View Full Version : Equipment
- [VARC] The 2021 VARC Antenna Shootout
- [QRZ] Circuit diagram required
- [QRZ] Looking for TS-830S AF/RF Pot
- [QRZ] Comparison of Kenwood Ts590 v Elecraft K3
- [WB4SON] The Magic Band comes alive!
- AmateurLogic 157: Cheap Touch, Charge & Chat
- [TWIAR] Via the ARRL: ARDC Grant Will Support HAMNET Expansion in Europe
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2122
- [KB6NU] DIY: cell phone battery replacement, $6 desk mic, 3D-printed weather stations
- [QSO Today] WA9CWX
- [QRZ] Kenwood 570s issue
- [QRZ] ICOM IC-7300 .... is a "real" SDR based radio ?
- [QRZ] Astron R-35A replacement parts
- [W2LJ] Getting ready for Field Day
- [DXZone] How to Ground an Antenna: aerial earthing
- [VE2DPE] Ham Radio - Amateur Radio Fascinating Secrets
- [QRZ] TT Scout Question
- [QRZ] NEW mobile DMR dual band ALINCO DR-MD500 !
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-891 fans
- [K9ZW] What goes into a SmartSDR Software Update?
- [OH8STN] Icom IC-705 & AH-705 in Lapland
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2121
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- [W2LJ] The bands were not the greatest today
- [QRZ] Elecraft KX1 Button Replacement
- [KB6NU] Breakout board aids Pico development
- [QSO Today] N6VI
- [VK5PAS] We have one comingcant wait.
- [100WW] Episode 303: Portable Antenna Options
- [QRZ] Schematic diagram of the Nissei DG-503 or MFj-849 SWR/Power meter?
- [K0NR] A Decibel Is Still A Decibel
- [MKARS] Mike Walker, VA3MW: Dispelling the Myths about SDR technology, and why it is better than the older SuperHet technology that we all grew up with : Monday 7th June
- [DXZone] QRP 20m Transmitter
- [QRZ] checking Heathkit SB301/401 and safety
- [QRZ] A100 Automatic ATU from China
- [QRZ] MFJ 259B lcd screen
- [M0IAX] Portable 2M FM and SSB operation with my IC705
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 77 - Extra Class Exam Questions - Part 15
- [VK5PAS] What is HEMA?
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2120
- [QSO Today] WB2D
- [WB4SON] Winlink with Vara FM, TM-D710G & DRA-50
- [DXZone] 23cm Low Noise Amplifier
- [QRZ] MFJ-1984-MP End Fed Half Wave Review
- [QRZ] ICOM IC-706 "not MKii"
- [DXZone] Transverter for 50 70 28 MHz
- [W2LJ] Cookie are crumbling
- [VK5PAS] VI100AF for the last time.
- [VARC] The Radio Amateur Invalid & Blind Club
- [KB6NU] Publicize your Field Day with these ARRL resources
- [WRC] Out portable in the Lake District
- [QRZ] Motorola GM 360 component identification
- [DXZone] The Kenwood TS-590 Series Transceivers
- [VK5PAS] VI100AF in the Stipiturus Conservation Park 5CP-220 and VKFF-0936
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-2000 inrad filter
- [DXZone] 60m Mods for the Icom IC-756
- [VARC] Activity on 4 metres (70 MHz)
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-60s Problems
- [QRZ] A Review of the GE Superadio 3 7-2887B
- [VARC] ISS FM Repeater
- [QRZ] Telereader UHf DTR-192 Looking for manual and schematic
- [QSO Today] WA7NPX
- [QRZ] ANYTONE AT-779UV Can't stop memory scanning!
- [AB1OC/AB1QB] Reducing RFI From Our QTH
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-897D zebra stripe problem
- [K0NR] About Those Drive Up SOTA Summits
- [QRZ] Palm Radio key knockoff/clone?
- [QRZ] KENWOOD PS-30 rebuild!
- [VK5PAS] VK100AF in May 2021
- [QRZ] FT 480R off freq
- [IOMARS] Its Wednesday and that means Shack night
- [DXZone] WFView Open Source interface for Icom transceivers
- [AB1OC/AB1QB] 6m LFA Yagi for Field Day and Mountain Topping
- [QRZ] Alinco DR-112 no audio out
- [VK5PAS] WWFF Hunter 1,744 certificate
- [QRZ] ICOM 7100 TX Problem
- SolderSmoke Podcast for Sunday 16 May 2021
- [DXZone] Display Transplant into an Icom IC-756
- [QSO Today] WA2ROA
- AmateurLogic 156: Radiogram
- [QRZ] TT Omni D Question
- [QRZ] Icom 7200 tuning knob
- [QRZ] LDG AT-600 Pro11 meter supply voltage problem
- [QRZ] FT-857: No UHF output power
- [W2LJ] Giving a helping hand
- [QSO Today] N6TR
- [OH8STN] Icom IC-705 Update May 2021
- [QRZ] HV Probe question
- [QRZ] Btech UV-50x2 Schematic?
