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  1. Wanted: Yaesu FT815/816, YSK-1L, MH-29A2b, etc.
  2. FS: Icom Ah-7000 Discone 1 week old
  3. FS:Panasonic RF-4800 RADIO
  4. FS: Uniden HR2510
  5. WTT.. Radio Shack 2039 Scanner. NEW TEKK DATA Radio. FOR Green Military radio. OR 2 mtr HT
  6. Signal/One MILSPEC 1030 HF transceiver for sale
  7. Collins 30L-1 with manual $400
  8. Hustler 20 - 17 meter mobile antennas w/mount for $5?
  9. Full Set of Hamstick Style Antennas for $5?
  10. Kenwood TM-421A 440 Mhz FM transceiver for $5?
  11. Icom AH-4 Automatic Antenna Tuner for $5?
  12. Icom IC-706Mk2G for sale for $5?
  13. wanted non working BC2500 batterys
  14. FA: Yaesu FT-1000
  15. Relm Radio Software, specs, links, manuals
  16. FS: 8877/3CX1500A7/YU209 PULLS
  17. FS: NORTEL NTAX96PA 902 MHz Amplifier
  18. FS: HT1250 UHF 403-470mhz, 128ch, Yellow Case, Full Keypad
  19. FS: BC780XLT
  20. Wanted: Viking Adventurer
  22. Austin Ferret - 1 week old
  23. FS Icom 910H AllMode
  24. FS: Lots of parts, kits. test equipment and books
  25. Wanted: Info: AEA SWR-121
  26. WTB 6m Amplifier
  27. Misc Elec tronics, video, lab and Photo Equip For Sale - PreBay
  28. FS: TTL GPS engine boards APRS
  29. Re: Charter for alt.military.retired
  30. Rich Greene caught trolling - exposed!
  31. WTB - SGC-231 Smartuner
  32. Pro-43 scanner
  33. Bearcat BC895XLT
  34. Pro-2006 Scanner
  35. Vintage AM/FM Radios
  36. FA: 50ft Quality RG8X Cable Assembly w/Amphenol PL259's
  37. FA: Frequency Counter/Display--Blue Digit 50Mhz ++?
  38. Motorola STX
  39. Power cord supplier
  40. FS: Ameritron 811H LIKE NEW!!!
  41. FS Kenpro KR 500 elevation rotor
  42. WTB - SGC SG-231 Smartuner
  43. FS - SG-2000 HF SSB/CW/AM 150 Watt Transceiver
  44. FA: Various items
  45. FA : UNIDEN BR330T hand held scanner
  46. FS High Sierra HF-1500 HF mobile antenna
  47. ATTENTION Radio Enthusiasts in New England and Northeastern USA/Canada!!!
  48. No change since code eliminated
  49. Need: Manual for Alliance HD-73-1 Rotor
  50. For Sale: Ten-Tec Jupiter
  51. WTB Old tube type Rx
  52. FA Sony ICF-2010
  53. FS : STRIDSBERG MCA-024 Multicoupler
  54. FS - - Ten-Tec Jupiter model 538 - Beautiful
  55. FS: Andrew LDF5-50 3/4" Hardline (Iowa)
  56. FS: Yaesu FT-920 HF AllMode
  57. FS: Complete Backpacker's QRP Station
  58. WTB: Allied Communication Receiver A-2509
  59. FA: HEATHKIT HA-14 Compact Amplifier
  60. FS: Icom 910H 144/440 AllMode
  61. PHILCO 46-200 transitone
  62. FA: Frequency Counter/Display--Blue Digit 50Mhz ++?
  63. FA:External Radio Speaker (Like Kenwood KES-3)
  64. FS Heil Goldline Mic
  65. FA: Various items
  66. FS : UNIDEN BR330T Hand Held scanner
  67. FS: Andrew LDF5-50 7/8 Hardline (Iowa)
  68. Ham stuff for sale
  69. FS : YAESU VX-177 440 HT - NIB!
  70. FS: Yaesu FT-301SD & FP-301
  71. FS: Icom T90A Ham radio
  72. Trade: Dell B130
  73. FA: MOTOROLA + GE SPKR MICS *** $1.00ea ***
  75. FS Sony ICF-SW77 Like New
  76. FS Yaesu FT-102 Malcomized
  77. FA: RCA 5691 Red Base 6SL7 Vacuum Tube
