View Full Version : Equipment
- [QRZ] IC-730 Sidetone Pitch Control
- [DXZone] BalUn for Delta-loop & Quad-loop antennas
- [QRZ] What's the difference between a bridge rectifier and a rheostat?
- [QRZ] Icon ic 756 pro iii not powering on dead
- [QRZ] A100 Automatic ATU from China
- [K9ZW] Why a long lossy feed line masks true SWR
- [QRZ] MFJ-969 - Low inductance bypass tab mechanical issue
- [QRZ] IRF510 amps
- [DXZone] Gimme Five - QRP SSB Transceiver
- [QRZ] Don't throw out your analog oscilloscope just yet...
- [QSO Today] K5SDR
- [QRZ] IC-7300 Clock Battery Failure
- [DXZone] 2 meter transverter for KX2
- [QRZ] TH-9800 plus front panel button flaky
- [DXZone] The DX Shop
- [QRZ] Whats a good in circuit cap tester?
- [QRZ] DRAKE TR7 DR7 Board Connectors
- [QRZ] Icom IC-V86 Youtube review
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-736R Audio as Transmitted is Distorted
- AmateurLogic 153: RigPi v2, Pico Pi, Winter Field Day
- [QRZ] Eagle encoder problem
- [QSO Today] WD9EWK
- [QRZ] 7300 clock batt, "THE FIX"
- [QRZ] IC-706MKII Extremely High Noise
- [DXZone] USB to Yaesu CAT interface
- [QRZ] Hand held spectrum analyzer - I'm impressed
- [QRZ] Moderation Of Reviews
- [DXZone] QRP Portable Rig for 80-40 meters
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-450D Lower Power and Alignment
- [QRZ] Vertex Standard C5900 Tri band Schematic
- [OH8STN] Icom IC-705 Winlink Express Setup
- K9ZW Main Home Rack Progress
- [DXZone] 3D Printed Accessories for the FT-817 and KX2
- [QRZ] Why Would Voltage Change?
- [QRZ] Midland DBR2500 Dual Band Mobile
- [KG3V] IC-7300 "SEND" signal - Be Careful when using it
- [QRZ] Tek 2225 o'scope - beam find works, no reg signal display?
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2105
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-736R Repair Information
- [QRZ] New standalone SDR DSP reciever and trancievers from Russia
- [SARS] John Vaughan G3DQY S/K
- [QRZ] Eagle encoder problem
- [QRZ] grain-o-wheat lightbulb as a fuse in receiver front end
- [QRZ] Icom IC 735 Repair
- [QRZ] IC 7000 driver board (burned)
- [KG3V] IC-7600 RTTY Settings for MMTTY
- [QRZ] TS-2000 firmware+com port communication issues
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 73 - Extra Class Exam Questions - Part 11
- [QRZ] Icom IC-751 with Smoked R20 on Logic Board. Radio Non-functional
- [K9ZW] Interesting Project - Teensy-Maestro for Flex-6000 radios by Len KD0RC
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2104
- [QSO Today] AC4BT
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS130S 11 Meters MOD Upgraded
- [QRZ] FT-991A MODS VHF UHF ???
- [WB4SON] Getting Ready for Winter Field Day
- [TWIAR] Via HACKADAY: The Last Few Analogue TV Stations In North America
- [QRZ] BNOS 1-100 2mtr Linear
- [QRZ] NEW mobile DMR dual band ALINCO DR-MD500 !
- [QRZ] KDK FM-2015r, Working on it and Getting it Back on the Air.
- [QRZ] I need to replace my FT-920 - Help!
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-8500 VHF deaf
- [QRZ] FT-991A Expanded TX on VHF/UHF
- [QRZ] Baofeng UV5R > KENWOOD TK-F8 ??
- [QRZ] Problemas con FT-2600M
- [QRZ] Alinco DJ-VX50T
- [QRZ] FT-920 issue
- [QRZ] NEW mobile DMR dual band RETEVIS RT-73 !
- [QRZ] TS-930 / TS-940 final unit
- [QRZ] Flex Flat cable connector insertion tool?
- [WB4SON] 10 year old LiFePO4 battery still going strong
- [QRZ] Lab599 TX-500 & CGJ-100Q Automatic Tuner Review
- [QRZ] ICOM 756 pro II problem?
- [DXZone] Home Brew paddles
- [QRZ] IC745 Receiver bad behaviour - any thoughts?
- [QRZ] Transmitter Noise Performance Test
- [QRZ] Anyone tried the Generac 7117 for EPower?
- [K0NR] Radio Fun on Threemile Mountain (W0C/SP-107)
- [QRZ] Receiver RF Input DIODE clamp - selection?
- [QRZ] Kenwood TM-V71 - No Crossband Repeat, No Reset, No Menu
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-920 stuck tuning knob
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-1000MP MKV odd problem
- [W2LJ] Another good friend becomes an SK
- [K0NR] Best VHF SOTA Antenna?
