View Full Version : Boatanchors
- [QRZ] Drake TR-4310 questions
- [QRZ] US Navy Tube tester: Bad meter question
- [QRZ] Trivia: How Many HF Ham Rigs Used the 6146 Family?
- [QRZ] Realistic HTX-100 transceiver Yahoo group?
- [QRZ] Hammarlund HX-500 Power Supply
- [QRZ] Drake 2-C preselector capacitor needed
- [QRZ] Recognize these Hammarlund HQ-129X mods?
- [QRZ] HRO-60 Mystery Capacitor on V16
- [QRZ] Heathkit V-7 Meter Problem?
- [QRZ] FT-101 Frequency Counter and Display
- [QRZ] Philco 160-100D ?
- [QRZ] Heathkit SB 610 filter cap replacement
- [QRZ] Buying a Viking Transmitter
- [QRZ] Drake TR-7: Amazing rig I gotta say!!
- [QRZ] HA-10 Warrior Panel Meter
- [QRZ] US Navy Tube tester: Bad meter question
- [QRZ] Dim bulb test
- [QRZ] Tube testers
- [QRZ] Knightkit T-60 Problems
- [QRZ] Resurrecting Drake TR-4C - Capacitors, Resistors other failure points
- [QRZ] AM Tube Rig?
- [QRZ] HA-10 Warrior Panel Meter
- [QRZ] Trivia: How Many HF Ham Rigs Used the 6146 Family?
- [QRZ] Heathkit HW-101 Germanium diodes
- test
- 1950s/60s PHILIPS 17 TG 100U - ebay
- Vintage 1950s/60s PHILIPS 17 TG 100U -ebay
- [QRZ] Heathkit HX-11 Partial Restoration Almost Complete
- Schematic for Gonset commander with 6bq5's as modulators.
- Cossor Commando mobile Tx/Rx Type CC303
- [QRZ] Recapping a rig: when and to what extent?
- [QRZ] Drake T-4xb alignment
- [QRZ] HW 23A Transmit Problem
- [QRZ] HW12A Measurements
- [QRZ] HA-10 Warrior Panel Meter
- [QRZ] Rivets Question on Burned Wafer Switch Contacts
- [QRZ] Heathkit HX-11 Project and the Full Manual is Elusive
- [QRZ] Need recommendations: Good mic shop in DC area
- [QRZ] ITT MaKay MR29B/30B Documentation
- [QRZ] HW-32A Filament Voltage Problem
- [QRZ] Line Bypass Safety Caps
- [QRZ] HQ129X Bandspread inop on two lowest bands
- [QRZ] Elusive 4-Lug Terminal Strip (Johnson Style)
- [QRZ] T-4XC No power....
- FS: WW2 Wehrmacht Torn e.b. radio case
- [QRZ] Allied SX-190
- Heathkit S-53A tuning knobs wanted
- [QRZ] TS-530S Meter Issues After SG Short
- [QRZ] Heathkit DX-60B Missing Windings
- [QRZ] Kenwood ts-120s alc meter not working
- [QRZ] HT37 solid state rectifers
- [QRZ] No output on 20 meters HW-101
- [QRZ] Heathkit DX-40U The U is interesting...
- [QRZ] National SW-3 question
- [QRZ] Collins 388-URR
- [QRZ] Viking Valiant modulator current 250 ma
- [QRZ] Johnson Model 250-40 Modulator Manual
- [QRZ] DX-40 Issue and Question about Ceramic Cap Substitutes
- [QRZ] Heathkit HW-100 - How Can This Be??
- [QRZ] Heathkit DX-40 with Mic Gain, PTT, and other Mods
- [QRZ] 30L 1 - Plate current, no output
- [QRZ] TS-830s problem
- [QRZ] Drake TR-4CW w/ RIT Should I recap it?
- [QRZ] Heathkit SB-101 Drive falls off - all bands
- [QRZ] Update on the BC14-A Restoration- Documentation
- 70cm 4CX250-B cavity amplifier / Power source
- [QRZ] Need signal generator help
- [QRZ] Johnson Viking Adventurer Operating Logistics Help
- [QRZ] rare socket for rare tube
- [QRZ] Looking for info on P&H 8010 transceiver adapter..
- [QRZ] Johnson Viking Adventurer Capacitor Network Help with Balance Resistors
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-520 in need of parts (oscillator board crystals)
- [QRZ] Kenwood ts 940 avr parts
- [QRZ] List of Test Gear for Working on TS-830S & Other Boat Anchors
- [QRZ] VHF Engineering Synthesizer
- [QRZ] Heathkit SB-310 "Fire Bottle Radio" SWL Receiver
- [QRZ] Latest Atlas digital display wit OLED and auto band sensing
- [QRZ] Which Oscilloscope specifications best for boat anchor tuning and service?
