View Full Version : Boatanchors
- Cardwell Model 54 Receiver
- WTB - 1967 ARRL Operators Manual
- Radio Auction 28 August in Pennsylvania
- RARE - JONES 1937 ham radio handbook for sale
- arrl handbooks for sale
- rca xmitting tube book for sale
- FA:Galaxy outboard CW filter
- QST May 2005
- FA: MINT Millen GDO, 1955 ARRL HB, 6JS6C's,+ Stuff
- re: Alpha 77DX
- "western radio amateur" publication FREE
- Australian Sources of info?
- Johnson T-R switch receive port output levels?
- FS: Complete Chinese 102E/XD6 HF Station
- Info on Mirage/KLM HF10080 amp.
- Wanted Drake TR-4, TR-4C or any 4 series tx or rcvr
- eBay BBC-655 ARC-5 rack for 3
- 2 transmitting tube books for sale
- 13 arrl handbooks left
- FS- Various Items in top shape.
- FA: Kenwood R820 **MINT!!**
- FA: Galaxy GT-550, CW filter, PS/speaker all MINT!!
- Marconi CSR5 A manual needed
- National Nc-88 Or Nc-98 Parts
- Harmonic Mixer in W6TC's HBR receivers..
- Hallicrafters S-76 subchassis removal?
- FA: SUNDAY>NOS EIMAC 4CX1000A, Crystal radio, Vintage transistors
- ham radio books
- FS: GE S990 Delta control head ROMs
- FA: Various Items...Midland 800 Mhz Mobile, Military Antenna Tuner, etc, [ Collins KWM_2 For Sale ]
- LOT #2 old antique radios for sale-Majestic-WardsAirline-Philco-Silvertone-more
- 400 page book on tunnel diodes for sale
- amatuer radio handbooks for sale
- 1938 rca transmitting tube manual for sale
- eBay: National NCX-1000 Hallicrafters R-45/ARR-7
- P-P LO injection for 6JH8 deflectors?
- Wanted Racal Battery pack MA934 for syncal 30
- FA: 3 lots of vintage transistors from late 1950's
- Source for very small rub-on lettering?
- Power transformer as audio transformer
- FA: NOS EIMAC 4CX1000A/8168 tube for Collins 30S-1
- WTB: HX-10 <arauder in Great Shape
- S-36/RBK-13 Redux
- magazines for sale
- Hallicrafters SX-28 Instruction manual
- June 59 QST Review of HQ-145 needed
- R4-B Production Date?
- KLM FORCE 5 HF Transceiver
- FS: Heathkit, Hallicrafters, Swan, Collins Radio, HP, Telegraph Keysand Other Stuff
- Radiomarine Corporation of America TCP-3
- Boatanchor prices
- Info needed on CMS suitcase radio
- FA: Drake TR-22C 2-mtr Portable FM XCVR w/24 crystals
- 17 ARRL handbooks left for sale
- Package EF Johnson Feeder spreaders
- Junker HR-10 Heath? Need a part...
- UK "Pineapple" EVHF antenna
- UK Vampire Vehicle Replacement?
- Zenith Ineter Oceanic R91 experience anyone??
- Noise figure: 7360 vs. 6JH8?
- Bud BTCL bandswitch coils? Anyone use?
- Geloso VFO advice, experience?
- vintage VHF magazines for sale
- looking for a junker R-25/ARC5 CBY-46105 1.5 to 3 mc receiver
- Old Headset Wanted
- G / E HAM NEWS for sale
- old RCA ham- tips for sale
- have 6 RADIO magazines left for sale
- ARRL 1944 handbook for sale
- ESRC Vacuum Tubes - Vacuum Tubes & Tube Part Supplier
- nuvistors for sale
- remember " RADIO " magazine, for sale
- ham radio magazines for sale
- ARRL antyenna handbook for sale
- ARRL handbooks for sale
- FA: VIBROPLEX Original Deluxe Bug>Almost mint 1956
- Z-1100 zener specs or equivalent?
