View Full Version : Equipment
- Equipment for sale
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- KPS-450A NISSEI MS-450A Power Supply any good
- mic element used with FT-101ZD???
- Type of Cable to Use on 2m&70cm
- PSU problem help needed
- ICOM Remote Microphone control language
- Problems with Kenwood TS-2000
- Possible problems with Kenwood TS-820 mods.
- FA: Harris RF-590H HF Receiver
- ICOM R71a added functions from front panel
- WTB Yaesu FT 817/ND
- nntest
- icom r71a distortion fix on AM
- hep with amp
- seek standalone hellschreiber units
- wanted FT-767GX Working PSU Board
- Yaesu frg-8800 mw/lw mods
- Cubic Astro 103, Swan 102, Atlas 210 / 215 repairs.
- Dipole advice?
- Help with MFJ-1786 Control Box, Please.
- The RadioBay
- Distorted audio on IC730
- Quantar repeater
- Re: PS Yaesu FP-301D FS
- WTB: Heil CC-1-I cable
- How to prototype RF circuit boards ??
- Vendo línea completa de Kenwood TS-130-S
- FS Bird Termaline 6154 Wattmeter RF Load 150W
- Sony CRF-230B
- Looking for BIG power resistors
- WTB 817/ND
- For Sale MFJ-989C Antenna Tuner
- Dead Battery
- HARRIS RF355 amplifier
- TS-850 Vox Delay...
- WTB: Small Wonder PSK20 or similar
- FS/WTT Solid Brass Straight Key/PRO 76 Scanner
- WTB Yaesu FT-817ND
- WTB HF/SSB Transceivers Portable & Marine
- Watkins Johnson DRO-333A Counter
- Lafayette MM-505, anyone know it?
- 30 meter mod for a Kenwood TS-520
- RMK706 wanted by G station
- WTB: Tone Board for TR-9000
- FS: Kenwood Station
- Icom RS-92 "product id"
- GALAXY dx99v. How should I sell? Info on Radio?
- WTB Yaesu FT-817/ND
- IC-703 vs FT-817
- Grand Systems GD 6K.. Help Please!!
- FS: Commander Amplifier
- LK-500NT (B or C) users
- New mobile VHF/UHF from Yaesu: FTM-350 (fixed)
- New mobile VHF/UHF from Yaesu: FTM-350
- Can I use wirewound resistors to build an HF attenuator?
- Kenwood TS-2000 problem
- Drake RV-75 dip switch calculator
- Re: Mustang Convertible antenna mounting
- Best external speaker for SSB phone?
- Is there an equivalent to Elecraft KX1 for phone?
- Homebrew 2m (and maybe 70cm) linear (solid state, 20~30W)
- MFJ 989D Intermittant SWR readings above 20 meters
- New-to-me Yaesu FT-450: CAT problems
- MFJ 1782
- For Sale: Various HAM filters,switches, meters
- FS: Yaesu FT1000D
- FS: Clipperton L Amplifier
- FS: Elecraft K3 with options
- 400 Watt Broad Band Solid state Amplifier
- Ahoy LK-500NT B or C users
- PALSTAR R30CC and PS30 both for $430 shipped
- WTB:Hy-Gain Penetrator Order 500 Antenna
- Re: "KD8IMG, Robert Trendel, is a twice convicted stalker of women."
- Model 26 teletype available
- [MsgID 100180] Help needed with a Cobra CIR2000a Internet Radio receiver
- Yaesu FT-680r 6m
- Re: Linear Amplifier Plans 1-16 Pill On DVD
- Dressler ara30
- Manuals available online for Debeg 2000, ITT/Mackay 3020, RACAL 1217
- ft747gx encoder replacement
- RCA receiver CR-88B
- loose glass in meter
- ham-com 2009 pictures
- SPECIAL: Shock, Awe vs Velvet Revolution
- The "other" end that is near....
- The End is Near...
- RETokyo HC500 tuner
- Need help.: OMNI-D 546 Receiving problems.!
- Re: Linear Amplifier Plans 1-16 Pill On DVD
- Battery Saver?
- Ford 'Solar Tint' Glass and Glass-Mount Antenna?
- Folding Console Tables
- Eureka Vacuum Sweeper
- Vestal Gold Watch
- Spazio24
- Childrens Bubble Bath
- hi,guess check out ,JOKE OF THE DAY.
- Ft-50 problem
- Heathkits for Sale
- Zaterdag 30 mei 2009 - 31e FRIESE RADIO MARKT
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- FS - Dayton
- TS-450S output reduced
- WTB Y. FT-817/ND
- Heath HW-9 Dial Error
- Listen to QSO on Internet ?
- Tuning 40M on new Ameritron AL-80B Amp
- ICOM IC-R9000 DATA "0008ch ERROR or 0517ch Error ...ERROR ch Was CLEAR"
- Harris RF-350K half-duplex operation
- Re: Moderator?
- Motorola GP360
- FS - Icom R71A
- Moderator?
- FA: AMERITRON AL-572 amplifier
- FS-Ten-Tec RX-350 MINT
- WTB Harris RF-350K RT-1464/URC PART
- Looking for newer SW receiver with digital tuning
- FS - Harris RF-601 Antenna Coupler Group
- Re: COLLINS 32S-1 transmitter
- Spare parts
- Spectrum Scopes
- F/S VERY LARGE Log Periodic antennas
- FA: Icom IC-T21A rare HT
- IC-730 question
- HP8551B Contol Cable
- Kenwood AT-250 with Non-Kenwood Radios?