- [QRZ] Yaesu 857D power cable repair?
- [QRZ] Adventures with the Retevis RT73
- [QRZ] Tyt th 9000d beeping issue
- [VK2TPM] Be careful of prices for ham radio gear on eBay
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 72 - Extra Class Exam Questions - Part 10
- [VK2TPM] Elecraft MH3 Microphone cord frays
- [QRZ] IC-7300 SWR Meter not working
- [QRZ] 12 volts versus 13.8
- [QRZ] TH-D74 Antenna Connector Broken - Order Parts or Send it In?
- [QRZ] SMA Connector Replacement on Airspy R2
- [W2LJ] As if I don't have enough kits to build
- [QRZ] Evolution of the Chinese 572B tube
- [QRZ] Lithium Batteries in TS-940
- [DXZone] Repairing HP 8753C VNA
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-711a--Won't power on
- [DXZone] APRSdroid to a Baofeng Cable
- [W2LJ] SWL clones available as kits
- [QSO Today] KJ8U
- [VK5PAS] Black Bullock Hill VK5/ SE-016 and an afternoon on the Fleurieu Peninsula.
- [QRZ] MFJ 4245mv power supply help
- [K0NR] The Truth About Tiny SOTA Transceivers
- [QRZ] Repairing a FT1000MP (not field or Mark 5)
- [QRZ] Daiwa SS330 PSU - voltage stuck
- [QRZ] FT-991A 'HI SWR' when using ATU in 40m and lower bands
- [W2LJ] This is wild!
- [QRZ] ICOM IC-7300 Review and Full Walk Through
- [QRZ] Adding a Panadapter to an IC-718
- [OH8STN] Icom IC-705 body armor
- [K9ZW] Restoring a vintage Polish built Wimshurst Machine
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-830S Deafened Receive Repair!
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-570D transmit/tune problem
- [QRZ] The FT-991/A Firmware Issue Thread
- [HR 2.0] Episode 517: K6UDA Exits California! Lunchtime Livestream
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-990 extender boards
- [HR 2.0] Episode 515: Christmas and Holiday Shopping for Ham Radio Deals
- [QRZ] Ten Tec Triton 544 - Can't change VFO frequency
- [QRZ] YG-455C-1 seems defective.
- [QRZ] Restoring the Yaesu FT100D
- [CRAM] Silent Key
- [QRZ] TS2000 kenwood : Ts2000 x suddenly no longer connects to the arcp program for remote control if the
- [KG3V] ICOM IC-7600 Wiring for use with Elecraft KPA/KAT-500 Power Combo
- [DXZone] Programming KG-UV3D and UV-5R
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-891 Multi-function Knob Removal
- [WRC] An easy-build 2 meter antenna Xmas project
- [QRZ] FT101ZD pa choke
- [QRZ] TS-940 Beep Volume Adjust
- [QRZ] RigExpert AA -55 ZOOM - BT
- [OH8STN] SO239 Female Female Chassis Connector
- [QRZ] No Receive Yaesu FT 1000MP Mk V
- EPROM contents for JST-100 transceiver?
- [QRZ] TS-940 sub display bulbs
- [QRZ] Hallicrafters SX-71 Receiver
- [QRZ] Mono cap replacement
- [QRZ] Use TS-830 Filters in the TS-130 or even in Icom IC-718??
- [VK2TPM] ZachTek WSPR transmitter
- [QRZ] Whats a good in circuit cap tester?
- [DXZone] Isolated PTT and CW Key interface
- [QRZ] Need repair place
- [KB6NU] Ham Radio Jump Start gets underway
- [DXZone] Using the Baofeng UV-5R3
- [K0NR] K0JJW and K0NR Interview on Red Summit RF
- [DXZone] IC-705 completely cordless digital ham radio
- [QRZ] ICOM IC-7300 Over-voltage Repair
- [QRZ] Adding a Panadapter to an IC-718
- [QRZ] ALC function on FT-101ZD
- [QRZ] How to measure plate voltage
- [OH8STN] Mat-705Plus Icom IC-705 Antenna tuner
- [QRZ] Are Icom IC-7610 owners experiencing RTC battery failures?
- [KB6NU] FCC to Require Email Addresses on Applications
- [QRZ] TS-940 Battery Replacements
- [OH8STN] Icom IC-705 LDG Z100 Plus Setup
- [VK5PAS] Myponga Conservation Park 5CP-157 and VKFF-0921
- [DXZone] OpenRepeater for Raspberry Pi
- [QRZ] Pacific Antenna (Hendricks PFR-3B)
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-470 Display Problem
- [QRZ] The FT-991/A Firmware Issue Thread
- [QRZ] Yaesu 1000d VFO issue ???