- [QRZ] HeathKit SW-7800
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-520 Tube Neutralization
- [QRZ] FT-902DM S-Meter does not seem to work on rec signals
- Heathkit HG-10B VFO
- [QRZ] Heathkit TRW 110-48 LMO
- [QRZ] TV3-B/U Hickok tube tester At wits end!
- [QRZ] Operators that use vintage 70s hybrid and solid state gear - list your radio
- [QRZ] Manuals for Testing Voltage Levels
- [QRZ] Heathkit v7-a/uk valve voltmeter
- [QRZ] Building a new ham shack
- [QRZ] Ready for Novice Rig Roundup?
- [QRZ] Intermittent potentiometer fix?
- [QRZ] TS-530S SSB 60W output but no audio
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT101E DC Power Cord and Mic
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-901 Alignment Help
- [QRZ] TS-830 TX problem
- [QRZ] 10 most used bench tools?
- [QRZ] Opening a Collins 75A-3
- [QRZ] SWAN-400 + SWAN-420vfo + TITAN DX = BoatAncher Net?
- Re: B & K 120 MULTIMETER
- [QRZ] Crystal search
- [QRZ] Heathkit AT-1 Mystery Wiring
- [QRZ] Tinkering with an IC-740
- [QRZ] Stripped cabinet and chassis screw holes.
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-101e Spare Parts
- [QRZ] Clemens SG 83 B Schematic
- [QRZ] Yaesu FL-50 transmitter accessory plug
- [QRZ] Drake R-4C digital readout
- [QRZ] Voltage regulator tubes
- [QRZ] Collins Gold Dust twins opinions??
- [QRZ] Heathkit 401 question
- [QRZ] FT-101E way too much drive on SSB
- [QRZ] Ready for Novice Rig Roundup?
- [QRZ] Heathkit 401 knob removal
- [QRZ] Arcing inside a FL-2100b
- [QRZ] Ts830s low rx, L41 coil tests good. Im stumped
- [QRZ] Operators that use vintage 70s hybrid and solid state gear - list your radio
- [QRZ] HRO-5 TA1 Puzzle solved
- [QRZ] HW-101 Mic Question
- [QRZ] Heathkit DX-40 Final Tuning and Plate Current Issue
- [QRZ] HW-12A - How to get manual?
- [QRZ] Hickok TV-7-u restoration info
- [QRZ] Ts830s low rx, L41 coil tests good. Im stumped
- [QRZ] Heathkit hw8 preselector
- [QRZ] Strange PC900B in an Atlas 210X
- [QRZ] Question about an old freq counter
- [QRZ] Heathkit TRW 110-48 LMO
- [QRZ] Heathkit IG-18 Audio Generator Troubleshooting
- [QRZ] Those who were there when they were new: Collins S-Line vs. Drake Line camps
- Solution manual Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3 (Jaan Kiusalaas)
- Solution Manual Ultrasonic Guided Waves in Solid Media (Joseph L. Rose)
- Solution manual Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement (Jie Han)
- [QRZ] Heathkit hw8 preselector
- [QRZ] Stripped cabinet and chassis screw holes.
- [QRZ] General question about Kenwood TS-XXX and paint
- [QRZ] Johnson Adventurer help
- [QRZ] Hallicrafters ha32
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS 820 S question
- [QRZ] Keeping the bc-348 on DC power
- [QRZ] SB-101
- [QRZ] Need Help With BC-221-AK Frequency Meter
- [QRZ] RG62U
- [QRZ] Low signals collins kwm2
- [QRZ] Heathkit Q-Meter Revived
- [QRZ] R390A mechanical filter failures...
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-830 / VFO-230 Frequency Stability
- [QRZ] A VTVM Journey
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-101e - 160m low power, high cath current, 10m spur osc.
- [QRZ] WRL "Comet Kits" Tech-Ceiver TC-6A
- [QRZ] TR4 problem
- [QRZ] Hammarlund HQ-110 Operating Question
- [QRZ] Heathkit TT-1 selector settings
- [QRZ] Need SB-620 Bandpass Coil 52-101 for 3.395 IF Selection
- [QRZ] Where to have a transformer re-wound?
- [QRZ] Chicago Instruments 504 VTVM
- [QRZ] A Pan Adapter's, Converter.
- [QRZ] Found inside a BC-454 receiver
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-830 / VFO-230 Frequency Stability
- [QRZ] Heathkit HW-100 issues
- [QRZ] Collins 302C-3 Wattmeter Refurb
- [QRZ] HW-101 on the way
- [QRZ] Who has actually replaced their DX-40 Transformer?
