View Full Version : Boatanchors
- Re: FS: Globe HG-303 & VFO
- Please consider supporting this parliamentary petition
- Unexpected brightness of RF power tube grid
- Re: Heath V7A VTVM High Voltage Probe Question
- Re: TBX-2 restoration
- Re: CPRC-26 Instruction Plate Needed
- Wig Wag transmitter
- Panoramic Receiver
- Kenwood TS520S auxiliary crystal position
- Wanted: 456.38 kHz crystal for the SBE 34 Transceiver
- Heatsinks and Fans - Which Way Should The Air Move
- WANTED: Vintage Tektronix tube-based (or early transistor) gear / HPTest Equipment
- WANTED: Vintage Tektronix tube-based gear
- Antenna Protection Diode
- [FS or Swap] ART-13 dynamotor
- Re: Tecraft Criterion 144 converter
- ps-150-120
- BC-375 filament voltmeter switch
- Model making?
- High brightness LEDs?
- Voting open for newgroup
- WTB: Collins 618S (or ARC-38) 250 kHz crystal
- Want To Buy SX-28
- Rarer than Roman artefacts?
- 2nd RFD for moderated UK amateur radio group
- Let's try a different route :)
- Multiple manufacturers of the same device
- hw32
- Re: Manual/instructions for Swan SWR-1A meter?
- Running Swan at low power
- Eddystone 830
- Eddystone 830?
- swan 500c
- Re: Then and now
- Google Street View
- Add bands to Yaesu FTDX-400
- Heathkit SB-303 Receiver
- Standard RX design?
- Attn: Heathkit Collectors
- My Home Shop
- Bringing up old valve radios slowly?
- Re: pride dx 300
- sb200
- Heathkit HW-16 T/R Switching Noise
- Re: Need TS-585 D/U Manual
- Re: 11 Meter Ham Band
- Re: 4 radios I got today
- Toob Amplified PC Speakers
- wanted: trashed R390A RF deck w/good bandswitch
- Wincharger dynamotor production Q.
- Antenna Trim?
- Variable selectivity?
- Hallicrafters gear
- WANTED; R-110 part of AN/GRC-3
- Model Makers?
- Single-crystal filters?
- Crystal phasing & single signal reception
- Johnson Desk Kilowatt Question
- 803s in push-pull / parallel
- HQ-100 Tube Layout
- DX-100 or Apache?
- Cleaning
- Help IDing this radio
- WANTED; cross needle SWR meter
- Re: collins 30L-1
- Re: collins 30L-1
- Putting a date on waxed or painted electrical wiring
- Vintage Radio Auction - Orange, CA. 2-16-13
- TV-7D Part Needed
- Re: Need 1N3996A Zener SB-220
- Need A Schematic For A Drake SW2 Shortwave Receiver
- A Boatload of Boatanchors in Oklahoma City area for sale
- Geloso G.222 TR help
- Hallicrafter s-38
- Hallicrafters S-38D dial pointers wanted....
- Balancing final tubes
- Re: trying to revive SP600-JX-17
- Hallicrafters SR-500 - 6DQ5 vs 8236
- Re: Marconi Atalanta
- T-368 Base Dimensions Please
- RF27
- Shelby Hamfest 2012
- Drake SW-4A Crystals
- Swan VX-2 Vox box
- Hallicrafters SX-122A
- Gonset power supply / modulator diagram
- Help with connector
- arn6
- 5U4GB Solid State Replacement
- Help with MK II No. 19 complete set to sell
- Antenna connectors for HTs
- dynamotir
- nm52A
- TV7D Meter from Tube Tester
- Circuit for fm linear 87,5-108 mhz with tube 3cx1500/8877
- Socket for 416b or 6280 tube
- Help for Hammarlund Super Pro
- Octal tube sockets and FT-243
- Re: crystal socket
- Re: crystal socket
- Still Active???
- WTB: BC 342-N parts needed
- Bonnton 190A, voltage stibilizer
- Hallicrafters SX99 receiver
- What kind of capacitors do I use?
- Drake TR-4 questions
- Re: WTB: Gonset G-77 transmitter
- Swamping transmitter input to amp
- G4/214 Geloso problems
- Your experience with function generators
- S-38B Question
- Mitchell B-25 military shortwave receiver?
- Charlotte conference pre-registration
- Help with Hammarlund HQ129X - What size paper capacitor is this?
- Need 455 / 3035 kHz IF transformer for Hammarlund
- FA: Collins 618T module extenders
- FA: GRC-106 front panel TEST meter
- T368
- EV M-26/U info
- FS: SB 610
- Looking for a Gonset G77-B
- Speaker and DSP for boatanchor receivers
- WW2 military radio equipment
- Farnsworth NBFM VHF Radio
- Geloso G.4/214 help
- Jan '57 CQ p. 60 4-tube CW 80-40 XCVR
- Opening Lakespur C-45 radio
- FS: Yaesu Fl110
- Vigilant / Micon SR 532
- Trade: HW-101 for something awesome
- Tube tester operation
- Boat anchor calling frequencies (cw)?