- Update to Homebrew RX notebook
- MDC QSO PARTY Next weekend
- old fair radio sales catalogs
- HUGE lot estate clearance-antique radios-CB-shortwave-transceivers-phonos-testequip-mics-Grigsby-Grunow, Philco, Majestic, Wards Airline, consoles,tabletops, cathedral, tombstone, bakelite, wooden, plastic-much more- over 50items listed
- HRO-50T1 Gear mech. question, etc.
- FA: Eimac 4CX1000A, Raytheon CK722 & Sets of tubes
- Looking for 73 Magazines.
- FS: Hallicrafters S-27/S-36 Ultra High Frequency Receiver
- lot of vintage CB radios-car radios-wood/bakeliteradios-receivers-mics-transceivers-TUBES-estate sale clearance
- FS Hammarlund Super Pro SP200
- wanted crystal unit in range 501 > 504 Khz fundemental
- eBay R390 meters
- HUGE lot of old wooden-bakelite-plastic radios, phonograghs, tapedecks, RCA Magazine Loaded Soundtape recorder, 4-track cartridges/decks, etc.for sale-
- FA: EIMAC 4CX1000A + 3lots 417A, 6197, Collins 12AU7 tubes
- eBay Hickok 752 test Data Book
- Tube tester problem
- Maryland-DC QSO Party Announcement
- FA: Brown Bros.Paddles/Key, Tubes, Com-Spec Boards, etc!
- rca bth250 transmitter in houston area
- FS Yaesu FT-530
- GR10-AR-77 speaker
- Henry 2K Ultra
- 3GP/mobile/iPod/PSP Converter
- 3GP/mobile/iPod/PSP Converter
- 3GP/mobile/iPod/PSP Converter
- Any Lafayette HA-500 owners?
- FA: Brown Bros. CTL-A Paddle/Key Combo>1974 MINT!
- FS: Hallicrafters SX-115 Receiver (in Canada(
- BC-312 oscillator frequency
- Ham Radio Test
- Navy RBO-2 Cosmetics
- New update to the RX project notebook
- FA: RS HTX-242, Icom Batts, Brown Bros. Key + Much more!
- The Tube Center - Vacuum Tube Supplier
- 3GP/mobile/iPod/PSP Converter
- Looking for crystals for Heathkit SB series equipment
- WTB: Yaesu FLdx 400
- Instructograph Take-Up Reel Needed
- KW2000B for sale
- Inquiry
- FA: RS HTX-242 xcvr, Alpha-Delta, Icom Batts, RCA-6EB8's
- Gear to MD/VA hamfests
- FA: 3 sets of Tektronix probes, Cheep>TONIGHT!
- Info on Nye Viking Company MB-V-A Tuner
- Hallicrafters SX-25 "nuance" - RF COIL Dilemma
- BC348 Missing ID Plate
- Any Lafayette HE-40 owners here?
- test preparation software for Canadians
- Test Preparation Software
- FA: 3 sets of probes, 4 lots of Vintage Diodes/Xsistors
- Homebrew RX restoration project
- FA: A****er-Kent Tags & Heath "TWOER" w/Mike>TONITE!
- Source of mica for trimmer rebuilds?
- Where to sell KWS-1 / 75A-4 and LK-800ism?
- The Tube Center = A Leading Vacuum Tube and Tube Parts Supplier
- The New ARF is on the air
- A gallery of gassy tubes
- Info on an RCA Model MAR CRV-43067 receiver/transmitter
- FA: Nice HEATHKIT "TWOER" w/Mike & AC Cable
- Triplett Model 660 dual AC/DC voltmeter/wattmeter
- FS: RME-84 Boatanchor
- UHF Signal Generators available for pick-up
- KW Electronics VESPA II Transmitter (in USA)
- FS: NEW Stancor Filiment, HV Transformer
- Ham Radio Test Software
- "New" HQ-145 on the air!
- Tunable hum in Heathkit SB-401 RF output
- FA: Drake 4-NB, 500hz filter & Xtals + RS HTX-202, 1-DAY!
- WTB/ trade : need 0C3 regulator tube
- Collins 310B signal levels?
