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- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Monday 26 December 2016
- [QSO Today] G0UPL
- [QSO Today] G0UPL
- AmateurLogic: Ham College episode 24
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Saturday 24 December 2016
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Friday 23 December 2016
- [W2LJ] Bah, Humbug!
- [FOAR] SOTA goat adventures ...
- Ham Radio 360 Workbench: 13 - 3D Printing
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Tuesday 20 December 2016
- [SPARC] christmas meeting
- SolderSmoke Podcast for Sunday 18 December 2016
- [QSO Today] ZS6BNE_reprise
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Friday 16 December 2016
- Ham Radio 360: A.R.E.D.N. Amateur Radio Emer Data Network
- AmateurLogic 98: Christmas 2016
- [SPARC] Xmas meal and updates
- [QSO Today] WA2EUJ
- [FOAR] Coax vertical dipole and other musings ...
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Saturday 10 December 2016
- [LSWC] Gerry G6KGG
- [K0NR] GMRS: The Other UHF Band
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Thursday 8 December 2016
- [AB1OC/AB1QB] Giving Back To Amateur Radio
- [W2LJ] QRPGuys new kit
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- Ham Radio 360: Workbench-12 Building the Antenna Analyzer
- [K0NR] This Spewed Out of the Internet #33
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Monday 5 December 2016
- [VE3EBY] 12V Battery Performance Comparison
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Sunday 4 December 2016
- [KB6NU] Reader feedback
- [QSO Today] W3LPL
- [FOAR] Manufacturer drivel and antennas ...
- [HTL] Episode 41 - Key Collector and Retired ARRL COO Harold Kramer, WJ1B
- AmateurLogic: Ham College episode 23
- [AB1OC/AB1QB] Thanksgiving Weekend NPOTA Fun
- [QSO Today] VE7SV
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Saturday 26 November 2016
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Friday 25 November 2016
- [VE3EBY] SDRuno 1.11 with the RSP2
- [VE3EBY] Cooling the Yaesu FT-817 for digital modes
- [SPARC] tonights meeting CANCELLED
- [VE3EBY] SDRPlay RSP2 First Look
- [CARA] November Meeting - Report
- [VE3EBY] Alpha Delta DX-EE Attic Install
- [QSO Today] W4QO
- [VE3EBY] Compact Homebrew End Fed QRP Antenna
- [VE3EBY] PSK31 Digital Mode Tutorial
- [FOAR] Amateur Radio Satellites ... more than two in the sky.
- Ham Radio 360: Shopping Show v3.0
- AmateurLogic 97: Variety Show
- [M0FOX] Icom IC-7610 HF/50MHz Transceiver
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Saturday 12 November 2016
- [QSO Today] CE3PG
- [FOAR] DTMF is something we use regularly ...
- [SPARC] field day operation
- Ham Nation: HN 273: 1.21 Gigawatts
- [KB6NU] Rigol on RF Basics
- Ham Radio 360: WorkBench - 10 Intro to PCB Design
- SolderSmoke Podcast for Monday 7 November 2016
- [QSO Today] W9VC
- [FOAR] The joy of Amateur Radio
- AmateurLogic: Ham College episode 22
- [W2LJ] Took a chance
- [SPARC] events
- [K0NR] The Cacophony of Digital Voice Continues (Part 2)
- [KE9V] Yaesu MD-1 Reference Microphone
- [KE9V] Firmware Update for TH-D72A/E
- Ham Radio 360: ARES; an Introduction and CommsToGo
- [W2LJ] In the news
- [HRH] Strays - Perspectives on Amateur Radio, 1930
- [K0NR] SOTA Activation: Ormes Peak (W0C/FR-052)
- [QSO Today] N2GJ
- Ministry enlists amateur radio enthusiasts' help in flood aid (Malaysia)
- [W2LJ] Score!