- Exceptional Openings for RF Engineers
- Cushcraft A3 antenna
- Re: HALLICRAFTERS S-38C receiver (1953)
- Linear Amplifier Plans 1-16 Pill On DVD
- Palstar R30 series
- eBay: ARC-5, tuner cap, etc
- WTB FT 817
- Peak-to-peak voltage for mic input?
- Maxon TM-4800 programming
- Maxon TM-4800 programming
- NEW Yaesu FT-980 YahooGroup
- Linear Amplifier Cook Book!!
- Trade 1911 45
- Trade 1911 45
- Repeater Icom FR4000
- Noise Figer Meter EATON 2075B
- Re: collins 32s Tx'er
- WTB: JRC NRD-545
- Hurricane 350 output power?
- IC725 Problem
- Kenwood th25at backup battery replacement
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- PRC-6 On Ebay
- Looking for dead HP848x RF power sensor
- WTB:TE Systems 0552G 6M VHF Amp
- MARS for Jupiter 538
- Sony SW-7600GR
- HF band scope???
- Re: FA: HALLICRAFTERS S-38C receiver (1953)
- Looking for experiences with the Shure 55SH Series II microphone
- WTB: Voice Recorder IC p/n ISD2575P
- Ten Tec ORION II-AT Want FT-2K or FT-1K
- Thanks GI0ZGB...
- Black Cat 300 linear amplifier
- Kenwood TH-F6A
- Wiltron 610D
- WTB Weller soldering iron
- FS: Various pieces of equipment in excellent condition.
- ARRL Ham Radio License Manual -Tech
- Re: Kuka ruokkii kommunistin?
- FS: CFG-515 Antenna Coupler plug-in board for NSD-515 JRCtransmitter
- RCI-2950 Ten Meter Rig
- hammarlund hq rx
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Kenwood TS-850 Knobs - Removal Techniques
- VoiceMax...
- HELP!! Motorola R-2001D Service Monitor
- FA: Vintage GI Intel 1101A Sram Chips 1973 & Drake Cabinet Screws NEW
- Icom IC-735 and phone patch
- power supply hums when electric blanket on
- FA: Fluke 8840A bench DMM, ESI 2160 LCR bridge, cap substitution box
- IC-756 DIsplay Problem
- Linear Amplifier HF 16 pill Project amp
- test
- everybody, check this out!!
- Hy-Gain 421B Power Meter
- WTB FT-817ND for parts
- FS Icom auto ATU
- FA: Original Heath Manuals>SB-610, HD-10, SA-2040, SB-600, HN-31
- Alinco DJ 560
- IC-970 group
- FA: PR Crystals 7132KHz 3703KHz and 7163KHz
- FS/FT Two (2) Radius GP300s VHF 16 channel
- FA: MOPA 2-Tube Transmitter Instant Junkbox parts assortment
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- ICom IC970 and PS35
- FA: Original Heath Manuals>SB-610, HD-10, SA-2040, SB-600, HN-31
- Any new HF rigs from Kenwood on the horizon?
- FOR SALE: Command Set Transmitter
- FA: SignaLink SL-1+ due 3-Dec 17:08 PST
- FS: TenTec Orion II
- Software for Radio Control
- taylor tubes 6146b
- taylor 6146b
- FA: Erie 500pf Doorknobs, Vintage/rare IC's, GI Mosfets/FET's
- FA: Teagam Digital LCR Bridge and FM Stereo Signal Generator
- IC-V200T
- SHOP CLEANOUT-PRIDE 100 WATT linear CB/Ham amp-(4) vintage tube CBradios-(2) old tube PA system amps for guitar projects-tube radios- testequipment-rare items-$10-25 each
- Substitute to Kenwood vc-h1
- FA: EAC R-390A
- FA: B&K Cap tester, Heathkit Microlizer, Drake screws
- Need manual for Motorola portable repeater, model #P43SXS3180B4
- FA: R-390A built by ECA
- Scancat
- Yaesu Question
- Ryhmän sfnet.keskustelu.liikenne virallinen kuvaus
- TH-F6A No Audio with SMC-34 Speaker Mic
- VoiceMax Speech Processor
- Over 80,000 images of beautiful busty women
- good radio for sat com
- FA: Drake TR-72 manual
- TRADE: Your ORION II - for - my OMNI VII
- FA: EAC R-390A HF Receiver Auction # 280283671494
- Realistic DX-302
- WTB Drake AC4 or AC3 Power Supply
- FA: EAC R-390A
- Yaesu VX-7R on eBay
- For Sale: ICOM 745, Very nice!
- BASE Station CB radios and Linear AMP
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- FA: Original Manuals, Yaesu YO-100, FRG-7, SP-101PB, LIKE NEW!
- Help: Pin info ERC Oven Crystal
- Elecraft K-2
- WTB Yaesu FT 817ND / 817
- Interface for HP-8558B Spectrum Analyzer
- FA: Original Manuals, Yaesu, Drake, Kenwood
- FA: Tektronix TM5003
- Yaesu-BPF-1.
- WTB: Yaesu FBA-14
- IC-7000 Frequency Alignment Question
- Wagner HF SSB Radio
- 868MHz Propagation problem
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