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  2. Re: Problems with Cobra 148GTL CB radio
  3. FS: Hygain rotor lower mast supports
  4. RDF
  5. FS: Vac Variables & ----
  6. FS: Drake L75 Like NEW W/Original Box
  7. Knight Kit vintage resistors
  8. Coax Connectors, Adapters & Cable assemblies
  9. FS: Drake L-4B Amp W/PS NICE!!!!
  10. FA: Motorola MT2000
  11. HELP : RF Distance Limited to 2ft???
  12. Re: Morons...
  13. Re: Do you think they will revoke N9OGL's ham license or just fine his ass.
  14. FS TenTec 937 Power Supply
  15. WTB "Code Quick"
  16. FS Very Nice Kenwood TM-732 Dual Band Tansceiver
  17. FS Collins 516F-2 Power Supplies
  18. FS 15meter Band Module for TenTec Scout
  19. FS Yaesu FT-8800R Dual Band Transceiver
  20. FS Icom IC-12AT 1200Mhz HT
  21. fisher R3 volume control
  22. MOTOROLA XTS 5000
  23. Help: Need Info to get back into Ham Satillite Communications
  24. Cleaning Shack
  25. FS/T: scanners, VHF - UHF Ht's & More!
  26. Yaesu FT857D/ATAS-120 Trade for...
  27. FS: President George 10 Meter Mobile
  28. WANTED Rohn 45 sections
  29. Restored Antique Radios & TV's FS (ON SALE!)
  30. WTB: US Tower TMM433HD
  31. FS: Icom PS-125
  32. FS: Enhanced HTX-100 Ten Meter Transceiver
  33. Bio-TERROR in America: The Government of Torture!
  34. FA:Yaesu Quick Mount Bracket FT7800 8800 8900 8100 8500
  35. FA:2 Motorola M1225 UHF 20/24 Channel Mint Condition
  37. FA:Motorola M1225 UHF 20/24 Channel Mint Condition
  38. KB9RQZ has a filthy mouth.
  39. Could you support making the No-code license one year non-renewable?
  40. Motorola STX Cable
  41. FOR SALE:DX-402 with SSB(New York City Area) $35.00
  42. FS Excellent Icom IC-781 Transceiver
  43. FS Alpha 87A Amplifier NICE!!!!
  44. FS Kenwood TM-732 Dual Band Transceiver
  45. FA: MFJ 1270 TNC, Cherokee 6 meter HT, ADI VHF Mobile, etc
  46. FS : YAESU VX=170 2M Transceiver package
  48. FA: Lionel bug made from Vibroplex plans during the war
  49. WTB: Mosley PRO57 parts
  50. Does anybody know who is posting this Crap???
  51. Needed: Kenwood PS-50 fan motor
  52. SWL Database
  53. FS uniden madison 40+ssb
  54. Need 12000.00 KC Cryatal for R-390A
  55. FS: HP3586B Frequency selective level meter VLF receiver
  57. FS: FT-7100 2 METERS / 440 MHZ.
  58. FS: IC-726 & AT-150
  59. FS: Heathkit ET-3100 board and lesson kits
  60. Re: The crowd holds its breath as Woger Wiseman's reappearance is anticipated
  61. FA: 4 100' rolls of Amphenol RG-58 cable
  62. FS/FT Motorola SyntorX9000 LB 30-50mhz dual controls
  63. fs:MFJ949C
  64. FA: Icom batter pack BP90 (non-working) .50
  65. FA: Uniden UHF Med radio. $10.00
  66. FA: Motorola NTN5438A MT1000 12v mobile charger.
  67. FA:$1.00 Uniden President HR2510 10mtr all mode mobile.
  68. Ft Notebook computer
  69. Re: Anybody get AIDS card from Slow Code lately?
  70. Re: Anyone ever hear AB8MQ on the radio?
  71. If you saw on the ARRL website that N9OGL got a NAL, would you add the link to your favorites?
  72. Any bets, Will AB8MQ have to spend labor day in prison too?
  73. WTB: Yaesu MH-36 DTMF Microphone.
  74. WTB: Icom PCR-1000
  75. Trade FT8900R+H7VA for FT-817D
  76. FT: Kenwood TS-950SDX HF Transceiver..
  77. FS Mirage 6 Meter 150Watt Amp
  78. Trade: Collins 75S-3C Round Emblem...
  79. FS: Drake R-4B Receiver NICE!!