- [HTL] Episode 37 - Software Defined Radio with FlexRadio founder Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR
- [VA3QV] A new (to me )item in the shack
- [KHSNB] EME and MS Weekend
- [CARA] Amateur Radio Courses and Exams
- [SPARC] meetins for November and December
- [100WW] Antenna Shootout, QRM and Worked All Watts
- [K0NR] The Cacophony of Digital Voice Continues (Part 1)
- [QSO Today] K0MD
- [TWIAR] Ham Radio: Definition, Origins, Goals
- [New post] The Cacophony of Digital Voice Continues (Part 1)
- [HTL] Episode 36 - Getting Started with D-STAR with W8KWA
- [W2LJ] New Tab
- Ham Radio 360: Become a Ham & HR360 History Lessons
- [BSARS] Shack contacts today
- AmateurLogic 96: Our 11th Anniversary
- [TWIAR] Tipton AM Radio to set up HAM radio broadcasting in Brighton (Tennessee)
- [TWIAR] Proposed 40-foot ham radio antenna tower causing static in Marblehead (Massachusetts)
- [QSO Today] K0NR
- [SADARS] 13 Oct 2016 - Logging Q&A by Don, G4LOO
- [W2LJ] The Night of the Living Dead
- [SPARC] last night meeting
- Ham Radio 360: Workbench 8 Antenna Analyzer (K6BEZ)
- [CARA] October Meeting
- [QSO Today] G3UML
- [KE9V] Todays Video Link
- [KE9V] Frequency: TV Review
- [W2LJ] The KISS principle - always a winner.
- [W2LJ] I want one of these!
- [KB6NU] DOSBox runs old DOS programs on Windows 8, 9, 10
- [QSO Today] N8ET
- Re: Going QRT Sale!
- [KB6NU] 14 tips for operating portable generators safely
- [KE9V] Test Free Licensing
- [W2LJ] Sometimes you can just feel your HBP climbing.
- [BSARS] Tuesday 27th at the shack
- AmateurLogic: Ham College episode 21
- [HR360] Ham Radio: Workbench - 7 Matt Berggren/ Autodesk & PCB Design
- [New post] Introducing The Android HT
- [KE9V] Ten-Tec: Fits and Starts
- SolderSmoke Podcast for Sunday 25 September 2016
- [QSO Today] G0KJK
- [BSARS] Inexpensive thermostatic soldering station
- Ham Radio 360: ICOM Update and GNU Radio
- [QSO Today] NY0V
- [K0NR] NPOTA: Grand Teton, Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain
- [KB6NU] Can I modify an FM BCB yagi for 2m use?
- [KB6NU] Amateur radio in the news: Buzz kill, NPOTA, veterans
- [HR360] Ham Radio: Workbench-6 OSCILLOSCOPES, Part 2
- AmateurLogic 95: What Goes Up
- Re: Q:Mods to Realistic HTX 202 HT?
- Using RT Systems Software with FT-991
- [W2LJ] 2016 Skeeter Hunt Report
- [QSO Today] N1IN
- [New post] Review – BTech UV-5X3 TriBand Handheld
- [HR360] Ham Radio: Workbench-4, Meters
- [SPARC] clubs page
- AmateurLogic 94: Plain Brown Wrapper
- [AB1OC/AB1QB] Summertime Station and Antenna Projects At AB1OC/AB1QB
- [QSO Today] W7LR
- AmateurLogic: Ham College episode 19
- Branded Travel Chargers | Mobile Phone Travel Charger
- [HR360] Ham Radio: 220MHz in the Real World
- [New post] Monarch Ridge South SOTA Activation (W0C/SP-058)
- SolderSmoke Podcast for Sunday 7 August 2016
- [QSO Today] W7SX
- [PD0AC] Review of BTech UV-50X3 (Tri-Band)
- [W2LJ] For those of you
- [HR360] Ham Radio: Workbench-3 Power Supplies
- [QSO Today] W9SR
- [W2LJ] This stuff still works!
- [RARC] Silent Key: Paul 2E0XVI
- [W2LJ] More magnetic loop antenna work
- [QSO Today] KY6R
- [W2LJ] CRUD! It happened again!
- Ham Radio 360: Workbench-2, Hand Tools
- [100WW] Antenna Talk & Pokemon Go
- [W2LJ] Psssst! ..... Hey Buddy, wanna key?
- [QSO Today] W1REX
- [WRC] A new radio!