- [OH8STN] Microsoft Surface for Ham Radio | Icom IC-705 Wireless Station
- [QRZ] Btech 50x2 Final part number
- [KB6NU] From Nuts and Volts: How old is old enough?, repairing circuit boards
- [K0NR] VHF SOTA Antenna Tests
- [VK5PAS] Day five and the Murray Sunset National Park VKFF-0373
- [QRZ] Increasing voltage on 12V server power supplies
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2116
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 76 - Extra Class Exam Questions - Part 14
- [QRZ] RGO ONE - new HF compact CW/SSB transceiver
- [QRZ] Working on Atlas 350XL
- [MKARS] Reminder of our Club Events in May, June 2021
- [DXZone] Dolstra Elektronica
- [QSO Today] k7OJL
- [QRZ] ICOM IC-PS30 restauration, parts information needed
- [K0NR] Monitor Marine VHF Near the Ocean
- [VK5PAS] Yarrara Flora Reserve VKFF-2498
- [QRZ] Icom IC-7800 Internal Power Supply Schematic
- [DXZone] Fan Dipoles 10/15/20m and 12/17/30m
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-891 Stuck on Startup Yaesu Logo
- [K0NR] Parks, Summits and Roadtripping
- [VK5PAS] Day three and the Meringur Flora and Fauna Reserve VKFF-2383.
- [DXZone] FLEX-6400M DSP Review
- [QRZ] MFJ Non-warranty repair service
- [QRZ] FT-767GX Bad Optical Tuning Encoder ~~ SOLVED
- [IOMARS] How to view CQ magazine and others for free courtesy of the Library
- [KB6NU] From the trade magazines: Op-amp basics, microcontroller measure frequency and period, PCB design accessible for students
- [VK5PAS] Day two - Cooltong Conservation Park 5CP-046 and VKFF-0823
- [DXZone] Manipulateurs Morse Anciens
- [QRZ] TS-590SG momentary power loss
- [DXZone] G3JVL Vertical Antenna for 50 MHz
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-430S VFO encoder counts down spontaneously
- [OH8STN] PowerFilm Lightsaver Max Radio Compatibility List
- [K0NR] Celebrating 10 Years of Summits On The Air in Colorado
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2115
- [QSO Today] VE7PS
- [TWIAR] PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1156
- [KB6NU] FCC issues second warning against using radios to commit crimes
- [MKARS] An Approach to EMF Assessment - The NRC MKARS Talk : Monday 26th April at 19.30 Martyn Baker G0GMB, Manager NRC
- [TWIAR] FCC Exploring New Wireless Mic Technology
- [QRZ] Power Switch Modification on the Yaesu FT-847
- [QRZ] cushcraft r9 antenna review
- [QRZ] Adjusting aged crystal filter passband?
- [K9ZW] FlexRadio 4o3a TGXL Ship Date Announced - Q3 2021
- [W2LJ] QRPTTF this Saturday!
- [QRZ] Japanese FT-857 Unlock TX on 2m band (144 - 148 Mhz)
- [DXZone] Semi Automatic Bug Keys Collection
- [QRZ] changing parts,trouble shooting backwards!!
- [QRZ] Restoring the Yaesu FT100D
- [M0IAX] Inflatable 2m/70cm Antenna
- [QSO Today] AK5TX
- AmateurLogic 155: Tower Failure Follow Up
- [QRZ] install SS-64 in kenwood tr 7730
- [TWIAR] Via the ARRL: Ulrich Rohde, N1UL, Awarded Germanys Cross of Merit
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-2700RH Mic Pinout
- [QRZ] Kenwood Service Center change?
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT3DR review
- [QRZ] Kenwood TV-502 interface cable
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-3dr - Very Disappointed
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-2000 Main-Band RX/AF issues on FM only
- [WB4SON] Added my FlexRadio 6600-M to DXLabs
- [QRZ] TS-570D No Transmit
- Is Yaesu still upgrading FT-991 to FT-991A?
- [QSO Today] K7REX
- [QRZ] Palstar R30A Tuning Knob Wobble & Audio Line Out Problem
- [KB6NU] Lets flood the ARRL with ideas
- [QRZ] TS 450 with low power, after burning out
- [OH8STN] Icom AH-705 vs MAT-705 - Battery Life
- [WB4SON] Finally using Vibroplex Paddle
- [QRZ] Ic706mk2 hfb coil need identified
- [QRZ] My "New" Yaesu FT-840
- [DXZone] NanoVNA-H4 Vector Network Analyzer
- [OH8STN] Icom AH-705 Icom IC-705 Chameleon EMCOMM 3B 80M JS8Call
- [M0IAX] The Inflatable HF Antenna from RadioGeeks
- [QRZ] Japanese Yaesu FT-857D: What can be done?