  78. FA: SkyLine 70-1000X ERPOM programmer for Midland Syntech and AWA RT-85
  79. Restored Antique Radios & TV's FS .....
  80. Pro-2010
  81. FS IC-U82 Sport 70cm HT
  82. FS: IC-2200H orig box
  83. FS: Cobra 150 GTL DX with extra mic black/silver Astatic 636L
  84. WTB 1.200mhz HT
  85. FS: Timewave DSP-59+
  86. Look in your junk draw
  87. WTB: TT Orion 1
  88. FREE : RCA UHF 'peater
  89. WTB: tubes: 6JS6's
  90. FA Kenwood YK-88C 500hz CW filter
  91. WTT/FS Radio Shack Pro 2036 desk top scanner,
  92. Motorola Portable Repeater MX300 Stuff 12W APCOR Etc, FS
  93. FS Collins 75A-3
  94. FS: KLV250 &350
  95. FS: RCI-2995dx new in box
  96. TX and Sweep Tubes FS
  97. WTB: Ameritron AL811 or 811H
  99. Sirius Stiletto Radioes
  100. WTB: RF Generator
  101. HAMFEST - Chesapeake Va.
  102. VARIOUS ARTISTS "Seedmouth" CD
  103. FS Bird 25C Plug-in Element 25 watt 100-250 MHz for Bird 43 Wattmeter
  104. Wanted: Pro 2006
  105. FS Diamond MX-72D Duplexer
  106. FS Kenwood TM732A Dual Band Mobile
  107. Wanted: Datong FL-3
  108. FA: Uniden ESP-20 External Speaker
  109. FA:Kenwood Microphone Adapter 4pin to 8 pin
  110. FA: Cobra Limited Edition Chrome 40 Channel CB
  111. FS: Yaesu FT-847 Satellite Transceiver
  112. FS: BC796D Uniden Digital Scanner, New
  113. WTB SGC 2020 & SGC211
  115. FA Kenwood TS-180s parts rig
  116. Sony ICF-6700W Shortwave AM/FM/USB/LSB/CW
  117. WTS Heath SB101
  118. WANTED: SGC SG-2000 / SG2000 - DEAD or ALIVE
  119. No change since code lifted
  121. GP68 Motorola Radio User Group
  122. FS Nice Drake TR7 Station
  123. FS: 1500 & 2000 @ 450V electro's
  124. FA: Sprague Bumble Bee Capacitors - for Gibson, Marantz, Mcintosh
  125. WANTED:: SGC SG-2000 / SG2000 Transceiver
  126. WANTED:: SGC SG-2000 / SG2000 Transceiver
  127. Restored Antique Radios & TV's FS .......
  128. Restored Antique Radios & TV's FS .......
  129. Unbelievable... Some people!
  130. RELM Radio specs / software
  131. Sell / Trade: Jennings Vac. relays
  132. Swap Ham radio Icom t-90A for Digtal scanner.
  134. WTB: Timewave DSP-59+
  135. FA: Elenco Battery Eliminator
  136. FA: Astatic 1104-C Desk Mic
  137. FA: Cushcraft 13B2
  138. WTB: Miracle Whip Antenna
  139. FT450
  140. lots of radios, receivers and more for sale
  141. WTB: Hallicrafters S40
  142. Wanted: tuning chart for Cushcraft CRX150B
  143. FS: Uniden HR-2600 10 Meter All Mode Mobile
  144. FA: Bunch of Heathkit Stuff
  145. FS: Johnson Kilowatt Amp
  146. FS: Kenwood TS-440S
  147. FS: EPROM Programmer for Midland Syntech 1 tcvrs (Z-273)
  148. kenwood r-5000
  149. FA: Drake MS-4 Speaker
  150. FA: Drake AC-3 Power Supply
  152. WTB: Yaesu FT-5100
  153. FS/TRADE Elecraft K2
  154. FA: Kenwood TM-261A VHF with AM AIR receive
  155. GMRS repeater wanted
  156. FA: Vintage Tubes (2) 6CA7/EL34 (2) 6L6WGB/5881 Pair 7199
  157. FS: QRP backpackers station, complete
  158. FA: HT-37 Multimeter
  159. WTB: NRD-515 or NRD-505
  160. Ramsey shortwave converter kit SC1
  161. Drake R8B and Ten-Tec RX-320 for sale
  162. Radio sound files
  163. "Techs on 10 Net"