- [KE9V] The Hard Stuff
- AmateurLogic 93: Theres RF in Those Woods
- [IVARC] Well that wasn't a normal Club meeting!
- [SADARS] 25 June 2016 - Club Visit to Mullard Radio Astronomy Site
- Is it better to live in the past?
- The greater the technology, the lesser the relevance?
- The Morse Key with a switch
- K9ZW Washington Island Operating Gear
- [W2LJ] Back in the saddle again!
- SolderSmoke Podcast for Sunday 22 May 2016
- [QSO Today] W1YL
- [HR360] Hamvention: Day One Review
- [W2LJ] KX3 - now may be THE time to buy!
- [SADARS] 19 May 2016 - Top Band DF Hunt
- [HR360] Hamvention: Elecraft KX2. Eric (WA6HHQ) and George (KJ6VU)
- LHS Episode #169: The Fukutoku Bank Robbery
- [W2LJ] Elecraft KX2
- [HR360] Ham Radio: All Roads Lead to Dayton Hamvention
- [KHSNB] Upminster Windmill on the air
- [K9ZW] Maestro Road/Boat Trip to Washington Island
- [QSO Today] K0NEB
- AmateurLogic 90: Everybodys Talking About Antennas
- [KE9V] Time Running Out for TenTec
- AmateurLogic: Ham College episode 16
- [VE3WDM] The numbers are down.
- Wouxun KG-UV9D
- [K0NR] Yaesu FT-1DR: A Trail Friendly SOTA HT
- [W2LJ] The Radio Amateur's Code
- [W&DARC] VHF Contesting
- [K9ZW] Planning incorporating the Game Changer technologies of the Flex-6000, Maestro and SmartSDR
- [QSO Today] W6OBB
- [W2LJ] I had hoped for better results
- Re: New group started for
- [W2LJ] Weather forecast is looking good
- New group started for support of $5.00 QRP 40M CW transceiver
- New group started for sup
- [SPARC] event
- [KB6NU] 2016 Extra Class study guide: E4D - Receiver performance characteristics
- Re: HTX-242 Mod is for REAL
- Blimey! £3000 !!!!!
- Anthropomorphising the electron and the electric field
- Re: PME (Protective Multiple Earthing) CAUTION.
- An SDR or DDS question?
- Back to the vapourware.
- Not sure where to post this - sound card drivers?
- Pardon my QRO ignorance ...
- Good ideas that are no loger?
- RFD away?
- Backlash?
- The death of the GDO
- A historical regret.
- If the young are necessary?
- Blade fuse sockets?
- Power Pole Connectors
- Just what do they hope to achieve?
- Reversing the dumbing down?
- Re: ha ha ho ho ha ha ...tee hee
- Almost Unbelievable ...
- The best of the old?
- Everything about the VNWA internals!
- Is this really the season of goodwill?
- Another brand new FT-991 with poor AM transmitted audio
- SDR dongles, et al?
- MFJ Antennae analysers? VNWA?
- [KB6NU] If there are so many hams and so many radios, why are the repeaters so quiet?
- TenTec Argosy ll 525 D
- The end of the profiteering emporia?
- Everything too small?
- Test equipment and the march of time
- Telonic 4053 sweep generator
- NOT MODERATOR SPAM - The Yaesu ATAS-120A antenna ?????
- Re: Murch 2000 transmatch-help
- HTX 212
- Re: Help Please - Alinco DJ-160
- Heatsinks and Fans
- Yaesu FTA-230 earpiece
- Baofeng
- Re: 756 display
- [W2LJ] Of course!
- A false market surge?
- [W2LJ] Rookie Roundup
- SolderSmoke Podcast for Sunday 19 April 2015
- [QSO Today] K3LR
- [K9ZW] US Islands Awards Programs "One-Day Getaway" - Saturday, May 9, 2015
- [KB6NU] Got a bug? Join the roundup!
- Best Source for Old Equipment
- How I used to dream
- Tape deck?
- Re: [N0UN] Ham Radio? Whats Ham Radio?
- Re: FT-51R software cloning (and extended receive freqs)
- [PD0AC] Nice.
- Re: No CATT codes for FT-991
- Re: No CATT codes for FT-991
- What is the point of digital voice?
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