- Yaseu FT 270r
- Looking for collins TCS 12 tx/rx
- Help us save usenet news for Time-Warner customers
- FA: Drake 4-NB, 500hz filter & Xtals + RS HTX-202,
- 3GP/mobile/iPod/PSP Converter
- eBay Collins 312B-3 speaker
- Micom-1 any experts out there????????
- Hallicrafters SR-160 or SR-500
- KNobs
- FA: 1 day>Globe Scout Deluxe AM/CW Xmtr!
- Any tips about shippng?
- Need a Lafayette HE-30 or KT-320 junker
- FS: HEATHKIT IM5284 Multimeter - UNBUILT -
- FA: Globe SCOUT DELUXE on Ebay>$51 so far
- WTD: Heathkit HA-14 SSB Amplifier
- HQ-145/End of story
- Calibration Cable Pinout - TS820s and others
- Remember the Galaxy Scout Deluxe?
- A method of remotely tuning the Hy Tower Vertical from inside the shack
- Northern Electric R221-DX Tube Info?
- Tail Gate Party - Feeding Hills, MA - June 6th
- Continuing Saga: HQ-145
- Wanted R-390A IF Strip
- FA: Royal Navy Outfit 618/CAS
- FS: Kenwood TL-922A Amplifier
- HQ-145/Worth Recapping?
- WTB Drake R-4C
- sx-28 restoration ongoing
- How linear are Heathkit SB series LMOs?
- WTB: Manual for Kenwood TL-922A Amplifier
- Breting 14 tube location please.
- FS: RCA SC-13 RCA Transistor manual from 1967
- FS: Vintage Radio Correspondence Course Books
- FS: Zenith Transoceanic T600
- FA: CV-591 Covers
- S-36 Tuning Unit Part
- FA: Royal Navy Kit 618 / CAS
- FA: Collins R-392/URR HF receiver
- SX-28 infinite imedance detector mod
- Anyone got a DX-100 kit to make a DX-100B?
- FS: Zenith Transoceanic T600
- Come into the SolderSmoke!
- Need KLM Force5 Schematics
- Message Procedure for Wired Telegraphy?
- Drake TR4-c Help
- RBM, again
- RBM receiver, help please
- What are resin capacitors and should they be replaced?
- national hro fm-83-50 adaptor, also searching for EF scale wtb
- Anyone in S. Florida Area can recap/align?
- Help to identify old Boatanchor receiver
- HQ-145 Opinions?
- Where to get small 'pocket neon test screwdriver?
- houston area swap meet may 24th
- Anyone have a tiny speaker?
- Mike pinout for IC-22A
- diagram for st-2 kenwood charger power supply
- WTB slicer or ssb adapter
- FS: Kenwood and Collins Amplifiers
- FS: ADVANCE Coaxial relay w/External contacts(pics)
- Drake SW-4A tuning knob and aluminum skirt.
- KLM Force5 HF xcvr. - Info.needed.
- Need help ID'ing this Panasonic part
- WANTED: Anyone know what this RF Connector is called?
- WTB: 160 meter RF coil or slug for Kenwood TS-530S
- William Howard, military radio authority, historian & collector
- radiola III
- Re: Need advice on repainting Heathkit faceplates and cabinets
- Beam power tetrode, beam power pentode, or just a pentode?
- Need advice on repainting Heathkit faceplates and cabinets
- S-19R Sky Buddy Photos
- Revamped Tube Supplier website
- BC-191 price
- FS: Heathkit 2060 Antenna Tuner
- Relay needed GLA-1000
- SB-101 available for restoration
- 3GP/mobile/iPod/PSP Converter
- UT Researchers Find Link Between Advertising and Increased Tobacco Use Among India’s Youth
- Dial Drum Spring for Heathkit Mohawk RX-1
- FA: Bird, MFJ and Ten Tec
- WTB: Heathkit 2060 knob
- Model: EK-2075 TONE ONLY POCSAG Pagers CHEAP
- WTB: Hallicrafters S-40 series Main Tuning Dial Window
- HW-100 for sale
- DX-302
- SB 220 parts
- Restoring old black knobs.
- FS: A very unique Tempo One (FT-200) XCVR
- Cleaning Equipment exposed to tobacco smoke
- RCA WV-120B Schematoc Needed
- Analog meter Repair?
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