the investment you have in it, no effort - no value! Oh, wow, trotting out the "moral paragon" ploy are you? :-) Sounds like you are getting ready to enter the seminary at the blessed Church of St. Hiram! If you spent half the time learning as you do bitching you would be at 40 WPM. One "learns" a psycho-motor skill? :-) It is DEVELOPED, Freddie boy, isn't one damn thing "intellectual" about it. Pressing the government for a change in certain laws, such as the regulations concerning amateur radio licensing, isn't "bitching," colonial Fred. It is simply a democratic process to change archaic laws and regulations that have no use today. But, you fear change. Such might detract from your mighty self-image of an amateur morseman, god of radio, and ruler of the ham-ways. :-) Or is it that you want to CONTROL others, have them do as YOU command and to hell with democratic principles of law? Clarify that for us, Freddie, you seem to be swinging both ways. Freddie, there is zero-point-zero interest in "learning" any psycho's motor skill in this new millennium. It isn't used for communications in any other radio service under USA regulations and won't be...except in the time-retarded imaginations of some US radio amateurs who dream of ever- lasting glory of the beeperman. There is one helluvalot MORE INTERESTING, INTELLECTUAL things to do in learning the theory behind the front panel. Don't speak blithering drivel about "beauty and majesty" of monotonic on-off tones while caressing your vibroplex...the only "theory" there is turning something on and turning something off. You can do that with a buzzer if it turns you on so strong. You want to do 40 words per minute using morse? Fine. Go for it. I've been doing ONE HUNDRED TIMES that with data and that's at a slow speed. The world's comms aren't about manual telegraphy, Freddie, that's a long-past time that began before you and I were born. It is OLD stuff. Now you go right ahead and enjoy your "ARS" (Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society). I'm sure you feel all authoritative with your federal AMATEUR license and all. Tell everyone you are "federally authorized." Invite your friend and neighbors in to view your mighty license certificates (suitable for framing). Feel proud for you are a MORSEMAN! [god of radio, ruler of the ham-ways, etc., etc., etc.] Beep, beep |
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![]() Fred Hambrecht wrote: If you read beyond that line, you would have seen I was fulfilling the expectations of the no code troll... Mr Benevolent Congeniality, while it may be your desire to fulfill the wishes ot the no-code troll, there are just too many trolls on RRAP. I you go around and start fufilling the expectations of all trolls, this newsgroup will end up being trashed and unreadable. Do you want that on your conscience? |
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![]() K4YZ wrote: wrote: Fred Hambrecht wrote: We are better than you! Was there ever any doubt? If you can't learn code you are not only stupid but lazy as well! You have a welfare license, shut up and enjoy what was given to your whining ass... Mr Congenialty has spoken. (snare-drum rim shot....) N0IMD has spoken. Steve, K4YZ ("in the navy" playing) The War Hero has spoken/ |
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Wah! Wah! Wah! Boo fricken Hoo... the mean old coder is picking on me... Get
a life! Anyone that can get that emotional over not getting their way has more issues than not being able to copy code. You may want to consult a mental health worker... "an old friend" wrote in message ups.com... Fred Hambrecht wrote: If you read beyond that line, you would have seen I was fulfilling the expectations of the no code troll... you were the stand procode jerk you mean |
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From: on Sun, Sep 3 2006 6:17 am
wrote: From: on Sat, Sep 2 2006 3:43 pm Fred Hambrecht wrote: We are better than you! Was there ever any doubt? If you can't learn code you are not only stupid but lazy as well! You have a welfare license, shut up and enjoy what was given to your whining ass... Mr Congenialty has spoken. Brian, sudden realization! We may have found the illegitimate biological father of Stebie Robeson! Same ego, same "better than you" bad attitude, same lack of good fellowship, same 9-year-old's sass, same-o same-o! Incredible! Then again he may be a cousin to that anony-mousie "Slow Code." Lots of inbreeding going on in the morsemen ranks. The family tree has few branches. The roots are dead, petrified (of change). I wonder where Jimmy Noserve is hiding? Fred said "shut up!" Jimmy would have a hissy fit if'n he saw that...:-) I wonder where robesin is hiding? Fred said "ass..." Jimmie Noserve showed up with his bimonthly Numbers (his period on?)