- [QRZ] Ameritron ALS-606/s
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-8800 No Display w/Clicking sound from Speaker
- [QRZ] A100 Automatic ATU from China
- [QRZ] Measuring passband of 1st IF filter - BPF in Kenwood TS-520
- [DXZone] System Fusion Repeaters
- [K0NR] HT and Light Bulb Load
- [QRZ] Kenwood ts 850s displayboard
- [DXZone] What is System Fusion
- [QRZ] Icom 7300 Receive Antenna Question
- [QRZ] Icom 9700
- [HTL] Episode 237 - Q&A with Rob Sherwood, NC0B and the IC-705
- [QRZ] ICOM 275A on/off switch does not stay locked when depressed. Help
- [DXZone] doozy DStar for Windows
- [QRZ] MFJ Tuner- Roller Inductor Grease/ LED Lamp Mod
- [QRZ] Elcon EL-31 replacement display for the Yaesu FT301D
- [KB6NU] Lets organize a nationwide new ham "boot camp"
- [OH8STN] Icom IC-705 Molle Carry Pouch
- [QRZ] Can AM Carrier Be Safely Turned Up On Newer Icom's ?
- [OH8STN] The "Perfect" Ysesu FT-891
- [QRZ] kenwood 940 no power
- [QRZ] Very warm/hot power supply transformer.
- [DXZone] AUDIO590 - Audio Setup for TS-590
- [QRZ] Satellit 800 repair
- [QRZ] ICOM IC-746 (Non Pro) FM Tone Wont Key Repeater
- [QRZ] Adding a Panadapter to an IC-718
- [QRZ] FT-991A Expanded TX on VHF/UHF
- [K0NR] How About Parks On The Air?
- [QRZ] IC-7300 Clock Battery Failure
- [OH8STN] Icom IC-705 A Practical Discussion
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-3dr - Very Disappointed
- [QRZ] ten tec omni 7
- [QRZ] Heathkit HA-202A 2M Amp Help
- [QRZ] IC-2400 shuts off when I hit PTT button
- [OH8STN] Icom IC-705 Frequency Drift
- [QRZ] The FT-991/A Firmware Issue Thread
- [QRZ] Satellit 800 battery leakage , Now only works on FM .
- [QRZ] JRC JST-245 Repair
- [K0NR] HF SOTA on Threemile Mountain
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 70
- [QRZ] Ultrabeam CI-V wire
- [QRZ] Heathkit SA-2500, auto-tuner schematic
- [QRZ] Service Manual required please
- [QRZ] FT-990 and FT8
- 30 Years Ago: Hi-capacity AAA nicads?
- [QRZ] Look for newer Baofeng UV-5R schematics
- [QRZ] Just when I thought I was finished
- IC-705 GENE button?
- [QRZ] My Kenwood TS-450S thinks its a TS-450V! Aiee!
- [DXZone] ICOM IC-705 and Raspberry Pi
- [QRZ] RF Concepts RFC 2-117 Troubleshooting
- [KB6NU] Another way to "give back"
- AmateurLogic 148: 15 Years of AmateurLogic
- [QRZ] Transformer core volume
- [QRZ] Restoring the Yaesu FT100D
- [OH8STN] Icom IC-705 VS Lab599 Discovery TX-500?
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-1000MP 13.5vdc Power Cable Pinout
- [QRZ] TH-D74 Antenna Connector Broken - Order Parts or Send it In?
- [K9ZW] More on the FlexRadio/4o3a Tuner Genius XL
- [QRZ] Increasing voltage on 12V server power supplies
- [QRZ] Problem with an Icom 718
- [QRZ] N5BOC MMDVM boards
- [QRZ] superstar 2800
- [QRZ] Alinco DX-SR8 power output modification
- [QRZ] MFJ941 vs MFj945E
- [DXZone] PAC-12 Antenna modification
- [QRZ] Icom 2820h
- [QRZ] ICOM IC-38A 220-MHz Radio Squelch problem
- [DXZone] K6MM 160m Antenna
- [QRZ] ATX/PC Power Supply -vs- MeanWell PSU
- [DXZone] Build the PAC-12 Antenna
- [QRZ] FT897 blinking display
- [QRZ] Increasing voltage on 12V server power supplies
- [QRZ] XIEGU G90,a great little radio
- [K0NR] Which HT For High RF SOTA?
- [QRZ] Universal FLL-VFO Stabilizer EL-34 (kit or assembled)
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-100 Mobile Radio
- [QRZ] Alinco DJ-VX50T
- [QRZ] Icom 7300 receive ant. modification
- [S&DARC] Simple 2m Antennas
- [QRZ] Weller WTCPT Iron - sometimes doesn't heat up
- [QRZ] Icom IC-7100
- [KB6NU] Amateur radio videos: nanoVNA edition
- [QRZ] Samlex Power Supply Repair
- [QRZ] K-3 Problem
- [HR 2.0] Episode 454: Lunchtime Livestream for Sept 16th! Almost to 50,000 Subs!
- [QRZ] Repairing the Heathkit HM-10(a) Tunnel Dipper
- [QRZ] Increasing voltage on 12V server power supplies
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