- [KB6NU] NIST demonstrates sensor that determines direction of incoming radio signal
- [WB4SON] Keeping your paddle in place
- [DXZone] Ham Radio: Using Repeaters
- [QRZ] Help using a pin attentuator
- [QRZ] Ft990 and ft1000md mark v field pl
- [QRZ] FTDX-3000
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-101ZD unstable display problem
- [DXZone] Arduino si5351 VFO sketch
- [QRZ] IC-R10 speaker, anyone ever replace it ?
- [DXZone] ICOM IC-R9500 Review
- [QRZ] Electronics Brain Teasers
- [KB6NU] VOTA: Volcanoes on the Air
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-2700RH Mic Pinout
- [KB6NU] OpenRTX: Free and open source firmware for digital radios
- [QRZ] Pulling the Trigger on IC-7600 Purchase
- [QRZ] 2SC2075 as MRF476 replacement?
- [K9ZW] NW Digital DRAWS - Build Part 1
- [DXZone] G7FEK antenna revisited
- [QRZ] LDG Z-11 Pro II Tuner unresponsive
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 75 - Extra Class Exam Questions - Part 13
- [WRC] From the Workshop: Bringing FT101s back to life!
- [G6NHU] Hexbeam is fixed, DXCC 2021 and general updates
- [KB6NU] IARU Region 1 to host conference on the future of amateur radio
- [DXZone] Portable SSB transceiver for 14MHz
- [QRZ] Looking for someone to repair my Marconi 2955A in southern california area...
- [QRZ] TS-590S. . . Real Problem Now
- [QRZ] Review: 6m, 2m & 70cm Horizontal Loop Antennas by eBay Seller Freqtester
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-830S Deafened Receive Repair!
- [M0IAX] Not a review of the Icom AH705 Automatic Antenna Tuner
- [DXZone] Pocket-sized SSB CW RTX for HF Bands
- [QRZ] KENWOOD TS-50S no output for a few minutes.
- [K0NR] Looking at VHF/UHF SOTA Data
- [KB6NU] TIL: Heath Co. founder Howard Anthony owned a Frank Lloyd Wright house
- [VK5PAS] Bullock Hill Conservation Park and the 2021 John Moyle Memorial Field Day
- [QRZ] New standalone SDR DSP reciever and trancievers from Russia
- [QRZ] Icom 880h dead?
- SolderSmoke Podcast for Sunday 21 March 2021
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2111
- [QRZ] RF Concepts VHF Amplifier question
- [SARS] Ofcom & Implementation of ICNIRP
- [KB6NU] Sears sold ham gear?
- [QRZ] Siltronix 1011C repair
- [WB4SON] Light Travel Paddle from Ukraine
- [K9ZW] FlexRadio makes a TunerGenius XL annoucement
- [DXZone] ICOM AH-705 Antenna Tuner
- [QRZ] YAESU FT-902 - Switch HEATER
- [SDARC] 70MHz Radios for Loan to SDARC Members
- [QRZ] TS-870 no response upon transmit
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT757GX II Straight key issue
- [DXZone] ICOM AL-705 Magnetic Loop Antenna
- [QRZ] Adding Ferrites to Output of Switching Supply
- [QRZ] What headset to buy? Bluetooth?
- [VK1NAM] SOTA - VK1AD at Isaacs Ridge VK1/AC-041
- AmateurLogic 154: What The Heck Are They Saying?
- [QRZ] Icom IC-751 PLL Board; Is it same as PLL in IC-751A or IC-761?
- [QRZ] Protective Cap Kit for HAKKO FX-600 & FX-601 Soldering Irons
- [W2LJ] Another virtual! FDIM
- [QRZ] Japanese Yaesu FT-857D: What can be done?
- [QRZ] Kenwood TM-V71A Review w/ Pros & Cons (Video)
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-830S Deafened Receive Repair!
- [K0NR] Reactions to the North America Adventure Frequency
- [QRZ] Is the Yaesu FT-450D a good radio?
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-891 - somebody knows
- [SADARS] 8 March 2021 - G0GGQ silent key
- [K9ZW] Printed Flex-6000 Series Manuals
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2109
- [WB4SON] QRP Labs QCX-mini
- [QSO Today] N5AC
- [DXZone] Ham Goodies
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- [QRZ] IRF510 amps
- [DXZone] Two elements Triband Yagi Antenna
- [QRZ] where to get 2SC1971's ?
- [KB6NU] Get a grant from ARDC
- [QRZ] 7 MHz Low Pass Ferrite Filter Build & Test
- [KB6NU] Hot Iron is a treasure trove for homebrewers
- [QRZ] Kenwood ts-450s problems
- [KG3V] IC-7300 Firmware Upgrade to V 1.40
- [QSO Today] N8UR
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 74 - Extra Class Exam Questions - Part 12
- [QRZ] NEWs 2021 model for Anytone 878 v.2 and mobile 578 !
- [QRZ] Dead tm-g707
- [OH8STN] Icom IC-705 & Microsoft Surface Go 2 | Wireless Station
- [K9ZW] When operating a Foreign Remote Station, how do you Identify?
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