  80. FS: Kenwood TS-50 HF Mobile
  81. FS: Ameritron AL-811H Amp
  82. FT: Notebook Computer
  83. JB-76 owners manual
  84. FS Drake TR-7 Loaded with Filters
  85. FS 2000 Jeep 4WD Grand Cherokee Loredo W/Warranty and HF Ham Gear
  87. Don't believe everything Markie says.
  88. FS:MFJ Deluxe Versa Tuner II 949C
  89. FS Collins 516F-2 Power Supplies
  90. Icom 7000 Sold......Thanks for all replies
  91. FT: Kenwood TS-950SDX HF Transceiver
  92. FS Uniden Bearcat BCD996T
  93. FS: Icom 7000 HF Transceiver
  94. Radios for sale
  95. trolling right along
  96. Ping Todd, Can You do code practice on Omega One between the ****ty music so Markie get his General?
  97. reff radio's for sale
  98. FS Heathkit SB-200 Amplifier
  99. FS NOS Amperex 3-400Zs
  100. FS Yaesu FT-8800R
  101. Re: Anyone ever hear AB8MQ on the radio?
  102. Re: Anyone ever hear KB9RQZ on the radio?
  103. Re: Anyone ever hear N9OGL on the radio?
  104. Western Connecticut Hamfest Sept. 17
  105. Is CB like a contest to see who can make their radio sound the most ****ty?
  106. FS TenTec Scott/All Modues and more
  107. FS Excellent FT-8900R
  108. Help LK800A High Voltage Board Fully Populated
  109. What did AB8MQ do to get thrown in jail?
  110. N0VFP has been doing pizza along time, you'd think he'd be store manager by now.
  111. Does N0VFP talk on 2 meters or CB when delivering pizza's?
  112. Re: do you really want to save ham radio?
  113. KENWOOD 480 F/S
  114. MOTOROLA MTS2000 F/S
  115. KENWOOD TK380'S F/S
  116. wtb Ramsey Packet modems
  117. MTX9250 RSS
  118. WTB: FAA: AM-6154-6155 Assembly
  119. FA: a couple of MFJ preselectors, closing Wed. 08/30
  120. TUBES and Odds and ends SALE
  121. AB8MQ, N0VFP, KB9RQZ. What a waste of perfectly good callsigns.
  122. FS: Motorola 6-slot charger
  124. Wanted: MFJ 259 LCD
  125. WTB Cobra 148 GTL Made in Philippines
  126. Icom 2100h (ic2100h) for Trade
  127. FS: Kaito KA1101 portable SW receiver
  128. Icom AT-160 Auto Tuner
  129. FS NOS Amperex 3-400Z Tubes
  130. Re: finaly figured it out the meow is just Paul effort to insure the his moderated nNG gets launched
  131. FS: programmers
  132. FS: HP 331A Distortion Analyzer, Late Model -p2
  133. WTD: TV-7 Tube Tester Case p2
  134. FS: NIB Motorola HT1000/JT1000/MT2000 Speaker Microphone
  135. FS: Kenwood MC-60 Desktop Mic as new for $95
  136. FS: As New Bencher Chrome Iambic Paddle
  137. FS: Yaesu 6 Meter FM 50 watt Transceiver for $100!
  138. FS: New Yaesu Screwdriver Antenna Controller 1/2 price!
  139. FA: KENWOOD TR-7850 Sells Today $49.00
  140. FS: FM unit for FRG-100
  141. You'll probably never have to use CW to save a life.
  142. FS: Radio Shack Loop
  143. NEW US robotics wireless sound delivery system $25 !!!!
  144. Trade: Collins 75S-3C Round Emblem
  145. Icom IC756 Lcd Replacement
  146. test 774
  147. test 354
  148. books for sale
  149. Test Equipment Service Manuals
  150. FS: Yaesu FT-221R
  151. FS: Uniden AMX500 programmer
  152. FS: Ten Meter Radio
  153. FS Yaesu FT 817 ND Packege
  154. If you had to study to get a ham licence, would you stay on CB?
  155. FS: 144Mhz 2kw Output PA
  156. Midland 70-1080 programmer
  157. Electroic Keyer FS MFJ-407D
  158. Yaesu VR-120 handheld receiver FS
  160. Too Much BS
  161. FS: Motorola HT1250 VHF PORTABLE *MINT*