...still trying to "prove" that Technician class licensees aren't really no-coders. :-) Robeson showed up wondering who "Robesin" is...only proving that the poor guy can't realize it is himself. He always was illiterate in regards to alliteration. Welp, if Fred had a tour in Ohio as an Army recruiter back in the 70s... Ya know, that always bothered me. Why would an ex-NAVY person be "recruiting for the ARMY"? [explanation for the trash-mouth newcomers: Robesin once claimed - in here - that was what his late father did, but didn't say when or exactly where] The Army has always used active-duty Army NCOs for such tasks since before 1973 (the ending of the "Draft"). Strange LIE by Robeson, must have been done at time of some bad goods he swiped out of the Sharps box. A "Sharps box" is colloquial term for a plastic container (usually wall mounted) for biological waste in medical facilities, sometimes referred to as just a "Sharps." Made by B. D. Sharps company and not affiliated with the dullness of the pro-coders. They can be seen in most doctors' offices and hospitals all over the country. Robesin is going to come back and say "it's not nice to talk about medical things" as if he is some kind of code caduceus bearing "judge" of medicine. :-) He is a nurse (probably using a wastebasket-salvaged 1983 edition "Physician's Desk Reference" as his medical terminology guide). If he REALLY wanted some REAL rank, he could devote the next 9 years of his life to add MD after his name and honestly say he "saves lives." Tsk, he can't save his own life from the disease of impersonation. May a colony of helicobacter pylori set up housekeeping in his duodenum! :-) [he can share that with papa Fred] Freddie baby is prolly setting up a spittle session in here bitching and bad-mouthing anyone who doesn't want to relive times past a half-century ago when Kode was King. We'll see what his kind of foaming-at-the-mouth trash talk against "no- coders" will be. :-) |
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![]() wrote: From: on Sun, Sep 3 2006 6:17 am wrote: From: on Sat, Sep 2 2006 3:43 pm Then again he may be a cousin to that anony-mousie "Slow Code." Lots of inbreeding going on in the morsemen ranks. The family tree has few branches. The roots are dead, petrified (of change). " whn the family becomes a family bush you can't can't hide as much under it" Regent to the Centari Reblic B5 JMS I wonder where Jimmy Noserve is hiding? Fred said "shut up!" Jimmy would have a hissy fit if'n he saw that...:-) I wonder where robesin is hiding? Fred said "ass..." Jimmie Noserve showed up with his bimonthly Numbers (his period on?)...still trying to "prove" that Technician class licensees aren't really no-coders. :-) interest that he still does that of course he still goes on when he does post about being robbed in "incentive licensing" back roughly 50 years there was the real mistake and all the result of the ARRL's power being misused, everything since has been trying to clean up the mess that caused Tell before that point what was the Code test speed reqrired for the General License? some where I recall it being 5 wpm Robeson showed up wondering who "Robesin" is...only proving that the poor guy can't realize it is himself. He always was illiterate in regards to alliteration. nah he was trying to PRETED he does not know Deny Robeson what you will he does that well (and vilely) Welp, if Fred had a tour in Ohio as an Army recruiter back in the 70s... Ya know, that always bothered me. Why would an ex-NAVY person be "recruiting for the ARMY"? [explanation for the trash-mouth newcomers: Robesin once claimed - in here - that was what his late father did, but didn't say when or exactly where] The Army has always used active-duty Army NCOs for such tasks since before 1973 (the ending of the "Draft"). Strange LIE by Robeson, must have been done at time of some bad goods he swiped out of the Sharps box. Indeed I comented on that last year said th Bio Steve wrote for his old looked like a lie that produced another of his aleged lawsuits that was going to filed against me A "Sharps box" is colloquial term for a plastic container (usually wall mounted) for biological waste in medical facilities, sometimes referred to as just a "Sharps." Made by B. D. Sharps company and not affiliated with the dullness of the pro-coders. They can be seen in most doctors' offices and hospitals all over the country. Robesin is going to come back and say "it's not nice to talk about medical things" as if he is some kind of code caduceus bearing "judge" of medicine. :-) He is a nurse (probably using a wastebasket-salvaged 1983 edition "Physician's Desk Reference" as his medical terminology guide). If he REALLY wanted some REAL rank, he could devote the next 9 years of his life to add MD after his name and honestly say he "saves lives." Tsk, he can't save his own life from the disease of impersonation. May a colony of helicobacter pylori set up housekeeping in his duodenum! :-) [he can share that with papa Fred] I don't think Robeson could cut it leaving ot the issue of could Robeson do the courework (I am not surre I could) he could never survive the process with his temper he'd blow somewhere and likely kill some one (either by ****ing up or flat out murder) he dropped out of Nursing school by his own admission (maybe he was asked to leave who knows) Freddie baby is prolly setting up a spittle session in here bitching and bad-mouthing anyone who doesn't want to relive times past a half-century ago when Kode was King. We'll see what his kind of foaming-at-the-mouth trash talk against "no- coders" will be. :-) yep unless the FCC grants us the mercy of the R&O first |