  164. Various Equipment for Sale
  165. FS Heil GM Gold line Microphone mint condition
  166. FA: Vintage 5 tube working exc.
  167. FA: Heath SB-614 Monitor Scope, exc
  168. FA: TR-7 Network Sciences SL-1800 filter
  169. FA: TR-7 Network Sciences SL-500 hz filter
  170. FA: Heath HD-1250 Grid Dip MEter
  171. FA: Swan 117XC Supply
  172. FA: Fair Condition Repairable SB-301 Rcvr
  173. First, BPL. Now WOA
  174. Wanted: Excellent Condition Yaesu FT-747GX
  175. FA: Vintage Realistic "Astronaut 5" Multi-Band Portable SW/FM/AM/VHF Portable Radio
  176. WTB: Yaesu FT-817
  177. FS: Lots of book, parts, kits etc..
  178. WTB RG 142 Coax
  179. FS: Western Royal Vintage AA5 radio
  180. Speaker re-coning recommendations?
  181. FS: Misc Ham Gear
  182. FS: Hi-Band Maxars
  183. Program my Uniden????
  184. FS Motorola mic
  185. FS BC-895xlt 300 channel scanner
  186. WTB narrow CW filter for FT707
  187. FA: Hurricane Net Hurricane Katrina CD-R
  188. WTT Compaq Server for IRLP
  189. Uniden BC396/246 Combo
  190. 12VDC, 1000MA (1 AMP) AC Adapters, NEW
  191. FS: Vintage 5 tube Western Royal Radio
  192. GARMIN GPS Systems
  193. FS Heil CC-1-T Mic Cable for TenTec Orion's and others
  194. FS: Hewlett-Packard 331A Distortion Analyzer, Late Model
  195. WTB: YAESU FAS-1-4R Remote Antenna Selector
  196. WANTED TO BUY-"RCA Sound" large cassette player-stereo model
  199. WTB Rapid Charger CD-15
  200. Western Royal AA5
  201. FA: Kenwood AT-230 Antenna Tuner .. Cheap!
  202. WTB TT Orion-1 w ATU
  203. FA: ICOM IC207H w/ MARS/CAP mod & PC Software
  204. FS: 1986 Chicago Cubs (WGN 720 AM) (Promotional) Radio
  205. FS Drake TR-4CW/RIT & Extras
  206. WTB: Mosley TA-33 Jr WIRC
  207. FA: MFJ "Shortwave Listener's Guide for Apt/Condo Dwelling" LAST DAY
  208. FA: ARRL "Now You're Talking" licensing manual LAST DAY
  209. FA: Kenwood YK-88C-1 CW filter (without PCB) LASt DAY
  210. FA: International Radio 701A 400 HZ CW filter for Yaesu FT920 and others LAST DAY
  211. FA: Kenwood AT-440 internal antenna tuner for TS-440S LAST DAY
  212. FA: ICOM Model AD-12 HD external power adapter LAST DAY
  213. FA: New In Box Ameritron ARB-702K Kenwood Radio Amplifier Interface LAST DAY
  214. (( صــــور )) إيراني يفعل الفاحشة بالأطفال .. أنظـرو ما كان جزاء فعلته
  215. HDTV Tuner Boxes
  216. FA: VHF AM Aviation Band Transceiver
  217. FA: GE S-990 Control Head for Ranger or Delta
  218. FS HW-30 Two-er
  219. icom programming software
  220. WTB Kenwood TS 600
  221. WTB SSB Filter
  222. FA: Various items
  224. FS: Lots of books, parts, kits
  225. FA: 4 Mobile CB Radios on EBAY. Lafayette and Realistic
  226. FA: Heathkit CW Keyboard
  227. FA: Heathkit CW Keyboard
  228. CW Sched: Anyone interested?
  229. wtb filter board for ft-747
  230. WTB: NRD-515 or NRD-505 receiver, non-working OK
  231. FA: ICOM IC-207H Dual band mobile - like new
  232. Wanted: Yaesu BPF-1
  233. Wanted: Yaesu XF-C (XF-455K-262-01)
  234. Google GMRS Radio Groups
  235. Inventory Reduction Sale
  236. Inventory Reduction Sale
  237. Wanted Main Tuning Knob or Skirt for a Drake R4A or TX4
  238. FA: Kenwood FM-430 FM unit
  239. Just what are these things? ID's please.
  240. WTB: Motorola RTL1005A test jig for pagers
  241. FA: RCA Radiola 18 with speaker.
  242. SP-102 Speaker for FT-102
  243. FS Kenwood TM-733A dual band transceiver
  244. FS: Andrew Hardline Connectors
  245. FS Kenwood Twins:R-599D/T-599D/S-599
  246. Kenpro KR 500 elevation rotor FS
  247. Clear Speech speaker FS
  248. Icom SM 8 Mic FS
  249. Heil Goldline Mic FS
  250. FS: Misc. Ham Stuff