  162. FS: Motorola Spectra VHF 50-watt
  163. M1225 20 channel vhf
  164. FS: Yaesu FM Unit
  165. FS: Lafayette PF-200A Rcvr
  166. FS: Motorola Multi-unit HT Charger
  167. WTB: Kenwood R-820
  168. FS: Macon radios
  169. FS: Collins S-Line gear
  170. Bush's Draft is starting
  171. WTB:Kenwood TS830S
  172. Let's take back ham radio!
  173. Wanted: Cloning Software
  174. WTB Kenwood BT-6 Alkaline Case
  175. huh
  178. FA: U.S. Navy OS-8 Oscilloscope, Original (unlettered) model
  179. WANTED: Sony CRF-1 -- will pay top $$$
  180. FA: Jensen ham radio speaker
  181. Re: PING: Slow Code
  182. Re: "Slow Code" : It Won't Ever Happen!
  183. MTX9250
  184. Collins ART-13 Transmitter top cover....
  185. FS Eimac SK626 Chimnies/4CX250B
  186. WTB: Icom PCR-1000 With All The Trimmings.
  187. Wanted: Collins Gain Overlay Panel
  188. Motorola UHF 2way $200
  189. FS Collins 312B3 Speaker
  190. Dumbing down licensing will just let in people that really don't want to be hams.
  191. FS: VHF Spectra
  192. FS: GE Monitor Receiver
  193. Springs for Zenith Shutterdials
  194. FA: KENWOOD TS-940S. ATU, YK-88C1, YG-455C-1
  195. FS - KW TUNER
  196. FS - IC-820
  197. INFO: Collins 75s-3C Worn Paint
  198. Fs motorola MT1000 42-50 mhz
  199. FS: Microwave directional coupler
  200. Eimac 3-500Z Tubes FS
  201. FA: Nice Kenwood R-599D with 2 & 6 meter converters!
  202. For sale Alinco DR-590T
  203. FS Icom 706 MKII-G w/tuner and antennas
  204. FS: Icom R70 - almost mint
  205. It's amazing what people will say to try to justify dumbing down Amateur Radio.
  206. FS Yaesu FT-8500 with problem
  207. FS NIB TenTec Scout and Accessories
  208. Whine, Markqueer, whine!
  209. FS Yaesu FT-720RU 440 Mobile
  210. FA: Motorola M1225 UHF 40 Watt 20/24 Ch.
  211. FA: Yaesu FT7800 Dual Band Mobile
  212. FS IC-820H
  213. Estate Ham/Marine Gear
  214. Yaesu VR-120 receiver FS
  215. MFJ 407D Keyer FS
  216. FS: Info-Tech Demodulator
  217. SP50 Programming Question
  218. FA: GLENYRE VHF Series 90 Repeater Manual
  219. Wanted: Collins KWM-2A Winged Emblem
  221. F/A, amp and tuner parts....
  222. Coax Connectors, Adapters & Bulk Cable
  223. FA: Harris RF-5020 Receiver/Exciter -- update
  224. ** FLEA at MIT ** Sunday August 20th Cambridge MA
  225. FA: Tektronix P6013A High Voltage Probe
  226. Parting Out Hallicrafters HT-32/What do you need?
  227. FS: RME-69 with DB-20
  228. Test Equipment Service Manuals available
  229. FS MOTOROLA VHF HT1000 16Channel
  230. Vertex VX3000 VHF FS
  231. NEED RSS FOR SP50!!!
  232. Want Manual for Amp Supply LK-550
  233. Trade: Kenwood 950SD NICE!!
  234. FS Dentron MT-3000A Antenna Tuner..
  235. FS Dentron MT-3000A Antenna Tuner
  236. FA: Midland UHF NMO 5/8 over 1/2 wave Mobile Antennas
  237. FA: SWAN 117XC POWER SUPPLY and SPEAKER for 500CX 350 700CX
  239. kenwood tk's for sale
  240. Tips and Tricks for Eavesdropping Detection
  241. GP68 Motorola Radio User Group
  242. MTX9250
  243. FS Icom IC-12AT 1.2 GHz HT
  244. FS: AN/GRC-215 Military Radio HF SSB Shortwave (NOT posted on Ebay)
  245. FS/FT Motorola, Uniden, Icom
  246. FS: Kenwood SP-430 speaker in box...Mint
  248. FA: New Motorola Saber Style Speaker Mic for $5?
  249. FS: Motorola Speaker Mic for HT/MT/JT/MTX etc. for $5?
  250. FA: Motorola RIB Box for $5?