- [QRZ] Something To Watch For In Old VTVMs (and maybe VOMs)
- [QRZ] How use a linear amp on a Hallicrafters SR-150 with no alc
- [QRZ] Anyone remember Skytec Tubesters?
- [QRZ] TS-440s dial "seized": How to "un-seize"?
- [QRZ] Detailed question about Drake 2-B
- [QRZ] Need manual for AN/USM-345 ME-398/U Electronic Voltmeter
- [QRZ] Take my BA's Please
- [QRZ] HT-37 Repair
- [QRZ] Stripped knob
- [QRZ] Effect of high heat (fire) on tubes and crystals?
- [QRZ] To bake or not to bake?
- [QRZ] Acquired new (to me) S-Line Equipment and I have a question?
- [QRZ] Knight T-150
- [QRZ] TEN TEC 4229 Tuner kit Low /50 Ohms/ High Switch Indexing
- [QRZ] Motorola R2001D Info Needed
- [QRZ] KWM-2 Frequency indicator - how to slip into adjustment wheel?
- [QRZ] Heathkit SB-101 alignment question
- [QRZ] Heathkit SB 610 rectifier replacement
- [QRZ] Heathkit TT-1 Assembly Manual changes
- [QRZ] Ts-520 microphone amplifier issues.
- [QRZ] Kenwood SM-220 Analog Panadapter with TS-520 rig - mirrored display?
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-520 receiving "ghost" signals
- Collins 30L-1 Output drops at higher bands
- [QRZ] Johnson Viking II help needed
- [QRZ] Interpreting Voltage Kenwood TS-820
- [QRZ] Kenwood TR-9000 service manual needed.
- [QRZ] FT101E Drive levels
- [QRZ] Looking for parts for SB-610
- [QRZ] Heathkit SB-620 with small image
- [QRZ] Swan VFO
- [QRZ] Heathkit HW100 back panel ??
- [QRZ] Sources for crystals
- [QRZ] A KWS-1 Rehab
- [QRZ] Knight T-150
- [QRZ] Any known authentic recordings of spark gap tx?
- [QRZ] HALLICRAFTERS SR-400 Restoration
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-830S
- [QRZ] TR4 problem
- [QRZ] Need an ac switch for the TenTec Omni VI plus
- [QRZ] FL-2100B Wire fault
- [QRZ] Interpreting Voltage Kenwood TS-820
- [QRZ] Signal/One CX-7
- [QRZ] Ten-tec Century 21 restoration
- [QRZ] Why did 2.5V tubes hang on so long?
- [QRZ] Collins Gold Dust twins opinions??
- [QRZ] Neutralizing the Drake 2-NT
- [QRZ] Restoring Heathkit HW-101...
- [QRZ] Heathkit SB 650 question
- [QRZ] Heathkit SB 101 - Difficulty Tuning SSB Signals.
- [QRZ] Normal operating color for a Type 80 rectifier tube?
- [QRZ] Any known authentic recordings of spark gap tx?
- [QRZ] Interpreting Voltage Kenwood TS-820
- [QRZ] Heathkit sb 300 power/function switch fix ?
- [QRZ] COLLINS 270G-1 speaker
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-511S Issues.
- [QRZ] Yeasu FTDX-400 finals
- [QRZ] Grinding crystals?
- [QRZ] Simplest Transmitter
- [QRZ] Collins 30L-1 issue...
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-520, S, SE ... parts radios
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-301S restoradion, knob problem
- [QRZ] Normal operating color for a Type 80 rectifier tube?
- [QRZ] Heathkit HW-101 - 100kc oscillator query
- [QRZ] IC-745
- [QRZ] Interpreting Voltage Kenwood TS-820
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-830 Wont Tune
- [QRZ] HW-16 Restoration Question
- [QRZ] FT-101ZD frequency counter - desperately need MSM561RS
- [QRZ] ICOM IC-746
- [QRZ] Signal/One CX-7
- [QRZ] Heathkit IM-25 VOM "SS VTVM" Power Supply
- [QRZ] Nec CQ 110E hf transceivers
- [QRZ] Using R2001D to measure frequency
- [QRZ] Can anyone identify this??
- [QRZ] Very Strange #75 Tube Problem
- [QRZ] Interpreting Voltage Kenwood TS-820
- [QRZ] S20 r is working now
- [QRZ] TS-440s transmit on 160m
- [QRZ] Kenwood TS-440 with antenna tuner.
- [QRZ] Oscillating IF/Negative Transconductance BFO
- [QRZ] Problem Adding Grounded Cord
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