View Full Version : Swap
- FS: New TEKK XV1000E
- WANTED DRAKE's R4C and tr4c
- Restoring a Pearce-Simpson Catalina 85 AM Marine transceiver to 160/80 Meter AM
- Looking for a couple RCA Radiotron tubes...
- Restored Antique Radios FS (15th anniv CONSOLE SALE!)
- WTB Tektronix 7904 trigger board
- WTB: 10 KHz filter for RF-590 reciever
- WTB: Astro Saber II or III UHF 450-520
- WTB Motorola Genesis MVA (enhanced)
- Motorola TDD6034A VHF Vertical Collinear Antenna 23ft.
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- Wanted: Coax Jumpers
- Spectronics DD-1 Digital Readout
- motorola gp2000 vhf
- GP2000 vhf
- FS: Autek RF-1 antenna anlayzer
- Seeking Experienced Scanner Personnel
- WTD: Schematic and part placement for WB4VVF Keyer
- Rci-2970dx
- FA: MTI - a Two-Way Radio Communications Training Program
- FA: Sansui SP-X800 Speakers Excellect Condition
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- Energy Saving Tips
- FA: Uniden BC346XT Gently Used in Home
- Restored Antique Radios FS
- MFJ-959B HF Antenna Preselector/Preamp
- Universal M7000 Decoder
- FS: AOR-8200Mk2
- FS: FRG-9600
- Hy-Gain BN-86 balun for sale - New price
- Radio-Mart Shill Bidding?
- Uniden President HR-2600 with Chip Switch
- Uniden President HR-2600 with Chip Switch
- Heathkit HW 101
- FA: Yaesu Cigarette Lighter cord for HT's w/ Filter & fuse
- Yaesu FT1000mp for sale
- Racal 1772 HF receiver
- FA: B&W AP-10 Portable Antenna 2 thru 40 meters QRP QRO
- FA: ICOM IC R-9000 Communications Receiver
- FS: Zenith Model Royal 3000-1 Trans Oceanic Radio
- Parting Out RCA AR88 Reciever
- Altec Mixer
- FS: Uniden mics
- Price on SX-96
- need for 572 b tubes. 811??
- JRC ST-3 Headphones
- WTB: Knight Kit Ocean Hopper Receiver
- for sale offers
- Shortwave car radio / cassette for sale
- Swap wanted: Hammarlund HQ-170 or HQ-170A Swap list available
- ham radio station for sale
- ICOM 703 System
- ICOM 910H System For Sale
- Hammarland receiver
- WTB: Yaesu MH-39 or FS-10
- Motorola MT1000 parts needed!
- president hr 2510 with accessories
- FS: Collins 51S-1 short wave receiver in excellent condition
- Restored Antique Radios FS
- FT-736R with extras!
- Siren Speaker
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- AOR 5000+3 for Iphone 3gs 32gig
- HCRA Tail Gate Party - Feeding Hills, MA - June 4th
- FS: Metal Hub For Moonraker Antenna
- FS: Uniden President HR2510
- Neelu's Collections @ e-atitude
- Uniden HR2510 for parts
- WTB Yaesu FT 817/ND
- Restored Antique Radios FS
- WTB: Looking for Scott 800-B Amplifier
- Need info on IC-900A
- Collins 30S-1 Available
- Cosmophone 50
- FS: ICE model 308 Single Wire Arrestor, New
- WTB MCS2000 Model II, 403-470
- FS: Sony ICF-6800W AM/FM/SW Radio exc. cond! (Orange Version)
- Heathkit VF-1
- FS: Excellent K3/100
- Prc-515/ru20
- Eton E1XM swap for...
- HamZone USA
- FS: Command Sets, ARC-2, ARC-3, GRR-5, R-100, More
- AN/GRR-5 Shortwave Receiver For Sale
- Crystals.
- President HR-2600 For Sale
- Lot of 100+ 110Watt Low Band Radios GE MASTR II & DELTA'
- Re: Stupidest ham radio customer review ever
- Drake for Yaesu
- Looking for broken lap tops.
- ITC Cart machines forsale.
- Hammerlund.
- Hammorlond forsale.
- Alliance Tenna-Rotor for sale
- FS: Vliant Parts. RBB/RBC Parts, Heath, Kenwood
- WTB 3cx800A7's
- FS***CUSTOM DUST COVERS for most Ham gear***
- FS***CUSTOM DUST COVERS for most Ham gear***
- Drake R8B FS
- Alliance Tenna-Rotor for sale
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- 2M Linear Amp for sale
- 2M linear amp for sale
- Restored Antique Radios FS
- FA: Squirrel cage blower, Western Gear Corp, 200 VAC 400 Hz, NIB
- FS: MFJ 1026 NEW!
- FS: AOR 1000XLT Scanner
- sansui g-9700 FS
- Racal 1772 or 1782
- Restored Antique Radios FS
- FS: YAESU FT920 HF and 6m Transceiver
- Re: Harris RF-590H HF Receiver
- FS: Many Ham Items
- Microphone needed
- FS: GE Superadio II and rare Sanyo RP-8880 SW Portable
- FS: Rockwell Collins 851S-1 receiver & Collins 51S-1 spare parts
- Cosmophone 35
- Kenwood RZ-1
- W.T.B. Kenwood TR 751
- Pye pf1 pocketphone wanted
- Lowe HF-150 & PR-150 preselector
- some excess broadcast equipment available (west alabama)
- Yaesu FT-817ND receiver distortion
- Restored Antique Radios FS
- SAMS CB manuals
- Bc-312 Bc-342
- E-100/URR short-wave radio for sale
- Yaesu VX-8R Belt Clip Kit
- Dentron MLA-2500 2KW Amp $825.00
- FS: SEA 222x HF SSB Radio
- Trade Syntor 9000
- Lowe HF-150 and PR-50 with extras
- 1N358 Diodes
- WTB: Baygen Lifeline Radio
- Restored Antique Radios FS
- WTB Yaesu FT 817/ND
- FS: FT-897 Good Condition $350.00
- WTB Yaseu FT-736r
- Wanted: Collins 651S-1 Service Bulletins
- Needed: 8908 tubes
- WTB Yaesu FT 817/ND
- Restored Antique Radios FS GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS!