- Micamold capacitor
- US Army Signal Corps training film for the SCR-694, BC-1306 field radio
- Hallicrafters General coverage receivers
- NOS National Radio Dial FS
- Re: [email protected]
- Bc-342
- Hammarlund comprison HQ-145X, 170A, 180A
- Re: FDC FD-880 Dual Band 136-174/400-480Mhz FM Radio
- Odd item from sale.
- fair price
- WTB: Heathkit DX-100
- Re: Wanted: Vintage Tektronix Test Equipment
- Kenwood Speaker SP-520 and VFO Cable
- Re: [email protected]
- Hallicrafters HT-32B parts available - FREE
- are these vacuum tube shields?
- Morrow Amateur Radio Equipment
- Vintage Tektronix test equipment wanted
- Need 2" Greenlee radio chassis punch. Buy, Rent, Borrow or trade!!!
- ts-130s
- Wanted: Shockmount feet for my cabinet
- Heathkit is BACK!
- Oddball Raytheon Subminiature Tubes QF-721
- Need repair of taut band meter movement
- National NC-240D Bandswitch Butterfly Contacts Broken
- r15 and r19
- Finals going bad in Heathkit SB-401 transmitter?
- Rack mount equipment slides avail.
- No posts...
- Drake SW-4 alignment
- Pizza Delivery Bags with Polyester filling
- Sweep generator recommendations anyone?
- WTB: National NC109 knob (set?)
- WTB: Collins F455J-? Mechanical Filters
- WTB: Cable Multi-Elmac M-1070/AF-68/PMR-8
- Gear to be offered at Sacramento meet Sun. 5/23
- FS R-392 Receiver $400
- FS: R392 Receiver with home made Power Supply $400
- FS: WRL GALAXY 300 & matching PS
- HALLICRAFTERS SX-28A - Smoldering . . . _ _ _ . . .
- SB-1000 problem
- Crosley 4-29P 1926 broadcast radio
- FS: Viking Valiant
- Surplus to my needs, must go
- Heath SB line
- Trac Memory Message Keyer model TE201
- Heathkit - SB-200 Problem - Help!
- K9YA TELEGRAPH - where can I get back issues?
- Hammarlund HQ 120X Rebuild
- Re: F.S. Hallicrafters S-38EB.
- Re: Amateur Radio Respect, and Warning
- Re: Amateur Radio Respect, and Warning
- F.S. Hallicrafters S-38EB.
- Antique Radio Charlotte 2011
- Old Test Equipment
- Is an original Hallicrafters S-20 Sky Champion in rough shape worth more than $25?
- Johnson viking valiant and thurnderbolt
- Transmitter Circuit
- Western Electric I-106-A 100-160 MCS tuned FS meter History?
- Hallicrafters SX101A
- BC-342n
- hello
- Suppressor-grid modulation
- Bc 342
- Yaesu FT-2FB
- Noise Bridge Hint
- Henry 1KD-5 Amp
- Aquacom marine radio telephone info needed
- Re: McKay Dymek DR33
- McKay Dymek DR33
- FS: VERY FINE Drake 2NT Novice CW Transmitter
- FS: Assorted BOATANCHORS Manuals $25.00 per manual plus postage.
- Carolinas Winter Swap Meet
- wanted drake's r4c and tr4c tnx
- Question
- Vintage Potentiometer Info?
- Trade: AMP Supply LK-800 Three Holer
- Heathkit IO-30 Manual
- Chinese vacume tube needed---help
- BFO..... newb question
- old morrow stuff
- TUBE Cooling? Yes or No?
- xtals for Hellicraft FPM-300
- Amature amature.
- Hellow to all.... from North Carolina
- Johnson Viking Valiant blocking capacitor change
- Manual for Harris/PRD 2020 Vector Voltmeter
- Hammarlund Telechron
- Ameco PCL Preamp
- Help.
- Drake filter by Sherwood Engineering
- Hickok 890A Transistor Tester
- Help with hallicrafetrs SX-24
- I guess the site has been spammed again
- B2 spy radio (tips, value and venue for sale)
- Loudspeaker LS-3
- Help with Star ST-700
- Wilcox F3 and CW3 receivers
- Link 2m "taxi" receivers
- AR88D - Very Low R.F Gain
- News article: - - Phase Coherence is the reason for the binding
- wanted: Drake L4 L4B L7 power supply parts
- For those paying interest on the ART-13 transmitter
- For those who pay interst
- FA. Working, complete BC-348-R US Army-Air Force receiver
- Believe it or not we finally have the cause of Gravity !
- info. on the navy rdz-1 reciever
- Some interesting mil-surplus "stuff" found at the Valdese meet.
- Mods for Heathkit RA1 Amateur bands Rx
- More Manuals
- Help with Collins tuner
- What's the metal cap on top of CX301A tube for ?
- Motorola PF849M
- Motorola PF849M
- WTB: B&W 5100 Modulator Subchassis and HV Transformer
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