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an old friend wrote:
wrote: From: on Sun, Sep 3 2006 6:17 am wrote: From: on Sat, Sep 2 2006 3:43 pm Then again he may be a cousin to that anony-mousie "Slow Code." Lots of inbreeding going on in the morsemen ranks. The family tree has few branches. The roots are dead, petrified (of change). " whn the family becomes a family bush you can't can't hide as much under it" Regent to the Centari Reblic B5 JMS Ah! Another fan! [too bad that B5 got cancelled...] I wonder where Jimmy Noserve is hiding? Fred said "shut up!" Jimmy would have a hissy fit if'n he saw that...:-) I wonder where robesin is hiding? Fred said "ass..." Jimmie Noserve showed up with his bimonthly Numbers (his period on?)...still trying to "prove" that Technician class licensees aren't really no-coders. :-) interest that he still does that of course he still goes on when he does post about being robbed in "incentive licensing" back roughly 50 years there was the real mistake and all the result of the ARRL's power being misused, everything since has been trying to clean up the mess that caused Jimmie Noserve got hopeless when he tried to be some kind of "informed insider" into the aerospace business here and his attempts to "correct" REAL military veterans. He also tried to foist off his old "$100 rig" as his own design but it was really a near-copy of the "HBR" series that began in QST years ago. Jimmie made the mistake of posting on that (relatively new website) showing his HBR version, the very same photos he had in a link posted here when he claimed it was all "original." :-) Tell before that point what was the Code test speed reqrired for the General License? some where I recall it being 5 wpm Robeson showed up wondering who "Robesin" is...only proving that the poor guy can't realize it is himself. He always was illiterate in regards to alliteration. nah he was trying to PRETED he does not know Deny Robeson what you will he does that well (and vilely) Well, Robesin IS a PRETENDER to be sure... :-) Welp, if Fred had a tour in Ohio as an Army recruiter back in the 70s... Ya know, that always bothered me. Why would an ex-NAVY person be "recruiting for the ARMY"? [explanation for the trash-mouth newcomers: Robesin once claimed - in here - that was what his late father did, but didn't say when or exactly where] The Army has always used active-duty Army NCOs for such tasks since before 1973 (the ending of the "Draft"). Strange LIE by Robeson, must have been done at time of some bad goods he swiped out of the Sharps box. Indeed I comented on that last year said th Bio Steve wrote for his old looked like a lie that produced another of his aleged lawsuits that was going to filed against me If he keeps up all those civil suit theats he may have to open a clothing store... A "Sharps box" is colloquial term for a plastic container (usually wall mounted) for biological waste in medical facilities, sometimes referred to as just a "Sharps." Made by B. D. Sharps company and not affiliated with the dullness of the pro-coders. They can be seen in most doctors' offices and hospitals all over the country. Robesin is going to come back and say "it's not nice to talk about medical things" as if he is some kind of code caduceus bearing "judge" of medicine. :-) He is a nurse (probably using a wastebasket-salvaged 1983 edition "Physician's Desk Reference" as his medical terminology guide). If he REALLY wanted some REAL rank, he could devote the next 9 years of his life to add MD after his name and honestly say he "saves lives." Tsk, he can't save his own life from the disease of impersonation. May a colony of helicobacter pylori set up housekeeping in his duodenum! :-) [he can share that with papa Fred] I don't think Robeson could cut it leaving ot the issue of could Robeson do the courework (I am not surre I could) he could never survive the process with his temper he'd blow somewhere and likely kill some one (either by ****ing up or flat out murder) he dropped out of Nursing school by his own admission (maybe he was asked to leave who knows) Robesin has so MANY variations on his "experiences" that it isn't worthwhile trying to keep up... :-) Freddie baby is prolly setting up a spittle session in here bitching and bad-mouthing anyone who doesn't want to relive times past a half-century ago when Kode was King. We'll see what his kind of foaming-at-the-mouth trash talk against "no- coders" will be. :-) yep unless the FCC grants us the mercy of the R&O first Tsk, that won't stop the "investment" olde-tymers...they will be bad-mouthing no-code-test-advocates until their code keys are pried from cold, dead fingers. |
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