- FS: ICOM PCR1500 receiver
- Help: Need 2 Accessory Covers for Kenwood TK-280 HT
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- WANTED: Heathkit SB-104 Boards - Dead or Alive
- FS: Tektronix 2232 and TM5006 oscilloscopes and 2232 parts
- Metro Detroit alpha 374a
- TRADE: Heathkit SB-600 for HS-1661
- radio - electronic catalogs for sale update 1961 to 1969
- WANTED: Hallicrafters HT-32 Meter - Dead or Alive
- Re: FS Yaesu FP-301D
- Restored Antique Radios FS
- Need HP23
- Bajazzo Universal 401
- WTB - PC Serial Cable for the BC-250D
- Motorola MT1000's VHF 16 Channel
- WTB 817 /ND
- FS: Sony ICF-7600DS portable shortwave receiver
- For Sale MFJ-989C Antenna Tuner
- Restored Antique Radios & TV's FS
- FT-817 QRP extra bats, tuner, portable antenna
- Restored Antique Radios & TV's FS ..
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- Drake TR-3 Transceiver , RV-3 VFO/Speaker , AC3 Power Supply FIRST$300.00
- KWM-2/51S-1 Cabinet
- Kenwood TH F6A VHF/UHF HT
- Globe Chief 90 Transmitter - $75.00
- Icom 706 HF/VHF Radio FIRST $300 - Must Sell Now
- HCRA Auction - coming next Friday, November 6th
- Nice write up on Ham Radio
- Wanted sound card interface
- FS: FT-817ND Used but works
- alpha 374a
- HCN1033D - Syntor systems 9000 control head
- Yaesu FT-840 Transceiver (Nice Condition)
- WTB: Manual For AN/USM-323 Sig Generator (sim to the HP8640B)
- Cushcraft 20 Element DX-Arrays
- Ham shack got too small
- WTB 817 ND
- Searching info on a receiver...
- WTB: Hallicrafters SX-28A Oscillator Section Coils
- WTB ICOM IC-475A (or H)
- WTB HF/SSB transceivers, Portable, Military, Marine.
- FS/FT Microwave/UHF test gear
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- Icom UX-97 1.2Ghz Module For The IC-970H VHF/UHF Transceiver
- [FA] Hughes manufactured and marked AS-1887A/PRC-74 Whip Antenna
- FS : XTS 5000 Model III VHF
- FS: Racal / Thales Model 2 VHF Digital HT !!
- FT: Uniden Digital Scanner for HF Rig
- O.T. antique fan repairs needed.
- Re:Wanted: Homebrew or Vintage HF Linear Project
- FS: MOtorola Mic
- WTB Yaesu FT-817/ND
- Wanted: Homebrew or Vintage HF Linear Project Any Condition
- Ham meting
- Wtb: Rm Hla 300v
- WTB: Motorola HT1250 VHF
- FS: HT Gang Charger
- WTB FT 817
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- FS : RACAL Model 25 VHF digital handheld
- wtb mrf150 transistors
- kenwood ts 830-s gold edition transceiver
- re: Collins 204F-1 HF Amplfier For Sale
- Shortwave car radio blaupunkt
- Wanted: Homebrew or "Fixer-upper" HF Linear
- Microwave switches for sale
- Sony ICF-2010 for sale
- How to save 15 percent before Aug 31st on Radio Shack Purchases over200
- panasonic rf-b65 manual needed
- Trade Yaesu FTC-2205 for 2M mobile
- Need Syntor 9000 VHF
- Looking for a Yaesu NC-29 Quickcharger
- Drake R8b and aor ar5000
- FS: Keithley 175 Autoranging Multimeter
- FA: IMC Magnetics Corp 3" dia 400 Hz cooling fan
- MFJ Acquires Cushcraft
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- Wanted: Simple Aircraft Receiver
- FS. Radio Shack SWR/Power meter.
- FS. MFJ 653 Speech Articulator.
- FA: old HP 130B oscilloscope, needs work (updated/current link)
- FS: Kenwood TK 2170 VHF w/ DTMF
- 1 1/4 meter radio wanted
- How Do You Spend Your Day vs. Everyone Else?
- Harvey Wells
- HP 54645A scope for trade
- BPL Again !!!
- wtb an older inexpensive used hf radio
- FS: National RAO-7, pickup only, D.C. area, $125 OBO
- FS: Drake NB7A
- Antique Radio Day in Boeschepe France (59/Nord)
- FS: Icom IC-2KL linear and AT500 tuner
- Verizon Wireless smtp / email service no more (RIP)
- ham station for sale
- For Sale: Various HAM filters,switches, maters
- MFJ 1272B TNC/MIC Switch
- MFJ 1278B Like New in Box
- FA: Kenwood SMC-34 Speaker Mic w/ volume for HT's
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